I Claim Your Love
Rising From Ashes

A few months back

The winds that flowed outside were partially inviting the warm rays of the sun through the curtains. However the serene environment inside the hut had an eerie feeling to it.

Zelda was cautious of every single move of the lady across the table. She wished to have the company of Mary who was with her mate in the next hut. On the other side Ragnar was anxious to know what the seer had in store for them.

The strange lady played with her fingers before settling for one of the rotating stones on the table. She held the stone in her hand and narrowed her eyes to the leader of the pack “Ask away alpha.”

“Einar...” The alpha sighed “I want to know the future of my pack.”

“You have to be more specific alpha.”

“Will Einar be the alpha my people deserve?”

“This is not the question you want to ask, is it?” The seer laughed after the statement. It was obvious to her that the Knights were wrapping themselves in layers. The seer on the other hand could see the truth in front of her. Her power of wisdom was more than the strength what the alpha possessed.

“Well.. he will be an alpha like no other.” The lady said “Driven by passion and rage.” She shook her head and snorted “Now why don’t we get straight to the point.”

The alpha mate felt exposed. The hesitation in their eyes or the constant flickering and biting of their lips gave too much away. It was uncomforting for them to raise the topic but they had to be sure. Zelda looked at her mate before gazing at the seer with helpless eyes “Is Rosaline the mate of my son?”

“What does your instinct tell you?” The seer responded “Do you really feel a connection; a bond between them?”

The question was simple and yet the alpha pair was hesitant again. They looked at each other with disdain for deep down they knew that their little hope had died down.

Rosaline was a woman worthy of being a luna. She was sympathetic, calm and decisive when needed. The entire pack idolized her values and worshipped her as their luna. The problem arose when even Einar iterated the fact.

He saw her as the luna of the pack and not as the mate he so claimed.

Initially it was Zelda who could see the lost mirth in Einar’s eyes. His face contradicted the sadness his eyes portrayed. She shared her concerns with her mate only when alpha Ragnar realized what the problem was real. They kept this fact to themselves and started observing the two of them.

Einar’s constant reluctance to romanticize his relationship with his own mate was a big worry. However it was Ragnar who pointed it out that Einar’s bond had been a play all along but the question remained why.

They had suspected for long that Einar was attached to Callan in a unique way. However they rebuffed it thinking that Einar was mere angry or jealous of Callan for his handsomeness like every other male in the pack.

“Does that mean..” Zelda gulped with withering confidence

The seer smiled and bowed her head ever so slowly “You have suspected it for long and in your heart you know the truth. You just don’t want to accept it.”

Zelda’s breath got hitched as a tear of sadness rolled down her eye. Ragnar was sad too. Although he wasn’t surprised at the fact but he was miffed nonetheless.

Einar had been trying to keep the bond a secret for a very long time but the major incidences involving Callan only proved that deep down Einar was concerned for Callan. Ragnar could see the love, the happiness in Einar whenever he was around the human. He observed the minute changes in Einar’s features even if someone would mention the green eyed boy.

The clues had been there all along. It was just the stubbornness of Ragnar to accept the fact that his own son would walk the forbidden path. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“They cannot be together!” Ragnar palmed his hand on the table in anger “My entire life I have devoted myself to keep my pack together. Einar’s one reckless move will jeopardize the integrity of my pack.”

“What about the happiness of my son?” Zelda’s question was a mere whisper “It pains me to look at his distraught face everyday. He yearns to be with Callan.”

“Which is wrong Zelda.”


“No more arguments.” Ragnar warned sternly as Zelda lowered her eyes in defeat. He then breathed in some air of patience and looked at the seer with hope once again “I need to keep them apart and be close at the same time. Do you understand what I mean.?”

“I do.” The lady smirked “But you forgot than I am a seer. I can only tell you the future.”

“Very well then.” He cleared his throat “In case if my son has to chose between his pack and the boy; what would it be?”

The lady could feel the nervous heart beats of the anxious man and the despondent luna. She circled the stones with her fingers and muttered some incoherent words. The stones soon stopped rotating and moved in different directions.

“Your son will chose the pack..” The smile on Ragnar’s face was priceless “However his beasts will chose their mate always.”

Ragnar’s smile disappeared in a flash “This is not what I expect to hear from you.” He complained.

“The beasts have waited long enough to claim their mate. Your son is the only hurdle in their way. Sooner or later they will get what they want even if it means if they have to take control over the body of Einar forever.”

Shock marred the faces of the alpha couple. It came in waves as this was the least what they were expecting. The beasts of Einar were very powerful and if they were strong enough to control the man then the entire pack would have to suffer the consequences in abundance. It could come to a point that the entire blue moon pack would be wiped out from the face of the earth.

“This cant be.. this cant be possible!”

“What choice do we have?” Zelda asked in fear as she mirrored the expressions of her mate.

“Let Einar take control of the beasts first. That is the only chance you have.”

“What about Callan?”

“If and when your son has control over his powers the possibility of a mating can be ruled out entirely.”

“You mean that Einar can break the bond.”

“It is a dangerous procedure but it can be done.”

Zelda’s motherly instincts kicked in and she was concerned for her son yet again “This wont be fair to Einar!”

Her objections were overruled by the silence reciprocated by her mate. Ragnar was in a deep thought. His mind was pensive for some unavoidable circumstances.

“Does Callan know he has a mate and that his mate is my son?” Ragnar asked at once.

Clearly the only possibility was that Callan was unaware about it all. Had it been otherwise the human would have moved mountains to claim what was rightfully his. Everyone was aware of the tenacious nature of handsome man.

But Ragnar had to be sure.

“Say something!” He urged the lady.

“I cant.” The lady narrowed her eyes and zoned into nothingness only to deeply sigh in defeat “The human of your pack is mysterious in many ways. He is powerful enough to block my abilities as a seer. I am not able to see his future.”

“This mystery has haunted me for years.” Ragnar nodded in understanding. He knew more that what he was letting on.

“He is a lovely child no doubt but I have to protect my pack. I cannot seem to trust him.”

“You chose to be ignorant alpha. Now you pay the price.”

“They cannot have a future together! How can they? An alliance of two men will be looked down upon by the entire community. My pack will be put to shame.”

“They wont have a child.” Zelda voiced her concerns “There wont be an heir to the pack. We cannot afford that.”

“And can you afford the wrath of the demon? Or the wolf in your son for that instance?”

That got Ragnar thinking. He had seen first hand how the barbaric wolf had created havoc of fear amongst his fellow wolves. Einar was uncontrollable back then but he also realized that his son was the bigger man and took responsibility which was brave in itself. This showed that Einar was the right man for the job. He just needed a push.

“I know I may sound selfish but as leader I have to make some tough decisions.” The alpha said with determination “Einar is an alpha first and he needs to think about his people to protect the integrity of the pack. The legacies that our forefathers built should not be destroyed by something so trivial.”

“What is on your mind Ragnar?” Zelda asked with curiosity.

Ragnar sighed and palmed his hand on the hands of his love. He assured her that everything will be fine. He planted a soft kiss of comfort on her forehead and looked at the seer once again “I have decided.” He gritted his teeth as he took a pregnant pause “I want you to break the bond between Callan and Einar.”

Zelda retraced her hand in fear while the seer gasped in shock. Breaking of a bond was not unheard of but it was a forbidden practice. Most importantly the probability of the procedure being a success was very low. It could cause severe irreversible damages to both of the bond inmates.

“This cant be!” the lady rose her voice

“But you said it can be done.”

“Only when both of them refuse to acknowledge each other as mates.”

The risk was too much but what choice did Ragnar had? He was sure that Einar himself was not interested to keep the bond alive. Had it been otherwise he could’ve raised the topic with his parents or anyone else in the pack. His secrecy about the matter only indicated that he wanted Callan out of his life. He wanted to start a family and take over his father and therefore he did all the fake mating.

On the other hand Ragnar was sure that Callan was clueless about Einar being his mate. If Callan was even slightly suspicious about it he would have raised his concern in front of the council and maybe took the matter to the royal court. Ragnar was sure that Callan would eventually lose his hope and settle down with a woman of his choice

“This can be arranged.. I just want you to keep this between us.”

“This wont work.”

“Why?” Ragnar furrowed his brows. “Callan doesn’t know about Einar and my son doesn’t want Callan in his life.”

“Are you sure alpha?” The seer smirked in arrogance “Are you sure that the man doesn’t want his mate.”

It took a few moments to settle down but Ragnar and Zelda realized that it was the end of the road. Their hopes and beliefs of his sons mating would soon be destroyed.

Zelda couldn’t control her tears while Ragnar was pissed.

He was disappointed in himself. He thought that he hadn’t acted sooner. He blamed himself for keeping Callan in the pack when he should’ve been always away from Einar. That would’ve solved a lot of problems he thought.

“What will happen..” he pursed his lips to gather his confidence “What will happen if Callan were to be ever parted with Einar.”

The seer wet her lips as her eyes widened with fear “Catastrophe..!”


Present day

“So the witch knows something.” Einar sighed and looked at the ceiling. He took a deep breath of confidence and looked at Garrick “Alas! it is time for confrontation.”

Hardly had the words left his mouth when the earth vibrated and a loud booming voice echoed throughout. The three wolves caught hold of the nearest support for safety. Everything in the room shook from the tremors as Einar looked at his men in trepidation and confusion.

The shuddering earth calmed itself at once but left fearful faces in the alpha office.

“That was unexpected.” Garrick said.

“Arthur connect to the chiefs of the villages and confirm the safety status of the pack. Garrick mind link all the wolves in the main village.” Einar ordered them while he himself mind linked his maid in Rosaline’s room. He was relived to know that everything was fine in the lunas room and the healer was still helping Rosaline with her medications.

“The chiefs have assured that the people are fine. They didn’t feel any tremble. I suppose the earthquake was restricted to our village only.”

Einar nodded and looked at Garrick for a response. The tense look on the betas face was making Einar worried. He questioned him with urgency “Tell me what happened Garrick.”

Garrick cleared his throat. “The people of the main village are safe but the dungeons...”

Einar’s eyes widened in fear and he stood from his place abruptly. Garrick stood from his place as well as he continued “Marden reports that there has been a possible breakout. Callan is nowhere to be found.”

Einar was speechless for a moment. His brain had stopped working and when it hit him, panic struck all over his face. “Call Marden; ask him to survey the area near the dungeons thoroughly. Let him look at the other cells as well”

Garrick and Arthur were on their way to do their job. They were followed by Einar at the very next instant. However he jumped and leaped to his fullest as he was in a hurry to reach the place where he thought his mate was. On reaching the dungeon cells, the first thing he saw was his injured wolves. His warriors were lined up unconscious through the pathway. More interestingly the entire way was filled with fine dust and smoke which was now settling on the surface available.

The smoke intensified as the men made their way towards the cell of Callan.

Einar was petrified when he saw a huge pit dug up right inside the cell. It was hollow and it was long.

“The bear.. He is not in his cell!” Arthur informed the alpha.

The sudden uncontrollable fear in Einar propelled him to take rest on the makeshift bed. It was as if his life was slipping away from him. When he saw the hollow dug path he was sure that Callan was responsible for it but now he had no access to him. He quickly turned to his gamma “Secure the perimeter. Alert the guards on the border.” The instructions seemed more of a plea.

“The hollow path must open up somewhere. Find it Garrick.”

Einar never gave Garrick a chance to respond as he hurried his way out of the dungeons. He ran helter skelter as he howled in panic. The faint aroma of his mate was spread everywhere and hence it was becoming difficult to locate him.

“Calm yourself Einar he cant be far.” Garrick said in a hushed voice.

The warriors and the wolves that followed Einar were all puzzled. How was the human able to dug up such a big tunnel? Most importantly why was their alpha so concerned with the escape of a petty human? They gave each other strange looks but kept their quite.

“How can he escape?” Arthur expressed his curiosity. His words reflected the same emotion in the wolves as he had at the moment “I mean his prison cell was heavily guarded and to dug up such a large hole is no joke. This seems an impossible task. ”

The alpha growled. “This is not the time to discuss things. Search Callan and report.” The urgency in his tone caught everyone off guard as they bowed in head in submission to their alpha.

Squads were formed to search the fugitive. However the main task before the wolves remained as to how they were supposed to find the human when their animal was not able to sense him. His immune scent was a significant complication. Still they tried to locate the handsome man with the best of their abilities.

After running aimlessly for a long time it was decided that the wolves should spread out in the twelve villages and alert the respective chiefs while Einar would head towards the forest. Clueless as to what lay ahead, Einar made his move alone. His instincts suggested that the answer lied deep somewhere in the forest.

His attention was diverted by the sound of his friends voice in his head

I found him.

Stop him Garrick. I will be there in no time.

As he ran in the depths of the woods, the scent of his mate was emanating in spades. However it wasn’t coming from a particular direction. Einar noticed that something about the fragrance had changed. It was pure, it was dominant. It was making his wolf ecstatic. After failing to make any progress Einar just gave himself to his wolf.

On the other hand Callan was now face to face with the beta of the pack.

. The wolf hissed and warned Callan “Surrender yourself or you will suffer the consequences.”

Garrick spread his arms wide in caution as to catch his prey if he so dares escape. Callan snickered at the wolf “You are in no position to threaten me.”

“Don’t be ungrateful Callan. Remember what the pack did for you. You are alive because alpha Ragnar protected you. The pack provided you safety and this how you repay us?”

Callan sighed and closed his eyes to swallow his anger. “I do know what the pack did for me and what it did to me.” He took a pregnant pause “I also know what you did. You hurt someone dear to me.”

Garrick’s eyes widened as his lips quivered. He gulped hard before bowing his head in shame.

“You were never the one to take advantage of a helpless human but you proved to be selfish.” Callan sighed and bit his lip hard before swinging his hand with a force to slap the wolf “I trusted you. I thought you were different! Do you even know what you’ve done? You have ruined her! You have robbed her of a choice.”

Tears flew in succession as Callan could not contain his emotions. He wiped his tears with the back of his hand and looked at Garrick with determined eyes “I forgive you for what you did to me but i will not allow you to hurt her!” he roared.

Callan looked at a frightened Garrick as he spread his fingers wide and mapped his hands with each other. As soon as his hands were creating a separation, electricity cracked. Small zigzags appeared out of nowhere between his palms. Without giving the wolf a chance to respond he quickly pressed his forefinger from one end of Garrick’s face and ran his finger diagonally. As he did the process, the skin of the wolf tore open and wide scream of pain escaped though Garrick.

“This will always serve you as a reminder of your deeds. If you ever.. and I mean ever try to hurt Fayette again I will go for your chest next. I will tear open that black heart of yours and shred you to pieces.” Lightening dazzled as Callan uttered those words with authority while a bloodied Garrick yelled for help, pleading Callan to take away his pain.

Callan rebuffed the man and threw him flying at a distance.

The scream of agony echoed throughout as Einar was tensed all of a sudden. He jumped and leaped while he ran to search for any signs until the faint smell of blood caught his attention. Against his unwanted thoughts he braved his mind and followed the lead. He halted after a considerable distance when he saw some shadows from afar. He saw his mate carrying the injured bear who was barely awake. The hirsute man was being shouldered on one side by Callan while on the other side he was supported by a strange lady.

Callan sensed the motion of his mates footsteps and he turned. He ordered Isadora to carry Archer along with her while he stayed behind to confront the man he loved.

When Callan was in full view of the wolf he was amazed. The handsome man was the same and yet he was different. He oozed confidence and power. The aura he projected was almost the same as that of Einar. More importantly Einar could feel the dominance of Callan radiating through him, propelling him to be cautious.

“What are you doing?” Einar asked in anger.

“Something which I should’ve done way back.” Callan said “I am leaving.”


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