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Tall and thick trees circled the narrow cave on the side of a hill. The atmosphere dropped as they neared the 10-feet tall, 5-feet wide entrance. From a distance, the walls looked unusually smooth and white compared to the black and rough surface of its outer part. Blocks of black round rock stood on either side of the cave entrance. The energy radiating from it screamed danger. It lured them but at the same time seemed to warn them of an impending threat if they enter. But the powerful energy called to them, those whose unable to use their elementals on the island, those who feel the emptiness that wanted to be filled

Clyne mirrored Faz’s wild curiosity but he was frustrated that he couldn’t use his elemental to picture the interior of the cave, the inside of which radiated strong energy which lured them to the spot. Nate picked up the energy first the moment Clyne, Faz, Skhy, and Nate entered the forest but soon, everyone noticed the undeniable pull. After almost two hours of walking around in circle, Faz cursing each time he steps on mud, and tripping from trees’ roots, they found a cave.

“I don’t think it’s a good idea to go inside.” Nate looked suspiciously at the entrance.

“Can you see what’s in there?” Skhy asked Clyne.

Clyne tried to summon his elemental to make a mental layout of the cave. He clenched his fists in concentration as beads of sweat rolled down from his forehead. His heart rejoiced when he felt a sliver of warmth on his upper arm where his insignia is located. But his happiness was short, too short. His elemental slipped from his hold no matter how tight he held to it and the fire dancing on his arm died out. The feeling of emptiness covered him again.

“It’s ok.” Faz patted his slumped shoulder.

“Thank you for trying, Clyne.” Nate gave him a sad smile.

The emptiness felt heavier knowing that his friends also experience it. When are we going to train to use our elementals again?!? His grandma told him before that being able to use elementals is a huge blessing but at the same time a heavy burden. He looked at his palm. There was a part of him that hated having elemental because it caused deaths, loss, destruction, and emptiness. He felt guilty that there were moments when he understood the Rosein Army’s vision and goal but he never and will never share their goal. The elementals were not only part of a person’s life but inherent in nature, the place everyone and everything call home. It left a big hole in Clyne’s life but it also filled it with much more than he lost. He didn’t want to lose it. The moment they stepped foot on the island, he felt a huge breath leave him. An overwhelming power hit his chest, forcefully pushing something out of him. It felt like the Noir sucked out his elemental.

“Let’s go in.” Clyne turned in time to see Faz walk inside the mouth of the cave.

“What- Faz- Wait!” Skhy called. Faz didn’t wait and look back. Despite muttering under his breath about Faz’s stubbornness, Skhy followed him.

Nate turned to Clyne with a questioning look. Clyne only shrugged and entered the cave.

The white smooth surface was blinding. He couldn’t determine if it was a natural feature or if someone painted and smoothened it. Inside the cave was a narrow path with a low ceiling that Clyne’s hair almost touch. Faz led them further, followed by Skhy, while Clyne and Nate walked side by side. After a few minutes, the path sloped downward, the ceiling sloped upward, and the path widened a bit. With each step forward, the energy’s pulse reached them like waves.

“I wonder what we’ll find here,” Nate whispered.

“I don’t know,” Clyne replied, “I also want to check the island. It’s too…” strange? mysterious? weird? He was saved from thinking of the right term.

“I don’t think it’s a good idea to go further.” He looked up and found that Faz and Skhy stopped walking.

“How are we going to find out what that energy is?” Faz pointed out.

“Ask the knights.” Faz snorted at Skhy’s response. Clyne glanced at Nate who looked worried and rushed toward the two.

“You agreed to find out,” Faz countered. Skhy ran his fingers on his hair.

“Yes, but we’re going too far inside this unknown cave.” Skhy was right. Clyne forgot how long they walked. Only when he looked around that he notice that the walls were now grey and weren’t smooth anymore. Shards of glass and small pebbles were embedded in the walls and ceiling. The energy pulling them seemed stronger and pulsed faster as if urging them to find it immediately.

“- energy is coming from.” Clyne returned to his friends’ conversation. Faz was now glaring while Skhy’s frown deepen.

“Maybe this is a bad idea,” Nate interrupted. “At least now we know where it’s coming from.” He stood between the two.

Clyne was about to argue but a howl coming from the path they came from stopped him. His friends also stopped talking and turned toward the noise. Another howl reached them together with a gush of wind. He cursed inside, thinking that the cave they entered belonged to wild animals and Clyne and his friends trespassed it.

“Go-” Clyne’s stiff legs moved without waiting for Skhy to finish his statement. He ran further inside the cave with Skhy on his heels followed by the others.

“We didn’t sense them.” Faz’s tone was accusing but at the same time, it carry frustration and disappointment. Clyne couldn’t blame him. They had to fight without their elementals and weapons. But their enemies would be indestructible at that point so their only choice is to run. For now. He hoped the knights will train them to fight and win without using their powers.

“Which one?” Nate shouted. He had run passed Clyne and stopped in front of three round dark tunnels. Clyne stopped beside him, trying to catch his breath.

“We don’t have time to think,” Faz replied between each breath when he and Skhy reached them.

“Wait.” Skhy glanced at each tunnel. “Should we follow the energy or not?” Another howl rocked the ground and walls.

“Follow it,” Nate replied and rushed toward the tunnel on the farthest right. Clyne and the others followed without a word.

The tunnel was long, slippery, and dark. Clyne had to catch himself several times to avoid falling. He didn’t know how long they ran through the tunnel but when they reached the end of it, he had to stop to catch his breath. They entered a wide cavern with rocky walls and a high ceiling. Bright light seeped above but it was hard to determine if it was coming from the sun because looking directly at it hurts his eyes.

“It’s coming from both of them.” He turned toward Nate’s voice. Clyne noticed two concave openings carved on a wall. Nate stood between the two while Skhy looked around and Faz glared at the tunnel as if daring the enemies to fight him.

“What do you mean?” Clyne walked toward Nate who looked confused.

“Can you feel it?” Clyne felt the energy was close. Its pulse started following the beat of his heart. But the energy radiated everywhere. He couldn’t pinpoint where it was strongest.

“Yeah. It’s everywhere. You sure this is the right way?” Nate nodded.

“It pulled me toward that tunnel.” He glanced at each dark opening. “It’s everywhere but at the same time it’s not?” Clyne got confused at Nate’s explanation but he felt it at that.

“Where is it the strongest?” Clyne tried to help. It took a while before Nate answered.

“The rights feels…wrong.” Clyne frowned, confused, but he didn’t question it. “The left feels…pure.”

“How are we doing there?” Skhy shouted from the other end of the cavern. Clyne turned and found him standing beside Faz, defending outside the tunnel.

“Left,” Nate decided. “Let’s go.” Clyne silently hoped his friend is right. He didn’t want to die on the island, Aria would kill him. The thought of Aria made him groan. He knew what to expect if the girls and the knights found out that they snuck out.

“How long we’ve been here?” he suddenly asked as they traverse the narrow, rocky, and dark path. The rough surface of the walls had scratched his palms, making him hiss of pain. No one brought a phone because it’s useless without signal and the seven didn’t want to be tracked.

“Watch?” Skhy asked. He was answered by silence. Clyne groaned.

“Don’t worry,” Nate said, “We’ll make it to dinner.” But his tone sounded like he was sure.

“How long is this hole?” Faz muttered.

Fear slowly formed in Clyne’s mind. He wasn’t scared of going underground. He loved it. However, his fear came from the possibility of facing unknown creatures, and powers. And death. After what seemed forever, they saw light coming from the end of the path. They entered another cavern, five times wider and larger than the last. There was a huge crater in the middle of the ground. In the middle of the crater was a round light. Its light was pulsing as if it were alive.

“Is that it?” Clyne whispered, in awe of the powerful energy radiating from the object. The waves kept hitting his chest as if trying to fill the void inside of him but at the same time urging him to come closer.

“I think so,” Nate replied.

“Should we come closer?” Skhy asked.

“Ok. But don’t touch it.” Faz moved as he talked. The path down was so steep that Clyne had to grab on rocks as he descended. Faz was the first to be on the even ground but he waited for them before stepping toward the white globe.

Clyne stepped forward. He loudly gasped when another wave of energy hit him, this time, it hit him harder, overwhelming his body. He realized that whatever the white globe is, it was trying to fill him with something. He couldn’t figure out what it was trying to put inside him and if it was a good or bad thing.

“Not good.” He glanced at his friends and noticed that they too stopped moving. Nate had his hand on his chest. Skhy looked like he was in pain. Faz was the only one who looked unaffected.

“Go back,” Faz said.

Before Clyne could take a step back, they heard footsteps coming from the other side of the crater. He searched for the intruder and found a small opening on the slope. Why aren’t we running?

“Clyne,” Faz whisper-shouted behind him. Why am I not running? He shook his head and followed his friends.

“What are you doing here?” The voice was too indifferent than he expected. It was also too human. Am I expecting a wolf voice? Clyne slowly turned. They had to fight.

“Eloise?” Faz asked, surprised.

The girl in front of them wore a white dress falling near her knees. Her ice blue eyes stared at them without any emotion. Her long silky hair fell near her hips. Her white complexion was paler under the bright light of the levitating globe.

“No. You’re not her,” Faz spat.

“I’ve told you I’m not her,” she replied coolly. “Now why are you here?”

Why her again?

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