I am Sam
Chapter Eleven

“Please...” I’m suddenly whimpering between my cries, “Please, please...” Grabbing hold of Atlas, I wrap my arms around his neck as I pull him to me, my eyes piercing his, “Please make it stop, please, Atlas, I can’t take the pain, please!” I’m begging as I begin panting harder, and his jaw suddenly drops as he looks over at Circen with wide eyes,

“How do I make it stop? What do I have to do to help her?” His voice sounds desperate and pleading as he wraps his arms around my back, holding me firmly to him. And Circen suddenly bites down against her bottom lip as her brows come together sympathetically.

“Circen!” Atlas suddenly snaps at her,

“You have to mate with her, Atlas. It’s the only way to stop it.” She suddenly blurts out. And the moment she does, Atlas blinks back the surprise in his eyes as he looks down into mine,

“Sex, now. Are you fucking kidding me? We have an Unseelie monster roaming somewhere in the castle, Circen.” And the panic in his voice as he looks from me to her and back at me again suddenly has him swallowing down hard.

“I don’t make the rules, Atlas. If she’s in heat, then that’s what you need to do to make it stop!” She snaps at him, but before he can respond, I’m suddenly screaming out as I arch my back right out of his arms and onto the floor. The pain suddenly takes on a new form of torture as I begin ripping at my shirt, panting like a woman possessed, which instantly has Atlas lifting me up to him,

“Sasha, stop, just, fuck.” He groans in a panic, and even my wolf isn’t opposed to it when I pull him to me and crush my lips to his. He’s momentarily surprised but then quickly recovers as he tightens his grip around me, kissing me back just as fiercely as his tongue dives into my mouth.

Suddenly breaking the kiss, he pulls away just enough to turn his head toward the others,

“Get the fuck out, now!” He suddenly shouts out, and it’s like everyone shoves and pushes, scrambling to get out the door first, clearly not wanting to stick around for this.

The moment the door shuts behind them, his lips are suddenly back on mine, and I’m wrapping my legs around his waist as he swallows my cries. The pain is unbearable as I’m clawing at his shirt, suddenly ripping it from his body as I begin dry humping him; I need him inside of me to make the pain stop; he’s not Wolf, but he is my witch mate, so that makes this alright, right? Growling into his mouth, I shove all reason to the back of my mind, fuck the logistics of the situation, he’s my mate too, and I need him to make the pain go away.

Atlas wants to be gentle, but I don’t have time to be gentle. When he slowly pulls away and runs the pad of his thumb across my lower lip and whispers, “I’ll make it go away, Sasha.” A deep growl suddenly tears from my chest as I cry out in pain, “Just fuck me already, Atlas!”

It’s like he finally gets how urgent this is; the moment he finally tears the last shreds of my shirt from my body and crushes his lips to mine, he’s suddenly claiming my mouth; it’s demanding and vigorous as a blue illuminating orb begins pulsating around us. And as I cry out again he swallows my pain as he allows me to bite down hard against his bottom lip, the instant taste of metallic blood on my tongue only fuels my desperation as he winces. But he meets my strength and needs with his own; it’s a sudden clash of our bodies urgently wanting and needing this as a sudden power blue energy begins to pulsate through our bodies and illuminate our eyes.

I'm running my hands down his firmly sculpted chest, in the back of my mind, I know that in a perfect situation, I would like this to be slow and calm, passionate lovemaking instead of animalistic fucking.

I hate this.

I’m suddenly grabbing for his pants; if he doesn’t get them down now, I’ll tear them from his body; I need this pain to stop; I can’t take it any longer; it’s driving me to the brink of insanity. And it’s as if he understands, the blue orb surrounding us only getting brighter as our bodies move and rub up against each other, and this isn’t passion; it’s desperation; I need this pain to stop; I need it gone now.

He’s suddenly pulling at my pants, kissing and biting at my neck, and I’m panting hard, the heat consuming me like an inferno. Sweat droplets running down my forehead; the moment my tights come away ultimately, the cool air hits the heat in between my legs, only fueling the desperation further, and he takes a moment to look down at me as his brows furrow in amazement as he swallows down hard,

“You’re so beautiful, Sasha.” He whispers as his eyes find mine. And I want to slap him right now; it’s like he keeps wanting to revert to being gentle; I don’t want gentle, I need rough, I need hard, I need him to fuck me, not make love to me.


Screaming out as I’m panting, I’m crying as fits of sobs have me arching my body, “Atlas!” I cry out his name with desperation as I pant harder and harder. And it suddenly occurs to me that he isn’t a wolf; he can’t smell that I’m in heat the same way a wolf would be able to smell my arousal. Grabbing for his hand, I pull it up against my wet heat, my pussy aching and throbbing for a release.

His eyes suddenly pierce mine as he clenches his jaw,

“You want me to fuck you, Sasha, is that it?” He groans, his breath fanning my lips, when he suddenly shoves one finger into me, gasping. My body instantly reacts as I begin riding his finger,

“More,” I breathe in between panting heavily. When he slides another finger into me, I’m suddenly moaning as my lips push up against his. My tongue dives in and claims his mouth as I continue riding his hand, the sensation building inside me, but I need more; I’m desperate for more.

Atlas is suddenly panting hard against my lips; he’s rock hard as his bulge pushes up against me,

“You’re so wet, fuck, you’re wild, you know that?” He groans against my lips, and with the electrical pull of energy between us, it feels like I’m connecting with myself on a whole different level. Is this what it feels like mating with you’re witch mate?

Every thrust of his fingers inside of me keeps exciting me more; the moment the pad of his thumb begins circling over my most sensitive bit, my clit begins throbbing for more,

“Fuck me, please!” I’m whining; the pain suddenly has my ears ringing; if he doesn’t do it now, I’ll be forced to pin him down and take it from him myself.

I’m still trying to push his pants down when the door suddenly swings wide open, a thunderous voice echoing through the room when Atlas is hauled off me and launched across the room. My wolf growls as I cry out in pain; my eyes instantly widen when they fly up to look at Ronan’s face; he’s furious, his eyes have a red in them that immediately has me wanting to quiver away in fear, but another pain shoots through my body as I scream out.

Caleb and Noah suddenly appear in my room, looking from Atlas to me, their eyes widening as their brows furrow when they see me naked, wreathing and panting like a wild animal on the floor.

Atlas is instantly up and glaring at Ronan as he takes a step toward me, but Ronan cuts him off as he steps in front of me and stares Atlas down.

“NO!” He suddenly thunders as he shouts at Atlas, but Atlas doesn’t back down. He’s suddenly right up in Ronan’s face,

“Fuck off, old man, she’s my mate, she’s in heat; get out of my fucking way!”

Atlas doesn’t even look over at Caleb and Noah; he’s glaring daggers at Ronan, his entire body tenses as his hand’s fist by the side.

The pain is all-consuming as I cry out, feeling like I’ll combust into flames at any moment if I don’t get what I need right now. Ronan doesn’t even turn to look at me when he shouts to Noah and Caleb,

“Noah put a shirt on her. Now, Caleb, bind her wrists and tie her to the bedpost!” He commands, and both of them nod in understanding as they come towards me.

Atlas suddenly starts coming towards me,

“Don’t fucking touch her!” He bellows, his entire body shaking with anger; I’ve never seen him react this way before. But Ronan instantly grips Atlas by his shoulder and shoves him back,

“Atlas! I said no!”

Noah grabs a t-shirt from my bed and starts helping me to put it on; I’m fighting him; I don’t want a shirt on; it’s hot, too hot, it’s burning my flesh as I cry out again and again. But Noah merely grips me hard, forcing the shirt over my head and pushing my arms through the openings. He’s holding my back tightly against his front so Caleb can bind my wrists; bringing his mouth beside my ear, he whispers,

“You’ll thank me later, trust me.” But all I can do is cry out; it feels like my skin wants to melt off; I’m shaking my head vigorously, panting hard between sobs.

Caleb suddenly ties my wrists to the bedpost, I’m looking up at him, but he won’t look at me right now; his jaw is clenched tight as a deep frown knit together his brows.

“Good, now gag her,” Ronan commands as he turns to look at me now that I have a shirt covering my body. Caleb nods as he grabs a piece of my shredded shirt on the floor before gagging my mouth and tying a knot at the back of my head; I’m crying; I can’t take the pain; why are they doing this? Is Ronan really such a monster that he would rather have me die from this pain than mate with his son?

Caleb instantly brings his lips close to my ear, his breath cool against my skin when he whispers, “You can do this, Sasha, focus. You need to focus on Wolf; he’s the only one who can help you now.” Pulling away, my eyes collide with him, I’m crying, but it comes out muffled, the gag in my mouth almost silencing my screams.


“Get out of my fucking way, old man!” I’m suddenly shouting out at Ronan.

“NO!” He instantly thunders back, and the look in his eyes is something I haven’t seen before, the red beast in his eyes; what the fuck!?

But I won’t back down, I won’t allow him to push me around anymore; who the fuck does he think he is, she’s my mate, mine, and he’s tying her to the side of the bed like some fucking wild animal.

“I’m not going to tell you again, Ronan; get out of my way; you will not take her from me; she’s mine!”

“NO!” His voice thundering, and this beast-like look in his eyes is fucking unnerving. I won’t lie, but fuck him; he disappears all this time, comes back and pulls me from my mate when she needs me the most.


“Why not!?” I suddenly shout back, my fists clenched by my sides. “She’s mine!”

“No, she isn’t!” He shouts back,

“Yes, she is!” And I swear, at this moment, it’s like the unsettling feeling I’ve been feeling inside me over the past two days is suddenly wanting to start ripping through my skin.

“Atlas!” He shouts at me, “Calm down, son.”

“Get the fuck out of my way!” I’m bellowing; I feel like the anger and rage is about to burst through me at any moment. My body shakes when I shout, “She’s mine!” Shaking his head Ronan suddenly shoves me back.


“Why the fuck won’t you allow me to mate with her? Why do you hate wolves so fucking much? She’s my mate; she’s mine, Ronan!?” I’m so far gone; I’m screaming in his face, my entire body shaking with rage.

“Because I said so!” He shouts back,

“Because why? Why? Why?!”

“Because she’s your goddam sister, Atlas!” Ronan bellows back, panting hard as his shoulders suddenly drop. “Sasha is your twin sister; she isn’t your mate.”

I’m suddenly blinking back the confusion, my brows furrowing as I take a step back. Swallowing a sudden lump in my throat, I’m shaking my head as my eyes land on Sasha; her eyes are wide, and she heard it too. She’s shaking her head, suddenly sobbing harder as more tears shimmer behind her eyes.

“No, you’re lying. That’s fucking bullshit; you’re lying.” I seethe, suddenly glaring at him. Sighing, Ronan scrubs a hand over his face as he groans,

“I’m not lying, I’ve been trying to protect you from this from the beginning, but you wouldn’t fucking listen; you kept being drawn to her.”

“Because she’s my mate!” I shout out.

“Because she’s you’re twin!” He shouts back.

“You’re a fucking liar; you wanted to protect me, fuck you.” I scoff, my voice laced with disdain, “You’re a fucking monster, old man, now get out of my way.”

“Atlas!” The sudden deep rumble that reverberates from Ronan instantly gets my attention as I take a step back, it’s like whatever is showing in his eyes wants to break free, but he’s forcing it down. “I didn’t want to have this conversation with you, but now I don’t have a choice, do I?” Ronan says, looking from me to Sasha, and I can see the annoyance in his face when he turns to look back at me. “Why would I lie about her being your twin, Atlas, if all I’ve ever tried to do was to keep you two apart.”

“Because you’re a narcissistic asshole, that’s why,” I grumble through clenched teeth. Scoffing, a sinister smirk creeps up at the corners of his mouth.

“I should take that as a compliment, but at this moment, what would be the point? It is what it is; she’s your elemental twin, Atlas; there’s no getting around it, no matter how hard you try.” I’m gulping down, shaking my head as I look over at Sasha, the pain in her eyes; she’s sopping wet in her face from fever. But I’m suddenly frozen in place, unable to move; no, this can’t be true...

“It’s impossible,” I mumble, shaking my head,

“Think about it, son, you’re both spirit elements, and you have a connection.”

“We have a connection because she’s my mate.”

“You have a connection because she’s your twin, both born under the same star, do the math.” Smirking, I’m clenching my jaw; I feel like I’m about to have an out-of-body experience.

“Oh really, so how are you going to explain our mothers? We don’t have the same mothers, and what, are you going to claim to be her father now too?” Sighing, I watch as Ronan frowns at me,

“You both shared the same mother, Atlas. Yana was your mother too.”

“No, that’s bullshit; you’re such a liar.” Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“No, it isn’t; when Yana left here, she had my seed in her from the night before, I wanted her to have my children, so I forced her.” I’m suddenly blinking back the horror,

“You forced her; you mean you raped her!?” I suddenly want to be sick. Shaking his head, he furrows his brows,

“No, of course not. I commanded her; I was her King; she had to obey me.” Scoffing, I’m suddenly running my hands through my hair, pulling at the short strands,

“And that makes it okay? To command someone to have sex with you, are you fucking kidding me, you sick fucking bastard.” There’s a pause before he continues,

“Arriving in Fenris’s world, she found him the very same day; call it fate, call it whatever you like. She discovered they were fated mates, and they sealed the mate bond that very same day.”

I’m just staring at him; I feel like I’m in some sick nightmare; the man standing before me is a monster, not my father.

“When Yana found out she was pregnant,” Ronan continues, “She thought the babies were Fenris’s, but the moment she gave birth, she quickly discovered that one was his, and one belonged to me. Her twins both had two different fathers,”

“How, how did she know?” My voice suddenly sounds shaky, like it’s about to break,

“When she placed you both under the full moon the night of your birth, Sasha’s eyes lit up with the golden shimmer of a wolf, and yours lit up with something else.” Furrowing my brows, I’m suddenly swallowing hard.

“Something else?”

But he doesn’t answer me; instead, he only stares at me, like he’s waiting for me to figure it out. But I can’t think straight right now,

“So what, you separated us at birth?” Shrugging, he sighs,

“It seemed logical, you being half of me, Atlas, and I was busy creating purity here. Not even Yana would dare oppose my will.”

“So you forced her to give me up, is that it?” I’m suddenly seething as I glare at him,

“Yana didn’t want a war, not with someone like me, so she made the right choice and handed you over to me.”

“You forced her to give me up, and then what, had some imposter raise me for five years before getting rid of her as well?”

“There was no way I would allow Yana to keep you; you are my son, the true heir to the throne, and what lurks within you belongs here, not there in that world.” His voice is suddenly hard and stern as he stares me down. But I’m suddenly feeling like I’m going to be sick; my stomach feels like it’s being twisted and pulled in different directions. My entire body tenses when my eyes land on Sasha; tears are suddenly shimmering behind my eyes; looking back at Ronan, I’ve never hated someone more than I do now.

“I’ll fucking kill you, I nearly... we nearly... with my sister, I fucking hate you, Ronan!” I bellow out, screaming the words at him as I step towards him; my body is suddenly shaking uncontrollably; whatever is fueling this rage is about to tear from my flesh.

Ronan suddenly grips me by my shoulders as he turns his head towards Noah and Caleb,

“Get him out of here; he’s about to shift!” He shouts back. Caleb and Noah are instantly by my side, gripping me by my arms as they start dragging me towards the door; I’m not fighting them; I can feel it; I don’t want to be in this room when whatever is inside of me comes out. My eyes suddenly land on Sasha’s horrified ones one last time, but I quickly look away; I can’t look at her right now, not after what happened, not after what I nearly did with her.



My body feels like it’s being torn apart through the burning pain of my heat; the only thing ringing in my ears right now is Ronan’s confession, Atlas is my twin, and I’m crying harder than ever.

I feel like being sick...

How? Why?

The moment Atlas’s eyes collide with mine, I see the gutwrenching hurt and instant shame in them as he quickly lowers his eyes. I’m sobbing harder the moment he’s pulled from the room.

Ronan takes a step towards the door before turning his face to look at me, frowning he sighs,

“I didn’t want this, you know, I tried to keep you two apart, but you wouldn’t listen," Sighing he suddenly smirks as he shakes his head, "I suppose the right thing to say now is welcome to the family.”

And with a shrug, he suddenly leaves the room and shuts the door, leaving me tied to the bedpost shivering as the pain of being in heat continues to consume me.

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