Isle of Sin: A Standalone Dark Romance
Isle of Sin: Chapter 27


Adalyn’s words wrapped around my heart and squeezed so tightly that my chest ached.

She was asking for the ability to choose, to restore some of her power in this dynamic. To be what a submissive should be—in charge.

As her Dom, it was my responsibility to see to her every desire and earn her faith and trust. It was my job to read her cues, determine her needs, and correct her where appropriate.

Such as a few minutes ago when she’d begun to spiral into a dark state. I’d recognized the signs of her despair almost immediately, that haunted look in her gaze one that told me I was about to lose her to her thoughts.

My instinct to command her had flourished to the forefront, my Dominant side instantly taking control of the situation.

It had worked.

And now she was asking me to reinstate her power, to allow her to choose our path this morning.

I’d intended to go down on her again, bring her pleasure, and carry her downstairs for breakfast. But my sweet Adalyn needed more than that.

She needed to please me.

Not because of some ingrained desire to put my pleasure first, but to experience my version of rapture for herself. To know me. Because all I’d done was focus on her physical satisfaction, not her emotional need.

She required a connection. A link between our bodies. A thorough introduction into what it meant to truly be mine.

I understood that now.

Because she’d told me what she needed.

“Thank you, Adalyn.” I pressed my lips to hers. “Thank you for being honest with me.”

That was the key to a healthy bond—honest communication. I needed to be able to trust her to tell me her feelings, to know when to safeword.

Just as she needed to trust me never to take her too far.

We were finally on the precipice of that bond.

A beautiful moment. An emotional one, too.

I kissed her again, telling her with my tongue how much I appreciated her putting her faith in me. It might be minimal, and she might also still harbor reservations regarding my intentions, but I would use this experience to introduce her to our future.

Because she was mine now. For as long as she would have me.

I ran my palms down her arms, loving the way goose bumps pebbled in the wake of my touch. “Tell me who is kissing you right now, Adalyn.”

“My Sir,” she whispered automatically.

“Good girl.” I licked a path to her ear. “Tell me how you want me to fuck you.”

“However you like, Sir.”

“Hmm.” I nuzzled her pulse. “I want you to come so hard around my cock that I feel you for days, darling. I want to erase everyone who has ever touched you from your mind and leave only my imprint behind. So tell me how to do that, sweetheart. Tell me what you need so I can make you fall apart for me.”

She shuddered in response, her thighs clenching on either side of my legs. “Sir…

“Tell me, Adalyn. Choose what we do and how we do it.” I wanted her to take back her power, to feel in control even while I dominated her.

It wasn’t an easy task to take on.

But for her, I would do it.

For her, I would do anything.

“I… I want you naked,” she replied softly. “I want to taste you, Sir.”

I nibbled her earlobe, my voice low as I hummed, “But I thought you wanted me to fuck you, darling. That sounds like you want to suck me off instead.”

She arched into me, her body producing a delicious friction between our lower halves. “I want both, Sir. Please.”

“So needy,” I whispered, loving the sound of her soft requests. I doubted I could ever deny her. Especially not now, not when she was trying to voice her yearning.

She wanted so much more than a rough fuck.

She needed a connection.

She needed to feel in control. She needed to experience choice.

So I would forfeit some of my dominance to her. Just enough to give her the upper hand I knew she needed while still exuding my power in a way that made her feel safe and secure.

“All right, Adalyn,” I said, lifting to brush my mouth across hers. Then I went to my knees between her sprawled legs.

Her eyes instantly widened, her fear a whip across my senses.

I reached for her hand over her head and quickly brought it to my face as I hovered over her again, my opposite palm going to the mattress beside her to hold myself steady. “I want you to undress me. Now sit up and take my shirt off.” I studied her eyes, noted the dilation of her pupils, and went back to my knees.

She responded well to commands.

Especially ones she wanted to obey.

And it seemed this one was a powerful enough demand to pull her away from her thoughts because she followed me upward, her breasts swaying alluringly with the movement. “Yes, Sir,” she said, her fingers at the hem of my shirt.

I lifted my arms for her, allowing her to take control of the motions as she undressed my upper half.

Her eyes danced across my chest and down my abdomen, her appreciative expression causing my lips to curl. “You want to touch me, little one?”

“Yes, Sir,” she breathed.

“Touch me,” I said, inviting her to satisfy her desires.

Her throat worked as she swallowed, her cheeks blossoming with an alluring shade of pink.

“Now, sweetheart,” I demanded, providing the edge I knew she needed to indulge herself.

Her palms immediately went to my chest, her nostrils flaring as she traced her thumbs across my pecs.

It was always nice to be admired by a woman. But to be admired by this female made me feel like a king.

Because she was a fucking goddess. And to know she found me attractive? Yeah, that was a heady sensation.

She drew her nails downward to my abdomen, tracing the ridges and worshipping me with her touch.

I let her take her time, giving her this gift of choice and control, and waited until she reached my pants.

“May I, Sir?” she asked.

“Only if you promise to properly kiss my cock after you’re done,” I told her, providing her with another command that met her needs.

I would be lying if I said the demand didn’t also satisfy my own needs, too.

But that was part of the dance—mutual gratification.

Knowing she desired this, knowing she chose this, just intensified the experience.

She licked her lips. “Yes, Mr. Sinner.” Her fingers slid beneath the fabric of my pants and pulled them down. I shifted to help her get it around my knees and to my calves. She bent with the movement and pressed her mouth to my dick as she reached around me to push the fabric away from my legs.

I grabbed the back of her head to hold her in place as I kicked my pants the rest of the way off, my fingers gliding through her long, silky hair. “Kiss me,” I said, repeating the command. “Show me how much you want me, Adalyn.”

She opened her mouth and swallowed me down, her lack of a gag reflex causing my balls to tighten.

Because fuck. This was a woman who knew how to suck cock. And I did not want to think about how she’d developed this skill.

She grabbed my hips to balance herself, her body shuffling back a little as I remained on my knees.

God, it was an erotic sight with her ass in the air behind her as she balanced on her own knees and her grip on my hips to hold herself steady.

But it was her eyes that undid me.

Because she was watching me, checking my expression, ensuring I liked her exploration. “You’re very good at that, little one,” I told her. “Are you satisfied with your taste, or do you want more?”

“More,” she hummed around me.

“Then start sucking, sweetheart. Take whatever you want. Touch me however you want. And don’t stop until you’ve had your fill.”

Her eyes took on a dreamy quality that made me feel weak. She liked being in this position with me. She liked having my dick in her mouth. And she liked me telling her what to do.

Fucking perfect.

But if she kept this up, she would make me come.

And I refused to give her that.

Not when she’d asked me to fuck her. I would save my load for her slick cunt.

“Are you wet for me, Adalyn?”

She mumbled an affirmative around my shaft, causing it to throb even more.

“Prove it, Adalyn.” I slowly sat back on my heels while pulling her with me, bringing her body closer to the bed. “Put one hand on the mattress to balance yourself. And use the other to reach between your legs.”

She groaned around me as she obeyed my command, her gorgeous eyes maintaining that dreamy glimmer the whole time.

“You’re so fucking beautiful,” I told her. “I could stare at you like this for hours, Adalyn.” Although, I would not be able to keep myself from coming for that long. Especially not with the way her throat worked around me in time with her tongue. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ (F)indNƟvᴇl.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Definitely a goddess.

“Show me your fingers, little one. Show me how wet you are.”

Adalyn’s pupils nearly engulfed her dark irises as she complied, her skin glistening beneath the low lighting streaming in through my windows.

I released her hair to grab her wrist and pulled her hand up to my mouth.

Her throat worked around me as I sucked each finger clean, her cheeks a glorious shade of crimson. “I want you soaking wet,” I said as I finished. “Are you done tasting me yet? Because I want to lick you now. Thoroughly.

She quivered, all traces of her earlier terror gone.

All I had before me now was a goddess who needed to be worshipped.

She released my cock from her plump lips and gave it a final stroke with her palm, stirring a rumble of approval from my chest. “I’m going to fucking devour your cunt, Adalyn. Now lie down.”

Her skin darkened even more as she quickly moved to obey me.

“Wider,” I told her, wanting to see every inch of her damp pussy.

She followed my command beautifully, displaying her pretty pink flesh and allowing me to see how much sucking me off turned her on.

Maybe I’d let her lick me clean later.

And come again down her throat.

I would just have to be careful with her neck, as I was moments ago, because I didn’t want to risk hurting her. She was mostly just bruised, but her mental state was very fragile.

Something I kept in mind as I bent to lick her delicious heat.

I wanted her so focused on us that she couldn’t even think about them.

No more past. No other men. Just me and my tongue between her trembling thighs. “Say my name, Adalyn. Tell me who is licking you right now.”

“My Sir,” she breathed, bowing up off the bed into my mouth.

“Good girl,” I praised, spearing her with my tongue.

She quivered beautifully, her tits flushed with desire, her nipples tiny beacons of need.

I would pay them some attention in a moment.

Just as soon as I made her come against my mouth.

I slid two fingers into her, scissoring, feeling, testing her tightness. She mewled in response, her fingers grabbing the bedding as her hands curled into fists. “Sir,” she hissed, her head thrashing as I went after her clit.

“Don’t hurt yourself,” I said, my voice sharp. “Stay calm. Breathe with me. Enjoy the moment.”

She panted in reply, her head stilling. “I’m… I’m close…”

I know, I thought, laving her swollen nub. “Tasting me really turned you on, didn’t it, little one?”

“Yes,” she admitted. “Yes, Sir. I want to make you come with my mouth.”

“Not yet, sweetheart,” I told her. “First, you’re going to fall apart against my tongue. Then I’m going to fuck you. And if you’re a good girl for me, I’ll let you suck me clean after we’re done.”

Ohhh…” She practically vibrated in response, her thighs clenching on either side of my shoulders.

I pressed my palm to her abdomen to keep her on the bed as she tried to thrust upward, her inhibitions utterly lost to my tongue against her clit.

“Are you going to come for me, darling?” I asked against her damp flesh. “Make that pussy nice and tight for my cock?”

“Yes, Sir. Yes.” She tried again to lift her hips, but I didn’t let her, holding her captive beneath my touch as I drove her over the edge into an orgasm that rendered her useless on the bed.

She screamed, the sound one I’d heard a few times now, and yet I wanted to hear it a million times more from her sweet lips.

Her legs shook, her knuckles almost white from clutching the bedding so hard, and her inner walls clamped down around my fingers, telling me she was ready.

I gave her throbbing center a long, languid kiss, then left her to grab some protection from my nightstand. She didn’t react to my lack of touch this time, too lost to her residual quakes to notice.

Beautiful, I thought, admiring the view of her trembling form as I rolled the condom onto my hard length. I wanted to take her bare. But that required trust, and we weren’t quite there yet.

She needed to really know me first.

And I needed her to be able to voice her desires openly and completely.

We would work up to that.

Her lashes fluttered as I crawled over her again, her legs still as wide as I’d left them before. Missionary wasn’t my usual style, but for her, it felt appropriate. She needed this emotional connection more than the pleasure derived by fucking.

I intended to give her both.

To ground her.

Make her realize what it meant to be mine.

Show her what control really felt like. Inspire her faith. And leave her begging me for more.

“How do you feel, sweet girl?” I asked, lowering my hips to hers and letting her feel my cock against her entrance. “Are you ready for me?”

“Yes,” she whispered, her arms coming around my neck. “Please fuck me, Sir.”

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