Instant Millionaire
Chapter 64 Two Mothers

Quincy agreed to Fred's words. Jane's mother rarely visit JM, so she should live in a better place.

The next day, at five in the afternoon. A flight from Harbin landed on JM International Airport.

A middle-aged woman with her beautiful dress walked down the plane's ramp. She wore a sun hat, sunglasses, and thick makeup on her face.

Looking at the wide parking lot, she was full of expectation.

She's Anne's mother, Julie House.

That time, she went there with two of her best friends. Her two best friends followed behind her, it's their first time riding the plane.

It was also their first time going to such a prosperous big city like JM, they were more excited than Julie.

"We're finally here. Hey, you see... no wonder people say that 'Southern region of Changjiang River is a beautiful place and the ancient capital JM is amazing'! This airport is so beautiful and so big, also look at the tall buildings there! Our small town absolutely can't compare with it." Julie kept praising JM after seeing the view around the airport.

"That's right, it's so beautiful. Julie, if your daughter can get a rich guy in JM, you wouldn't have any worry again all your life." said one of her best friend, Diana Bates.

"Right, you should tell Anne to set her heart on someone when we meet her later. She should seize the chance while studying in the university to find a guy, there won't be more chances like this." said the othe best friend, Aviana Rosa.

"No one can decide fate, I'll let her decide for herself." even if Julie said so, she already made up her mind to remind Anne later.

They walked out of the airport.

"I'm a bit hungry, what about you?" said Julie while rubbing her belly. The other two were also hungry. They had taken the bus to Harbin in the early morning and rushed for the flight. Since they only ate some snacks on the plane, they were indeed a bit hungry.

At that time, a woman that had been following them from behind walked up front and said, "You're hungry? Come, have some of this. I cooked some steamed buns myself, and I also brought some salted vegetables. It's very delicious."

She said that while passionately opening her own bag, wanting to take the steamed buns and salted vegetables out.

She's Jane's mother, Hannah Austin. She was wearing green half-sleeves and black shorts, with a pair of old shoes.

Even if her clothes didn't look great, she looked pretty good. Working over the years in the fields made her skin look darker and more wrinkles on her face.

"Close your backpack, quickly. Don't you feel ashamed?" Julie urged Hannah. She forgot about Hannah because she kept chatting.

On the previous day, she called her daughter, Anne. Anne unexpectedly told her to bring Hannah with her when she said she's going to stay and visit her in JM for two days. Anne said that Hannah's daughter was also JM University, and she's helping a fellow-villager.

There was no other way, Julie could only bring Hannah with her. Of course, she didn't believe that her own daughter would be so kind. Julie couldn't understand why Anne actually asked her to bring Hannah along.

"Why haven't you closed it yet? You're afraid that other people won't know that you're from a remote valley?" Diana frowned while saying that.

Hannah closed her bag. She still didn't understand at heart. When did eating steamed buns and salted vegetables be so shameful?

"Don't embarrass us too, I've had enough. People with no experience in life are just like you. People might just laugh at us for walking together with you, isn't that so, Julie?" Aviana glared at Hannah. She then glanced at Julie, "What if we just leave her? Paying for her plane ticket was already more than enough for her anyway."

Julie glanced at Hannah in disdain through her sunglasses. She sneered and said, "Forget it, no matter what... Her daughter and my daughter are schoolmates. We should send her to the destination, and let her benefit more from it. She won't be able to say that we neglected her after landing in JM."

After speaking, Julie and the other two walked in front while chatting. Hannah walked alone at the back, just like a sidekick.

"Julie, are there really many male models in JM?" Diana asked Julie in anticipation. Julie's family in their town was quite powerful and rich. Else than visiting her daughter, Julie had her own plan too. Or else, she wouldn't bring her two friends over.

"Of course, didn't you see that S city has BM Club? You thought that sort of club would be gone after one of it got exposed? In fact, there's many of them. JM is so close to S city, so there should be many too." Julie acted like she knew all about it. Actually, she's just pretending to be cool in front of her friends.

This time, only fate will decide whether they could find the club in their JM trip.

"Hey, I'm no longer worried after hearing what you said. Hehe, since I was a kid... My dream is to sleep with male models. This time, I'll finally realize it." Diana said that in delight.

"Following me this time, I can guarantee that you'll experience something new. Even if you can't sleep with male models, you'll be able to hold hands with young boys, you surely will be pleasant." Julie was quite confident.

"Ssh, lower down your voice... Someone is behind us." Aviana glanced at Hannah, who was behind them. Such thing would be quite embarrassing.

"What are you scared of? If she has the guts to speak nonsense, I'll just leave her in JM. She won't be able to return, and even if she does... I can do more things to her back in town, so I don't think she'll have the guts to talk nonsense." Julie spoke in disdain.

The two best friends loosened up after Julie said that.

"Sigh, do you guys think hunting young idols is too much for old women like us?" the three of them laughed at Diana's words.

They chatted and laughed all the way to the avenue out of the airport.

At that time, a BMW 3 series stopped in front of them. When Julie and the others were confused... Anne, Jane, Quincy, and Yair got off the car.

"Anne, it's you!" Julie looked at her daughter from her head to toe. When they were going to talk, the loud voice beside them already covered their voices.

"Mom, you really came! I'm so happy!" Jane pulled her mother's hand.

"Of course, you've been studying for two years and I haven't even visit you at school. I feel guilty at heart too. My dear, let me take a look... Yeah, you've grown so beautiful..."

Jane and Hannah spoke like there's no one beside them. Only then, they realized that everyone was looking at them so they stopped talking.

"I'm sorry for disturbing you." Hannah awkwardly said that to Julie.

"Do you think that this is your home? Are there loudspeakers in your throat?" Julie glared at Hannah and spoke in dissatisfaction.

"Mom, let me introduce you..." Anne couldn't contain the happiness in her heart when pulling Yair to her side, "This is Yair, my boyfriend."

"Oh..." Julie was stunned before looking at Yair from head to toe. He had soft skin, tall, and handsome. It seemed that his family background was good too. He gave a pretty good first impression to Julie.

"Hello Auntie." Yair greeted her with a smile, "I bought this BMW 3 series a year ago. My dad said that he'll buy me Porsche for my wedding."

"Oh my, let me see." Julie knew Yair was a rich guy from his tone. She then nodded, walked to the BMW car, and rubbed it. It felt amazing, making her feel so proud. She was planning to remind her daughter to find a rich guy, but Anne unexpectedly already got one. He was even such a wealthy guy! Julie was so proud of her daughter.

"Who is he?" Julie turned her gaze to Quincy.

"Oh, him... He's Jane's boyfriend, Quincy" Quincy was going to say something when Anne spoke first. Her expression looked like she was ridiculing him when speaking. Hannah couldn't help glancing at Quincy.

"Jane is poor, right? No matter how, I asked you to bring her mom here since we came from the same hometown. You'll know by looking at Quincy's clothes, his family is pretty much the same as Jane's... He has no money so I just let Yair pick them up." Anne described Jane's situation to her mother. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"I see." once she heard her daughter saying that Quincy's family is similar to Jane's, Julie felt comfortable at heart. Humph, Hannah and their family would only deserve a poor guy. In comparison, Jane and Anne's difference would be like heaven and earth.

"Jane, you know how your family background is... You go to the university to study and not to find a boyfriend. You can't compare yourself with Anne... Even if Anne doesn't go to university, our family can arrange some work for her. But you? It's better to keep your feet on the ground, and don't always hope for instant success... If you want to find a boyfriend, you should at least choose carefully. You can't just accept anyone, right?"

Julie gave all the heartfelt advice to Jane. She just ignored Quincy's presence there.

"Hannah, you too. Jane is still young so she doesn't understand. You're old enough but you never give her advice. Sigh... If this goes on, your family will be poor forever." Julie gave Hannah advice with her 'good intention'.

Quincy couldn't hear it any longer. Jane was not even her daughter and she just had to butt in.

Who were you insulting in between your words? What a stinky mouth.

When he was about to argue with Julie, Jane held him back and shook her head.

"Hey, you have such a bad temper. I'm telling you the truth for your own good, you should be pleased." Julie was prestigious in town, usually, no one would dare to show her such expression. Seeing how a sore loser like Quincy wanted b to argue with her, of course she's not pleased with it.

"That's right, even if Julie's words were a bit harsh... She's your elder, where's your manner? You're just a university student." Diana seized the chance and muttered.

"Jane, you should have a better sense of judgement. Look at your boyfriend with his manners! It's better for you to find another one, I think he's no good anyway." Aviana glanced sideways at Quincy. In the end, Hannah apologized to Julie.

Only then, the matter was settled.

"All right, Auntie... You must be hungry too, right? I know a delicious western restaurant, let's go there together." Yair said that to Julie.

"Yair is so mannered, he even knows what we're thinking... He's way better than some people. Let's go, we're really hungry!" the more Julie saw Quincy, the angrier she become. She then entered Yair's car. "Quincy, come with us... I'll treat you so you don't need to spend your money." Yair spoke with his evil smile, "My car is full, so I can't give you a free ride. You can go by taxi yourself, right? Do you have the taxi fee? If you don't have, I'll give you some."

"No need." Quincy said that calmly.

"Okay then, San Diego Western Restaurant. You've never gone to that place, right? This time you're in luck, you'll eat western food for free." Yair opened the car door after speaking and drove his BMW away. Once Quincy remembered Yair and the other's attitude, he didn't want to go too.

But then he remembered that he already booked Nepenthe Guesthouse, there's no harm in eating with them... Right?

Wait, why did the restaurant name sound so familiar?

"It's the restaurant where I worked at." at that time, Jane whispered to Quincy.

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