I don’t miss the twins hissing a breath, their fingers tightening in my grip. My own curls around theirs, taking the comfort that I’m sure they’re unconsciously offering.

Hunter’s jaw hardens, his nostrils flaring as he looks seconds away from exploding, and it takes all my willpower not to flinch away at the violence that emanates off him like a perfume.

“He. Did. What?” he bites out, his body still and yet thrumming with a dark energy that should be terrifying. A part of me is scared, my heart hammering inside my chest at the threat before me, but another part of me purrs and preens at the strong man who seems to be angry on my behalf. He’s a vengeful angel ready to seek justice for the wrongs that have befallen me. Or maybe I’m projecting all those dark romance books I enjoy reading so much.

“I don’t know all the details. I came home this afternoon to find Sergi Petrov and his men in my house and an apology text from my dad.” My lip curls at the reminder that my dad apologised for fucking selling me via text. That somehow, if he’d at least done it in person, it would have been better, maybe. I push thoughts of him and what I’d say to him if I ever spoke to him again to one side, needing to focus on gaining Hunter’s protection.

“Wait, you’ve been with them since this afternoon?” Roman hisses from beside me, and my cheeks flush at the memory of Nikolai and what we got up to. “Are you okay, Princess?”

I twist my face to look at him, noting that his brows are deeply wrinkled, the muscles of his neck strained and corded as his dark eyes trace over me as if he’s searching for any injuries. Surely he’s not concerned? We literally only just met, although he did make that comment about knowing all about me, which I probably should have questioned before now.

“I’m fine, they didn’t hurt me,” I answer quietly, ignoring my curiosity and once again focusing on the task at hand. I can question them more once I’m safe. My cheeks heat more when a pulse of pain flares from my core. Well, Nik didn’t hurt me in any way that wasn’t also enjoyable, but I’m not about to tell them about losing my V-card.

“But something happened,” he muses, his voice low as his other hand comes up to cup my cheek in much the same way Nikolai did not so long ago. It takes a gargantuan effort not to sink into the touch, to close my eyes and take the solace. I guess I really do have abandonment issues if I’m so quick to let strangers comfort me.

“I’m fine,” I repeat, holding myself still as I fight not to nestle into his warm palm. I barely know that man, it’s just my trauma talking that has me seeking relief from his touch.

“How did you leave?” Hunter’s voice breaks into our moment and Roman’s hand falls away as I turn back to Hunter, trying to come up with something to say. Nikolai didn’t want his involvement with my escape widely known, and some part of me is still loyal to the bastard.

“I waited until they were all asleep and then snuck out,” I tell him, his shrewd gaze assessing my words. I will the lie not to show, ensuring my face is blank just as they taught us in finishing school. Though I doubt they ever envisaged that I’d be using it to lie to notorious gang members, more like when someone makes a social faux pas. After a few moments, his hand comes up to his face, rubbing his jaw as a sigh leaves his pillowy lips.

“And you expect us to protect you from one of the largest organised crime groups in the world?” His gaze doesn’t leave mine, the world narrowing down to his swirling green eyes and my thundering pulse. “Expect me to put my entire crew in danger for a spoiled, Chelsea brat?”

My brows lower as I open my mouth, but no words come out. He seemed angry a few moments ago, ready to take the Russians on for me. Yet, now he’s…angry at me for bringing trouble to his door?

“I…I might be able to pay you when I get access to my accounts,” I hedge, my voice hesitant.

“We don’t need your money, Peaches.” I hear some chuckles echoing around us and my face burns with embarrassment. “But I can’t just offer you my protection, the protection of the Shadows, for free.”

“Get her on her knees for you, Hunt!” someone shouts, and my mouth falls open, snapping shut when his jewelled eyes dart down to my open lips.

“Hunt…” Roman breathes out next to me, stepping forward but pausing when Hunter holds a hand up.

“Nothing in life is free, Roman. We’ve all learned that lesson the hard way,” Hunter says, his eyes never leaving mine. “If she wants our protection, she needs to pay a price. And learn obedience.”

Roman’s nostrils flare, his hand twitching in mine. Then he steps back, still holding my hand, just like his silent brother on my other side. My mind races, working through my other options, which are a big fat zero.

Sure, I could walk away now, but then I’ve no doubt Sergi would get hold of me, and Nikolai was clear that I wouldn’t be his after tonight. That he only had me for one night, and after that, it would be Sergi’s turn. At least this is a semblance of choice. With Sergi, there would be no choice, and I shiver at the images my mind conjures of life with Sergi Petrov.

And Hunter isn’t bad-looking. Okay, that’s a fucking lie. The man is sex on muscular legs, a walking wet dream, and spank bank material. It won’t exactly be a hardship to give him a blow job, even in front of all these people. There’s just one, small issue.

With my ears burning, I break eye contact with Hunter, turning to Roman, who seems to be my unlikely ally. Leaning in, I have to tilt my head upwards to place my lips next to his ear.

“I…I don’t know what to do,” I confess in a whisper, feeling his body go still. “I’ve never…done that before.”

Pulling back, I stare into those chocolate eyes of his. They’re wide, the pupils blown, and there’s a slight flush on his cheeks. Does my inexperience turn him on? Surely not.

Blinking, he licks his lips. “I’ll guide you through it,” he murmurs, and I hear a sharp intake of breath from my other side. Clearly, Rowan heard his brother’s words.

Giving my hand a squeeze, he pulls me forward, Rowan also coming as he refuses to let go of my other hand. When we’re close enough that my knees almost touch Hunter’s, Roman bends down and says something to his leader. Hunter’s eyes flare, then darkens, his attention focused on me as Roman speaks.

Again, Hunter is giving me turned-all-the-way-on vibes, just like with Roman. I always thought that my inexperience would be a turn-off, but maybe some men don’t mind it?

“Everyone out!” Hunter shouts, and I jump about half a fucking mile at the loud command, my instincts telling me to flee with everyone else. The twins keep me standing there, the sound of scuffling footsteps behind me and the low music being left on as everyone leaves.

My body trembles slightly as just the four of us are left, and then something is thrown down between Hunter’s muscular thighs, black fabric, maybe a hoodie or some kind of cloth.

“On your knees, Little Lamb,” Rowan instructs, his thumb rubbing my knuckle, my senses acute as I take a deep breath in a bid to calm my pounding heart. Then a flash of anger lights me up.

Am I destined for my body not to be my own? To be at the whim of men who will use me as they like? And why does that thought not feel completely bad? Am I broken for a part of me wanting this, wanting to get lost in the commands of another and forget about what my father did?

“Princess?” Roman murmurs, and I glance at him. His mouth opens, then closes, like he wants to say something but can’t find the words.

Giving him a small smile, I turn to face Hunter and sink down, the twins finally releasing my hands. My knees are cushioned from the hard concrete by the jumper on the floor underneath them, and I shift until I’m as comfortable as I can be.

Warmth at my back makes me jump, the scent of lavender, peppermint, and lemon telling me it’s Roman. Tension drains from my body when he presses his front against my spine, which I know is crazy, but my nerves need a slight reprieve, so I sink into him a little, taking the comfort.

“Unzip his jeans, Princess. Take him out,” he orders, and my gaze darts down to Hunter’s crotch, seeing something hard and long pressing against the fabric of his jeans. His dick. I can see the outline of his dick, and heat pools in my core at the sight.

With shaking fingers, I reach out, popping open each button until his black boxer briefs are exposed. Guess that’s a hot guy colour of underwear, given Nikolai wore similar. I bite my bottom lip to hold in the no-doubt hysterical laugh that wants to spill from them. You couldn’t make this shit up. Less than twelve hours ago, I was a normal young woman, wondering what my next steps in life were. Here I am now, having given my virginity to the son of a major Russian criminal and about to give my first blow job to the leader of a London gang.

Reaching inside Hunter’s boxers, my hand wraps around velvet steel, my gaze darting up to his face when a quiet moan sounds from his lips. His green eyes are molten, full of dark heat that threatens to burn me from the inside out. The noise gives me a bit of confidence, enough to look back down and pull his cock from his pants.

“How the fuck am I meant to fit that in my mouth?” I gasp, my wide eyes tracing over his thick, veiny member. Three deep masculine chuckles whisper over my skin, making my nipples pebble and harden in my bra.

He’s probably around the same length as Nikolai, perhaps a little thicker, and there are no piercings on his actual dick, but a glint of metal sits nestled in the blond curls at the base of his pubic bone.

Tilting my head, I wonder how that works when a breath tickles my left ear.

“You grind on it when he’s deep inside that tight little cunt of yours, Little Lamb,” Rowan murmurs in my ear, my nerve endings tingling at the visual he just created.

“Noted,” I breathe out, licking my lips as I hold Hunter in my fist.

“Why don’t you have a taste, Princess?” Roman encourages, sweeping my hair to one side before wrapping it around his fist. The slight tug has a sharp breath falling from my lips, but he doesn’t pull, just holds it out of my way.

Doing as he suggests, I lower my mouth to Hunter’s tip, my tongue darting out to lap at the top where a drop of pre-cum glistens.

“Fuuuck,” Hunter groans, the deep, pained sound making my thighs clench. His salty flavour bursts on my tongue, and I swirl the taste around my mouth, getting used to it. It’s not bad, just different from anything I’ve ever tasted before.

“He liked that. Do it again, only swirl your tongue around his head,” Roman commands in a rasping tone, and following his lead once more, I do as he says.

Hunter’s hips buck, another curse falling from his lips, and white-hot lust flows through me. I didn’t expect to be so turned on doing this.

“Such a good fucking girl,” Rowan praises from my side, and a small whine slips past my lips as I take Hunter into my mouth, sucking lightly.

“That’s it, baby. Try taking him a little deeper,” Roman urges. So taking a deep breath through my nose, I sink further down his length, my lips stretching to accommodate his girth. “Look how out of control he already is for you.”

Rolling my eyes upwards, I freeze when I find Hunter’s burning gaze on me, the veins on his arms standing out as he grips the arms of the throne.

“He won’t tell you, but he’s close to exploding already and you’ve barely started,” Rowan whispers, and having both the twins with me, praising and guiding me has ruined my knickers. I can feel the dampness seeping into them, my thighs clenching and shifting as I try to ease the tension that’s building between them. “I think our Lamb needs some attention too, brother.”

I gasp, swallowing Hunter a bit more when an arm comes around me and a hand dips under the hem of my skirt, slipping underneath my lace knickers.

“Fuck, she’s soaked for you, Hunt,” Roman grits out, a deep groan from Hunter sounding above me as a moan leaves my lips and falls around his cock when Roman slides his fingers between my folds.

Hunter’s hips jerk forward, and I gag when he hits the back of my throat, Roman using the distraction to slide two fingers inside my dripping pussy. It stings, and the tears filling my eyes aren’t just due to the huge cock in my mouth.

“That’s it, swallow him down while my brother finger fucks that sweet cunt,” Rowan growls, and another moan vibrates down my throat, Hunter pulling his hips back, only to snap them forward and bury himself down my throat once more.

The slight pain between my legs blooms into something softer, but no less devastating as pleasure rocks through me. I can’t move, only remain frozen as Hunter starts to fuck my mouth, my saliva dripping down my chin as I hold onto his dick with one hand, the other digging into his jeans-clad thigh.

“You’re going to come when he does, Princess. Cover my fingers in your sweet nectar as he fills your mouth and throat with his cum,” Roman instructs, using his clever fingers to bring me closer to release.

“Fucking hell, Roman,” Hunter grits out, and I look up at him through a watery gaze to see his jaw clenched, his hands still gripping the arms of the throne as he pumps his hips forward and back. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“I know you love the dirty talk, Daddy,” Roman teases, and lightning shoots through me at the term and its implication. Are they together in some way? Why does that thought make me even hotter, my thighs clenching while wondering what they get up to?

“Fucking brat,” Hunter snarls, moving faster, Roman matching his pace until I can imagine it’s Hunter fucking my pussy and not just my face.

A shattered gasp leaves my lips when the sharp blade of a knife is pressed against my throat, and then my orgasm hits me like a freight train, a scream tearing from my throat as my body locks up in exquisite bliss.

My release must trigger Hunter’s as he roars, thrusting down my throat and pulsing as he empties himself, leaving me no choice but to swallow. Roman keeps finger fucking my pussy, pushing against my spasming inner walls and prolonging my release until I’m whimpering. Part of me wants to beg him to stop, yet the other part needs him to keep going as I’m frozen with a knife against my throat.

Hunter pulls from my mouth, slumping back in his seat, his still-hard cock on full display as his chest heaves.

“Fucking Christ,” he whispers, closing his eyes and resting his head back.

Roman finally stops, withdrawing his fingers and holding his hand up. It glistens, and in the next moment, Rowan is leaning forward to lick his brother’s fingers, still holding the knife to my throat.

“She tastes so sweet, like honey and chocolate,” he moans, and I don’t even dare slump, regardless of my body begging me to.

“Put the fucking knife away, Rowan.” Hunter sighs, not even opening his eyes. My body collapses as soon as the blade disappears, Roman wrapping his arms around me, ignoring his twin’s growl at no longer having his hand to lick.

“I should punish you for disobeying my order, Princess,” Roman says, pulling me close, my head resting back against him as tingles spread all across my skin, my breath panting out of me. “But I suppose it’s not your fault. I take it you’ve not played with knives before?”

“I’ve only ever had one dick before, and that was a few hours ago, so no. No knives,” I reply in a husky voice, not realising the words my orgasm-addled mouth has spoken until Hunter jerks up, his hand gripping my face.

“Did they force you?” he snarls, his eyes wild as he looks into my eyes. My pulse pounds, my brain taking a second to catch up to the change from bliss to fright.

“Um, no… Well, not exactly,” I fumble, heat making my body smoulder.

“What the fuck do you mean, not exactly?” Hunter questions, and swallowing, I decide I’ve already fucked up so I might as well spill the whole truth.

“Part of the deal my father made was giving them my virginity,” I tell him, watching as rage fills his eyes, making them burn like the hottest flame. Roman grips me tightly, Rowan completely still next to me. “But Nik was there, and he…claimed me.”

“Nik? Nikolai Petrov?” Hunter’s top lip curls, and I see why Nik didn’t want to enter the estate. “Did he force you, Peaches?”

A shiver consumes me at the nickname, there’s just something about it that does things to me. Blinking, I shake my head.

“No. He made it good, really good,” I tell him, ignoring the way my cheeks feel as though they’re on fire. I can’t let them think Nikolai is that kind of monster. “He made sure it was him and no one else, and I’ve known him forever, had a crush on him for years, so it wasn’t like that.”

“But you didn’t really have a choice, Princess? You had to fuck someone?” Roman asks, and suddenly it’s not embarrassment colouring my cheeks, but anger.

“As much of a choice I had here,” I snap, my nostrils flaring as I tug my face from Hunter’s grip. Satisfaction flows through me when Hunter winces and Roman lets a long breath loose behind me.

“Fair point,” he concedes, his hand finally releasing my hair but brushing it to one side before placing his lips against my neck. “Let’s get you inside and to bed. You’ve had an exhausting day.”

My head spins with the way he’s being so kind, the loss of his warmth only lasting a moment as he gets up, then pulls me to my feet. My feet tingle, the blood flowing back to them after so long on my knees.

“And your protection?” I ask, not taking my eyes from Hunter, who’s tucking himself back into his jeans. His gaze snaps up to me, then he slowly gets up, forcing me to crane my neck to keep eye contact. We’re so close that the entire front of our bodies brush and I can feel every breath he takes. His rosemary and mint scent fills my nose, and it takes a lot of effort not to bury my face into his neck and just breathe him in.

“You have it, Iris,” he says softly, his large palm coming up to cup my cheek in a gesture that feels too intimate, even after what just happened between us. “But I meant what I said about obedience. The Russians don’t fuck around, and I can’t protect you if you don’t listen to me.”

I lick my lip and his thumb drifts over it. “Okay, Hunter.”

“Good girl,” he murmurs, a shuddered breath falling from my lips at the praise. Damn, who knew I had a praise kink? Learn something new every day, I suppose. “Now go with the twins and get some rest. We’ll talk more in the morning.”

Roman takes my hand back in his, stepping away and pulling me towards one of the front doors, Rowan grabbing my bag and following us. I turn to glance back and find Hunter staring after me, his brows drawn. On the one hand, my body wants me to go to him, to let him wrap me up in those strong arms and tell me that everything will be okay.

On the other hand, he just effectively forced me into giving him a blow job in order to gain his protection. I can’t help wondering if that will be my only payment or if I’m his to use now?

And I can’t help wondering if I mind.

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