Keeping Denver
: Chapter 16

It wasn’t my intention to eavesdrop on Richard’s telephone conversation with Callan, but once I knew they were talking about me, I couldn’t help myself. Now here I am leaning against the wall outside Richard’s office after listening to him lay into Callan.

I guess it’s time to get off your ass and prove it.

Just as I’m about to walk away quietly, Richard calls out, ‘How are you doing, sweetheart?’

I close my eyes and bite my lip. Shit. I’ve been made. Rounding the doorframe, I step into Richard’s office. ‘I’m sorry for listening in on your conversation.’ I give him a sheepish smile.

Richard waves his hand. ‘Have a seat.’ Sitting in a chair across from his desk, I wring my hands in my lap. ‘What’s on your mind, sweetheart?’

I look up from my lap, and take in Richard’s concerned face. ‘You and Callan are close. He once told me you are like a father to him.’

Richard’s bushy mustache twitches, then his lips turn up in a grin. ‘I care for Callan very much. Frances and I were not blessed with children of our own, but I consider him and Spencer our sons.’

I return a warm smile of my own. ‘I feel like my being here might come between you all, and despite the way I’m feeling toward Callan now, I would never want my presence to cause any trouble.’

‘Callan was right. You are something special.’ Richard leans back in his chair, and clasps his hands together in front of him. ‘I see why he’s in love with you. Despite whatever bullshit life hands you, you still want what’s best for others.’

‘Richard, I…’

He cuts me off. ‘My wife and I won’t accept anything less. Your ass will stay put, sweetheart.’ I chuckle at Richards playful, no-nonsense vocabulary, and stand.

‘Thank you, Richard.’ I go to leave his office when he calls out.



‘I’m going to speak my peace and then leave whatever happens between you and Callan alone.’ I give Richard a small nod, letting him know he can continue. ‘I’m not saying this to take sides. In this particular situation, there can be no sides. But I want you to know Callan acted from a place of fear, and let his past get in the way. Did he tell you about his father?’

‘He did,’ I confirm.

‘When I first met Callan as a boy, he was so angry. The older he got, the anger turned into determination. That determination is what fueled him to become the successful man he is today—determined to help women stand up to men like his father. But in turn, it also caused him to build a wall around his heart. Callan’s fear of abandonment has him keeping people at arm’s length. No one has been able to break through those walls until you.’

Walking back toward his desk, I sit back down for a moment while letting Richard’s words sink in. ‘If you’re wondering if I’ll be able to forgive Callan, then my answer is yes. I will because I love him. The real question is, will I ever be able to look him in the face and not feel the sting of betrayal, and wonder if he would ever do something like this to me again. I want a man who will love me and stand by my side always. A man who I can trust. Right now, I don’t trust Callan.’ Richard says nothing, only nods. His eyes tell me all I need to know. He understands. Giving him a small smile, I leave his office, trying like hell to suppress the gamut of emotions wanting so much to break free. With my own determination, I don’t let my love for Callan run over what is more important. Myself. If I don’t protect my own heart, then who will?

Later that evening, after calling Spencer and accepting his job offer, I’m in the kitchen helping Frances with the dinner dishes. ‘Frances?’


‘I’ve already thanked you, but I hope you know how much I appreciate all you have done for me. Not only allowing me to stay in your home until I can find a place of my own but for believing in me. Especially since we haven’t known each other very long.’

Placing the dish towel on the counter, Frances motions for me to sit with her at the kitchen table. ‘You don’t have to thank me, dear. I knew the day we met you and I would be great friends. My only regret is not knowing your situation when you first started working for Callan. When he told me about the night he found you on the street…’ Frances chokes on her words.

Reaching across the table, I lay my hand on hers. ‘Nothing about that night, or any day before was your fault. It wasn’t anyone’s fault. If anything, it was mine. It’s challenging for me to sit here and take what you, Richard, and Spencer are offering me. It’s hard admitting I can’t make it on my own; at least for now. I’m finally learning to accept help from people,’ I assure her.

‘Oh, Denver.’ Frances shakes her head.

‘Do you remember the day I had my interview, and you took me to lunch?’

Frances smiles. ‘I do.’

‘You’ll never know how much you affected my life just by buying me lunch. And later that night at the shelter, I discovered you had put that food in my bookbag.’ I pause as I try to control my emotions. ‘It had been two days since I had eaten, and it was like you knew.’

At my confession, Frances starts to cry. ‘I just figured you were going through a rough patch financially. I could sense you were hungry but declined my offer for lunch. I sensed something that day but had no idea how dire your situation was. Had I known…’

I stop her. ‘I know; you probably would have taken me home with you that day,’ I smile.

‘Your damn right, I would.’ Frances and I are quiet for a minute as we gather ourselves. Just then, Spencer strides into the kitchen, and takes in mine and Frances’s state.

‘Is this a bad time?’

‘No, no. Come on in,’ Frances answers.

‘Good, because I have some news,’ he smiles. ‘The charges against you have been dropped,’ Spencer addresses me.

‘Oh my god!’ I jump out of the chair. ‘How?’


I look to Frances then back to Spencer. ‘So, Frances was right?’

‘Indeed, she was,’ Spencer confirms.

Richard strolls into the kitchen. ‘That’s because my woman is quite the investigator. She can spot a bullshitter a mile away.’

‘Oh, hush,’ Frances swats at her husband.

I turn my attention back to Spencer. ‘So, what happens now?’

‘Well, while Kelly has the pleasure of spending the night in the same jail cell you did, you get to move forward and hopefully put the whole incident behind you.’

‘What about Joslyn? What is her punishment?’

Spencer sighs. ‘Unfortunately, nothing. Even though Kelly admits she and Joslyn were in on it together, it was Kelly who planted the wallet and jewelry then called the police with the false allegations.’

‘That’s not fair,’ I purse my lips. ‘Joslyn conspired with Kelly to set me up. That has to count for something.’

‘We all agree, sweetheart. But in this case, it’s Kelly’s word against Joslyn,’ Richard clarifies the legalities of it all.

‘Don’t worry, Denver.’ Spencer places his hand on my shoulder. ‘Callan won’t let her get away with it for too long.’

‘So, he knows it was Kelly and Joslyn?’ More hurt begins to settle in my stomach as the entire story unfolds. How do people become so petty and vindictive?

‘Yes. I stopped by his apartment earlier.’

‘At least he believes me now,’ I mutter under my breath. Nobody says anything at my off-handed comment. I’m not quite ready to move passed my bitchy stage and into forgiveness when it comes to Callan. Stepping up to Spencer, I hug him and kiss his cheek. ‘Thanks for handling the whole debacle for me. I don’t know how I’ll repay you.’

Spencer squeezes me. ‘You agreed to be my assistant. That’s good enough for me. My office and calendar are complete and utter chaos.’

‘I guess I’ll see you first thing in the morning then?’ I smile.

‘Denver, you don’t have to start tomorrow. Why don’t you take the rest of the week off? Come in on Monday.’

‘No,’ I shake my head. ‘I’d much rather keep myself busy. So, if tomorrow is okay with you, I’ll see you in the morning.’

Spencer agrees. ‘I’ll see you tomorrow then.’

Later that night, I am lying in bed when my phone begins to ring. Callan’s name pops up on the screen, and I immediately send it to voicemail again, even though I want nothing more than to hear his voice. A second later, the phone vibrates with a text message.

I’m sorry, baby. I fucked up.

Please answer your phone.

I need to hear your voice.

I miss you.

A tear slides down my cheek onto the phone screen as I read Callan’s words. I can’t bring myself to reply. No matter how bad I want to. ‘I miss you too.’ Setting my phone on the table beside the bed, I hug a pillow into my chest and curl into a ball. I don’t know how long I lay crying before sleep finally sneaks in and rescues me from the heartache I’m struggling to break free from.

The next morning, I wake to find some, but not all of my clothes from Callan’s Penthouse delivered. I’m guessing Spencer told him about my new job. Deciding not to question Callan’s gesture, I go about getting ready for my first day of work. After securing my long hair back in a fishtail braid, I put on a pair of black high waisted, wide-leg dress slacks, a cream color blouse, and pair it with some brown ankle boots with a three-inch heel. Stepping in front of the mirror, I take in my reflection. As I look at myself wearing the clothes Callan bought me, a small part of me wants to be petty and toss all the clothes in the trash. Like I did my purse. What can I say? I was having a moment. Spending the night in jail does something to a woman.

‘I really shouldn’t have tossed the purse,’ I sigh.

Noticing the time, I realize the Uber taking me to work will be here any minute, and I grab my things and head downstairs, where I find Frances about to head out herself. ‘Good morning, Denver. I was just about to get you. I’m going to drop you at work.’

‘That’s kind of you, Frances, but Spencer’s office is in the opposite direction. I already called an Uber.’ Then I get an alert; my ride’s here. ‘See. My ride just pulled up.’

‘Okay, dear. If you’re sure.’

‘Yep. I’ll see you later.’ I wave as I walk toward the door. I’m just about to head out when Frances stops me.

‘Wait! Before I forget.’ She pulls something from her pocket, handing it to me. ‘Here’s a key to the house and the code for the alarm.’ Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

‘Thanks.’ I pocket the key.

As I make it down the steps toward my waiting ride, I notice a black sedan parked on the street and a man talking to the Uber driver. A second later, my ride drives off and the other man steps up to the sedan, opening the back door. ‘Miss Hollis, Mr. Hawk sent me to accompany you to and from work.’

I narrow my eyes at Mitch. ‘Did he now?’

‘Yes, ma’am. Along with anywhere else you wish to go.’

Letting out a frustrated breath, I peer down at my watch. Crap. Not wanting to be late for work, I relent. ‘Fine,’ I climb into the back seat. As Mitch shuts the door, I look to my left and find a cup of Starbucks coffee sitting in the cupholder; next to it, a small white bag. Reaching over, I snatch the bag and peek inside to find a cinnamon bun still warm. I pick up the coffee to take a sip, stopping short when I read, I miss you written on the side of the cup in Callan’s handwriting. Between the clothes, and car, it only takes those three little words to make my heart flutter.

Fifteen minutes later, the car pulls up in front of Spencer’s building, which is just as big as the one Callan owns. ‘Would you like me to walk you in, ma’am?’ Mitch asks when he opens the door, letting me out.

‘No, thank you, Mitch. And please call me Denver.’

Mitch chuckles. ‘Will do. Have a good day, Denver. I’ll be back at four-thirty to take you home.’

Unlike Callan, when I walk into Spencer’s building, instead of security, I’m met by a woman who looks to be in her seventies sitting behind a computer at a large desk.

‘Hello, young lady. Can I help you?’

‘Yes, ma’am. Would you tell me what floor Spencer Knight is on?’

‘He’s at the top. Twentieth floor.’

‘Thank you.’

‘You’re welcome, young lady.’

After riding the elevator to the top, the doors open, revealing complete chaos. ‘Goddamnit, Jonathan, where is Judy? And where the hell is my eight o’clock?’ Spencer’s voice reverberates off the walls. I’ve never heard Spencer use that tone, let alone raise his voice. A skinny guy wearing a brown sweater vest and glasses stammers as he answers my new boss’ question.

‘It…it’s just now eight, Sir.’

I walk past several people bustling about the office as I make my way across the room. Including the man, I now know as Jonathan, who whispers, ‘run,’ as he rushes past me.

‘Jonathan!’ Spencer yells again as he rounds the corner, almost running me over.

I grin. ‘Hi, boss.’

‘Hey, sweetheart. You didn’t happen to see a skinny dude wearing glasses, did you?’

‘No?’ I lift a brow, trying to give my new coworker a head start.

‘Saving your coworkers from the asshole boss already. They’ll love you around here.’ Spencer grins.

‘Looks like I showed up just in time too. If you show me to my desk, I’ll get started. Lucky for you, Frances trained me, so I know how to hold my own.’

Three hours later, I finally finish going through and organizing Spencer’s calendar and rescheduled at least a dozen appointments that were double booked. Then, filtered through and respond to all his unopened emails, had his dry cleaning delivered, ran interference between him and Jonathan, twice. I just finished setting up the conference room for his two-thirty meeting and ordered him lunch, which should arrive in thirty minutes. Plopping down in my chair, I enjoy the silence. Spencer wasn’t wrong when he said I would be doing him a favor and saving his ass.

Spencer steps out of his office with a look of awe on his face. ‘I don’t know what miracle you performed, but let it be known, I’m never letting you leave.’

I laugh. ‘I’m glad I could be of service. Although I wasn’t sure I could pull it off. Frances has Callan’s office run like a well-oiled machine. There wasn’t a whole lot for me to do there. Now this,’ I say, pointing around the office, ‘was a disaster.’

‘Excuse me.’ Spencer and I are interrupted by a delivery guy holding a huge vase full of two dozen red roses. ‘I have a delivery for Denver Hollis.’

‘That’s me,’ I raise my hand and stand from my desk. The man hands the flowers to me, and I set them on my desk. ‘Have a good day.’

‘You too,’ I say as I gaze at the roses taking up half my workstation.

‘Looks like the son of a bitch is already trying to take you from me,’ Spencer smirks.

I roll my eyes and try to feign being annoyed but fail as I quickly pluck the card from the arrangement. I’m never not thinking of you. I’d be lying if I said all of Callan’s small gestures today haven’t made my tummy flutter. Not two seconds after reading the card, another delivery guy, the same young man who always delivers Callan’s lunch, Dillon shows up holding a white back with TARANTINO’S scrolled across it.

‘Let me guess. You’re looking for Denver Hollis,’ Spencer huffs his annoyance.

‘Hi, Dillon,’ I greet him.

‘Miss Hollis, your lunch.’ I take the bag from him.

‘Thank you,’ I reply, holding the bag as I watch a grinning Dillion eye Spencer before crossing the room on his way to the elevator. Spencer chuckles beside me, and I cut my eyes at him, waiting for him to say something. Anything.

‘I’ll leave you to your lunch, sweetheart.’ Spencer retreats into his office, leaving me more confused than ever. How am I supposed to move on when the one person I’m running from is chasing me? Maybe I want to be caught. Either way, Callan Hawk is making it hard not to love him.

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