Hounds Rising
Old Habits

Myla’s head buzzed slightly as she walked with her sister and Rhokhishi from one district to the next. She had felt comfortable in the tower, with its ability to block thoughts from reaching her while she was inside it. She was used to listening to the multitude of thoughts in and out of the buildings she was in, and it took much of her concentration to stop it from giving her migraines.

When she was in the room Archmage Leaf had let her and her sister stay in, she could only hear her sister’s thoughts, but that was something she was always used to. When Lyla left the room, though, there was only silence. She could hear those in the room with her in the main chambers, but that was little compared to the many people who walked the town streets. It was relaxing, but she wondered if the constant silence was how it was for most people. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

But the world was alive around them as people moved back and forth from their homes and businesses. Over and over, she heard sections of those nearest, as if they were talking aloud.

Bread, eggs, tomatoes…

Ugh… I drank too much. I swear, if this hangover goes away, I’ll never do it again…

He’s such a pig! Came home off his rocker, too much smoke again…

Only ten more gold… I can buy her the ring if I make just ten more gold…

The baby… Just screams and screams… The healer says it’s colic. What the hell is…?

I hope the bakery is open… I’m starving for a pastry…

The sounds of others ran through her, and she reflected on Shaynth’s training, breathing deeply, pushing the thoughts away, and making her mind like a gated castle. She focused and felt the voices grow quieter until they were only a whisper she could ignore. Now, she could focus on the other senses. The birds chirped through the morning air as they soared above them. The crunching of leaves being stepped on. The smells of horses as their riders moved through the cobbled streets. The chill bit at her skin, causing her to reflexively pull her shoulders forward and hunch, regardless of her training and etiquette, to try and take up less space and conserve heat.

The view of the tower as they turned the corner had become a welcomed sight, and the three of them hurried to the door. Before taking the final step, the door unlocked and opened slightly for them, and they all rushed in. Myla could feel the fireplace’s heat, leaving pinpricks across her arms and shoulders. Looking around, she saw that Leaf and Mr. Muffins were sitting at the dining table in the main chamber, and Ana was bringing out plates of food. Behind her, a giant ape stood next to her, holding a silver platter of various fruits. The dish looked incredibly tiny compared to the primate, and she smiled confusedly.

“Perfect timing!” Ana exclaimed. “I just finished making food. Please, sit!”

Myla walked over to the table, sat, and then looked at the various items on the table. Rather than the middle section being filled with things for anyone to grab, Ana had made something for everyone, and the tower deemed it enough. Instead, a small vase of flowers sat in the middle. Myla tried to recall the name of the flowers but was too hungry to focus, so she looked down at what was in front of her.

On one plate, Ana had served toasted bread with cinnamon and sugar, a small variety of berries, and a dash of whipped buttercream. On the other plate, she had placed a decently sized slice of eggplant, then layered on slices of baby tomatoes, prosciutto, and an egg, over easy, with various seasonings and garnish. It smelled delicious. She looked over to see everyone else looking at similar plates.

“Thank you, Sir Nibs,” Ana spoke to the ape. Before their eyes, the creature set the platter of fruit down on the table, then grew smaller and smaller, changing from its large form to that of a standard squirrel.

“Does it do that all the time?” Rhokhishi asked, amazed at what she had seen.

“Only when I need the extra help in the kitchen. Sir Nibs doesn’t like to stay that way for long but has been very helpful in the past, turning into larger creatures on our travels to intimidate other beasts and people from bothering us.”

The group sat quietly as they ate and enjoyed the morning without interruption or worry. While much had changed in such a short time, Myla could already feel herself letting go of the blame she had placed on herself and enjoying the time with her new and old friends.

“Does anyone have any plans today?” Ana asked, looking around at everyone.

“I will probably work on some of the dragon scales today. Get some work done,” Mr. Muffins stated.

“I have my new balls, so I’ll probably get some practice in with them,” Rhokhishi said as she held up her new pouch.

“I’m going to try and have an audience with the Queen today, if possible,” Leaf quietly muttered.

“The Queen! Well, I guess you are the Archmage. It comes with the territory of speaking with the Queen regularly, right?” Ana asked.

“More and more lately,” Leaf answered. “I want to update her on what we’ve accomplished, and I’d like to see when Darion will arrive.”

“I almost forgot, that’s what we’re waiting for, right?” Lyla thought aloud.

“Yes. Once he arrives, we have to decide our next steps. If I am to be Archmage, I must train, but the choice is mine on how that training takes place.”

“Well, it seems like a busy day. I think I might find a nice place outside and make some food to sell. Some extra funds are always useful, even with you being so kind to let me stay here,” Ana chimed in.

They finished their meal and went off to their plans, and Myla found herself without a need. So, she pulled out her sketchbook and journal. In the main chamber, she made herself comfortable near the fireplace. Myla began rewriting the information she had written on dragon anatomy. On another page, she wrote down questions she thought people might want to know that she could research later. Even when not working directly with VerdantKnoll, it was a habit for her to always think of valuable things. She could sell these documents to interested parties, keep a copy for herself in case they need to fight a dragon again or send it to VerdantKnoll later as an addition to their already large libraries.

The time ticked by, and before Myla knew it, the afternoon had come and gone. She stood up and stretched, feeling her joints loosen as she moved in the tiny space she gave herself. She hadn’t seen anyone in hours, and she had accomplished so much in such a small amount of time.

Maybe this is how people are—without the thoughts of others, just getting through things.

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