Isle of Sin: A Standalone Dark Romance
Isle of Sin: Chapter 21

My pulse raced against my neck, the repetitive thud music in my ears.

I felt bold. In control. Alive.

God, Nate would beat me for this. For even thinking to ask such a question. Unless, of course, the man I was meant to serve had a gratification kink.

But I’d requested this reward for me.

I used to joke with Jen about wanting cock, mostly as a way to hide my reason for going to Ecstasy every weekend.

However, right now?

Right now, I meant it.

I wanted Asher’s cock.

I wanted his tongue. His hands. Him.

“You’re Adalyn. You’re a warrior. You’re strong. You’re beautiful. You’re worthy of life and love and feeling and happiness.”

His words had cracked open my heart and made it beat so wildly that I couldn’t think straight. I’d led with instinct instead of my mind.

And it’d brought me to this moment.

To the one where I boldly asked this man for pleasure.

The way he looked at me now told me it’d been the right move. His obsidian gaze glowed like dark flames, flickering with intrigue.

“An orgasm?” His black irises slid down over my body, the heat radiating from his stare resembling fire against my exposed skin. “Hmm…”

His hands went to my hips, and suddenly we were rolling in the chair with my butt bouncing on the seat as he went to his knees between my now sprawled thighs.

All the breath left my lungs, his abrupt movement making me light-headed. Yet I’d felt his hand in my hair, guiding me through the movement.

Always gentle.

Always guarding me.

Even when making me fly around him in a chair.

That left me even more breathless. Asher Sinner was unlike any man I’d ever met.

And now he was kneeling for me.

“Yes, Adalyn.” He pressed a kiss to my knee. “I would be happy to reward you.” He spoke the words against my thigh as he trailed a damp path upward. “With my tongue.”

Oh God…

His mouth settled over my clit, sending a shock wave of heat through my body and eliciting a groan from my chest.

“Asher,” I breathed, my orgasm already palpable. It was like he’d been teasing me for hours, yet we’d just started.

Maybe it was my emotions. His words. The fact that I hadn’t been properly pleasured… ever?

I’d climaxed before.

But nothing compared to this. To Asher’s tongue. And oh, his touch.

He skimmed his palms up my inner thighs, his hands sensual brands against my skin.

No man had ever touched me like this. Licked me like this. Or looked at me like that.

He was staring up at me with dark intensity, evaluating my reactions and testing different movements.

He sucked my tender nub.

Then nibbled.

And eventually laved.

Before inserting a finger into me. Followed by a second that he scissored against the first.

I writhed, feeling wanton and lost to his touch. His name kept rolling off my tongue, part plea, part benediction.

Oh, but his eyes.


I was utterly captivated by those twin dark orbs. Hypnotic and intense. Owning me entirely. “Asher,” I whispered again, arching up toward his mouth. “I’m so close.”

It seemed impossible to be this high-strung, this ready so damn quickly.

But he seemed to have lit a fuse inside me with his words. Then his hands and mouth only stoked the flames to burn that much hotter.

Like an inferno.

Pulsating. Throbbing. Licking sweet heat through my veins.

“Such a good girl waiting to come,” Asher praised, each word spoken directly against my aching center. “Is this the reward you—”

A knock interrupted him, sending a jolt of need through my body. There was something undeniably erotic about being caught in the act. Like we were in the middle of an illicit affair that no one should know about.

Asher’s gaze captured mine, a question in their depths. He’d admitted to exhibitionism being one of his kinks. I enjoyed it as well.

“Yes,” I hissed, bowing off the chair and seeking his mouth. I was giving him permission to answer. Permission to control the scene.

Not that he required it. He was a Dom. It was my job to submit. However, I hadn’t exactly been doing the greatest job of that lately.

Or maybe I had.

I really didn’t know.

Fortunately, the slight curl of his lips told me he was pleased by my response. And that was all I cared about right now.

That and his tongue.

“Come in,” he called, not bothering to glance over his shoulder. Instead, he licked me long and deep as the door opened.

Bryant entered, his hazel eyes going to the desk before finding us in the chair. His lips parted as though he intended to say something.

But whatever it was never came out, his mouth gaping for an entirely different reason upon finding Asher kneeling between my thighs. “Who is it, darling?” His voice vibrated my slick flesh, stirring even more yearning inside me.

“Bryant,” I told him on a pant.

“Hmm,” Asher hummed. “Tell him I’m busy. I’ll be with him just as soon as I’m done making you come.” He punctuated his statement by sealing his lips around my bundle of nerves again and sucking me deep into his mouth.

My nipples tightened painfully in response, my body strung tight and ready to explode.

“Tell him what I said, Adalyn.”

Shit… I was barely able to breathe, let alone speak. I couldn’t even remember what he’d said. Something about… about being busy… making me come.

Yes, that’s it.

“Mr. Sinner is…” I bit off a moan as Asher nipped my swollen clit. “Asher is busy.” I swallowed, my mouth dry. “Busy pleasing me.”

Was that what he’d wanted me to say?

No. Something about coming.

“He’ll…” I trailed off as Asher curled his fingers inside me to stroke that place deep within. Fuck. “He’ll be with you… soon… very soon.” Because I was so close. “As soon as… as I come.”

“Such a good girl,” Asher whispered, his neatly trimmed beard rubbing against me with his praise. He followed it with a deep lick of his tongue, his fingers still working my insides.

I tried and failed to swallow, my throat too constricted for the motion. My entire body felt tight yet swollen. Burning from the inside out.

“Is he watching us, sweetheart?” Asher’s deep voice rumbled across me, making me quake.

It took effort to stop watching him and glance at the male by the door. “Yes.” The confirmation left me on a hiss, my focus going hazy as Asher did something with his tongue.

“Where are his eyes right now?” Asher asked.

I moaned, his vocal vibrations coupled with his fingers driving me to the brink of madness. “My breasts.”

“Mmm.” Asher’s own gaze went to my chest. “Look at those needy nipples. Pinch them for us, sweetheart. Give them the attention they deserve and put on a show for Bryant.”

God, his words were undoing me.

Yet a hint of fear spiked in the back of my mind at the same time. A fear surrounding the tentative trust we’d established. I’d told him I didn’t like to be shared.

Us sounded like the beginning of a potential scene where—

“Tell Bryant I said that he can’t touch you,” Asher demanded, drawing my focus immediately back to the man between my thighs. His fingers had stopped, as had his mouth. “Tell him I don’t share.”

I shivered at the command in his voice. “Asher says you can’t touch me.” It came out raspy. “Because he doesn’t share.”

“Understood,” Bryant replied, finally speaking. He’d stayed by the entry the entire time, his shoulder braced against the door frame as he admired the view.

“He says he understands,” I told Asher, playing this game of erotic telephone with him. It wasn’t something I’d ever done before, but I rather liked the sensation of power it gave me. He was still the one in charge, telling me what to say but allowing me to be an extension of his strength.

“Thank you, Adalyn.” He licked me again. “You’re so beautiful like this, sweetheart. Let’s give Bryant a show, make him wish he was me, hmm?”

He didn’t wait for my permission, just resumed his motions below, causing me to cry out from the sensations. They were even hotter now, provoked by that stroke of fear to my senses and heightened by the sheer domineering presence that was Asher.

I felt protected.


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Not in a sinister way, but in a pleasing way.

Because he cared about me and my pleasure. I could feel the proof of it with every lick and nibble, his gaze intently watching me the whole time as he scissored his fingers and curled them and scissored them again.

“Asher,” I breathed, my hands palming my breasts the way he’d requested, my fingers pinching my nipples. I wanted to put on a show, just like he’d said.

But it was for him.

And for me.

For us.

I could feel his friend’s eyes on me, his desire a beacon that heightened my own reactions. “I’m so close,” I told Asher, needing him to know. “Please, Sir. Please.”

He circled my clit with his tongue, taking away from the pressure I craved and bringing tears to my eyes.

Oh God. Please.

I needed him to let me explode, to force me over that final boundary into the world of nonexistence. To give me that sensation again like yesterday.

But he continued his torment, delaying the peak, edging me toward the end without allowing me to fall over the cliff.

I started to weep, my body so damn hot that I felt as though I might melt. “Please,” I tried again.

“She begs beautifully,” Bryant commented conversationally.

Asher grinned against my damp flesh. “She does.” He licked me again. “Ask Bryant if he wants to see you come.”

My insides resembled a strange sort of brittle material, bordering on the edge of shattering entirely.

But somehow I found my voice, my duty to obey overriding every nerve.

“W-would you like…?” I forced a swallow, my veins throbbing with fire. “Would you like to see me come, Sir?”

“I would,” Bryant replied. “Very much so.”

“He says yes,” I whispered. “Please, Asher. Please?”

The stark hunger reflected in Asher’s dark orbs had me clenching my thighs around him. He clamped down on my sensitive nub and sucked so hard that I saw stars. But it wasn’t the permission I needed. It was just an invitation to disobey.

Fuck. His mouth was killing me. This was starting to feel like a punishment more than a reward.

Pain with pleasure, I thought, recalling his comments from earlier about his preferences. He’d said something about how he liked to edge a woman and control her climax.

He was demonstrating that now.

Drawing me to the point of agony, making me beg, ensuring every part of me burned…

I couldn’t take much more. He was destroying me. All I wanted—

“Come for me, Adalyn. Don’t hold anything back.” His fingers curled inside me, demanding I respond.

And then he licked me in a way I couldn’t ignore. A perfect swirl, practiced and skilled and pushing me right over the cliff into an erotic free fall.

I screamed.



Too much sensation. Too hot. Too extraordinary. Too powerful.

A shock wave started at my core and pulsated through every inch of my being. Destroying me. Captivating me. Drowning me.

I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t see. I was utterly annihilated by the climax Asher had just unleashed upon me.

So much more powerful than yesterday. More intense than ever before.

I was panting. Clawing for the surface. Searching for my way out of the dark.

Only to be swarmed by his minty aftershave. Bathed in his masculine heat.

He held me against him. His strong arms clasped around my back as he rocked me in his lap.

Soothing me.

Bringing me back to Earth and allowing me to float in the aftermath of that detonation.

It was so undeniably beautiful. So powerful. So hypnotic and overwhelming.

I yawned and nuzzled into him, lost from the insanity he’d just inflicted upon me.

His voice rumbled beneath my ear, words leaving him that I didn’t understand. Not right away. He was speaking to Bryant. Something about his sister.

“A warning would have been appreciated,” he said, his words clearing in my mind.

“I attempted to provide that twenty minutes ago, but you were otherwise engaged,” his friend replied.

Asher hummed, his lips touching my head. “Make her wait in the living room.”

“I will,” Bryant replied. “And don’t forget to call Kane back. I think he knows something is up.”

“Of course he does,” Asher grumbled. “He’s too aware for his own good.”

“All you Sinner kids have your quirks. I’ll leave you to yours now and deal with the other one when she gets here.”

I vaguely heard the door closing.

Then Asher’s lips were against my ear. “You taste so amazing, Adalyn. Even better when you come, too.” He kissed my temple and ran his fingers through my hair. “I would do it again, but my sister should be here any second. So I’ll give you another reward later.”

My lips tried to curl. “A reward for what?” My voice sounded hoarse.

“A reward for trusting me,” he replied, his voice filled with satisfaction. “Thank you, Adalyn. Thank you for letting me please you.”

My heart skipped a beat. Men never thanked me, let alone for something that had been done in my favor. “I should be thanking you.”

He chuckled. “You coming for me will always be a gift, darling.” He caught my chin in his fingers and pulled my gaze up to his. “How do you feel?”

“Well used,” I admitted.

“Good.” He pressed his lips to mine. “But that’s only the beginning.”

My insides tingled. “I like the idea of more.” The firm bulge beneath my bottom told me he did, too.

As did his smile. “Later. My sister will be here any minute, and if I don’t go tame her, she’ll barge in here.”

“She’s very confident.”

“Because all her brothers never say no,” he murmured, his voice holding a touch of fondness to it. “Do you want to come with me to see her or relax in here?”

“I’ll come with you.”

“She’s going to question the hell out of you.”

“Then it’s a good thing I’m trained for that,” I replied.

He frowned. “I hate having you lie to her, but she can’t know about Sin Cave.”

I cupped his cheek. “That’s why I lie. It’s never to protect the Elite, but to protect those who could be harmed by them.”

That was how I’d justified lying to Jen for years. She was the closest person I had to a best friend, and she knew nothing about me because it was the only way to keep her alive.

“That makes for a lonely existence,” he said softly.

He must have read that cue from my expression, or perhaps realized that truth from my words.

Regardless, he was right.

“It’s how I’ve lived my entire life.”

“Not anymore,” he whispered, the words a vow against my mouth. “Because now you have me.”

He kissed me as though to seal some unspoken promise. A pledge to always be with me.

I wanted to tell him not to make promises he might not be able to keep. But the hope he inspired within me overshadowed the worry.

For today, I decided to believe.

For today, I indulged in the now.

And returned his kiss.

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