I am Sam
Chapter Twenty-Six


I’m standing in the doorway of her bedroom, just staring at her; I don’t know why I hesitate, maybe because I’ve waited two years for this moment, and now it’s finally here.

Am I suddenly scared, or is it just nerves?

The moment all the hype downstairs died around Sasha’s decision to accept the Queen’s proposal, Atlas came over to me with a ghost from our past standing beside him, Asher. At first, I thought my eyes were deceiving me, but the moment Asher smiled and said, ‘Hey man, your dragon’s pretty badass,’ I couldn’t help but broaden my smile at him. It feels like today is filled with surprises, like Christmas or something.

The Queen told Atlas they should all be ready to leave for the Unseelie Kingdom by morning; Aslan insisted that Sasha sleep in his room. Atlas insisted he stay with Sasha, so picture this or don’t, quite frankly, I would instead not imagine it myself; it’s too weird, but to gain some perspective of how warped this whole situation is; all three of them are sleeping in Aslan’s room, Atlas is sleeping right in the middle of the bed, with Sasha and Aslan on either side of him. Yeah, I told you it’s not something you would want to imagine, nor is it something you will easily be able to un- imagine, right?

The possibilities of how easily that could go wrong are just way too real for me; I mean, Aslan being Aslan, I’m pretty sure he gets multiple boners in his sleep right, and if he happened to turn onto his side, the side that Atlas is sleeping on, yeah, you get it now right? It’s a solid hard pass for me; I would rather sleep on the damn floor with Sasha than share a bed with Aslan.

So here I am, still standing in the doorway like some creepy mute stalker just staring long and hard at her; but the moment she turns around to look back at me, our eyes lock; a breath hitching in my throat as swirls of crystal blue diamonds mesmerize me and suddenly, my feet are moving on their own accord towards her.

Standing before her, she slowly tilts her head up to me, and it’s then that I remember what I’m holding in my hand. Breaking eye contact with her, I lower my eyes as I open my hand, holding it out to her,

“I made this for you,” Her eyes slowly lower to the paper origami I'm holding in the palm of my hand. A smile that immediately reaches her eyes has her fingertips reaching out to touch it,

“It’s your dragon,” She gasps with such wonder as she takes it from me, placing a gentle kiss against the head of the mini dragon flyora, “I love it, Liam, just like I love you.” And she gently leans into me, allowing my arms to snake around her and pulls her warm body close to me; she smells so good, like fresh strawberries being handpicked early in the morning when the dew is still covering the long grass.

I wonder if she can feel my heart beating erratically in my chest; earlier, out there with everyone, when I had just shifted from my dragon to my human form, it was just instinct to be close to her; she was the only one calming my dragon; but now, I want to show her that I respect her and that I’m not just acting on animalistic hormones or something like that, because she deserves more than that.

Lana suddenly pulls me from my chaotic thoughts. When she pulls back and tilts her head up, mine dips in response, and our eyes lock. The sparks flying between us are electrifying; my dragon wants to surge through me, yet I’m not losing control like I usually do. A shimmer of my beast is suddenly present in my eyes, I know it is, I can feel it, and I cringe back, trying my best to repel him as far back as I can; but Lana doesn’t look afraid. Instead, she smiles, the most heartwarming smile I’ve ever seen as she cups both my cheeks, gently rubbing the pads of her thumbs across my skin,

“Allow him to come to me, Liam; he deserves to feel loved, nurtured and protected.” I’m taken aback by her response to my dragon, but then again, she didn’t show much fear earlier when she held her hands out to him, beckoning him to come to her.

Nodding, I swallow down this massive lump in my throat before relaxing into my dragon instead of fighting him; he’s right in my eyes, showing himself to Lana, and I’m utterly shell-shocked by how well-behaved he is with her; a sudden purr reverberates up my throat, and I can’t help but chuckle as I shake my head in response,

“He’s like a puppy with you; it’s kinda crazy, actually,” Tilting her head as she stares into my dragon’s eyes, she gently bites down against her bottom lip, almost as if seeing my dragon in my eyes excites her.

Okay, I was not expecting that.

“Dragon of Liam, you are as much mine as Liam is. I love you, I accept you, and I adore you for the powerful beast you are. Never hide away from me, not ever.” Another purr pushes up into my throat cupping her cheeks, I slowly dip my head down, my lips less than an inch away from hers; my breath is fanning her lips, and I can feel her pulse quickening,

“Make love to me, Liam, make love to me, dragon; I am yours for now until eternity,” Her words earn her a low growl from my dragon as my lips finally claim hers. Her lips, I can’t get enough; they taste like strawberries; I love strawberries. I didn’t know it could be like this, so beautiful, so mouth-watering.

Her succulent lips gently collide with mine, and I see stars, her scent, her taste, its heaven, sin and hell mixed into the innocence of the angel before me.

Tasting her, I can’t let go; my hands tighten around her waist,

“Lana,” I breathe the second our lips part, but my tongue instantly dives into her mouth, coaxing hers, and it’s like heaven explodes into place all around me. Sweet strawberries crash all around me, and I’m lost in my mate’s innocence; she is... perfect.

She’s breathtakingly beautiful; I can’t look away as she allows her dress to fall to the floor. I know what I want to do, but it’s as if my body can’t move; it’s frozen in place. I’ve only done this about a million times in my head over two years, but now that she’s right here, I don’t know what to do.

“Liam,” She breathes, her bare skin brushing up against mine; she wasn’t wearing anything under that dress; and as my eyes slowly lower, raking her in, a tiny shudder suddenly runs down my spine; and all I can do is stand there, her body is so warm, her lips are so tender, so inviting, I want to touch her, taste her, worship her.

“Lana,” Her name leaves my lips in a whisper as I lower myself onto my knees before her, looking up at her through the tendrils of my hair; my breath is coming out in short pants, “I love you,” I breathe, “And I will love you for all eternity and beyond then if you will allow me to,” She gently tilts her head down as the softest most heartwarming smile fills her lips, her eyes are radiating with a blue and white shimmer of stardust, she’s an angel standing before me.

“Liam, I am yours to do with as you wish; my mind, body, heart and soul have been yours from the moment of my birth. All you have to do is take it, claim it as yours, my sweet, sweet Liam; you don’t have to hold back, my love, claim what’s rightfully yours.” My breathing only grows heavier in my chest the moment my eyes lower to what’s right in front of me, and I swallow hard as I’m staring right at the apex of her heat, the cleanly shaven angelic slit of her innocence. I’m suddenly overcome with so much emotion that I could cry, but instead, my hands gently come to rest on either side of her tiny hips as I whisper, ‘Can I kiss you?’

“Yes,” She breathes back, and without hesitation, I lean in until my lips touch the warmth of her heat, strawberries, mmm... A small gasp leaves her lips as my tongue shoots out of my mouth on its own accord, and when the sweet, juicy taste of her slick heat hits my pallet, I’m suddenly like a starved man who hasn’t had a drop of water to drink for days. I begin devouring her precious flower, the sweet nectar plentiful as it continues to seep into my mouth.

Lana gasps out loud as her hands fly into my hair, gently holding on to me as I continue to unravel the petals of her flower,

“Oh Liam, my precious Liam,” She gasps, which only has me licking and sucking harder at the nub of her flower as my grip around her tightens, pulling her into my mouth as I drink her in. “That’s it, take all you need; my love for you is never-ending.” Her voice is becoming raspy as her breathing escalates with the beating of her heart; the moment she explodes over the edge of her euphoria, the gasping moan as her body shudders has me drinking in more of her mouth-watering nectar.

Looking up at her as she comes down from her high, I’m slowly rising to stand, her hands gripping my shirt and lifting it over my head in one move before allowing me to crush my lips to hers; she’s tasting herself on my lips, the moan escaping her as she pulls back and licks at her lips suddenly sets the air around us on fire. Her eyes shimmer with the universe beating behind them when she finally crushes her lips to mine and moans, ’What are you waiting for?”

At that moment, all doubt goes out the window as I lift her, straddling her hips around my waist, and I step forward towards her large bed; she’s mine.

My lips are back on hers as I lower her, descending with her onto the soft bedding that smells just like her, strawberries, sweet-sweet strawberries. My dragon is suddenly present, clearly wanting to be here for the moment we claim our angelic goddess. Her legs wrap around my waist like they know they belong there, and she’s suddenly using the leverage to push down against the seems of the white trainers I’m wearing; I’m out of them in a heartbeat, the head of my shaft bouncing up, it’s so hard for her it could cut through steel right now. Still, I’ve never done this, and I don’t want to hurt her.

My lips are devouring hers, our tongues sliding against one another in a dance, sparks of sweet euphoria eliciting soft moans from her mouth into mine. ‘I love you,’ I moan softly, and the moment she breaks the kiss and pulls back panting, her eyes are so alive; life itself carries no actual weight compared to what’s swirling around in hers.

“I love you, Liam,” She breathes the words, her breath fanning mine; she’s looking into my eyes; she sees my dragon there, “I love you, dragon,” She groans as she gently tilts her pelvis up against my shaft, a purr reverberates through my chest, her skin feels like velvet beneath my touch. I want to... but I don’t want to hurt her. Will it hurt her? Is there a way to have it not hurt her? She suddenly sees the indecision in my eyes; it’s like she reads my mind when she responds with, ‘Pleasure and pain go hand in hand, my love; I will drown in the pain just as much as I swim in the pleasure.’

And my lips descend on their own, towards hers, back home. I’m claiming her mouth, every delicious mouth-watering corner of it. My fingers flow over her body; touching, caressing as my hand cups her delicate soft mound, her rose-budded nipple hardening as I do; and I slowly break the kiss from her mouth, trailing softer kisses down her neck, eliciting soft pants as her tiny frame wreaths beneath me, every movement she makes has my skin prickling with excitement. I love this girl more than all the stars in the sky could love their creator; she’s my galaxy, my oxygen, the only one keeping me alive, and I will spend every waking moment of my life making her happy.

The moment my lips find her hard nub, it’s instinctive for them to latch on, my tongue swirling around the hardness, sucking, nipping as she groans and moans my name over and over again. She arches her back off the mattress, and my hand instinctively finds its way down between her legs. Am I doing this right? Is this what I should do?

The moment she grabs for my hand and feverishly begins rubbing herself with it, soft moans coaxing me into rubbing circles around her hard nub, I know that it is. I’m kissing her vigorously, constantly reminding myself and my dragon not to hurt her; we can’t hurt her; she’s a delicate, precious, and perfect flower. So incredibly perfect; I don’t deserve someone this perfect.

Our bodies are moving in sync, grinding as my lips make their way back up to hers. Strawberries... Mmm...

Pulling back slightly, I’m looking into her eyes; the shimmer of her beauty has my chest suddenly hurting in a way I’ve never felt before. Only when she gently wipes away at my cheek do I realize I’m crying.

I would fight anyone to the death to keep Lana; she’s mine, my soul and heartbeat, my only reason for ever existing.

“Make me yours Liam; I’m ready,” Her words had me blinking back, a quick shudder running through my chest. My hand lowers instinctively to wrap around my shaft; it’s rock hard, throbbing almost painfully as it wants to be buried deep inside her. Stroking him a few times, I feel a drop of pre-cum slide against my thumb, slowly lining myself up to her delicate entrance; I softly rub him against her warmth; she’s so wet; a moan escapes me as my eyes slide closed, it feels so good that I nearly come undone right then and there, but I control myself, this moment here and now is all about Lana, my precious sweet Lana.

Her flower unfolds itself so deliciously, allowing the head of my shaft to push itself in; a small gasp as her tightening her grip around my shoulders; she’s so tight; I’m afraid that I hurt her that I stop, my eyes suddenly trained on hers, but she bucks her hips forward in the exact moment that her locked ankles around my waist drive me forward. The moment I slide right into her, I nearly choke on my own breath, her own gasp coming out in a high-pitched moan. I stop, I wait... Did I hurt her? My eyes are searching hers, but I don’t see the pain in them; I only see excitement the moment she moves her hips forward, coaxing me to do the same.

My hips begin moving, slowly pulling back before pushing into her again; the moan on her lips is so angelic, so beautiful; I want to hear it again, so I move my hips back before slowly driving back into her again; she moans again as her hips begin moving forward at the rhythm of my movements. She’s so tight, her walls gripping me tightly as I continue driving in and out of her; it feels incredible. I’m not going to last much longer; our panting bodies are grinding against one another, our eyes fixed on each other,

“I’m gonna...” I groan out as I give one final thrust into her before pulling out completely, gripping my slick shaft as I pump it one more time before exploding; the euphoria as my seed shoots through the head has me seeing stars, almost going utterly blind as I spill my seed all over her stomach. I’m panting so hard, my entire body tensing as I ride out this incredible high; I had to pull out; I can’t have the first time we’re together result in her carrying my child, not yet, soon but not yet; it will be her decision when and if she wants my children.

Slowly opening my eyes as I look up at her, she’s got tears shimmering behind her eyes as she stares up at me, her cheeks are all pink and heated, and she’s adorable and perfect. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I’m the luckiest man alive, and nothing or no one will take Lana away from me.

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