The halls were just like Luna's bedroom walls. Dark, grand, tall, and eery. The only thing that didn't make Luna want to hide, were the windows. Long windows were on the right of her. They brought enough light into the halls.

The knight was quiet when guiding her. Luna read that as a sign not to speak or ask questions.

She and the knight only walked for a few minutes before approaching two very tall wooden brown doors. The handles were golden and screamed intricate and shiny. For a moment Luna thought they would make a nice price on Earth. But that didn't mean she liked them, she thought they were too extra to be beautiful.

In a low voice, he told her to wait and knocked on the doors. The knock was so loud and powerful, it echoed the very halls. One drop of sweat slid down her back.

"Duke Gerald, I have the girl." The knight waited for a second before the doors opened. This time Luna heard no creaking, just the weight of the doors being opened. Inside were two servants. Both men had opened the doors. Looking away she felt a bit of pity for them. They looked just as tired as the old woman and Luna knew opening the door was a challenge.

Once inside, she looked up. Quietly she sucked in a huge set of air. The grand hall sure did live up to its name. Luna had never seen or been in a room so spacious. Windows were on each side, but there was barely any sun shining through them. The ceiling had three huge diamond chandeliers and the floor was made out of some kind of pitch-black marble.

Wow, she mouthed.

All of a sudden Luna felt it again. The dread, the feeling of something dark and dangerous. She clasped her mouth feeling suddenly sick by the smell of the dead.

Luna hadn't ever felt this way. At least not since her parent's death.

Her head felt woozy, her hands started to shake. Her body and mind told her to run.

The knight stopped in his tracks. Luna almost bumped into him. They had finally arrived. She didn't want the first impression she ever met with the Duke to go wrong. She pushed the nauseating feeling down and stood straight beside the knight. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Almost too fast the knight kneeled, staring down at the floor, as if he was talking to it. "My lord."

She didn't know why she hadn't noticed it before. The Duke was standing right in front of them. He was just a few steps away staring straight at only Luna. Her hands gripped her skirt as she examined the Duke. Luna had no idea why, but she imagined the duke to look very different.

The Duke wasn't a tall strong looking man or a scary one. Luna put it nicely as she thought he had some weight to him. Though it wasn't just some. His cheeks were rosy upon his pale skin and his hazel hair was very fluffy. His clothes were very noble and very black. He practically wore all black except his white collar. He also had a black coat with fur along the rim. It seemed to have buttons, but by the look of it there only seemed to be one. Luna assumed all the other buttons broke because the last one looked to be holding for dear life.

"My my my, you servants sure did not fail me." Luna mentally cringed at the Duke's congested voice. "She is as beautiful as...well me."

"Hello, um Duke Gerald, I-Im-" Luna bravely tried her best to introduce herself but was interrupted again.

"I know who you are. You are the beautiful Luna. The strange girl who fainted in my town today," The duke took one step toward her and grunted. Apparently, that was a signal to leave, because the knight without looking at Luna hurriedly walked out.

Luna's face went red, not because of his compliment, but the thought of someone as high as himself seeing her in that embarrassing state. "I'm really sorry about that."

He laughed which almost sounded like a snort. "It is alright, my knights told me you were in a great deal of trouble. Kidnapped! They said."

An awkward laugh slipped from her lips. "Yes...what is this place. What is this world if I may ask?" Luna knew her words probably made her sound weird and from the look of Duke Geralds's face, it was.

"Beautiful Luna, you ask as if you don't know?" He grabbed his small chin and looked at her with the utmost confusion.

She bit her lip. What would happen if I told this man the truth....No? I can't. I don't want to be seen as insane, I'll just think of something else. Luna pushed her hair back. "I'm sorry, I know that was a weird question but, I have amnesia. I only remember being kidnapped."

It was silent for a long while. Luna felt she had angered him somehow and was about to really tell him the truth and apologize but he laughed. He snickered and chortled holding his stomach. The button threatened to break free.

"I hahaha, I see. My knights told me you were quite strange. Ranting on and on about some world called Earth and a place called Chicago. Haha, what nonsense. I thought I was gonna have to do something else with you." He rubbed his eye, wiping his tears of joy. "Now I see you're not crazy, just a little lost."

His words bothered her. He talked to her as if she was his or something.

"We, my Luna are in a world called Vendilla. A place full of wonders and strange magic. Of course, there are only certain types of magic here. You Luna are in my lovely Duchy or to put it simply Dukedom. Named Gerald," He winked at her. "Named by my grandfather, Gerald the First."

Luna blinked many times trying to grasp his words. Magic! What did he mean? He is certainly bluffing. The longer Luna thought the more it all began to make sense. The so-called Searcher sent her to this Vendilla world. Luna couldn't believe the golden man spoke the truth.

Duke Gerald was still speaking. He was flaunting on and on about his land and how great he was. Until he clapped, catching Luna's attention. "Ooo I just can't wait anymore, Luna."

"W-what...about what?" Luna Horsley said.

"I can't wait to see what level of magic you have. Oooh, I'm so excited I can barely contain myself!"

Frightened she clenched her shirt. "What, I-I don't have magic?"

A person with a black hooded cloak walked into the room. Luna would've screamed if she hadn't noticed him sooner. His slender pale hands held a round clear orb and stood next to the Duke. "It's here my lord."

Stepping back, Luna feared what that object could do. The Duke noticed and motioned her to come forth. "It is alright Luna, it won't hurt you. That's not what it's created to do. You see since you have amnesia, you have no clue what your magic is, and I need to know if you are on my level."

She did not want to do what he asked, yet she knew she couldn't just refuse him. Plus she thought what he said was true. She was sure if he wanted to harm her, he would've. So she did as he wanted, placing her hand on top of the Orb. She didn't know what to expect next, after all, she wasn't a huge fantasy-believing person. It all changed at that moment, however. The Orb shined. It shined so brightly, everyone had to squint or cover their eyes. Luna could feel a cool sensation slide from her arm to her hand. It was terrifying but also mesmerizing.

In all her life she had never seen something so beautiful.

"Enough! Release your hand!" Shouted the Duke.

Luna did as she was told. The light started to fade away slowly. The room was going back to its dimness.

Afraid that the Duke was going to be mad at her, Luna started to apologize. "I-I'm sorry. I had no way of knowing that something like that would happen I swear!"

The Duke's eyes started to adjust and his face looked wild. He was excited. In all his years of living, he had never witnessed a person doing light magic. In some parts, it scared him, on the other hand, it thrilled him to the core. He thought he had gotten a huge prize. Like if a fisherman caught a huge and exotic fish.

His servants didn't look so pleased though. They all stared at Luna. Some were confused others were terrified. Whispers filled the hall, making Luna hold herself tighter.


Luna could feel her legs wobble as she shook in fear of what was to come next.

"You are more amazing than I could ever imagine! It's as if the gods have blessed me with not only a beauty but one who is on my level," His voice was full of happiness as he hollered.

"Y-you’re not mad?" She shifted her eyes from him to the floor.

"Mad? MAD!?" He started to clap his hands. "I am happy. Miss Luna, this world only has three kinds of magic. One is very low and filthy common magic which is gray. Most of my townspeople have that kind of magic power. It bores me to the core. Though I guess If we didn't have lowly scum doing all the hardships then I would have to deal with them myself," He smirked at her. "Gray magic users can: make things float, create smoke screens, make you sick, and change temperature but not to an extreme level," He snorted but kept going. "They can go invisible and change their looks, but even that's rare and difficult to master for them."

He spoke as if Gray magic users were lowly ants, but to Luna, it sounded so cool. She couldn't help it. Her mouth was agape and her eyes sparkled with interest.

Duke Gerald waved his hand at her. "You sure get impressed easily, because that's not even the best kind of magic. There's also black magic. Black magic isn't a concern for someone of my power, so I use people with black magic as my defense. Black Magic users are: really strong, quick, can make illusions, and create huge energy blasts. In addition, they also have Gray magic powers," He pulled his hair back. "But let me be clear, not a lot of people can use these abilities. It's really a hassle to find people competent."

"How c-come?" Luna asked, tilting her head.

"It's just how things are. Most gray magic users can only say two spells. Though in my Mansion many of my Gray servants can use four of the spells. My knights are the black magic users. All of them can use gray magic spells and use at least three of their own. Oh! By the way, did you know that Gray magic users have dark plain eyes like brown or gray? My knights all have auburn eyes because they are black magic users."

Luna's head went down. Her eyes were blue. Do they have blue-eyed people in this world?

"Now the last one. Purple magic users. Almost all rulers have black eyes. Like myself," he grinned.

Lately, anybody with anything related to purple meant they weren't good, at least that's what Luna had concluded too. She anticipated anything the Duke was about to tell her about his powers wasn't gonna be good.

"Purple magic users can say spells that can shoot purple beams, have the strength that can crush a human's skull, create spells to increase their durability, mind control," he averted his eyes. "To at least some extent...we also have every previous user's magic spells. Though only a handful of purple magic users can say all these spells and abilities."

Luna gulped. "Does that c-can say all these spells, do all these magical abilities?"

The Duke cocked what he had left of a neck and pouted. "Well no. I am really strong nonetheless Miss Luna. I can mind control. I have killed plenty of people with my strength, and I have so much durability...I mean how else would I keep my beautiful body."

Luna, already feeling sick, thought she threw up in her mouth a little. By the way, Duke Gerald kept bouting about himself. He didn't notice.

"I can create smoke screens as well as..." He flicked his wrist, and suddenly Luna couldn't feel the ground anymore. The Duke thought making her float would make him more desirable and she would fall head over hill with him, yet the only thing that fell was puke.

The sicking air, The Duke, and having her stomach jolted around, made Luna vomit. It wasn't a lot, grossly enough, Luna caught most of it in her hand. She felt awful her mind swarmed with guilt and embarrassment, as her face turned a mixture of red and green.

The Duke made sure to announce his disgust, as he quickly let her fall to the ground and stepped behind the cloaked man. "Someone gets her cleaned up!"

Servants rushed in to help Luna. She was too weak to refuse their help as they grabbed a cloth and harshly rubbed her mouth and hands. Luckily Luna didn't get any on her outfit, which was great. She did get a few drops on the marble floor. But the servants cleaned it up before the Duke told them to.

Duke Gerald cared not that Luna was still in her miserable state as he continued to talk, this time distancing himself. "Ahem, yes as I was saying. Luna, I am really powerful, as you know I have more powerful magic than those lower than me, I can use plenty of gray and black user magic. In the future, I'll happily show them to you. And, even though you just......vomited on my floor, I will still happily make you my wife. Now-"

Luna shook her head violently. That was a bad decision as her body still felt ill, yet she pushed the feeling down again. "First of all, I-Im sorry for puking on your floor, b-but what you're saying is utter nonsense." Every servant even the man with the cloak gasped. To go against the Duke was treason. "I don't even know you, nor do I know my abilities, I-I'm sorry but I will not marry you. If I may say you are rude, cocky, and think way highly of yourself. Plus you didn't even say sorry for causing me to puke!" Luna staggered as she tried to stand tall. "I thank you for your hospitality b-"

A man's scream made her freeze. She hadn't noticed in her rant but the Duke was boiling with Rage. His lips mumbled something Luna couldn't hear what he was saying. Once finished a purple aura surrounded him, engulfing him like fire.

The Duke grabbed the cloaked man standing near him and started to choke him. "THIS IS WHAT MY MAGIC CAN DO IF YOU REFUSE ME LUNA...YOU WILL MEET THE SAME FATE!" His voice boomed in the hall. Luna could swear she felt the room shake, she screamed.


Luna ran to him and started to pull his arm. She had no idea how she became so brave, but if she stood around and did nothing the man would die.

"Please stop! I swear I cannot do anything you said. I-I have never even tried it before. Please! You're expecting too much from me." She tugged and pulled but Duke Geralds's grip was unreleasable.

The Duke stared at Luna for a long second before dropping the man. "I suppose you’re right, after all, you have amnesia. I'm sorry Luna, I must've frightened you. But think about it as this. You'll. Never. Disobey. Me. Again..." He looked down on Luna as she desperately tried to help the cloaked man as he was gasping for air.

Her hands shook as she tried not to look at the Duke and pay attention to the man. She removed his hood to get a better look at him. It was very shocking to see the man she sorta saved wasn't a man at all but a boy. He looked to be a few years younger than herself, and by the look of his purple-to-red neck, he wasn't gonna make it.

Tears spilled from her eyes. "Please, please you must help him, h-he's your servant. You must!" She begged.

The Duke tilted his head, inspecting the boy. He shrugged. "It seems I've crushed his windpipe, I cannot help him in any way. Although you could, Miss Luna. None of us possess the ability to chant spells to heal. Except you of course. Just say the words and all this will be fixed."

"What words?!" Luna angrily yelled.

The Duke chuckled. "It's quite simple, just say what you intend to do. You can say it in your head or out loud if you prefer it.

With that Luna screamed the words into her head. Heal. Heal. HEAL.

Nothing happened. Luna couldn't feel that wonderful cool sensation like previously. But she wasn't about to give up. She needed to help the gasping boy before he suffocated.

"HEAL!" She shouted. As if her powers could hear her, the funny thing is, it did exactly as she said. The sensation traveled in her arm to her fingertips. Both Luna and the Duke's mouths were open. Shocked that it was possible to heal. Luna quickly pressed her hands on the boy before he let out his last breath.

Slowly but surely the boy's neck started to heal. The bruised neck had transformed from purple to yellow to his skin tone. Luna's eyes kept flickering to the boy's face and to his neck, scared she might be imagining things.

"Luna, Luna, Luna...Heh, I knew you could do it," Duke Gerald clapped slowly. Luna cringed at seeing his lips curl into a smile.

The boy quickly got up, gasping for air, as he looked wildly at Luna. She wasn't affected by his stare though, and her eyes saddened. "Are you alright?"

The boy watched her in amazement. The Duke snapped his fingers signaling the guards. Luna staggeringly got up, etching to the door. Her eyes went wide as she saw the guards she once thought she could trust all come forth.

So they were working for him.

"Miss have exceeded my expectations."

"I-I want to go," She stuttered as she knew, he wasn't going to let her go.

"It ok Miss Luna. You'll be loved by the Duke and all the townspeople," Lex said in a proud tone.

Luna was going to run away but her body couldn't move. It was as if someone was controlling her body. Her gut told her to look at Duke Gerald.

He was mumbling words again with his eyes closed, he looked to be concentrating.

Luna could only guess her body not moving was his doing.

As the guards surrounded her in the front and behind her she sobbed.

"Please, please don't do this," She begged.

Instead of hearing her plea, one of the guards that were behind her whacked her in the head. Knocking her cold out

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