“Hello my dear..”

A sense of calm masqueraded Callan’s face when in reality his insides burned with the flames of hatred. His definitive thoughts were ill perceiving the scenarios in which he could hurt the woman in front of him. His self restrain had a limit to it.

“Is this the way to treat your princess?” The lady smirked with a smug face.

Callan looked at the confused faces of the two woman on his left while his own emotions were identical to that of his best friend. A frightened Aurora looked at the number of men accompanying the lady. All of them were taller than Callan and more bulkier than she had ever seen. As also the men exalted a power of their own. She quickly recognised them as Enforcers.

The woman stationed herself parallel to the handsome man. A part of hair was drawn back and coiled at the back of the head while the rest of the shiny strands waved through the sides of her forehead. Her elegant pink gown had perfectly woven red roses around her neckline, waist line and the bottom of the gown. Her simple yet flashy adornments stood out from the rest. However it was the mystique of a beauty that complemented her accessories. With the help of her shiny high heel shoes she stood at a comfortable height just shorter than the handsome man. Her skin shined in the light of the sun while her eyes matched the dark green eyes of the Elemental himself.

The woman narrowed her gaze at Callan and gave him a seductive smile. She undressed her gloves teasingly from her hand and pushed it forward.

With gritted teeth and curled fingers the handsome man reluctantly bowed and kneeled on one leg. He held the lady’s hand and with a light touch of his lips he kissed the back of her palm. Bile formed in his throat but he restrained himself and looked at the lady in disgust.

“That’s better.” The lady smiled complacently. She diverted her attention to the healer who was kneeling besides the handsome man. The princess uninterestingly waved her hand to gesture the healer to take her place. However when she looked at Archer, she was alert. She hesitatingly smiled.

“I see the bear hasn’t left your side even now. He has left a mark in your heart it seems.”

Archer narrowed his gaze and with a stern look he said “I only leave marks on people i don’t like.” he mockingly snorted and pointed his finger to the side of the neck of the princess “But you already know that.”

All the color drained her face as the princess was slightly upset and majorly agitated by the comment of the were bear. The enforcers around her growled in retaliation but the princess held them back. She calmed her features “You still have a spine left bear, good for you.” she smiled devilishly at Archer “By the way... How is your father? I wonder if he can handle anymore abasement.”

Archer’s smiling face was red when he heard what the princess said. He growled and fisted his hand tightly to control his aggression and not lash out at the lady. Fayette was deeply upset by the rude behaviour of the princess. She shielded Archer “Royalty or not, you cannot talk to my friend like that.”

The woman scowled and pursed her lips at the audacity of Fayette. However she soon composed herself “Oh! New girl.” The princess giggled “Is she another of your flings my dear?” She looked at Callan for an answer.


The sudden outburst from the man reflected in the winds which were gaining speed. However even before Callan could realise it, he was thrashed to the ground by two large hands “You pathetic human. How dare you disrespect the princess!”

Archer growled at the bodyguard and went to his friend to pick him up. On the other side the princess kept her hand on the shoulder of the guard “Relax Halvor.” She side stepped to make her way in front of Callan “He is the only person in the world who has a right to say anything to me.. Anything.” she whispered the last part.

Callan did not miss the way in which the lady kept gawking at him. It was the look he was familiar with yet it was something that was making him uncomfortable and disgusted when it came from the lady in the front. Her abnormal gaze was stationed on the man accompanied with a knowing smile. The look of lust was so apparent that Callan was sure that the woman had committed adultery in her heart a number of times.

Her deepest desires were the cause of his deadliest hate.

“I don’t like you.” Callan spitted venomously

The princess snickered “Does it matter?” She mockingly ticked her chin and eventually shrugged “I think not.”

Her sinister smile and her adamant nature was making Callan and his friends uncomfortable. It was eventually Fayette who could take it no more as she bravely stepped up in front of the princess “Back off lady! You are forcefully imposing yourself.”

“I forgot about you. I am really sorry if I’d upset you in any way. We haven’t met.” She extended one hand to greet the human “My name is Beatrice.”

Fayette looked at Archer who shook his head in negation. She fidgeted her thumb before hesitatingly nodding to the lady in acknowledgement. With her good heart she pushed forward her own hand with an awkward smile of appreciation. It was a gesture of etiquettes which she had been taught from her childhood. Beatrice took the hand in her own with a smile. However moments later the smile on her face vanished as she slowly firmed her grip on the delicate hands of the human. Fayette in the next instance closed her eyes and sucked in a lot of air as she moaned in pain. The bones in her palm were being fragmented.

Callan could see no more as he forcefully removed Beatrice’s hand from his friends palm. He carefully pulled her hands towards him and checked for the damage done. Being a human it was apparent that her level of pain exceeded that of the shifters. This was clearly reflected in her wet cheeks and her snivelling.

The side of Beatrice lips curved with pride as she looked at Fayette with disgust “I don’t like when someone interrupts me. I hope this serves you as a reminder.”

Callan gestured Aurora to examine Fayette as he boldly stood forward in front of Beatrice. His eyes were red with hatred and he grinded his teeth in anger. His jaw muscles trembled when he spoke “You are more pathetic than I thought.”

“And you are more handsome than I last saw you.” she outlined Callan’s lips with her finger “I would love to have a taste of you.” she whispered seductively.

Callan faltered for a moment when he saw a faint mystical aura surrounding the princess. He blinked his eye rapidly and gained his composure to look at the evil princess in the eye “You will never know.”

The princess giggled “I love a challenge. There are thousands out there dying to pursue me, be the prince and ascend the throne besides me.”

“Then chose someone among them.”

“Where is the fun in that? Besides..” With touch as light as feathers, the lady roamed her fingers through Callan’s neck all the way to his abdomen “You are the ultimate prize that i want. You are one of a kind and i want no one else.”

Callan scowled and held Beatrice’s hand when she attempted to go further down the abdomen. He gave a sudden jerk to her hand which left her surprised and angry.

“You will never succeed.” He whisper shouted at Beatrice.

The smug look and the determination in Callan made the princess aggravate. Her lips trembled as she smiled sinisterly when she scowled her eyebrows. Soon the men from the royal army marched ahead and held every single one of Callan’s friend forcefully. Archer, Fayette and Aurora were forced to kneel with their heads bowed down. Archer was being thrashed frequently as he tried to resist the guards while Aurora and Fayette were pulled by the hair to cause affliction.

Callan gasped in short breaths when he looked at the wretched state of his friends. His panicked face brought smiles to the princess. Callan helplessly looked at Beatrice “What are you doing! Leave them at this instance.”

“I will.” The princess smiled “But what would i get in return?”

“What do you want?”

The smile on Beatrice’s face widened as she spoke lowly “Be a gentleman and give the lady a kiss.”

She lounged on her place, leaning her upper body forward and pouting a little. She gestured Callan to kiss her as she ticked her lips again and again.

Callan looked at the agonised faces of his friends and then he looked at the evil of a person standing in front of him. He fisted his hands in anger as he had had it enough. He pulled himself back a number of times from using his powers due to the fear of exposing himself. But here the woman had a crossed a line and made his patience diminutive. If using his powers meant that he would be left vulnerable, so be it. He could not afford to let the woman’s self-conceit be detrimental to the well being of his friends.

Callan focused on the hem of her dress and swirled his thumb and his third finger. The big flowers which were embedded on the bottom of her gown were slowly darkening in color. Small dancing embers collectively circled the woman as the men behind her looked in utter despair. Just as they thought they could intervene, the small flares enlarged its surface before leaping and twirling in a fiery dance and latching itself on the fabric.

The flickering soon enhanced as the heat soared its warmth to the entire body of the woman. The princess at once realised what was happening to her however she was left incapable to render a responsive action. She danced and jumped and bellowed her voice. She moaned in pain and screamed at the top of her voice. The men all around were trying to douse the fire but it was too much for them to handle. The flames soon engulfed the entire circumference as it ascended to the top of her waist. Unable to handle the shock anymore the princess was left vulnerable and she fainted. The men desperately tore the fabric while some showered the fine dust of the land to quench the thirst of the bright heat.

The men were successful in their endeavours but were completely shaken by the incident which occurred. They were responsible for the safety of the woman and knew they would be reprimanded to a great measure. Without caring for Callan and his friends the Enforcers escorted the princess to the royal cart and went along the procession.

Archer patted Callan’s back while Fayette shook her head in disagreement. Callan playfully shrugged and blinked an eye. His attention was diverted to the injured palm of his friend which he held in his own hands “This needs to be looked upon.” He roamed his eyes around and asked “Where is Isadora?” S~ᴇaʀᴄh the (ꜰind)ɴʘvel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“I sent her away.” Aurora replied. “How do you both know the princess?” the healer asked in curiosity.

“The correct question is how does the princess knows the both of them.” Fayette scowled

Archer and Callan looked at each other with grim faces before Callan answered “I better not talk about her right now.”

“She is the most evil and inhumane person I have ever known.” Archer added.

“I hope I don't have to see her after today.” Callan pursed his lips.


The big windows which were open were breezing in the pure air of nature. What caught Einar’s eye though were the men who were trying to fix in the hinge which supported the weight of the giant metal frame. And then he bowed his head in disappoint when he recalled why the window frames were being redone. The room had ample of space yet he felt suffocated and strangulated. Memories of the past were haunting his dreams more than ever.

Einar was constantly gawking at every other direction except to the main table where a middle aged man with features as same as him sat with his hands crossed to his chest. Ragnar kept a scowled face throughout and looked at the alpha with indifference. Standing besides him was his mate who was squeezing the shoulders of the former alpha probably trying to ease her own anxiety.

Einar knew that the trauma of the unusual behaviour was not inherited as his father never lost his self control when in power. When he braved himself to look at Ragnar he discerned that his father’s brain would soon relinquish its custody of empathy and logic, and replace itself with the primitive leader of the pack.

Einar deeply sighed keeping his head low “I am ashamed.”

“You should be.” Ragnar replied with mediocrity.

The subtle nature of his father was not going too well with Einar. It was as if he had remembered his childhood when for every of his mistakes his father was chafed and reprimanded him according to the gravity of the fault done. Here however Ragnar seemed to be calm about everything which in retrospect was not the behaviour Einar was familiar with. The alpha waited long for his father to rebuke him, he waited for any admonition from his side but none came. Finally with a long sigh of confidence Einar spoke lowly “I promise to be careful and not make a mistake the next time.”

“DONT MAKE PROMISES YOU CANNOT KEEP.” Ragnar raised his voice as he stood up from his place and screeched his chair in vexation.

The sudden outburst from the man startled Einar and Zelda. The men who were working on the window bowed in submission and requested permission to depart. Ragnar had been keeping all of his aggression bottled up. He was waiting for his son to come clean which never happened.

Einar was blameworthy for what was done. Despite the fact that he was the leader of the wolves he hid inside the alpha house like a coward. Never showing up, never taking responsibility for his actions. Ragnar was miffed with his son. The blue moon pack stood strong and resilient due to the years of toiling and hard work. On the contrary Einar was reaping benefits from the works of his forefathers. Yet he had no approbation for it.

The mother in Zelda was worried for her son. She pursed her lips every now and then to gather courage to speak. She held the hem of her mate’s shirt “Don’t be so harsh Ragnar.”

With his eyes full of fury Ragnar did not bother to turn back “No more leverage today. Act as a luna and not a mother.” he looked behind his shoulders “If you cant than leave this room right now.”

Though the matter was between the mates, Einar could not help but feel a little protective about his mother. He felt irritated for how Ragnar spoke to her “Don’t talk to mother this way. Its not her fault.”

The former alpha shook his head in an unpleasant surprise “Your hurt because i disrespected your mother.” Ragnar huffed. He gestured Zelda to sit on the nearby couch while he moved from his position marching towards the door. He looked at a distance and ordered a guard “Bring her in.”

All this time Einar was oblivious to what his father wanted to do. He kept his stoic face but his mind was full of anxiety.

The sound of the ‘click-click’ of the shoes diverted Einar’s attention and he turned his back. He witnessed a lady entering in with two guards following her alongside the former alpha. Her silky hair had shades of grey as they were cascading down her shoulders. Her otherwise smooth face was marred by wrinkles around her eyes and cheeks. She kept her gaze low while her thumbs fidgeted probably due to anxiousness.

Ragnar stood at a distance from his son and looked at him sternly “Do you know her?”

“Yes.” Einar scowled and nodded in surprise as his father had asked him an obvious question “She is Alma.”

Being the alpha of the pack, Einar was connected to every wolf soul in the blue moon pack. However the lady in front was special in a way owing to her lineage. She had lost her mate and was living all by herself to cater to her four kids. Einar admired her for her valorous efforts to raise a family without a man.

Ragnar nodded at his son’s response “Her father, brother and her mate hold importance to the pack. They all have been great warriors in the past. Her mate died while saving your mother. Did you know that?” Einar was amazed by the information and admired the lady even more. He smiled at her a little and bowed his head in respect.

“She holds the pack in great esteem but yesterday she came to me with a request.” Ragnar raised a brow “Would you like to know what that is?”

Einar nodded hesitatingly. The irony being that he did not want to know the reason. He was afraid that this request had something to do with him.

Ragnar gestured the lady to step forward and vocalise her plea. The lady however looked more frightened as she stole glances at the alpha and gulped in fear. Ragnar realised her predicament and patted her back “Don’t be afraid. I assure you of your safety.”

Alma hesitatingly smiled at the former alpha and diverted her focus to Einar “I would like to leave the pack and relocate to Falah pack where my mate’s brother lives.”

Einar was shocked to hear this. Never in his lifetime did he thought that someday a situation as such would arrive where his own people would have no choice but to abandon him. “But why?”

“I want to do it for my kids.”

“I don’t understand.”

The lady sniffled as she withdrew a cloth from her purse. A long light blue fabric woven in a square shape whose borders were designed intricately. However the fact which disturbed Einar was that the scarf was decorated in patches with some crimson liquid.

It was blood.

The lady pushed forward her hand towards the alpha to hand him over the scarf. Einar was reluctant in his approach but he took the cloth in his hands. He examined the scarf carefully but failed to recognize it. He gave a confused look to his father while he was apologetic when he looked at Alma.

“It belonged to my eldest son.” Alma sighed deeply as fat tear drops ran through her cheeks. She snivelled and slowly took the scarf in her own hands “From the very childhood he had aspirations to one day be a warrior and serve the alpha; just like his father.” she whispered the last part intently looking at the scarf “He worked hard day and night to do what was needed. You cannot imagine the joy when he was finally handpicked by the head warrior to be on his team. It was his first day at the job..” her lips quivered “And unfortunately the last.”

The words left Einar heartbroken. It was poison to his ears and probably to his heart. But what the lady spoke next left the alpha devastated.

“His own saviour killed him.”

It was as if a knife had been pierced right through his heart. He connected the dots and realised that the warrior son she was talking about had been killed on that fateful day. That his saviour was none other than his leader, his alpha. The person responsible for his death was Einar himself!

Einar bitterly regretted for what was done. He was steeped in guilt. His heart pained when he looked at the lady. Alma was unable to control herself as her emotions were let loose. The constant bobbing of her shoulders and the shivering of her hands were accompanied by the uncontrolled snivels. Her eyes were refusing to deny the flow of her sorrow.

“I..” Einar mumbled guiltily. He gulped as his mouth quivered in a straight line. He wasn’t sure what to say to the bereaved lady. He had killed her beloved and any measure of repentance wasn’t going to bring her dead son back. His lips trembled, his brain froze but he looked at his mother who was tearful herself. Zelda nodded at her son to give him the encouragement he needed.

Einar took two steps ahead and palmed his hands on the hands of the lady as he bowed his head in shame “My apology will hold no meaning, for your loss will always be greater than my guilt. But still if it makes you feel better even a tiny bit I want you to know that i deeply regret what was done.”

Alma raised her head slowly and weakly smiled “I accept your apology.” she nodded and sighed deeply to calm herself “But I wont change my mind alpha.”

“Please don’t do this..” Einar whispered feebly.

“I have three other kids. I will be really proud as a mother if they are martyrs for their land, for their alpha. But i am not at peace knowing that our saviour has turned against us.” Alma looked at the alpha with determination “I want my children to be safe that’s it.”

Einar had no answer to that. He slowly withdrew his hands and stepped back. He air fisted his hands in frustration and grunted. Looking at his sons troubled state, Ragnar ordered Alma to leave the place at once “You can go Alma, we will talk later.”

Einar sat on a nearby chair and palmed his face. Zelda was next to him at the very instance and moved her hands on his back to soothe him. Einar’s emotional state was in turmoil. He was deeply saddened by his deeds and felt miserable. He slowly leaned his body on the comforts of his mothers shoulders.

The distraught site of his son melted all the anger within Ragnar. Yet he had to act as the stern leader to protect his people. He exhaled sharply and stood in front of Einar “You see what you did?”

Einar’s voice was meek. His hands trembled and he kept his head low “I didn’t realise this would have such an impact on the pack.”

“There are many people like her. Do you think i came because of you?” Ragnar pointed a finger at his son “No!” he strolled back to the large table and picked up an envelope to hand it over to the alpha “There had been a number of letters to my place back in Rupert’s pack urging me to come back and save them. Eventually even Justus and Peter had to pay a visit to force me to return to the blue moon pack and make things right.”

Ragnar’s absence was a challenge in itself and Einar knew it. Though he had all the training in the world he lacked the most important aspect to run a pack; the wisdom and experience of Ragnar. However the older alpha was confident enough about his son. He was sure that under Einar’s reign the blue moon pack would prosper and flourish ten folds. His expectations were thrashed when he heard about the unfortunate incident. Ragnar was angry that his own son had hurt his people and he was scared that his son had to pay a higher price for his deed.

“People feel a certain way about you.” Ragnar took a pregnant pause “They feel threatened; they feel unsafe!”

“I don’t want them to feel this way.”

“I know.” he nodded “Every alpha has difficulty in controlling their wolf but with patience and endurance he is able to get hold of his animalistic side. ”

Ragnar looked at his son and was dubious to say words which he might not like. He wet his lips and exhaled “Your wolf however has shown unrealistic characteristics. He attacked his own people. You can imagine the severity of the situation when the wolf attacked Rosaline! Your fated mate! There is something seriously wrong with your beast.”

Einar slowly raised his head to look at his father. Surprisingly his beasts were serene and not showing their prominence. The fact being that both his demons were indifferent to the demeaning of his wolf.

And why wouldn’t they be?

Einar had the knowledge about the outcome of the decoction and yet he consumed it. He had been warned time and again but to have control over his wolf he had to take the drastic step. The wolf wasn’t at fault to begin with. It had always been the alpha. Einar failed to control his wolf when it craved for his mate. The wolf ironically never cared about power and position but when it came to matters involving the green eyed man it lost its cool every time.

Einar hated this fact about himself that he was so reliant on his wolf. It was as if the actions of the wolf mattered more than his perseverance, understanding and intent to bind his people.

Einar looked at his father and his demeaner faltered. Ragnar looked sure, determined like he had something planned in his head. He knew his father, Ragnar must have came prepared with an action plan. Whatever that may be Einar was adamant that he deserved another chance. The actions of the wolf had implications on his good reputation but the human in him was still the man; the alpha the pack deserved.

Einar hopelessly pleaded “I can fix it. I can bring the wolf under control.”

“It is too late for that my son.” Ragnar shook his head in disagreement.

“What do you mean?”

“The matter has reached the royal court and soon representatives of the king will march towards the pack and prove you unfit as the leader.”

Tears welled up in his eyes as his heart constricted. Einar’s mind was jammed. The fear in him was making him unable to think. The royal court was not a good news to begin with. Stanislas was always on the forefront to pinpoint any irregularity or shortcoming from the blue moon pack. When he must’ve heard this news, his merriment would’ve been sky high. Like a treasure landed on his doorstep. He wont let go this golden opportunity and strike at the earliest to demean the pack and confiscate it.

With quivering lips and glossy eyes Einar looked to his father in desperation “What do we do?”

“There is only one way.”

The alpha stood up from his place with hope in his eyes “What?”

Ragnar looked at Zelda who nodded in affirmation cleaning her cheeks of the tears. She courageously stood up and stationed herself besides her mate holding his hand, giving him the encouragement he needed to do the difficult task. Einar became suspicious of this behaviour and looked at his parents questioningly.

Ragnar kissed the forehead of his mate and looked at his son with stern eyes. He took a deep sigh and cleared his throat “You have to relinquish your position as the alpha of the blue moon pack.”


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