Impure: Godslayers
Impure: Godslayers

Impure: Godslayers

27Chapters 433Views 5Bookmarked Completed Status



In a world of ruthless gods and powerless mortals, several demi-gods find themselves trapped in the middle ...... With their godly feats as their abilities are called, the demigods prove themselves Gods. Lee, George and Osy are on the run, or at least they are supposed to be. After their great war, the true gods ascended leaving nothing behind but their weapons and their brides. In the nine years it takes for the baby of a god to gestate in a mortal’s womb, some demi-gods had filled in the power vacuum left by their fathers. Several decades later, they are forced out of hiding by Shadro, the mightiest of the self-proclaimed gods. However, their flight leads them straight into the path of another god, and they are forced to work together to defend themselves. With their godly feats as their abilities are called, the three prove themselves a force to be reckoned with. Lee is fire itself; the ground is simply an extension of George’s will, whilst Osy can fleet seamlessly between life and death. They sail round the world and slay the so-called gods, liberating the mortal populace one civilisation at a time. Finally they face the last god, Shadro. Yet Shadro’s corpse is not even cold before the demi-gods are at each other throats, vying for power.

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