Keeping Denver
: Chapter 11

The kiss progresses into more in a matter of seconds. Warm hands snake up the inside of my sweater as Callan’s thumbs brush over my nipples, and I shiver. ‘Callan,’ I gasp.

Still seated on the couch with Callan kneeling on the floor in front of me, I wrap my legs around his waist, drawing his body closer to mine. Pushing forward, Callan’s hard cock comes into contact with the space between my legs, causing me to moan. ‘Oh, God.’

‘It feels good, doesn’t, baby?’

‘Yes. So good,’ I shamelessly admit.

Gripping the bottom of my sweater, Callan pulls it up, past my ribs, and I raise my arms, allowing him to remove it from my body. He tosses it to the floor while drinking in the sight of me wearing a black lace bra.

Leaning forward, Callan doesn’t waste any time cupping my right breast with one hand and latching his hot mouth onto my laced covered nipple, while his other hand works the strap of my bra on the other side. Gently, he slips it over my shoulder and down my arm. When his mouth releases my nipple, he makes work of the other strap, sliding it down, exposing both breasts. My breathing picks up, and so do my nerves. This is happening. ‘Callan. I…’

‘Do you want me to stop?’

I don’t hesitate to tell him, ‘No.’

‘We’re going to take this slow. We only go as far as you want it to go,’ he assures me.

My nerves settle, and my body relaxes. ‘I want this. I do. It’s just, I’ve never done this and I’m not sure…’

‘I’m sure enough for the both of us, baby. All you need to do is let me take care of you.’

I nod. ‘Okay.’

Callan cups both breasts in his large hands. ‘I’ve been dying to see these beautiful tits for weeks.’ His tongue darts out, flicking one of my taut nipples. Once he’s done playing with one, he switches to the other, giving it equal attention. I arch my back and buck my hips when his teeth bite down on my sensitive flesh, causing my sex to clench and clit to throb.

‘I’m going to take your pants off now, baby. You okay with that?’

I lick my lips. ‘Yes.’

A predatory smile takes over Callan’s face as he flicks the button on my jeans.

‘Lay back, Denver.’ I do as I’m told and lay back against the couch. He then grips my jeans and tugs them over my hips and down my legs, leaving me in just my panties. His eyes darken when his gaze zeroes in on what’s between my legs. ‘I can’t wait to get my mouth on this pussy.’ Sliding his palms up my calves and in between my thighs, Callan spreads my legs wide. ‘Hold your legs open, Denver. Show me what’s mine. Show me what no other man has had the pleasure of tasting or ever will.’ He inches his face a little closer, and I fight the urge to raise my hips. ‘Say it, baby. Say I’m the only man who will have this pussy,’ Callan demands, his nose flaring.

‘Only you, Callan.’

Hooking the scrap of material covering my pussy with his finger, he moves it aside, exposing me.

‘Fucking perfect.’ The words barely leave his mouth before his tongue takes its first taste. Not expecting the pleasure to feel this exquisite, I scream out his name. ‘Callan!’

As if his name on my lips fuels his hunger for me, Callan lets out a primal growl, a rumbling from deep within his chest, as he rips the panties from my body. Clutching my ass in the palms of his hands, he brings my pussy to his mouth and feasts on me. Callan licks and nips at my center just before his tongue delves inside of me, taking all I have to give. That’s it; that is all it takes for the pressure that has been building inside me to explode into his mouth. My orgasm rips through my soul as flashes of light dance behind my eyelids.

‘Look at me, Denver. Open your eyes and watch.’ At his command, I open my eyes in time to watch as Callan reaches behind his neck, tugging his shirt off over his head, revealing the tattoo I’ve seen peeking through the collar of his dress shirts on several occasions. His tattoo is of two black and grey hawks. With them are the initials K.H. The design is intricate and spans his whole right shoulder and over his peck. If I had to guess, I’d say the tattoo is a representation of his last name. My eyes travel south to where he is lowering the zipper of his jeans and pulls them down just enough for his length to spring free. I look on, hypnotized at the way his hand works his cock.

Curious as to how it would feel in my hands, I ask, ‘Can I do it?’

‘You never have to ask to touch me, baby.’

Reaching between my spread legs, I wrap my hand around Callan’s cock. It’s hard, smooth, and just as big as I imagined. I watch as a pearl of pre-cum settles at the tip, and I swipe it with the tip of my thumb, my action causing him to hiss. ‘Squeeze it tight, baby. Just like that.’ I work his cock up and down, paying close attention to his reactions. ‘I’m about to come. Spread your legs wider and let me cum all over that pretty pussy.’

Opening my legs wider, I continue stroking him, until the head of his cock swells. Callan lets out a throated growl as jets of cum spills, covering my sex. I swear I almost come again at the sight of his warm release coating my skin.

Not caring about the sticky mess between us, Callan pulls my body against his, and I wrap my legs around his hips once more. I glide my palms up and down his sweaty back and can’t resist tilting my head back and kissing his neck. It doesn’t take long before I feel his cock swell once again between us. And when Callan thrusts his hips forward, the tip brushes against my clit.

Needing more, I begin to grind myself against him, meeting him thrust for thrust, as his long thick cock continues to work my clit. ‘That’s it. Come for me again. Come all over my cock.’ This time Callan doesn’t allow my eyes to close when my orgasm hits for a second time. He grips my chin with one hand, while he holds my body flush against his with the other, forcing my eyes to stay on his as he too crashes over the edge.

The next morning, we are sitting in the back of his car on our way to the office, as I drown out Callan’s voice while he barks orders over the phone. So much has happened and I feel like my brain has yet to catch up. First, there is Callan, who up until two days ago I thought didn’t like me and merely tolerated my existence. Now, he has declared me his, and has pretty much taken over my life. He’s given me a place to live, and bought me clothes. My life has suddenly become a fairytale. There’s a part of me that is still airing on the side of caution. Still leery to fully trust the whirlwind I’m caught up in. It feels as though this is all a dream and I’m going to wake up and be thrust back into the nightmare my life was before Callan plucked my weary body off the cold city street. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Before I know it, the car stops in front of Callan’s building, and I find him looking at me expectantly while holding a large orange box with HERMES scrolled across the lid. ‘Callan…’

‘I know what you’re going to say, Denver, but I got it for you anyway. Please, baby. Take it.’ Callan places the box on my lap.

‘This is too much, Callan. You’ve gotten me so much already. Much more than one person needs. To think how many people could be helped with the money you’ve spent on me in the past couple of days…’

‘We can discuss those thoughts later. Please, open the box.’ Callan asks.

With shaky hands, I lift the lid to reveal a Togo Gold Hermes Birkin bag. My eyes widen in shock. ‘It’s gorgeous Callan, but I can’t accept this.’ I shake my head. ‘You don’t have to buy me things like this. You know I would have been content with a twenty-dollar handbag.’

‘I know you would. That’s one of the reasons I got you this. Because you don’t expect lavish gifts. The second reason is that you deserve the best. So, that is what you will get.’

Turning back to the box on my lap, I pull the purse out and run my hands along the smooth feel of the leather. It is a beautiful bag. I’ve never held something so luxurious in my hands before. Then I feel guilty knowing the price he must have paid for it. His money would do better elsewhere, like helping out the people down at the shelter.

‘I had Mitch pick you up a new ID,’ Callan nods toward his driver. ‘It’s in the wallet.’

Looking in the bag, I grab the wallet inside and open it. Sure enough, there is a new ID, along with a black credit card with the name Callan Hawk on it.

‘What’s this for?’

‘It’s yours to use however you want,’ Callan shrugs.

‘I make my own money, Callan. I don’t need it.’

Callan’s face softens. ‘I know you do, baby. Keep it anyway, just in case.’

‘Fine,’ I huff.

Callan smiles, liking the fact he has won yet another battle, and I roll my eyes. ‘Come on, let’s go.’ Callan grabs my hand as he goes to slide out of the car. I stop him.

‘Why don’t you go first. I’ll wait a minute then come in behind you.’

Callan grinds his jaw and refuses to let go of my hand. ‘No. We will walk in together.’

Not wanting to rehash the same discussion, I relent and allow Callan to help me from the car, leading me inside the building. When we pass the security desk, the guard nods. ‘Mr. Hawk, Miss Hollis.’

The elevator ride up, I can’t stop fidgeting. Callan squeezes my hand. ‘You’re worried about nothing.’

‘Am I? The moment we step off the elevator, everyone will see us together. They will see the new clothes I’m wearing and the ten thousand-dollar handbag on my arm. I know what they will all think, Callan.’

‘I told you yesterday I don’t give a fuck what people think. If any of them have the nerve to open their mouths, I’ll fire their asses.’

Callan turns to me and cups my face. ‘This thing between us is happening. I’m not hiding, and neither will you.’ He kisses my lips, and just like that, I’m melting into him.

Stepping off the elevator, the first person we run into is Kelly, who is already sitting at her desk. She looks at our joined hands then up at my face. She doesn’t openly sneer at me because she wouldn’t do such a thing in front of Callan. Especially since he handed her ass to her yesterday, I have no doubt she will give me hell the first chance Callan is out of earshot, but that doesn’t stop me from giving her my best, ‘he’s mine’ look while offering her a smug smile.

‘I knew it!’ Is France’s response when Callan drops me off at my desk a few seconds later.

‘Frances,’ Callan tries to cut her off; only she doesn’t listen.

‘Although, I told Richard it would take you at least another two weeks before you broke.’ Frances beams and it’s Callan’s turn to roll his eyes.

‘Who’s Richard?’ I ask.

‘Richard is my husband,’ Frances supplies.

‘He and I had a bet going on how long it would take Callan to accept he was smitten with you.’

‘I’ll be in my office,’ Callan says, ignoring Frances, but doesn’t hide his amusement.

‘Coffee, Miss Hollis,’ he calls out just before shutting his door. At least some things haven’t changed.

The morning passes without incident. It turns out I was worked up for nothing, and worried how people would treat me after word got around the office about the boss and me. Everyone I encountered acted as if it was just another day. All except Lucas, who gave me a knowing smirk when I ran into him while fixing Callan some coffee. As for Kelly, she has been surprisingly pleasant as well. She has even gone as far as to throw a couple smiles my way. I don’t trust Kelly as far as I can throw her, and intend on growing a pair of eyes in the back of my head when it comes to her.

Callan and I missed our lunch together due to the fact he had court at 11:30. I accepted Frances’s invitation to eat with her instead. ‘Are you going to spill and tell me what happened between you and Callan?’ Frances grills the moment we sit down at the deli in the lobby. ‘Was it when he made you stay late the other night? I knew he was using it as a ruse to spend more time with you. He couldn’t have been more obvious. Did he confess his feeling then?’

I swallow the bite of the turkey club I have in my mouth. ‘Not exactly.’ I wring my hands in my lap. ‘We fought when I declined his offer to give me a ride home.’ Frances looks at me with bewilderment. I continue, ‘I didn’t want him to give me a ride because I didn’t want him to know I was homeless and staying in a shelter.’

‘Oh, Denver. Why didn’t you tell me? I could have helped.’

‘I know you would have helped, Frances. But I was too ashamed.’

‘Being homeless is nothing to be ashamed of, dear.’

‘It’s not just that. I’m used to being on my own. Have been my whole life. I guess I’ve gotten used to not being able to depend on other people.’ I pause a moment thinking about Callan. ‘Callan is showing me I can trust people; I can let them help. He’s been amazing to me.’

‘I’m happy he can be that person for you, Denver. Callan is one of the best men I know.’ I let her words settle with me as we finish our meal, and she doesn’t pry into my personal business any further.

Arriving back at the office after lunch, I notice the door to Callan’s office is closed. He must be back from court. Anxious to see how things went with Mrs. Dennis, I knock on the door twice before opening it. ‘Hey, Callan. I wanted to see…’ I don’t finish my sentence because what I see in front of me causes my words to catch in my throat. Joslyn currently has her arms wrapped around Callan’s neck, their lips fused in a kiss. My heart feels like it has been ripped from my chest. All I can do is stand there, frozen in place. Callan makes eye contact with me just before I turn and run. I don’t make it three feet past my desk before an arm snakes around my waist, and I pulled back against a hard chest. ‘Let me go,’ I croak, trying to push out of Callan’s hold.

Callan pulls me closer, his mouth pressed against my ear. ‘Never.’

Through my blurred vision, I catch sight of the security guard, making his way toward us. Callan barks, ‘Please escort Joslyn from the building and make sure she is not allowed back in. If she tries, have her arrested.’

‘Are you seriously having me kicked out, Callan?’

‘Yes. I warned you the last time you were here not to come back.’

‘Why? Because of your little pet mouse?’ Joslyn scoffs.

‘No. Because you disrespected my woman and because you’re an opportunistic bitch. Now get out.’ Keeping his hold on me, Callan doesn’t spare Joslyn a second glance as he maneuvers me into his office. I wrap my arms around myself while refusing to meet his eyes. ‘Baby. What you saw was not what it looked like.’

I sniffle using the sleeve of my shirt to wipe my face. ‘I know.’

Callan puts his finger under my chin, tipping my head back. ‘You believe me?’ The look on his face is pure anguish.

‘Yes. I didn’t know at first. But the fact you had security escort her out tells me you didn’t want her here. It doesn’t make seeing her kiss you hurt any less, though.’

‘I’m sorry, Denver. She was here waiting in my office when I got back from court. I called security the second I saw her. I told her the last time she was here; she wasn’t welcome back. Her pulling this stunt is the last straw. She had no reason to show up here today, considering I ended what we had weeks ago. I wasn’t lying when I told you the other night Joslyn and I are done.’

‘I know. I believe you.’ My nerves start to calm.

‘Good. I told you, Denver, I knew you were it for me your first day here.’

‘Oh. Well, you sure had a funny way of showing it sometimes,’ I grumble making light of the situation.

Callan kisses the pout right off my face. ‘What do you say we knock off early, pick up some takeout and go home?’

‘I’d say that sounds like the perfect plan.’

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