: Chapter 1

eyes of John Travolta while a warm tongue slides into my ear.

What’s more cliche than a poster of Pulp Fiction in an old, degraded nightclub? I could be Vincent Vega. I could kill people for money, I think. I mean, why not? I’m slowly killing myself every day, and that’s just for fun. Plus, I’m great at the twist.

I’m tweakin’.

Hot off this molly, coke has my heart racing, hands shaking from the alcohol. I think the effects of the shrooms are finally coming into play. I’m a walking D.A.R.E. advertisement, showcasing to these kids just how fun life can be when you don’t have responsibilities or morals.

I’m sleepwalking again, about to fall off the edge of the world. Do I even want a reason to wake up? At this rate, I feel like if I don’t keep up my habits, I won’t even know how to function anymore. Purpose? What the fuck is purpose?

It’s hot as hell in here. I thought California was going to provide a nice, chill, warm air. Low to mid-seventies is what Hawke said. Then again, I am smashed in the basement room of a smokey club between a sea of dick and drug-hungry women, most of them as fucked up off this shit as me.

The rumbling sound of deep bass fills the dimly lit space while I float along in this fog of sedated feelings, and my heart races an entire marathon without me. One chick has her tongue in my ear while Kiara, I think it’s Kiara, has her nipple in my face, riding my lap, waiting for me to suck it. I want this. I want this so badly, but I feel like I’m being choked, and not in the way I like.

“I’m hot y’all. I need air,” I announce to their whines as I get up off the couch, letting them melt back into the seat without me.

I squeeze my way out the back of the tiny club, passing walls of graffiti, scuffling through trash on the dirty cement floor, and pushing through the smoke and flashing lights. Stumbling slightly, I walk towards the exit when I see a shadow of someone standing in the corner alone. I lean back against the wall for a minute, feeling like I might fall over if I keep walking. The high is hitting me hard and the walls are literally melting around me.

I need to focus on something steady. I roll my head back over to the corner and see this shadowy figure again. Every so often, the light flashes in that direction. It’s a girl with short black hair. It’s Mia Wallace from Pulp Fiction. She’s come to life. Holy fuck, I’m Vincent.

I walk closer and see she’s actually not that lonely. Not even a little. She’s currently got her tongue in another girl’s mouth, a redhead, their hands all over each other, touching necks, breasts, all that, and hopefully more. Being the creep that I am, I lean against the wall, kicking a foot up to stabilize myself while I continue watching the show.

“Jesus, this is hot as fuck,” I say to myself, loud enough to get the attention of this Mia look alike against the wall.

The strobe light hits them enough for me to see more. She’s staring right at me. Green eyes, wild like a snake. Her jet black hair seems to make them pop all the more, that or maybe it’s the redness surrounding her irises.

Grabbing the back of the hair of the girl in front of her, she pulls her head to the side and begins licking up the side of her neck.

“Oh my God,” I groan again, watching with fascination as I bite my knuckles before me. Her eyes lock on mine.

She gives the redhead one more quick kiss before smiling and shooing the woman off. I cock my head at this siren, wondering where she plans on striking next.

“You liked that,” she purrs, her voice like velvet cutting through the air as she prowls towards me.

“Uh-huh,” I reply simply, like an idiot, mouth unable to form a word.

“I liked you watching,” she says softly, closing the space between us.

Now that she’s closer, I notice her eyes are the craziest shade of green I’ve ever seen. They’re reptilian. Browns and greens swirled together in a wild arrangement reeking of a cold-blooded vibe that’s sure to seek and destroy. She thrives at night. I can feel it. The red streaks adding to the sexy dynamic of a chick who’s living her fucking life right now.

I want in.

She stands before me for a moment. Staring at me with a mysterious look, like she sees a good time before her, a wild night with a man who’s capable of doing the nasty things she desires. Or maybe she’s just absorbing my style; the strung out, grungy look I’ve got going for me.

I stare back down at her for a minute as the lights flash across her cheeks, her little button nose that’s pierced with a tiny gold ring, adorably reminding me of someone. I think? Fuck, maybe she’s just the woman of my dreams. I don’t know. I’m so fucked up right now. This could not even be real. I’m rolling and need some contact.

“Have you ever felt like you were supposed to meet someone?” I ask, cocking my head to the side.

My mind is blown by the irony of my Pulp Fiction reference before seeing she looks like the woman from the film. We’re two fucked up souls, lost in a sea of drugs, meant to hook up. Fucking destiny.

“No. Never,” she says harshly, with a devilish grin.

“Damn, I thought for sure this was fate.”

“Fate? You just saw me kissing a woman. How do you know I even like men?” she questions with a playful smile.

“You might not like men, but you’ll like me,” I say, laying on the charm.

She laughs, tucking her straight black hair behind her ears, and it’s the best thing I’ve heard in a while. It’s a sweet, innocent little giggle from a girl who isn’t sweet or innocent at all. She’s a total contradiction and I like it.

“You’re fun,” she says, her lip still pulled up in one corner.

The curve of her lush lips has me imagining them everywhere on my skin. I see her sex face above me already, riding me with her eyes on me, mouth dropped open in indescribable pleasure. She’s moaning and begging me to slow down, the feelings too intense, until I bring her to the edge of orgasm as she quivers above me, letting go. God, I want to see her sex face.

“God, I want to see your sex face.”

Shit, I said it out loud.

Her eyebrows shoot up with a humorous look.

“No filter, huh?” she asks, leaning into the wall next to me.

“None, baby,” I say quickly, turning my body to face her with a grin.

Her head rests against the cold, concrete graffiti wall, some of her hair sticking to it while the other part hangs across her left eye.

“Why are you smiling?” she asks with a grin.

“I’m always smiling. Why are you smiling?” I retort as we stand there, leaning against the wall, just smiling at each other like we’re in on our own little secret. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Wanna smoke?” she asks, holding up a cigarette between us.

“Only if you put your lips on it first.”

I say the phrase, then wait for her reaction; the intention known. It could be a lot of things, my dick for one. I bite the tip of my tongue playfully, waiting for her response.

“I’ll break your heart, you know,” she comments, making me pause.

“Gotta have a heart to break, sweetheart. And trust me, there ain’t nothing in here worth reviving.” I pound my fist on my chest with a cheesy grin.

She walks around me, her eyes never leaving mine before she settles against the wall to my right.

“Don’t say I didn’t warn ya.” She blinks flirtatiously, giving me a wicked grin, before rolling off the wall and walking away.

I stand here stunned for a moment. I think I just met the female version of myself. This is what I’d look like as a chick. I’m hot as fuck. I’m into me.

After realizing I’m daydreaming about how strange it would be to not have a dick between my legs, I shake my head, searching for her, only to find that she’s gone amidst the bodies, smoke, and flashing neon lights.


Making my way through the smoked out hallway, I stumble slightly, gripping the cool, cement wall for support. I’m totally fucked up right now. The music beating through my chest is making me feel like my heart is owned by my surroundings; the lights dragging out into long streaks around me. I feel trapped. Trying to focus on finding the exit, I see a red sign and push forward through the crowd of people hooking up. Finally getting to the rusted double doors of this grunged-out basement nightclub, I break free.

I see a few people smoking outside near the dumpsters; two guys and this mirage of a goddess I can’t unsee. They’re already all over her. She definitely radiates like a flower, bringing you in with her beauty, only to drown you in her poison. An addicting toxin that pulls people in, slowly killing them in her presence. Dammit, if I don’t love it. If it isn’t clear already, I gravitate towards toxicities like a moth to a flame.

Her eyes find mine immediately, catching my presence. I keep my distance, sitting back against the wall opposing her, lighting up a cigarette while the guys keep trying to talk to her.

One touches her waist playfully and she leans into it, still gazing in my direction. I give her a little head nod and she takes the cue. Walking through the group of men, she comes straight over to me. She presses her little frame up against mine, holding my hips as my mouth drops in surprise. Taking the opportunity, she slides the cigarette from between her lips, stained with her blood-red lipstick, and sticks it between mine. She has no problem poking through people’s bubbles. That much is apparent.

“My lips were on it first,” she purrs with a grin, then turns to walk back towards the guys.

Grabbing her wrist, I pull her back into me, making her gasp in surprise as her chest presses against my torso. Her tight little body feels good against mine. I gaze down at her. Her full red lips are parted, and she’s clearly waiting for me to say something. I like her waiting for me.

“We should definitely be having sex right now,” I say, taking a puff of the cigarette and blowing it out while I eye her.

“No filter.” She laughs, avoiding my statement.

“I see something I want and I need it. It’s who I am. I have an addictive personality. I’m weak, I give in to what gives me pleasure,” I continue, placing the cigarette between her lips so she can take a puff. “But with you, maybe I should go slow?”

Blowing out smoke to the side of me, she brings a beer bottle to her sweet, luscious lips, taking a swig while looking directly at me. She’s got crazy eye contact. She communicates without communicating, but I have yet to learn her language.

“I don’t go slow.” She teases me with her eyes again, giving that wicked little grin.

This little vixen is going to slowly wrap herself around me, making me feel all warm and fuzzy before strangling me with her reptilian strength, and I’m here for the pain.

I take the beer from her, grabbing the neck of the bottle, swallowing the rest of it. Throwing it into the dumpster beside us, I wrap my arm around her neck and lead her around the building. She giggles and follows my lead, turning back to the guys, saluting them with two fingers.

“Your place or mine?” I ask, walking towards the parking lot.

“Presumptuous,” she says, turning her chin to look up at me as we walk.

“Bold,” I reply.

“Cocky?” she asks.

“Confident.” I grin.

“Cheeky.” She smiles approvingly.

I’m loving the playful banter already. How is it I feel like I’ve known this chick forever? Some people just vibe differently together. Me and her are definitely on the same wavelength.

We get to my car and she perches herself on the hood, legs wide before me. In the streetlights, her style is finally exposed, showcasing these sexy long legs covered by fishnet stockings and black ripped-up short shorts. The lack of a bra is evident with the way her black-and-white striped shirt fits tightly across her chest. What’s also apparent is the piercing on her right nipple. Holy fucking hell.

Layers of necklaces cover her neck and there’s a snake tattoo sliding up and around her thigh, peeking through the tights. Her high-heeled black tie-up boots tell me she’s wild as fuck on a school night.

“You know, my boyfriend wouldn’t appreciate your advances,” she says, tapping a finger to her curved lips.

“Boyfriend? I thought you were a lesbian?” I cock my brow, walking between her legs, placing both hands on the hood of my car to trap her against it.

“I’m a free spirit. I love beautiful people. Guys, girls… It’s the soul that’s attractive, you see.”

“I get hard for a sexy soul,” I admit, agreeing with a serious tone.

She laughs at me, really laughs as she looks me up and down, and it makes me feel somewhat validated.

“We have so much in common.” She grins, running her hands up my arms, the sensation leaving a trail of fire on my skin.

“We like to party and fuck. Soulmates.” I bring my hands up to her waist, holding her tiny frame.

“Did you know that hot water turns to ice faster than cold water?”

Her totally random statement leaves me shaking my head, attempting to process. She is so quirky.

“Um, no. I guess I didn’t.”

She wraps the back of her calves around me, tightening her legs and pulling me flush against her on the hood of my car. I groan as my dick presses into her pelvis. She lays back as I brace myself with my hands around her.

Pulling me down with a fistful of my shirt so we’re face to face, she whispers against my lips, “I’m so hot for you, but I’ll turn to ice before you get the chance to cool.”

I gaze from her wild green eyes to her plump, red stained lips, knowing she’s my new toxic substance of choice.

“Worth the burn.”

I lean forward, pressing my lips against hers, unable to hold back the contact I so desperately need. She moans into my mouth and the sound exhilarates me. I slip my tongue between her soft lips, finding hers. Her tongue toys with mine, and I feel a tongue ring.

I have no idea how I didn’t see it before, but it’s probably the hottest thing I’ve ever felt. It feels so good and tastes even better. She tastes like she looks, fiery with a spice of trouble. She pulls on my shirt, getting my chest flush against her on the hood of the car as we tongue each other, living for the connection, living for the moment.

“Han!” a man yells out.

She pushes me off her gently as I open my eyes that had fallen closed during our kiss. We’re both just looking at each other, breathless, as if we weren’t expecting this heat between us to ignite the way it did. She’s staring into me with those killer eyes, lips curving into a smile as she does. My chest is heaving, but not from the heat; this time it’s from her. She’s electricity, shocking the fuck out of me.

“Gotta go,” she says calmly, sliding out from under me, instantly making me feel her loss.

I turn to see a rough-looking guy in all black waiting for her by the door, holding it open with one arm.

“Boyfriend?” I question, calling out to her.

“Hardly,” she responds, rolling her eyes.

I love our one-word conversations, so I continue it as she walks away.

“Name?” I ask, cheesing as I bite my lip.

I thought I heard that guy call her Han, sounding like John, but way hotter, because you know, she’s a girl.


“Uncool!” I yell towards her, grimacing through my grin.

“Ice cold,” she comments with that wicked grin, turning on her heels to jog off toward the door with her sexy ass.

“Ice fucking cold,” I say to myself, shaking my head.

I lay back on the hood of my car, staring up into the darkness above me. My mind is all over the place, as I wonder if any of the past ten minutes were even real. There is a high probability I might’ve imagined it all.

Yep, I could definitely be Vincent.

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