Lila’s POV

By the time I could form words out of my mouth, Scott was already snoring. I stood frozen at the door,

just staring at him. That’s all I could think to do.

Hearing his words caused my heart to ache. She hated me because I was a Volana wolf. I know my kind

isn’t accepted by some; they find us dangerous and threatening. But I have never tried to pose a threat

to anyone. I stand up for what I believe in and help those in need. I’m far from dangerous but I know

not all in our world see it that way.

“What did he just say?” Enzo asked; for a moment, I forget he was standing near me.

I saw the complete confusion on his face.

I didn’t want to stay in Scott’s room any longer, so I left. As we got into the empty halls, I turned to him,

trying to keep the tears out of my eyes.

“Please don’t tell my father,” I managed to utter as I stared up at him.

“What did he mean that you are a Volana? Is that true?” His tone seemed cold.

“I never want to hurt anybody,” I whispered. “If Sarah hates me because of what I am…” my voice trailed


“Because you are a Volana…” he said the “Volana” like it was a bad taste on his tongue; the cruelty of his

tone caused me to flinch. That was all I needed to know.

“I’m not any different than I was a moment ago before you knew,” I told him, meeting his dark eyes.

“I’m still me and if that’s the reason why Sarah hates me, then I need to speak with her and set the

record straight.”

Enzo seemed to be at a loss for words, but that only lasted briefly. He soon sighed, shaking his head

with dismay written all over his face.

“You expect me to keep something like this from your father?” He asked. “He would have my head if he

found out that I knew who poisoned his daughter.”

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“I don’t want there to be any issues. Involving my father would make her despise me even more. I came

to this school because I wanted to make a difference in this world. I wanted to spread a little bit of good

everywhere. I want Sarah to know that I’m not a threat to her. I don’t wish her harm and I don’t wish

punishment on her. I’m hoping to start a clean slate.”

“Your father would—”

“Please,” I say, touching his bicep; he froze as he stared down at my hand. “I must believe that there is

still good in her. Punishing her won’t bring the good out; it’ll only make her resent us.”

I could see his jaw tightening as he stared around my face, he didn’t say anything though. He pulled his

arm away from my hand and started down the hallway.

Did he hate me now too?

I brushed the thought out of my mind and went to find Sarah. Usually, she hangs out in the student

lounge across campus.

Sarah and her friends occupied the couch and loveseat.

“Can we talk for a minute?” I asked as I approached.

She frowns as she peers up at me; her friends glimpsed at one another with strange looks before

chuckling. I ignored them and fixated my attention on Sarah.

“Please,” I added.

She looked me over carefully for a moment; her face remained expressionless. She finally stood from

her place on the couch and went with me to a more private area. She folded her arms across her chest.

“This better be good to pull me away like that,” she muttered.

I turned around to face her; I took in a steady breath, trying to ease the nervousness building in the pit

of my stomach. I wasn’t usually nervous confronting somebody, but standing before me was a woman

who genuinely hated me enough to want to cause me harm.

She poisoned me because I was a Volana wolf. It made me wonder how many other students here hated

me for what I am. I glanced around briefly, and it didn’t seem, anyone, besides Sarah’s friends, was

looking in our direction.

“I just wanted to clear the air,” I said, keeping my tone low and my eyes fixated on her features. She was

very beautiful that much was obvious; she was also experienced. It was no wonder Scott wanted her. “I

don’t want there to be any bad blood between us.”

She rose her brows, a hint of amusement in her icy gaze.

“Oh, is that right?” She sneered. “And what makes you think there’s bad blood?”

“Because you tried to poison me,” I say in a hushed whisper, keeping my eyes on hers.

“That’s quite the accusation.”

“It’s not an accusation, it’s the truth. Scott told me everything.”

“And what exactly did Scott say?” She asked, a smirk appearing on her red and glossy lips.

“That you poisoned me because of what I am.”

“Oh, you mean the fact that you are a Volana?” She snickered. “Have you ever stopped to think that

maybe I’m not the only one who knows what you are? Maybe I’m not the only one who doesn’t like


“Look, I’m not here to argue with you,” I say to her. “I just wanted to tell you that I don’t wish harm on

anyone, especially not you, Sarah. I want us to be able to get along.”

She scoffed loudly at my words.

“You aren’t as perfect as you think you are,” she shot back with an eye roll.

Her words had taken me by surprise; I had never tried to paint myself as perfect. I do the best I can with

what I have. I worked hard to have the talents and abilities that I have. I’m good at what I do, and I care

for those around me, but I’m also flawed like everyone else.

I’m far from perfect and I’ve accepted that.

My mother had taught me at a young age that Volanas won’t always be accepted. But those were only

words until now.

I was starting to understand what she meant.

“I’m not going to tell my father—”

“Oh, that’s generous of you,” Sarah said with sarcasm oozing from her tone. “I don’t know what you

think you know, but you are wrong. I had nothing to do with the poison. If my father needs to come

and set the record straight for me, then I’ll give him a call. You know he funds this school? Right?”

I knew this information already; her father was incredibly rich and well-known around the kingdom. My

father might have power as head of the Alpha Committee, but Sarah’s father had money and owned a

lot of areas.

Including this school.

“It’s my understanding that you are here on a full scholarship,” Sarah continued; it wasn’t a question.

“It’d be a shame if it was revoked.”

“She can’t be serious?!” Val gasped in my mind. “Don’t let her speak to you like this!”

Val was right; I took a step closer to Sarah so only she could hear my voice.

“A scholarship might have gotten me in the doors, but that’s not what’s keeping me at this academy. It’s

my skills, my talents, and my brain. It’s also my willpower to keep going. I don’t need the scholarship to

keep me here and I don’t need money. I deserve to be here like any other student, and I will continue to sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

prove myself every single day. So, go ahead and tell your father to revoke my scholarship because I can

promise you, that won’t keep me away.”

She looked disgusted by my words, but I wasn’t backing down. I could feel how proud Val was and that

alone pleased me.

“We’ll see about that,” she muttered.

I knew at that point the conversation was over; she turned away and went back to her group.

Enzo’s POV

I had expected that Lila was a Volana since she brought it up once in her delusional state. But now it

was confirmed.

Even if I wanted her, I couldn’t get involved with a Volana.

“Our mate is strong-minded; that’s so sexy,” Max said, pleased with what we had just overheard from

around the corner.

I supposed curiosity got the best of me; she wanted to speak with Sarah by herself and I wanted to

know what it was she was going to say. I had to admit that I was pleased as well with her strong stance.

However, I knew she-wolves like Sarah, and I knew only bad would come from her. Especially

considering that she knew Lila was a Volana wolf as well. She already hurt Lila once; I wasn’t going to let

her do it again.

Please, don’t tell my father. She had said those words less than 20 minutes ago. Why wouldn’t she want

this woman punished?

Was she really that naive? Thinking there was good in this woman?

“Alpha Bastien…” I said through a mindlink. “I have a lead on who poisoned your daughter, I think you’ll

want to hear about it.”

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