House of Wolf (A Wulvers Prequel)
Chapter 24 ~ Politics

A short one but the next will be quite long so...enjoy!

A group of women stood in the courtyard, excitement in their eyes as they listened to whatever Lady Lyall was telling them. The men Alpha Malcolm had brought stood outside too and I noted a few of the women cast their eyes their way, straightening up and giving them secret smiles. The men eyed the women with interest too but kept their distance.

From the window in my chambers, I had a good view of all going on below. Torian may have exiled me here to shield me away from what was going but I wouldn't be hidden. I wanted to know exactly what was going on.

Owen shifted from where he stood guard by the door and the floor creaked beneath his weight. I could feel him watching me and I didn't like that it made my wolf feel very much like prey.

"You can take a seat." I motioned to the chairs around the small table, hoping he'd accept it.

An unknown emotion took over his features but he bowed his head and made his way over. He took the chair facing me and kicked his booted feet on the chair opposite. My nose scrunched in distaste and he smirked at me.

"So human," he mumbled, leaning back.

A small lift of my lip showed my dislike at that statement and his smirk turned into a triumphant grin. It wouldn't do to argue with him when I wasnt sure how long I'd be stuck with him. I turned away from him, looking back out the window. One women who stood close to our Alpha Female looked no older than fifteen. Practically a child but of marrying age and yet I couldn't believe she would leave her home to search for a man without an escort of her father or brother.

"Who will keep an eye on them when they go to make sure none are forced like Lord Lyall fears," I asked, frowning.

I saw Owen shrug a shoulder in the refection of the window. "Alpha Alisdair might send Artair with them, and perhaps Jasper; he's a good warrior. Artair is the diplomat, he hopes to hold the rank of Peacekeeper one day. This will be good practice for him."

My frown deepened. Both men I cared for, I didn't want them stepping into enemy territory. I wasn't sure exactly what it meant to be Peacekeeper but it did seem to suit the happy, always smiling man who didn't like to fight. Would Artair and Jasper alone be enough to make sure Alpha Malcolm kept his word? I wasn't so sure.

"I don't like it anymore than you," Owen added. He dropped his feet from the chair to reach over the table and pour himself a drink.

I eyed him curiously. Before Torian had ordered me to our rooms, Owen had postured toward the new wolves as they'd made their way outside to wait on the women Lord Lyall had sent for. His dislike was clear but I wondered if he'd be so unhappy if the women were going to a pack that was well respected and trusted. Even humans families sold off daughters to the highest bidder for want of land and title but it was a practice I disliked. My mother had promised the same would never happen to me but here I stood. At least these women had a choice.

Torian had returned to the manor returned with more women than I'd expected and he stood between his pack and the strangers. Maybe that was why the men hadn't done anymore than look when I could tell both sides wanted to acquaint themselves with each other.

Would any of these women end up mating to those wolves? It seemed likely. The tallest of the men hadn't once let his eyes drift from the grinning fifteen year old lass.

When Owen sighed heavily, obviously bored with his job of watching me, I stiffened in annoyance.

"There was a fleeting moment where I suspected you might have told Alpha Malcolm I was here," I admitted, flinching when he reacted to my words with a ferocious snarl.

He was on his feet and stalking towards me before I had a chance to call for help or run. Instead, I lifted my chin, expression calm as I looked up at him. Hair a shade or two darker than Torian's shadowed his features and eyes were bright with indignation.

"I may not like you very much but I'd never betray my pack like that," he denied, his eyes flashing with the colours of his wolf. "How dare you! Torian is like a brother to me, you think I would risk his love for me by putting his chosen mate in danger?"

I swallowed. I'd greatly misjudged him and I felt bad. Folding my hands in front of him, I bowed my head.

"Forgive me. You know this is all new to me. I never intented to question your honour," I apologised.

He scoffed and made his way back to his chair, venom in his voice as he muttered, "But surely loyalty isn't a new concept to you."

He had me there. Deciding it was best to say nothing, my attention went back to the courtyard. Alpha Malcolm was present now too, once more grasping Lord Lyall's hand. I strained to hear what was being said but couldn't get more than a few mumbled words. Artair stepped forward and his father motioned toward him and Jasper. Alpha Malcolm's expression darkened ever so slightly before he pasted on a strained smile and nodded once.

I felt my heart clench. I didn't need to hear to know that Owen had been right, it was indeed Artair and Jasper that would accompany them. An uneasy feeling settled in my belly and I forced myself to step away from the window, taking to pacing the length of the room instead. Torian would fill me in on exactly what had been said later and there was nothing I could do about it. I doubted these women would listen if I tried to persuade them not to go.

Owen was getting irritated with me, I could sense that as his eyes followed me around the room. I didn't know why the sense of foreboding had come over me but I wanted to petition Lord Lyall to change his mind. Surely there were better packs for these women to chose mates from instead of one that had threatened and blackmailed for the right.

My thoughts twisted and turned like writhing snakes that wouldn't be soothed. Why was this all coming to head now?

"He never really wanted me did he?"

"Alpha Malcolm? No. He was using you. Though I suspect he was more concerned about the land than mate's for his pack," he replied.

But he didn't get the land, so what would he try next?

"We've given him women. . .females," I amended when Owen rolled his eyes. "What's to stop him from finding a way to get the land as well?"

Owen smirked over at me, flexing his arms in a way that made his muscles bunch. "He can try."

That sounded ominous and I pursed my lips at him. I'd always been warned about the dangers of politics at court but these wolves seemed to have even more dangerous politics going on; completely hidden from human eyes. I wondered how they managed to keep it all so well hidden.

"You don't have that field for learning to fight in case the Queen calls on her Lord to give her men for an army do you? I asked dryly.

"Wolves are territorial by nature. We defend our borders and land. It isn't common so much anymore but occasionally, yes, other pack's try to steal territory and we fight for our right to what's ours."

I turned to face him again, leaning against the wall. "And no human lords notice these power shifts? Men and howling wolves killing each other for seemingly no reason?"

"Where do you think all the stories about dangerous wolves in the Highlands came from? You're friend warned you did she not?" he replied, smirking as he watched me.

I didn't think to ask him how he knew that. My thoughts went back to the fear I'd seen in my friend's eyes when she had told me about the horrors of the north. So the stories were true, partly. The bodies and deaths were the results of the battles between creatures in this hidden world.

"She did warn me and I should have taken her more seriously." I sighed, then grinned over at him. "What would she think if she knew I was one of the monsters she feared would eat me?"

"We'd probably have men with flaming torches and pitchforks hammering our doors down. Do you see why you are being made to stay on our land now? Our there, without us, it is dangerous." His serious expression ruined my attempt at lighter-heated joking.

I should have known humour wasn't the way to gain the man's favour.

"I see why you are in line to Beta instead of Artair," I mumbled, walking over to pour myself some much needed wine. "Though Artair is much more like his father than Torian."

Owen stiffened and put away the goblet he had been studying. "Alpha Alisdair had many who challenged him because they thought of him as you do. He is a joyful and humouress male, it's true, much like his son, but make no mistake that he knows how to fight. Not one who challenged him is alive now. Artair doesn't have that type of strength. His position as Peacekeeper might not seem so important to you but it is to us. Do not try and make out my cousin to be weak because he does not fight for position."

I blinked at his words and quickly shook my head.

"That was not what I was insinuating and you know that very well," I snapped, horrified he'd think such a thing of me. Slamming down my drink, I marched for the door, no longer inclined to be in his company. Pausing, I spun back to announce, "I hold Artair in much higher respect than I hold you."

While his expression remained neutral, there was a flash of hurt in his eyes. Lifting my chin, skirts swishing across the floor as I spun, I left. My anger swirled around me and I scoffed as I repeated Owen's words in my head. I'd merely been trying to pay the man a compliment and he couldn't even accept that from me. I accepted my loss in the war for Owen's friendship. It seemed civility would be the best I'd get from him.

The stone stairs bounced around the sound of my footsteps as I went to find Aileen. But it wasn't she whom I bumped into at the bottom step, but one of the visiting wolves. I stumbled away from the huge back I'd walked into, flinching when the man snarled. They'd all been outside the last time I'd looked out the window and suddenly I remembered why I'd been sent to my rooms. Though Owen hadn't exactly tried to stop me. Torian would be furious. Though surely they wouldn't be stupid enough to try anything in the heart of another Alpha's land.

Sea blue eyes assessed me with curiosity and I stood frozen to the spot. He'd stopped growling at least and didn't seem so terrifying now that the snarl was gone. His gaze went to my shoulder, my hand flying there too despite knowing the scar that was Torian's mark on my skin was hidden well by my dress. I took in the man's scent as he did mine, nose scrunching when there was no earthy tones of heather I was used to. There was something almost icy about his scent.

"Is the male that marked you hoping it'll fade so he can choose another? Or is it you that is saving your teeth for another male?" the man asked, making my mouth fall open in indignation.

How could he possibly tell that I hadn't marked Torian back? How much did my scent give away? Straightening up, I held myself the way my mother had taught. "You must know who I am, I am Lady Màili Lyall, wife of Torian Lyall, future Alpha of this pack. There are plenty of women outside you can take your pick from, should they want you."

He looked almost amused at my words, chuckling softly in a way that was more of a sneer.

"Wife. . .but not mate? I promise I was not voicing in any interest in claiming you. Though you do smell nice, and it is always so much more fun when there's a need to woo," he drawled, fingers reaching out to stroke along my hair.

I recoiled in disgust but his hand caught my wrist and pulled me closer. "I wonder, if I tried to mark you would your husband's claim disappear? It has been known to happen before a full bond has been created. Perhaps I should petition a challenge. Taking you as a mate might allow my alpha to ask for a dowry of land. . ."

When his grip became painful, I did the only thing I could think to do. With all the strength I could muster, I kicked my knee up, hitting the tender spot between the man's legs. He groaned and dropped immediately, claws lashing out for me but I was already running.

My legs took me to Torian instinctually, his eyes wide and alert as he spotted me fleeing across the courtyard. He looked as though he'd already been coming to find me, those around him looked concerned. He growled when I threw myself into his arms, unaccustomed to my showing any form of affection in view of others. Of course he would have sensed my panic through the bond as the man stepped too close.

"What is wrong, my wife? What-" He frowned as he stopped speaking, his nose in my hair where he inhaled deeply before letting out another, furious growl. I was practically tossed into Lady Lyall's arms when he spun to posture angrily at Alpha Malcolm. "One of your males has touched my mate." Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

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