Jay - Ahern's Burden
A Quick Goodbye

“What did he tell you?” Nuvi asked.

“You couldn’t see or hear him?” Jay asked, hoping they could help him understand.

“No,” Barclay said shaking his head. “Can you describe what you saw?”

“I saw his image.”

“Ahern’s image?”

“Yes. At least his image was a little man, about this tall,” Jay said, making hand gestures to indicate Ahern’s size and location.

Barclay sat back, trying to digest Jay’s explanation.

“He said he wants me to find him,” Jay explained. “He told me I needed to contact these three people first and they would lead me to him.”

“Where are they?” Nuvi asked.

“Far away,” Barclay answered. “Two are in Mati and the third is in the Crystal Sea.”

“Ahern can’t expect you to travel the world,” Nuvi protested.

“He most likely believes I can still teleport,” Barclay said.

“I can,” Jay piped in.

“Yes,” Barclay conceded, “but you’ve never been to the Renair Forest or the Crystal Sea.”

Everybody thought about what it meant.

“The closest you have been to the Renair Forest is the Cyprus Mountains,” Barclay said. “Not the last time, when you entered the Hall of Sispo. Before then, we were on the western slopes. I was having my swords repaired in Mowin. Do you remember that town?”

Jay thought back. “I do. I remember the entrance to the town. Two large pine trees made an x. The rest of the town was fenced off.”

“I’ve never liked Mowin,” Nuvi chimed in. “A bunch of thugs and thieves live there.”

Barclay nodded. “Yes, but they do make good swords. What else did Ahern tell you?”

“He said the Idols want him dead, and he has an artifact they want. He said it would give them eternal life.”

“They want to rule forever,” Barclay said.

“He said the choice to seek him was mine, and if I chose to, he would show me my potential.” Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Barclay raised his eyes and nodded.

“He said the other three would know I’ve chosen to come to him and that finding him would bring sacrifice.”

“What do you mean you’ve already chosen?” Arina asked.

“The ring,” Jay said, holding up his hand. “Ahern said the other three will know of my choice after I put it on. If I left the ring alone and closed the box, he would have known that choice, too.”

Nuvi put her head down and covered her face with her right hand. She knew Jay needed to go, but that also meant Barclay would go with him.

Barclay sat in his chair, thinking of what he could say.

After a long moment Nuvi walked out and went up top. Arina felt out of place and followed her.

Jay looked at Barclay then back to the closed box. “You don’t have to come with me.”

The thought did cross Barclay’s mind, but he could never live with himself if he abandoned Jay. Barclay had never feared leaving his family before, because he was always a thought away. If he ever needed to be with them, he was there. If they left, that comfort was gone. Nuvi understood it as well.

“Yes, I do,” Barclay said, rubbing his forehead. “Can you teleport us back to Mowin?”

“I don’t know,” Jay said, surprised by the question. “It’s been years and we were only there once.”

“Can you do it?” Barclay persisted.

Jay looked at him, unsure of what to say.

“You can shorten the journey by a month,” Barclay explained. “I need to know if you can do it.”

“When would we leave?” Jay asked.

“Right away,” Barclay said, standing. “If we leave now we can avoid the first snow and be in the forest in two weeks.” He left Jay and followed his wife.

Jay stayed in his chair, waiting for something to move him. The excitement of the day grew complicated, and for a while he wished he hadn’t opened the box. They were doing well on Taq. He and Arina were growing closer and from his observations, everyone enjoyed their new home. He took the ring off and set it on the top of the box, hoping it would send another message to Ahern and the others. It didn’t work.

After an undetermined amount of time, the family came back down. Nuvi and Arina walked into their room and Barclay entered the study.

“You need to pack,” he said. “Bring only one change of clothing. We need to travel light.”

“Did you talk to them?” Jay asked.

“Yes. They would prefer we stay but understand this has to happen.”

Barclay walked out of the study.

Jay’s pack was on the floor, empty. He stood and walked to the doorway. He paused and looked across to Barclay’s room.

Arina came out, not expecting to see Jay, and stopped. They made eye contact and she wiped her face. Embarrassed, she moved to the stairs and went up top.

Jay thought about Barclay’s instructions and twisted the straps around his hands. He threw the bag on the ground and ran after her.

Barclay saw him leave and moved to the doorway.

“Leave them,” Nuvi said. “Let them say goodbye.”

Jay found her crying on the same fallen tree from the day he healed Nuvi. He walked up slowly and knelt in front of her. He reached out but held back. He sat down with his back against the log and brought his legs up to his chest.

Arina knew he was there and after a moment looked up to see what he was doing. She saw him holding his legs tight, scanning the landscape. She followed his lead but didn’t know what was so interesting.

“Taq is a good home,” he said, when her crying stopped.

The sky was full of thin, long clouds stretching beyond the horizon. The last few blocked the low sun.

“I enjoy watching the sun and stars move across the sky.”

Arina wiped the last of the tears away and scooted next to him. She slid her arm under his and leaned her head on his shoulder.

“Some days are better than others,” he said, “but I always know tomorrow will bring another chance, another opportunity. I thought this day would never come, but here we are. How can I make this day end well for you?”

Arina didn’t say anything and snuggled closer.

Jay leaned his head against hers and looked up. He tilted his head back farther and smiled. He looked down to Arina and back up. “Can I show you something?”

Arina nodded into his shoulder.

“Lift your head but keep your eyes closed,” he said.

She slowly lifted her head and looked up.

“Open your eyes.”

The sun had found a crack in the clouds before it set. The last rays bounced off the innocent clouds and created a bright pink glow.

“It’s not the Maple Grove,” Jay said, “but if you’re not in the right place at the right moment, you’ll miss it.”

Arina looked everywhere but couldn’t find an opening. The pink glow covered the entire sky. “How did you know?”

“I didn’t.”

They looked at each other and leaned in for their first kiss. When they pulled away, Arina laid her head back on his shoulder. “I’ll think of you every day,” Arina said.

“So will I,” Jay said, grabbing her hand.

Arina looked down and studied Jay’s new ring. She squinted at the fine details and put his hand back down.

They sat together and watched the sky change into a darker red and then lose all color.

Jay took a deep breath. “Your father will want to see you and he’ll want me to get ready.”

“You’re right,” Arina said, lifting her head. She kissed him again until the residue of the day had vanished.

Hand-in-hand, they made their way to the stairs in the fading light. Arina went in with her parents and Jay collected his bag from the study.

Jay finished packing and overheard Nuvi and Arina having a hushed conversation in the study. He hoped they weren’t in trouble, so he went to the other bedroom and stood in the doorway.

“I’m ready.”

“Good,” Barclay answered with his head down. He was looking for something.

Jay thought to ask if he could help but kept his mouth closed.

Barclay glanced up. Jay was dressed in his travel cloak and had his bag strapped to his back.

“Change of plans,” Barclay said, “We will stay the night.”


“Nuvi convinced me to wait until we’ve had a good rest.”

Arina and Nuvi walked past Jay and began organizing the room.

Jay took off his bag and headed back to his room.

Barclay found the item, a small knife, and stored it in his pocket. He went to his bag and cinched the top.

After a moment the room looked remarkably better.

“Come up and eat when you’re ready,” Nuvi said before she headed for the stairs.

Jay came back into the doorway when Arina walked out of the room.

Barclay pulled the strap on his bag tight and tossed it to the edge of his bed. “Let’s eat.”

Jay nodded.

They walked up the stairs and ate a quiet meal.

“Off to bed,” Nuvi said.

Jay headed to the stairs.

“Both of you.”

Jay looked back and watched a reluctant Barclay get to his feet. He walked to Nuvi and kissed her cheek. Jay looked at Arina, but she had her eyes on her parents.

Jay struggled to find sleep. He tried his left, then his right, but nothing worked. He lay on his back, but that position never worked for him. In the still of the night he thought he heard a soft cry. He didn’t know if it came from Arina or Nuvi. He thought about going to see but decided to stay in bed. He listened again but the crying had stopped.

When Jay did sleep, he had another dream of an unseen person throwing him around. The last time he had the dream was the night he and Barclay arrived in Boon. The difference this night was the addition of a voice. A subtle, calming voice kept telling him to relax. When Jay followed the instructions, the movements grew stronger and his clothes were nearly ripped off. Jay searched for a face but saw only a dark alley, lit by the half-moon, high overhead. A few times he fought back and gained a measure of control, but as soon as he thought he had the advantage, he was grabbed again by more than hands. To him, it felt like claws or talons from a large bird were digging into his arms and back.

Frustrated, Jay kicked himself awake. He knew he was on Taq, but he laid in the dark with his eyes open for a long time. The next thing he knew Barclay was shaking his shoulder. It was early and he was the last to wake. Jay dressed quickly in the candlelight and joined the others in the hallway.

“Come back the moment you’re done,” Nuvi said hugging Barclay. “Don’t make me wait any longer.”

“I will be back before your birthday,” he answered.

The thought pleased Nuvi and she tightened her arms around his waist.

Jay looked at Arina and they gravitated towards each other and embraced. Neither showed signs of letting go until Barclay tapped Jay’s shoulder.

“I need a hug.”

“Goodbye father,” Arina said.

Barclay’s bear hugs were never complete unless he picked her off the ground. “I will miss you.”

“Be watchful, Jay,” Nuvi counseled, holding him close. “Remember to watch out for each other.”

“I will,” Jay said, “thank you for everything.”

Barclay lowered Arina down and moved next to Jay.

Arina stood next to Nuvi and waited.

“We will hurry,” Barclay promised. He looked at Jay and took his hand. “To Mowin.”

Jay looked at Arina one last time before closing his eyes.

In a snap, Nuvi and Arina were alone, marooned in the heart of an inescapable island.

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