I Claim Your Love
To Lend A Helping Hand

The previous night of the punishment

Mary sobbed into Callan’s chest unceasingly as she wrapped herself around her boy. Fat tears rolled down her cheeks in succession. She was unable to control herself while Justus stood tall with his son and kept one hand on his shoulder to give him comfort.

“Shh.. it will be alrite mother. Don’t lose hope yet.”

Mary snivelled “Are you even listening to yourself right now.” She raised her head to look at her beloved son “How do I keep my hopes alive when I know I may not be able to see my child any more..”

Callan smiled at his mothers innocence “Nothing as such will happen.” He carefully held Mary’s arms and retracted them from his body. He looked at her lovingly “I have been in worse situations. I know how to keep myself alive.” He gestured his eyes towards Justus “Father taught me well. Have some trust in him.”

Mary composed herself a little as she looked helplessly at her mate. Justus on the other hand felt ashamed and he lowered his eyes “I wish I could do more for you.”

“You did everything right father.. I don’t blame you.” he sighed “There were limitations to your interference and I know you must have tried hard. You have nothing to feel bad about father.” The dejected look of his father broke his heart as in the next instant he gave a comforting hug to reassure Justus “I wont disappoint you father.”

Callan’s eyes roamed at the back of Mary’s shoulders where he could see a woman dressed in her favorite green gown visibly nervous while her eyes were sad. She carried a salver in one hand which contained some appetising food while her other hand was occupied by the bright lantern. She weakly smiled at the man and bowed her head.

“Mother; father.” Callan directed his gaze at his parents “I need to talk to Aurora and you both need to rest. Please take care of yourselves for me.”

Justus and Mary reluctantly agreed to the request. They kissed the man goodbye and made their way out of the cell. Aurora bowed her head in greeting before the Ashtons departed and she stepped inside.

She kept the salver and the lantern on the floor near the entrance of the cell and embraced the man “How are you holding up?”

“I am fine.” Callan looked curiously at the witch “Do you have any idea about tomorrow?”

Aurora shook her head “Everything is under wraps. Marden and Richard are personally taking care of the arrangements. By the looks of it..” she paused as she gulped in fear “It seems fatal..”

Callan gave an encouraging smile to the witch “Don’t worry Aurora I will be fine.”

Aurora smiled in response but her demeanour was only a façade to hide her worried self from the Elemental. She looked all around the dark cell and her anxiety grew. The place was a rotting hell. Strong putrid smell acclimatized to the environment while the only source of light was the window at the far back. However even if it hadn’t been the night, the window was hardly capable to lit up the room.

Aurora could no longer control her emotions as she wept profusely on the shoulders of the man. Her heart broke when she observed the condition of the room and also at Callan’s fate. The Elemental did not deserved the treatment which was meted out to him time and again. On the contrary he should have been bestowed the highest pedestal given his legacy.

After a few anxious moments she calmed herself and looked at her friend with determination “Don’t hold back on using your powers.”

Callan was taken aback “And let the entire world know who I am.. No!” he vigorously shook his head “You know why I am keeping it a secret Aurora.”

“I know but your life is more important right now. I wont be able to help you.”

Callan sighed deeply “I will figure a way out.” He kissed her forehead and assured her of his safety “Nothing bad will happen. You should leave before the guards show up.”

Aurora tightly hugged the man for a few moments more before parting ways with the Elemental.

Since admitting to his crime, Callan was put into the dungeon cell to spend the night before his punishment. He wanted to badly console his parents and drive away their worry, their fear but he could not reveal about his big secret. The time wasn’t right yet.

The prison cell had thick stone walls while a small window opened to the confined space in a far away corner. The window however was inefficient to throw even an ounce of light. Callan illuminated the space by clicking his finger as a brittle fire lit in the empty flambeau just outside of his cell. In the illumination of the light though Callan could see another prison cell right across his metal bars. His interest piqued when he saw a person lying on the ground probably in a sleeping position.

Callan moved his legs to take a closer look but his movements caused the food plate to displace its position making a screeching sound. The sudden noise caught the other person off guard as he hastily sat upright in caution and bewilderment. He frantically looked around everywhere when his eyes widened at the irradiating body. He stared at the wooden stick in amusement as a little smile formed on his face.

Callan was bemused by the reaction but he kept to himself. Soon the other man lowered his gaze as his nostrils flared and he searched the ground only to locate a food plate which was kept away from him. His mouth went dry and he gulped. Callan could deduce that the man was famished. His skinny bones and shrunken stomach indicated that he never had a proper meal in a long time. Callan sympathised with the man as he kneeled down and picked up the bread loaf, meat and berries from his plate. He slowly moved forward to the metal bars while the man in front kept staring at the food with intense eyes. He was indifferent by the presence of Callan. Like the Elemental was invisible to him.

On the other hand all Callan could see was the scant flesh and the rugged silhouette appearance of the prisoner. Though he wanted to have a closer look, he felt dubious about invading someone’s privacy.

The handsome man threw the food right across the cell “Go ahead. Have it.”

The other prisoner wet his lips but he intently looked at Callan in guardedness. He cautiously moved ahead and stretched his hands out of the bar to grab his sustenance. When the poor man was unable to reach for the bread loaf, Callan swayed his hand to use his powers and push it further towards the man.

The prisoner happily took in all the food and went after it like someone would snatch it away if he even blinks. The joy in his eyes was reflected by the happy tears Callan was shedding. After he was done eating, the prisoner finally took a moment to study his new neighbour. He vigilantly gazed at the man for a few moments with his stern features. It was as if the man was scrutinising the person in front of him, reassuring himself that there was no danger. He took a deep breath and softened his eyes before saying “Tap it twice and circle your fingers.”

Callan squeezed his brows “What?”

“The bracelet.” The man gestured to the metal Callan was wearing on his wrist “It will save you.”

It took moments for Callan to realise that the person in front had deduced his true identity. But how was he able to discern the truth so easily? Callan’s use of power wasn’t obvious besides no one knew about the Elementals in the werewolf world. The faint illumination which spread through the opposite prison was not enough to shed light on the whole being. It wasn’t as if Callan could not see him but the vision he had was blurred; incoherent. However he could take a wild guess from the voice and conclude that the person did not belong to the pack. But then again the blue moon pack was mighty big. The prisoner could be a resident of any one of the thirteen villages.

The handsome man was in his own trance and looked at the person in front of him questionably. When Callan didn’t utter a word for a very long time the prisoner cleared his throat “My mate was an Elemental. I don’t know much about them but I recognized the eagle heads from the metal.”

Subconsciously Callan looked at his metal wristlet and then again at the prisoner “Did she have it too..?”

The prisoner nodded curtly “Every Elemental has a metal as such I guess. I have only met a few but all of them had the same thing. Either it was a necklace or a ring or a wristlet as you are wearing.”

“Where is she now?”

The prisoner exhaled a long breath and sucked in his lower lip before being nonchalant “Dead.”

Callan’s breath got stuck. It was as if a part of him had died. Moments ago he was happy that finally he would be able to meet someone like him. Someone who had the same traits, someone belonging to the same family, someone who could understand him..! But his hopes were crashed as his fate had played its cruel game yet again. He apologetically looked at the man in front with dejection “I am sorry.”

“Don’t be. It wasn’t your fault.” he shrugged “Besides it was a long time ago.”

Callan was left speechless after that. However his chain of thoughts again diverted to the man in front for he was unable to assert the character of the being. Though the prisoner was serving his term in the deepest part of the dungeons, he did not seemed like a person who could do anything wrong. Then again Callan hardly knew about the man so making quick judgements was not advised. But how was he supposed to give relief to his wandering, curious mind? He sighed before asking “Why are you here?”

“Because I loved someone dearly.”

Callan squeezed his eyes “I don’t understand..”

The prisoner chuckled as he shook his head playfully “You don’t have to.” he looked all around him and yawned instinctively “I suggest you have a good sleep tonight for tomorrow will be a big day for you.” In the next moment itself, the prisoner slowly closed his eyes. He made a low steady continuous sound before lowering his torso to kiss the ground and depart for the land of the sleep angels.


After the horrifying day at the eastern borders Callan was exhausted to say the least. He was thankful that he heeded the advice of the stranger for it definitely worked. However the downside of it all was that the people of the pack were suspicious. They found it difficult to understand why a feeble human like him was saved by an army of birds. Moreover the birds in a way attacked the pack members which was totally uncalled for. It had burdened his problems even more.

Rumours were rife that Callan was a demented soul. That he used his dark magic to bring people close to hell. The handsome man genuinely wanted to squash all the wrong sayings but the incident which took place a couple of days back only cemented peoples beliefs. He could see the look of fright in their eyes whenever he crossed them. This was the last thing he wanted.

Callan’s silent thoughts were distracted when he saw Aldous standing at a distance from the main hall of the alpha house. Callan slowly lifted himself off the couch and took measured steps towards the head warrior. Aldous was wary of the approaching steps of the handsome man as he purposely turned his back to avoid Callan.

“Hello Aldous.” Callan stayed right behind the head warrior waiting for a reply. Aldous refused to address the handsome man as he slowly made his way to the opposite direction.

“We have to talk about it some day or the other.” The words halted the head warrior “You cannot escape..”

Aldous turned his back to face the man “I don’t know how it is any of your concern Ashton. It was already rough and now you meddling in the way has made it even more complicated.”

The handsome man stared at the head warrior in disbelief “I had to intervene! I couldn’t just stand and watch!” Callan took a deep breath to calm his rising temperament “Look Aldous, since everything is out in the open I am but of little help to that girl. If someone can make this right; it has to be you. Peter believes in the old traditions and he would never mend his ways.”

“And what makes you think I would go against my father.” he retorted

“I know it is difficult for you to go against the wishes of your father, your pack and even your friend.” Callan took a pregnant pause and softened his gaze “But at least try..”

The words from the Elemental took the man in his own unwanted journey of guilt. The stubborn exterior he portrayed was melting because he knew that his beloved was in danger. He knew he had to act, he knew he had to save the girl. But he was helpless.. He was bound by the laws. He knew he was not doing the right thing because he had to work hard to justify his actions. His conscious kept reminding him what an awful person he was..

In that weak moment, Aldous’ expression softened for he wanted to make amends. He wanted to ask for help even if it came from someone he hated. He opened his mouth to speak when his gaze locked at the person standing right behind Callan. Aldous’ demeanour changed dramatically as his jaws tightened and he gulped. He narrowed his brows “I think we are done here Ashton. I have to go.”

Callan sighed in defeat “Just think about what I said.. Because you don’t want to lose someone dear to you.”

Aldous nodded keeping his eyes low and swiftly made his way to the exit. Callan on the other hand was aware of the person standing behind him. He sighed heavily and slowly turned his back.

“I need to talk to you.”

“I don’t have anything to say to you.” Callan uttered at once and shifted his steps sideways to circumvent the man. However the man in front stretched one his arms parallel to the chest of the Elemental, blocking his way.

Callan’s features changed as a pang of anger was surging within him “Leave my way Garrick.”

However the beta did not budge. Callan slowly brought one of his hands upwards and with his strength he jerked the arm which was obstructing him. He crossed the man elbowing him in the way.

Callan’s walk was interrupted as Garrick clutched one of his arms and turned Callan to face him forcefully “You cannot disrespect me. I am your superior.” he growled.

Callan looked him in the eye fiercely “I only listen to the orders of the alpha..” His nostrils flared “And you are not the alpha.”

The sudden outburst from the Elemental took the beta by surprise as he slowly retracted his hand. He ran his fingers through his hair in frustration before taking long breaths to calm himself “Listen here Ashton” he lowered his voice “I am not out here to create any trouble. I am here to remind you of your promise.”

“What promise?”

Garrick stepped backwards and looked all around, making sure that no one was around. Callan could discern that the beta was finding it difficult to put forward his stance. Like he wanted to say something but was embarrassed to talk about. Garrick gathered all his confidence and intently looked at Callan “You said you would help me get my mate.”

Callan nodded “Yes I did.” His tensed features relaxed for he now understood what the fuss was all about “But I am not sure if I should do that anymore.”

Garrick was heaving short gasps as he could not believe the audacity of the man to betray him. A mixture of emotions soared through his body. He felt angry, he felt deceived, most importantly he felt worried because Callan was the only one to help him reach his destination- Fayette.

“How can you go back on your word.. YOU PROMISED!” He whisper shouted at the man.

“Yes.. But I see a drastic shift here.” The beta narrowed his gaze in confusion “You are not the Garrick I promised back in the lake. Your sudden hostility to me is baffling.”

Garrick huffed mockingly “Who are you kidding Ashton. We were never close to begin with. I have always been the same with you.”

The angry eyes and the change in Garrick’s behaviour did not go unnoticed by the Elemental. It wasn’t as if Callan was not used to this side of the beta but the situation back then was different. At this point of time Garrick knew what Callan meant to Einar, to the entire pack. Yet the man was more belligerent as the days passed

Callan whispered “A lot has changed.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Nothing..” Callan gritted his teeth as he swallowed the anger, the angst within him “I remember my promise..” He crossed his hands to his chest “But my words will only hold when you do your part.”

“What do I need to do?”

With a stern demeanour and focused eyes Callan said “I need assurance for Fayette’s acceptance.”

“I am ready to accept her whole heartedly and..”

“I am talking about the pack.” Callan interjected the beta “I don’t want her to go through the same ordeals as I have faced in my entire lifetime. I don’t want her to be cornered; to be secluded. I don’t want her to feel different from the others.”

Garrick lowered his gaze because the task was monumental. In his heart he knew that his mate would find it difficult to assimilate herself with the pack. Moreover the strong headed human will not conform to the centuries old traditions of the wolves. There would be complications from both sides. Even if he manages to persuade his mate to bind by the rules, will the pack reciprocate the gesture and accept her true nature?

Garrick faltered in his stance as he lowered his voice “I cant have a control over what other people think...”

“Then find a way.” Callan nonchalantly shrugged “Convince the pack members about your human mate. If you are able to side in the pack with you then I will help you with Fayette.”

Callan raised his brow and waited for Garrick to respond but the reply never came. He left an anxious but stunned beta on the same place as he dashed his way to the opposite side of the room.

It was for a fact that Garrick knew about the secret. However even after being aware of the truth the beta was hostile and even pugnacious at times. Callan racked his brain for days to understand what he did to earn the ire of the man. During the time in the lake Callan could see the man in love. There was a slight hope within him that Garrick would be more understanding, more friendly. That he would at least be considerate if nothing more. But Callan was wrong..

The only good thing of it all was that the wolf was ready to give his fate a chance. Garrick was ready to brave all odds to claim his mate. He looked sure. He looked confident about himself; confident about the bond; confident about Fayette..

But Callan could not trust Garrick blindly.

Fayette was more than a friend for Callan. He valued her like his own sister. Callan was sure that the beta would support her and stand by her even if it meant that he had to go against the pack. But then again he was friends with Einar. Destiny had bonded both of them with non wolves as their mates and they were not ready to forego the pack for their love. However Callan was proud of the fact that at least Garrick had the courage to accept Fayette unlike the other egomaniac.

But he couldn’t risk it. Before talking to Fayette about Garrick, Callan wanted to be sure about the beta. He wanted to test his stand and his willingness to accept the bond wholeheartedly.

Callans thoughts were interrupted when he looked at the healer exiting from one of the rooms. She grinned from ear to ear as she marched towards the Elemental and hugged the man.

“Aurora..” he acknowledged the witch with a dry smile.

“You don’t seem to be in a good mood.” she chuckled.

“Just had a friendly conversation with Garrick.”

“I could tell.” she raised a brow “How is your father coping?”

“He is unconscious but faring well. How about Richard?

“Seriously!” she huffed “The man literally planned your murder and you want to know about his well being.”

Callan nonchalantly shrugged. Richard, Peter and Justus were one of the victims of the snake attack from a couple of days back. Though Richard was responsible for the setup, Callan felt blameworthy because the birds which rescued him had caused all the ruckus.

“Where are you going by the way?”

“To Einar’s room. He hasn’t woken up yet.”

Callan slowly nodded in understanding. It had been quite a few days since the full moon yet the alpha remained unconscious. His inert state was worrying the entire pack. The problem being that nobody knew what ailed Einar. It was also a matter of concern since his measure of affliction was unknown.

Callan was becoming worried as the days passed by. He realised that Einar’s condition had something to do with Daragor. The days after the carnival, Einar was lying motionless for about four days while the previous full moon was still leaving a great impact on Einar’s health. Even after several days he just wasn’t waking up. The Elemental looked worriedly at Aurora “Can’t you find a solution to his problem?”

“I can but he is denying my help.”

“What do you mean?” Callan was puzzled Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Though I am the head healer of the pack I assume that someone else is assisting Einar in his medications. The last time he fell ill, he didn’t ask me for help. The potions and theriac which I made were never used by the alpha in the slightest.”

It was something strange. As the head healer of the pack, Aurora had been assigned to treat and medicate the high ranks herself. This included the alpha and his family. But if Einar was denying help from Aurora then how was he able to recuperate to his own, normal state..?

Callan pursed his lips “Who do you think is helping him?”

“I have no idea.”

Their chat was interrupted by a thud and a sudden gigantic roar. Callan and Aurora diverted their attention to look at the source of the sound. It came from Einar’s room. A quick panic alerted Callan’s senses as he ran with his might with Aurora following suit.

A number of people had gathered in and around the room. Callan could see the fright and trepidation within the wolves. The beads of sweat and the occasional gasps didn’t go unnoticed by him. He pierced his way through the thick wall of people to reach the front. As soon as he stood on the frontlines he was baffled and slightly perturbed by what he saw.

Rosaline was a crying mess. She was pleading the unfazed man and pulling the muscular iron arms of the alpha; begging him to stop. The room was filled with muffled voices and growls. The floor beneath was covered in patches of crimson liquid. However Callan was left horrified when a wicked smile colored Einar’s face as his claws were elongated. The alpha was slowly firming his grip around the neck of his best friend..!


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