Keeping Denver
: Chapter 13

When Monday morning sneaks up on me, I wake before the alarm sounds. Wiping the sleep from my eyes, I stretch and peer at the clock on the table beside the bed. Knowing I won’t be able to go back to sleep, I slid out of bed, careful not to disturb Callan.

Standing at the foot of the bed, I study the man sleeping in front of me, taking in his relaxed features, two-day-old stubble on his face, and his tousled hair. I’m not sure if a man would like to be described as beautiful, but Callan is. He’s also caring and passionate once you get passed his asshole exterior. The smile on my face grows as I stare at him a tad longer.

‘I feel your eyes on me,’ Callan says, his voice gruff from sleep, then opens his to slits. ‘What are you doing out of bed?’

‘Couldn’t sleep any longer so, I’m about to take a shower. You can go back to sleep.’

Callan tosses the blanket to the side and climbs out of bed. ‘I’ll join you.’

My belly dips, and I don’t miss the evil glint in his eyes before turning on my heel, and ambling into the bathroom with him behind me. Callan makes his intentions known when he opens a drawer below the bathroom counter, retrieving a box of condoms. My heart rate increases, and I bite my lower lip to suppress my smile.

After Callan and I had sex for the first time yesterday morning, I mentioned the fact I’ve only been on the pill a week, and it wasn’t effective yet. I also noted I was due for my period soon and due to timing, we were probably in the clear.

Reaching into the shower, I turn on the hot water while Callan steps out of his boxer briefs then effectively rids me of my t-shirt and panties. I go about shampooing my hair while Callan takes the body wash, squeezes some out into the palm of his hand, then rubs them together, working up a good lather. He starts by running his hands from my neck, down the valley between my breasts, across my stomach, before snaking his hands around to my backside, caressing the curves of my ass. He palms my cheeks, then reaches between my legs, slightly touching my already sensitive clit. His finger teases my pussy, finding it already wet. ‘You sore?’

‘A little,’ I say, my voice heavy with desire.

Dipping his head, Callan peppers kisses along my shoulder and neck, causing my entire body to shiver, my nipples to harden, and leaving my breasts feeling heavy from his teasing. ‘Come here.’ Callan hoists me up, and I wrap my legs around his waist as he walks us backward, sitting on the tiled bench at the far end of his massive shower. ‘So sweet. So, fucking sexy,’ he says between kisses as he palms the cheeks of my ass once more.

Reaching for the condom he’d placed on the shower shelf, Callan puts the foil wrapper between his teeth, and rips it open. I watch as he reaches between our bodies and sheaths his cock. ‘Ride me,’ he orders, and without hesitation, I do as he commands.

Rising to my knees, I rest my hands on his shoulders while he guides the blunt head of his cock to my entrance. With Callan’s hands clasped at my waist, I take a deep breath, and slowly lower myself until his cock is buried inside me, completely. Today, there is no pain, only the feeling of being full. Callan releases a strangled grunt as I begin to rock my hips, getting use to the new sensation. ‘I like it like this,’ I tell him as I grind down harder.

‘Fuck,’ he hisses, tightening his grip on my hips.

Callan’s face looks as if he’s in pain, and I stop moving. My heart drops with the notion I’m doing this the wrong way. I’m sure he is used to women with more experience. ‘Am I doing it wrong?’

Callan’s features change as he cups my face in his hands. ‘Everything you do is perfect. I want you to move the way your body is telling you to. I promise there is no greater feeling in the world than being inside you, Denver. My problem is you feel too good. I’m seconds away from blowing, and I’m not ready yet.’

At his confession, I relax and do as he says. I move my body in whatever way makes it feel good while Callan palms my breasts. The moment he takes one of my nipples into his mouth, I throw my head back. ‘Callan.’

‘That’s it, baby. Take what’s yours.’

Soon, the pleasure becomes too much, and Callan decides to take over. Standing from the bench, our connection is broken as he turns, and suddenly my back is pressed against the cold tile of the shower wall. With no time to think about the agonizing empty feeling between my legs, Callan remedies it by slamming back into me in one fluid motion, causing me to gasp. Our mouths meet in an urgent kiss. With our bodies pressed against one another, I feel the rapid beat of his heart. ‘Jesus.’ Callan pulls out then surges back in. I push my hips down, trying to match his rhythm.

‘You feel so good inside me,’ I moan, gripping his shoulders. Sooner than I’d like, my belly tightens, and the walls of my pussy begin to flutter.

‘Shit, baby, I’m coming.’ Callan works himself in and out of me at a rapid pace. ‘Come with me.’

My body keeping time with his, I throw my head back, and my lips part. ‘Oh, god!’ My orgasm rages through my entire body. With one final thrust, Callan falls with me, and I pull him in tighter as we ride out our release together.

A short hour later, before work, Callan takes me to a hole-in-the-wall diner where the woman behind the counter calls him by name, and where they serve the best French Toast in the city. His words, not mine. As we sit getting ready to eat our meal, I start to hum along to the Christmas music playing in the background, and a thought comes to mind. ‘Do you have any plans for Christmas?’ I take another bite of my French Toast, enjoying the robust cinnamon flavor.

‘I usually stay at home. On Christmas Eve Spencer and I eat dinner with Frances and Richard, but normally my Christmas day is spent alone.’ Callan downs his coffee. ‘However, I have thought about taking a trip this year.’ His eyes gleam when he looks at me, cocking his head. ‘Why?’

Shrugging my shoulders, I take a small sip of my caramel latte. ‘No reason. I thought we could maybe get a small tree for the Penthouse. I’ve never had my own tree before. I thought it would be fun.’ Sitting my mug on the table, I wave my hand. ‘It was a silly idea. Forget I said anything.’

Callan pauses before placing another bite of food into his mouth. ‘Nonsense. You want to get a tree and decorate it; we will. I’ll buy you the biggest fucking tree we can find if that’s what will make you happy.’

‘Really?’ I can’t contain how happy Callan makes me and bounce in my seat.

Callan chuckles, then leans over the table, kissing me. ‘Really, baby. We’ll go today after work and pick one out.’

Sitting at my desk a couple of hours later, I rub my temples, trying to soothe the throbbing in my head. We’re only a few hours into the workday, and already, Callan is in a sour mood. He received a phone call soon after arriving at the office, and whoever it was set him off. Now he’s snapping people’s heads off left and right. ‘Miss Hollis!’ Callan’s irritated voice barks over the intercom from the phone sitting on top of my desk ‘Is the boardroom set up for my three o’clock?’

‘No. I was…’

He cuts me off. ‘Get it done.’

Gritting my teeth, I resist the urge to walk into his office and strangle him. I was on my way to do just that, but once again, I didn’t have the opportunity to tell him so, before he barked at me. Instead, I give Callan my best sweet voice. ‘Yes, Mr. Hawk. I’m right on top of that…asshole,’ I must not have released the intercom button in time because his voice fills the air once again. This time sounding more amused than angry.

‘I heard that, Miss Hollis.’

After I take care of making sure we have enough bottled water, and place a call to our usual catering company for Callan’s meeting, I sit back down at my desk and find several new emails. One of them from Spencer. The subject line reads PLUS ONE CONFIRMATIONI open the email.

Mr. Hawk, please confirm a plus one to tonight’s dinner.


Beverly is Spencer’s PA of the week. Apparently, his assistant is on maternity leave and for the last month he hasn’t been able to hold onto a temp longer than a day or two. Let’s see how long Beverly lasts. Pulling up Callan’s schedule for today, I don’t see anything regarding dinner tonight. Crap. Now I have to go into the lion’s den and ask Mr. Grumpy about it. Blowing out a breath, I push away from my desk, make my way to Callan’s office door and knock.


I step into his office. ‘I received an email from Beverly.’

Callan looks up from his computer. ‘Okay. Who is Beverly?’

‘Beverly is Spencer’s assistant for the day and she would like to confirm whether or not you will be bringing a plus one to the dinner tonight?’

Callan scrunches his brow in confusion for a second before cursing, ‘Shit.’

‘I’m sorry. I checked your schedule and didn’t see anything about dinner. I would have reminded you if I had.’

He runs his hand down his face. ‘It’s not your fault, baby. My last assistant must not have added it to my schedule when the invitations were sent out months ago.’ Callan picks up the phone on his desk and punches some numbers. ‘Hey, Frances. I need you to reschedule my three o’clock.’ He looks up from the papers lying in front of him, and smiles at me. ‘Yeah, everything is alright. I just remembered Spencer’s dinner thing is tonight. I’m taking Denver on a long lunch.’ Callan’s smile grows, making me smile too. ‘Will do.’ Standing, Callan strides over to where his suit jacket hangs and puts it on. ‘Grab your purse. We have shopping to do.’

‘What are you talking about.’ I trail behind him and grab my purse from my desk drawer as he waits for me.

‘You’re going with me to Spencer’s charity dinner tonight. You’ll need a dress.’ S~ᴇaʀᴄh the (ꜰind)ɴʘvel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

A short time later, Callan and I arrive at a department store where his personal stylist greets us. ‘Mr. Hawk, Miss Hollis. It’s good to see you.’

‘Maggie, it’s good to see you again.’ Callan pulls me to his side, ‘I’d like you to meet my girlfriend, Denver.’

I offer my hand. ‘It’s nice to meet you.’

‘It’s good to finally put a face to the woman I’ve had the pleasure of shopping for. And now that I see all this gorgeous red hair,’ she gestures, ‘I can’t wait to pick you out some more appropriate pieces to accentuate all your fabulous features.’ Pivoting on her heel, she crosses the room. ‘I have the perfect gown for you.’

Maggie leads Callan and me to a more secluded part of the store. Callan takes a seat on the chair and gives me a panty-melting smile as Maggie leads me to a large changing room. The moment she pulls back the curtain I gasp. Hanging in front of me is the most beautiful dress I have ever laid eyes on. ‘I can’t wait to see this dress on you, Denver. I know it’s going to be stunning,’ Maggie beams, clasping her hands together.

After stripping down to my bra and panties, she helps me into the gown. Once the back of the dress is zipped, I take a deep breath, and face the floor-length mirror. My breath catches as I take in my reflection.

‘Perfect,’ Maggie whispers her approval. The velvet, long-sleeved emerald green gown hugs my curves perfectly. I stare at my reflection, thinking how could the beautiful woman looking back, be me. I run my palms over the luxurious fabric. The deep v-neck, which shows off a bit of cleavage, plummets to my torso, where a belt cinches my waist in, accentuating the slight flare of my hips. The long slit up the right side stops about mid-thigh, showing the perfect amount of leg, making the gown sexy, yet tasteful. I feel like a princess. ‘I have never worn something this beautiful.’

‘Oh, honey. The dress is beautiful, but you make it look like a piece of art.’ Turning Maggie opens a box sitting on the tufted bench, pulling out a pair of matching green, five-inch strappy heels. ‘Let’s get these on you.’ Crouching down to the floor, she helps me slip the shoes on. ‘Let’s show Mr. Hawk.’ Maggie pulls back the curtain, and I step through. I walk into the waiting area, where Callan is sitting. He looks up from his phone. His nostrils flare as his eyes travel the length of my body.

‘What do you think?’ I ask nervously, and try not to fidget.

Without taking his focus off me, he says, ‘We’ll take it—shoes too. Please have it delivered to my Penthouse by four.’ He hands Maggie his credit card.

Hours later, I’m riding in the back of a limo next to Callan with my nerves all over the place. I’ve never been to a fancy function before. ‘What charity is this event for?’

‘Domestic violence. Spencer started holding charity dinners eight years ago. Once he started making a name for himself, he took advantage of his platform and connections. He’s not big on rubbing elbows with most of the people in attendance, but the money and donations the event brings are well worth it.’

‘I think what he’s doing is admirable. There are not enough people in the world like you and Spencer. You two use your money and power to make a difference.’

Callan threads his hand with mine, bringing it to his lips. ‘Most people who attend don’t come from humble beginnings like Spencer and me. They don’t know those kinds of struggles. Unfortunately, a majority of them only donate because it makes them look good on paper.’

‘That’s horrible.’

‘It is,’ Callan agrees. ‘But, at the end of the day, his goal is getting inside their pockets and helping those who are less fortunate.’ The limo stops in front of one of New York’s most famous hotels. A red carpet paves the way to the entrance, and lining the rug is a slew of photographers. Callan turns to me. ‘You ready, baby?’

‘You didn’t tell me the press would be here.’

‘Because I knew you’d be nervous.’ He grins. ‘Come on.’ Callan steps out of the limo when the driver opens the door. The cameras start flashing and people begin shouting, ‘Mr. Hawk, over here!’

This is insane. How has this become my life? I feel like a fish out of water—an imposter. Calming my nerves, I take a deep breath. Taking the hand Callan has held out for me and allow him to help me from the car.

‘Who’s your date, Mr. Hawk?’ another photographer shouts.

Keeping my hand in his, we ignore the flashing lights and photographers as Callan leads us inside. According to my google search weeks ago, I knew Callan was a big deal and very well known, but I wasn’t at all prepared for this. ‘That was a bit overwhelming. Do you ever get used to it?’

‘Unfortunately, yes. But they’re not as bad as they were right after my father passed away, and I sold his company. At one point it was a struggle leaving my home at all. Now, they mostly show up at events like this one to catch a glimpse of who’s showing up with who. The gossip rags don’t care about tonight’s cause. They only care about getting their money shot, and the hopes one of tonight’s A-listers will get drunk and show out.’

‘Does that sort of thing happen at these kinds of events?’

‘Celebrities getting wasted?’ Callan shrugs. ‘Sometimes. It’s never happened at one of Spencer’s events. He runs a tight ship and has staff on hand to handle anything, or anyone that may get out of hand. He won’t allow any bad press to taint his work. Spencer takes what he does very seriously.’

Walking hand in hand into the grand ballroom, my eyes scan the massive space lit in a romantic amber glow, and begin to feel overwhelmed as I take in at least two hundred guests in attendance.

‘Relax, baby,’ Callan whispers into my ear.

‘I feel so out of place. Like a fraud amongst all these elegant and posh people.’

Callan lets go of my hand and snakes his arm around my waist. ‘Don’t let their faces fool you. None of them are half as good as you are. You’re more authentic than they will ever be.’ Callan presses his lips to my temple. ‘You’re by my side, exactly where I want you to be and where you belong.’ Callan gazes down at me. The truth in his words shows on his face. ‘Come on. Let’s get some Champagne.’

Keeping to the edge of the crowd, we make our way to the bar, where Callan orders two drinks. ‘One Champagne and a glass of scotch, please.’

‘Callan, Denver. I’m glad the two of you could make it.’ At the sound of Spencer’s voice, both Callan and I turn. The smile on my face diminishes the instant I notice who is on his arm. Kelly is pressed against Spencer, wearing a short black satin number, that has more of a night club vibe than an upscale charity feel. She gives me her usual bitch face, and I avoid looking at her, trying to pretend she doesn’t exist. ‘Denver,’ Spencer calls my name, drawing my attention. ‘You look fucking radiant.’ He breaks away from Kelly and kisses my cheek.

I smile. ‘Thanks, Spencer.’

Spencer gives me a wink, his action pissing off his date. ‘You are one lucky son of a bitch, Callan.’ He slaps his friend on the shoulder, and Callan pulls me into his side.

‘I know. Now, if you don’t mind, would you stop eye-fucking my woman?’

Spencer throws his head back and laughs, clearly getting a kick out of messing with his friend. Kelly, however, is not as amused.

‘Spencer, darling. I want a drink.’ Kelly tugs on Spencer’s arm to gain his attention.

His smile disappears as he turns toward her, speaking in a clipped tone. ‘Why don’t you head on over to the bar and wait for me?’

Huffing, Kelly pinches her lips together, and cuts her eyes at me, before scuttling off in the direction of the bar. My dislike for the woman must be showing all over my face because Spencer chuckles. ‘Not a fan of my date?’

‘You could do better,’ I mutter under my breath without thinking. Luckily Spencer doesn’t take offense.

‘Thought you had cut Kelly loose weeks ago?’ Callan asks his best friend.

Spencer sighs. ‘Yeah, me too.’ He rubs the back of his neck. ‘Her ass showed up tonight. I would have tossed her out but didn’t want to cause a scene.’

The sound of Kelly’s giggle from across the room draws our attention. The three of us look toward the bar to see her leaning over the counter while chatting with the bartender, her boobs on the verge of popping out. Spencer signals for a man standing by the front entrance, and faces us, ‘Let me go take care of her. I’ll catch you two later.’

Throughout the night, Callan introduces me to multiple contributors, some of whom were very pleasant. Now, sitting at the table, along with Spencer, Frances, and her Richard; all my worries, and nervousness are all but forgotten, as we laugh and enjoy the delicious food served a short time ago. Placing my napkin on the table, I lean into Callan. ‘I’m going to the ladies’ room before Spencer makes his speech.’

‘You want me to go with you?’

I shake my head, laughing. ‘I can make my own way. You stay and finish your meal.’

‘Would you like another Champagne?’

Pushing my chair from the table, I stand with my clutch in hand. ‘No, thank you. I think I’ve had enough. Maybe just water.’ I smile down at Callan, his stare giving me butterflies in my stomach.

‘You got it, baby.’

I lean down and plant a soft kiss on his lips. ‘I’ll be right back.’

As I enter the bathroom, two women are reapplying their lipstick. We exchange polite smiles before I step into one of the stalls. When I exit the stall, I’m surprised to find Kelly standing there. It was my understanding Spencer had her escorted out of the building. ‘Looks like Callan was able to clean up the gutter trash,’ she says with disdain. I cock my head to the side. I still haven’t figured out Kelly’s angle. At first, I thought she was trying to gain Callan’s attention, then she shows up tonight on Spencer’s arm. Now she is back to snide comments and nasty stares.

‘You know, Kelly. You’re wasting your breath. I have no intention of playing these childish games with you. I don’t know what your goal is here but I’m with Callan. I’m living in his apartment and sleeping in his bed every night. Get over it.’

Kelly saunters up to me, getting in my face. ‘Soon, Callan will see you for what you are, and you’ll be back to sleeping next to the dumpster where you belong.’ Bumping into my shoulder as she passes by, Kelly disappears out of the bathroom door. Usually, her threats don’t affect me, but for some reason, this time feels different. Her words leave an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach.

I run into Callan as I exit the bathroom. ‘I was coming to look for you.’ Callan looks at me with concern. ‘Everything okay, baby?’

Masking my worries from my encounter with Kelly, I smile. ‘Of course.’

‘You sure?’

‘I’m sure.’ I link my arm with his. ‘Come on. We don’t want to miss Spencer’s speech.’

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