I Claim Your Love

“So he has been caged.” Stanislas said at once as he sighed with relief.

The view from the huge balcony provided access to the beautiful garden below. The steady rise of the water flow from the fountains was articulating an account for the feeling of content of the king. Stanislas turned his head right when he heard his guest speak.

“Yes sir. He has been kept in the deepest parts of the dungeons where wolves with serious charges of treason or threat are prisoned.”

The smile on the kings face soon faded as he got thinking. He looked confused for a moment and uttered his doubt “What is wrong with Einar?”

The question was aimed at no one particular. However both the men were surprised to hear a third voice “He is playing his part.” Nevart spoke as he closed the doors of the platform and soon positioned himself besides the king “It was expected of him.”

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Nevart chuckled. He was about to explain his theory but his attention was caught by the visitor standing behind. He eyed the king and whispered “I will tell you later.”

“With all due respect sire, you promised revenge on that bastard.”

“Patience my dear Richard.” Stanislas smirked devilishly “You will get what you want.”

But the wolf was seemingly restless. It was quite evident from his gestures that he wasn’t satisfied with the outcome. “Why cant I kill him?” He questioned “The poison was enough to do the job.”

“We have killed two birds in one stone. Einar is helpless and Callan will be aloof from him.”

“The alpha doesn’t like the human. I don’t understand what you are trying to do?” Richard rose his voice in anger. However at this moment the disobedience portrayed by Richard was irritating Stanislas. His smile vanished as he stared with dominance at the wolf. His aura was such that Richard had no choice but to submit before the kings authority.

“Pardon me sir.” he lowered his eyes.

“You are naïve Richard.” Nevart interrupted “With a little more patience and obedience you will finally avenge the death of your beloved. Killing Callan is too easy a punishment for him. Let him endure every pain in his life like he made you suffer.”

That got Richard thinking. The bitterness in him gave justifications for every action against the handsome man. He wanted Callan to suffer much more than he did. He wanted Callan to be subjected to the pain endlessly for the loss of his mate. He wanted to see the destruction of the man and he would leave no stone unturned for it.

“That despicable human deserves everything that is happening to him.” a treacherous bead rolled through his eyes as he gritted his teeth in anger.

Stanislas and Nevart gave the wolf his own time to collect himself. Meanwhile both the friends eyed each other as if they were having having a secret conversation of their own. Nevart sighed and asked all of sudden “Does he know about the attack?”

“I don’t think sir.”

Nevart nodded and tapped his chin in pensiveness of his thoughts. Both the king and Richard waited patiently, confused at the silent behavior of the priest. Nevart snickered in his own thoughts as he looked at the king “It is settled then.” he then looked at Richard “Your next job is to deliver him the good news. You know what you have to do.”

“Of course I do.” A sinister smile made its way to Richard.

“You may leave.” the king looked at the wolf with pride “Your loyalty will be rewarded my son.”

“I just want to see the end of him.” he gritted his teeth and snarled again “The destruction of Callan Justus Ashton.”

Richard bowed his head and payed his respects to the king before departing.

Stanislas giggled, a mischief in his moving muscles. “This was brilliant Nevart!” he exclaimed in joy “Einar can not imagine what I would do to him.” his self absorbed laughter reigned in the empty room. He occasionally clapped and looked at the happy face of the priest in surprise. All of sudden his laughter died down and he eyed Nevart in confusion “But why aren’t we killing the Elemental?”

Nevart’s lips returned to its original form as he slowly walked towards the nearest bench “It is not that easy my friend.” he sighed and rested his buttocks to the bench “I suspect that someone is protecting him like a guard. Even if that’s not the case, I have learned something about the Elemental, something detrimental to our plan.”

“What is it?”

“The ancient scriptures in the age old library has a mention of a special rock. The stone of Majalvik. While every other Elemental can be easily eliminated, to kill the master we have to be prepared.”

“As in?”

“I wish I knew Stanislas.” he shrugged “It is still a mystery.”

“If the stone is so important then we must find it before anyone else.”

“You are right.” Nevart nodded “We need to take action soon because once we succeed in our plan we have to get rid of that human as soon as possible.”

Stanislas quickly mind linked his son Frederick, prepare a team of soldiers and be ready. I have a task for you.


Callan closed his eyes to hear any approaching sounds of footsteps. He frequented the metal bars to peek at the long path, looking for a sign of life. The small window in the cage was the only source of light that brightened the room. Callan reluctantly went to the metal bars again and clasped his head to get a glimpse. He sighed dejectedly and sat on the uneven stone bench.

“He will not come.”

Callan raised his head to look at the shadow of the fragile man in the opposite prison. He weakly smiled at him “He will.”

“It has been two weeks already. Don’t push your luck.”

“I believe in him.”

“But it seems that he doesn’t believe in you. The first chance he got, he chose his pack over you.”

“He has his reasons.” Callan was quick to respond.

The glimmer of hope that shined in Callan’s eyes was as bright as the first day he was brought to the cell. He was optimistic about his love. Deep down he knew that Einar was behaving a certain way because there was something going on with him. Einar had done that in the past. He reluctantly isolated himself from the handsome man in order to keep the integrity of the pack intact. Back then Callan hated the alpha and cursed him for his behavior.

However things had changed since he knew about being mates with Einar. He was ready to wait for him however long it might take.

On the other side of the prison the weak, fragile man was disheartened to look at the false hope that garnered impetus in the Elementals eyes. He tried to warn him in his own ways but the handsome man turned a blind eye every time. His faith in his love was rigid.

The prisoner sighed in defeat “Quit fooling yourself.” he looked at him in hopelessness “I don’t like you being here.”

Callan chuckled “I thought that you craved for my company.”

“Yes.” he weakly smiled and whispered “I made a mistake that day.”

“Which day?”

“The day when you were first brought here.” he looked at the window behind Callan and spoke in a trance as if reminiscing the moment they first met “It was nice having someone by my side. For the first in in forever I wanted to have someone occupy that empty prison. Never in my dreams had I thought that it would be you.”

“Don’t blame yourself.” Callan felt sympathetic “It is just pure coincidence.”

The prisoner wanted to refute Callan’s claims but his instincts were active when his ears perked up “Do you hear that?” he asked a confused Callan “Someone’s coming.” He sniffed the air vigorously “It is a female.”

Callan took hasty steps ahead and glued his body to the metal bars. He kept looking at the long walkway until the approaching shadow was widening in its features. A happy smile was plastered on his face when the shadow revealed its beautiful feature

“Cally.. Cally..!” the woman shed tears of sorrow “Oh what have they done to you!”

“Fayette!” Callan exclaimed in surprise “How.!?” his happy face soon turned into the one with confusion and fear.

These were the deepest parts of the dungeons. A place which was forbidden even for some of the high ranks of the packs. Every visiting wolf had to take prior permission to enter this part. Then how on earth did a simple human girl forged her entrance through the thick wall of wolf security? Callan was baffled.

“I couldn’t stop myself.” Fayette whispered “When Aurora told me what happened I was shocked. I had to see you.”

“How were you allowed down here and where is Aurora?”

Fayette lowered her eyes “She is home prisoned. Einar is not allowing her to leave the alpha house. He wants Aurora to be beside Rosaline and take care of her but Aurora thinks that he has other plans.”

Isolating Aurora was a serious business. Being the head healer of the pack, her responsibilities were many folds then those of her assistants. Besides what would Einar gain by locking the witch from everyone else? Aurora was a dear friend and Callan didn’t like the news about her.

Fayette saw the worried face of Callan and she held his hands in comfort “She gave her regards. You have to know that we stand by you.” the movement from far way distracted their chat as Fayette gasped in trepidation “I don’t have much time.” she quickly said “I have asked for help. Soon you will be out of this prison.”

“What are you saying?” Callan was clueless

Fayette couldn’t answer him. The voices were growing stronger and she had to flew out of there before being caught. She kissed Callan’s palms and prayed for his safety. “Please take care of yourself.”

With those words she left the dungeons with two confused and shocked prisoners.


The days that followed after the horrific incident left everyone rallying from its after effects. Einar had locked himself in his office, submerged into heaps of work which he created for himself. He would occasionally come out of his room only to enquire about Rosaline’s status who was recovering very slowly.

His communication to the outside world had been shut off. The day began when it began and ended when it ended. His happiness had evaporated all of a sudden. He gave little thought about his own personal problems as he focused on bringing the pack together, making it work like his father.

Sitting in front of the table was Garrick, waiting patiently for Einar to look at him. He visited his friend in a restricted manner. Einar wasn’t allowing anyone to be close to him. Like he was building an invisible wall around him.

Garrick was worried for the welfare of his friend. Einar had changed a lot. All of his emotions had dried up. He was cold and domineering. He had no particular interest or sympathy for any of the people near him. His heart had turned into stone.

Garrick had been waiting patiently for days to talk to his friend. He waited for the opportune moment for Einar to calm down however the passing time was making it hard to seed the feelings of empathy in Einar and hence Garrick decided to take the chance.

Garrick braced himself and sighed “It has been three weeks.”

Einar flipped the papers and said uninterestingly “Come to the point Garrick.”

“How long will you punish him for something he hasn’t done?”

Einar clutched the folder tightly as he gritted his teeth “I will not argue or explain myself to you at this moment.” he angrily looked at Garrick “Perhaps you should look at the job that you have been asked to perform.. Beta.”

Garrick opened his mouth to utter his words but none came. He was shocked. In all those years of his friendship Einar had never been this rude. Garrick was offended. He bit his lip and slowly stood from his pace “I have called all of them alpha.” he said at once and bowed his head.

Einar realized his mistake and he closed his eyes tightly. He had hurt the one person he was close to. He was about to apologize to Garrick but the latter turned his back and moved at a distance bowing his head.

Before Einar could say his sorry he heard random footsteps approaching his door and he collected himself. He saw three men entering the office and standing besides Garrick, forming a horizontal line.

“What is the situation with the dungeons Marden?” Einar enquired.

“The food and clothes have been well taken care of. We have shifted every other prisnor from the vicinity of the human to the other cells as you’ve asked.” he paused “Barring one..”

Einar eyed the man and nodded after a few moments “I understand. Let him be.” he handed him some papers “I hope everything is going fine.”

“He has not demanded to be heard as of now.” He took a pregnant pause and sighed “He wishes to meet his parents. Apart from that there hasn’t been anything suspicious alpha.”

Einar lowered his eyes “Well then you can leave.”

Marden bowed in front of the alpha and with the papers in his hands he made a quick exit. Einar then turned his attention to the head warrior

“Aldous.” the head warrior took a step forward “From now on you have to guard the entry and exit points of every of the thirteen villages. I know this is a huge responsibility for you but I need to know every movement that is happening in the borders. No one would be allowed to enter or leave the pack without my permission. Take as many people as you want but make sure the pack is sealed for the outside world.”

Einar handed him some papers as well while Aldous bowed his head and returned to do his job.

“Arthur, have you searched the old library?”

The question took Garrick by surprise. However by the looks of it he deduced that Arthur was well aware of what was being asked of him. He confidently replied with a nod “We have successfully found the old scriptures you were asking for. We have retrieved some ancient parchments from the healers cottage as well. Most of them are illegible but we are trying our best.”

“Trying is not the solution.” Einar roared “I want results.” he looked sternly at a bewildered Arthur “In the meanwhile search the healers cottage thoroughly again. I want to know every dirty secret she has been hiding.”

Arthur looked at Garrick and then turned his gaze back to the alpha “Pardon me alpha.” he gulped in trepidation as he lowered his voice “But it would be helpful if we know what we are looking for exactly?”

“Anything that is related to ancient wars or something about a human.” he sighed. He thought carefully and realized that Arthur needs to know more for him to do his job. However it was Einar who himself was clueless as to what information was he after. He knew the destination but not its path.

After thinking for a while his eyes widened with an idea “Try searching the name Orcus.” both Garrick and Arthur furrowed their brows in confusion. “Let me know if you find something.” It was a cue for the gamma to make himself scarce.

When Arthur left the room it was Garrick who could not take any more of this suspicious behavior of Einar and he spoke all of a sudden “What is going on alpha?”

“Please Garrick.” his eyes softened “Call me by my name. I hate it when you do that.”

“It didn’t bother you a while back.”

“I apologize for my behavior.”

Garrick sighed and silently nodded. He understood the mental state Einar was in right now. As also it was pointless being angry at him for Garrick couldn’t afford to stay aloof from his best friend. He went ahead and seated himself in front of the table and eyed Einar.

“I don’t have anything to say.” Einar avoided Garrick’s gaze.

“Isn’t ‘Orcus’ the name Callan gave your wolf?”

“So its Callan now.” he chuckled.

“You are avoiding my question.”

Einar’s face was stern again. He waited to form the right words without giving too much away when he finally said “Remember how you always said that Callan was evil.”

“But you never believed me.”

“I still don’t believe you.” he retorted. “However I am suspicious that he is different.”

“Different as in?”

“I wish I knew.” he whispered. “Now its your turn.”

“My turn for what?”

“When did Ashton became Callan for you. I am happy but really surprised.”

Garrick did not reciprocate the smile which was widely plastered on his best friends face. “I still don’t like him... but hating him has cost me dearly.”

Einar folded his hands in interest “Go on.”

Garrick pursed his lips as he turned to his left to watch the suns rays penetrating its light throughout the room. He sighed and fidgeted his fingers a bit before finally looking at his best friend. “Fayette, my mate made me realize how wrong I was to think badly about the human. With all those hatred inside of me I never gave him a fair chance.”

“He has a good heart Garrick.”

Garrick nodded once “Fayette was never interested to be my other half. It was Callan who was trying his best to make her realize that I was her best chance at happiness.” he pursed his lips “I guess he was wrong.” a small bead of tear rolled down his eyes.

“What is wrong Garrick?”

“I am ashamed of myself.” he sniveled “All those years I hated Callan for being responsible for my fathers death without even realizing how important his life was for the pack, for you.”

Einar crossed the table quickly and hugged his best friend to give him some comfort. “Everything will be alright. If possible I will talk with the chief of the human village.”

“It is late for me Einar. I have been a bad mate, a bad wolf. The Luna will never forgive me for what I have done.” with a sigh Garrick’s shoulder relaxed while his eyes betrayed his mind. The pain in him was reflected through the tears that he was shedding.

“Everything will be fine my friend. I will make sure..”

The words were left hanging midway when a loud growl boomed their ears. Einar and Garrick were suddenly tensed as they looked at each other with caution. Garrick wiped his tears quickly and mind linked the head warrior. All color from his face vanished and he slowly stood up from his seat in fear.

Einar was confused at Garrick’s reaction “What’s wrong?”

“You..” he let out a blow of air “You have been challenged.”

Einar furrowed his brows “By who?”


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