The dragons’ skin was darker than the shadows of the night and the starless void of the sky. Its huge twin mismatched orbs of gold and midnight blue stared unblinking at the Gaimon Ground as it perched on top of the mountain. They held primal and fedal anger, scorn, and dark emotions swirling in their depthness. The creature’s wide wings spread behind it, nearly thrice the size of its body, while white and silver smoke curled around the beast. Its long tail wagged like the creature found a new toy to play with. It squinted and it launched down the mountain.

There was a defeaning silence in the camp for a few seconds. Then chaos insued; voices shouted, screamed, and wailed; bodies ran, collided with one another, and fell on the ground. Figures in red grabbed their weapons and positioned for attacks.

Aria was pushed against the Nexuss in a hard thud that snatched her from the trance of the old and majestic but dangerous creature. Her heart was drumming loud beats that she could hear in her ears. Kage had his hands on her shoulders while his calculating eyes scanned the surroundings except the dragon.

“Distraction,” he breathed quietly. His word clicked in her mind and she quickly turned to the approaching dragon. It prowled slowly, pausing for a few seconds before continuing its slow descent. Its gold and midnight blue orbs were devoid of the anger evident earlier. It was replaced by mirth.

“But how?” she asked, still mesmerized but now she was also impressed with Skhy, Hunter, Ciar, and Raven.

“No time.” Kage took a step back from her. “Must deactivate while distracted.” Clarity returned to her in a blink of an eye, her face hard. She nodded at Kage and turned to the box beside them. The Rosein Army had started shooting arrows with fire at the creature but everything just bounced off of it. Most of the people in red stood near the mountain so Aria and Kage were able to move freely.

Aria walked around the box. Think, Aria. Think. She remembered Clyne’s stories which he retold so many times that her head hurts just by listening to it. Austers, Seven Stars, Westeros, Boreas. Clyne removed the blue gem first, followed by green, yellow, and then the red one. She quickly informed Kage of what she remembered.

“We won’t be able to remove such large gems,” he said. “Too heavy.” Aria clenched her fists, determined. She stared at her reflection on the clear blue gem.

“It is really a dragon?” One of the members of Rosein Army got close to Aria and Kage’s positions. He was with two others. Aria and Kage swiftly and quietly moved out of their way.

“It’s moving too slow,” another commented.

“And the elementals are not touching it.”

Aria shared a worried glance with Kage. They’re going to find out. We’re running out of time. When the three moved on, Aria raised her hand to touch the blue gem. Kage didn’t stop her. The gem was cold and hard against her hand, but she also felt something warm in it. The warmth touched her fingers then it disappeared and she felt it again on her palm, this time, it was hotter, more insistent. She felt a soft drumming, like beating of a heart. At first it was a single simple rhythm, but she suddenly felt another beating, another rhythm, followed by another and another, until there was a chorus of hearts beating. She flinched and quickly removed her hand.

“What?” Kage asked. Aria stared at the gem, unblinking. Her mind returned to a memory in the Mortemian lair when Aubree, Aurora, Ellie, and Savvier were looking for the stolen items and weapons from Concordians. The four made it past the maze but Aria had no opportunity to see what items they found in the lair because Storm revealed his true self as Ciar and disappeared with his cousin and Tessa’s father.

“Are these the…soul gems Aubree and the rest were looking for?” she whispered. Kage placed his right hand on the blue gem. He removed it after three seconds.

“There are souls trapped.” Kage voiced her suspicion, his jaw clenched. Aria turned her mind inside out for other important information.

“During the Northern Lux battle,” Aria started, “they said that the price for the forbidden magic is souls.” Her face paled, her hands trembled a little. A question entered her mind.

“Their bodies… Is it possible for the souls to return?” It took a moment before Kage answer.

“Possible.” Aria released a small sigh. “But with another forbidden magic.” She bit her lower lip to stop it from quivering. Anger, frustration, and sadness boiled in her chest.

A shout made Aria and Kage turn around. The dragon was near the foot of the mountain. Its dark skin slowly morping with the white and silver smoke circling it.

“It won’t last.” Kage turned to her. “Burn them.” Aria startled.

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“What?” She glanced at the blue gem. “What would happen to the souls?” Kage shook his head, there was a glint of sadness in his eyes.

“We cannot save them.” He placed a hand on her shoulder. Aria shook it off, glaring at him. Her hands warmed, fire threatening to unleash. Kage noticed this but his expression and demeanor remained the same, calm and composed.

“There are others to save,” he emphasized. “These artefacts will be one of those which will destroy Arconien.” Kage’s steady gaze held Aria’s blazing glare. After three heartbeats, it was Aria who turned. Her gaze softened at the gem.

“I will help you. Darkness may spread the flame without you using too much energy.”

Kage’s words barely registered in her mind, even the voices and movements of the Rosein Army. She wondered how many souls were trapped in the gems of the five Nexxus. She wondered if those people willingly gave their lives for the Rosein Army’s purpose. She didn’t know how the war will end but she knew that countless lives will be lost forever in the end.

She touched the blue gem, the heat dancing on her palm increased but it didn’t bother her. Is your sacrifice worth it? With a short exhale, the gem bursted into flames. Aria pushed her flames to cover the entire box which was easy because Kage’s shadows moved the flames’ tentacles. The Rosein Army’s reaction was instant. Aria and Kage moved away when the first group ran toward the burning Nexxus. The different shades of red and blue flames engulfed the black box with gems holding souls.

Kage and Aria moved swiftly to the next Nexxus. This time, Aria didn’t hesitate to burn it, but she felt the pinch in her chest as she did. The Rosein Army around them tried to put out the fire and save their Pandora’s Boxes, some used Water and Ice elemental, but Aria’s fires were insistent. Whenever the fire slowly died out, Aria pushed a burst of energy toward the box for another explosive fire. Aria and Kage were on the last black box when she heard him panting. Cold sweat dripped from his forehead, brow creased, lips in grimance. Her own expression mirrored his. Her hands were shaking from too much use of her elemental. She looked around them and found Kage’s shadow that covered them was slowly loosing its dimness.

“It’s the last one,” she tried to comfort them both. She glanced at the mountain. The dragon long was gone. She noticed its absence after fire had engulfed the third Nexxus. Where are they?

With her shaking hands, she called her elemental for the last time. Hopefully. She placed her hand on the yellow gem. Burn. Fire burst and heat radiated in waves. She huffed and panted as her fire siphoned her remaining energy. The fire wasn’t as huge as the other four but it was enough to cover the whole box. She turned to Kage whose glossy eyes reflect the growing inferno around them. The cold of the Mort was replaced by the ragging heat, the barren land covered with black ashes.

Kage’s eyes found hers. This is just the beginning. Kage grabbed her right arm and ushered her toward the mountain without a glance at the destruction they made. Their movements no longer swift and silent. Aria and Kage made it to the foot of the mountain. She looked up.

“We won’t be able to climb it,” she said in between deep breaths. She could feel her legs and arms going numb. Despite the destruction her fire is making, she still held on to her flames, ready to fuel it when the Rosein Army succeeded in taming it. So the flames continued to take her energy.

“Let go,” Kage ordered. His hair wet from sweat. Aria no longer feel the warmth of his shadow of invisibility. She breathed a sigh of relief when she let go of her hold on the flames. Only then that she felt fear.

“They will see us,” she breathed. There were only a few rocks at the foot of the mountain to conceal their ascent. Kage’s gaze swept the slope.

“They’re there.” Confused, she looked up but saw nothing but the steep slopes and rocks. Is he talking about Skhy and the others?

They were about to climb the mountain when they heard footsteps behind them. The noise was followed by voices shouting ‘Concordians’ and ‘kill them.’ Aria forgot the weakness of her body and climbed the slope. Each step was painful but adrenaline pushed her to her limits. Kage was three steps in front of her.

A wide shadow engulfed her form so she looked up. Her eyes widened at the boulder a few feet above her and approaching fast. Her sight dimmed. Her last thought before the darkness took her was the image of her mom. I will never forget your face. Everything will be worth it.

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