Bingo, Rafe thought as he went back into McCall’s home. “Detective Channing, I need to be getting back home. I don’t think you need me here now anyway. Caleb will pick me up in a few minutes.”

Sawyer thanked Rafe for his help and told him he’d keep him informed if they found anything else. Rafe waited on the curb for Caleb. He noticed that the lights were still on in Gentry’s home. Probably trying to figure out what’s going on.

Caleb was there in a few minutes, with Eden and Becca in the back seats. “And?” he asked, not even waiting for Rafe to get into the car.

“McCall is as good as gone. I can’t see him talking his way out of having those items in his possession. By the way, Gentry recognised Noah’s name,” he casually announced, turning towards Eden. He watched her eyes widen and then soften in relief and gratitude.

“What does that mean though?” Caleb asked.

“Gentry was shocked when I mentioned Noah’s name, which is proof that he still has his memories as a Knight, at least. He hadn’t been expecting anyone to utter that name. Guess the jaw drop gave him away. He’s probably trying to piece things together, like who I am, how I fit in. He is going to contact Noah or whomever else he is involved with, to try and get McCall off. They’re tight, he won’t abandon him, no matter the importance of their mission,” Rafe guessed. “I could be way off base though,” Rafe warned.

“I’ll ask my father to check all communications going to Noah,” Eden said, but Rafe asked her to include all communications going into Knight town. Eden immediately called her father to inform him of the developments.

“You should talk it over with your brothers and sister, but I think that all of you should go back to Knight town and start with the work there. There’s a lot to be done on your side. Caleb, Becca and I will clean up here. I don’t think Gentry is going into hiding any time soon, not without his partner. We’ll continue tracking Gentry, try to find out what is actually their mission.”

“I’ll talk to them, but I believe that at least one of us should remain here to see the close out,” Eden offered.

“Why? Watching us use our arrows is hardly on the Knights’ list of priorities!” Caleb exclaimed.

“Yeah, but they need to see it to the end here. These condemned Untouchables have killed former Knights, their own kind. I guess Eden and the other Knights need closure,” Becca volunteered.

“Something like that,” Eden confirmed. “Back me up on this one, Rafe,” she begged.

“Well, it’s up to you. I was just making a suggestion. Either way, the Hunters will close out this mission,” Rafe said. Eden nodded, her mind already miles away.

Josh and Kyra agreed to leave, as they had discussed earlier that day, but Matthew insisted that he wouldn’t leave Eden alone on this one, despite all Eden’s arguments.

“Sorry sis, but I don’t want any grief from Mom,” he explained. “Besides, I might trust that the Hunters will keep you safe, but I don’t trust the Untouchables. One slip and they could pick you out and we can’t risk that. You saw how easily they took out the other former Knights. I don’t think that the Hunters are strong enough to protect you as well, if there are more Untouchables sniffing around.”

Eden was exasperated, but she understood. Her brother would not leave her here, not after what had happened, despite all assurances from the Hunters.

“Matthew and I will stay until it is over,” she told Rafe later that night. She sensed that Rafe was peeved, worried about her safety, which got her peeved. “I can take care of myself,” she said.

“That I know,” he said. “I wasn’t worried about that. I think that you and Matthew should go back home. Your father needs both of you there. Kyra and Josh could stay here. We would keep them with us, so that they couldn’t be sensed.”

“Sorry, I hear you, but Matthew and I don’t like being played for fools, or being threatened. McCall and Gentry killed former Knights. We can’t just walk away, Rafe. We also have to send a message to those who are playing us, that it’s game over. Then we’ll go back and clean Knight town once and for all.”

Rafe read the determination in her voice. He would have done the same, not that it gave him much relief now. Eden was right though, she could take care of herself. He would not see her as a damsel in distress. He didn’t know any. He had grown up with strong women around him – his mother would say he should know better.

“Okay,” Rafe conceded, knowing that he didn’t really have a say in it. “But you have to take our lead on this one.” Eden agreed. It had been a long day. They were both tired. It seemed better to say goodnight, but neither wanted to. “If you’re in any doubt,” Rafe began, “I care about you a great deal.” Eden sat up. That was the closet Rafe had come to speaking about his feelings. “I would never let anything happen to you, while also knowing that you could kick my butt if it ever came to it!”

Eden laughed. “I feel the same,” she said. “Despite what’s happening now, I’m glad to be working alongside the Hunters, beside you. It’s the closest my family will ever get to know you,” she said sadly. After that they did say goodnight. Rafe was concerned. Eden’s words indicated that she had no illusion of them ever having a chance of being together in the open. That did not bode well for their future. He did not want to spend a lifetime in hiding.

The next morning, Caleb, Rafe and Becca shared information over breakfast. Becca had not seen Gentry leave his residence that night. He was either highly rattled or very confident. Rafe agreed to go into the station that morning while Caleb and Becca joined Matthew and Eden to continue to track Gentry and follow up on further leads provided by Gabe and Grace.

The station was a hive of activity. Rafe smiled as the desk sergeant let him through to the detectives’ desks, without having him escorted. Honorary cop, he decided.

As he approached their desks, he could see that Lena and Sawyer had worked through the night, tiredness defining their every movement. Lena pulled her glorious red hair into a ponytail and slapped her face in an attempt to make her more alert.

“Sleeping on the job, detectives?” Rafe joked.

“Funny,” Lena muttered. “By the way, our boy never lawyered up, but he isn’t saying anything new either. Just claims not to know how those items ended up in his garage.”

“What’s interesting,” Sawyer piped up, “is that McCall also had a set of knives, which matched the pattern the medical examiner identified in our stabbing victims. However, there was no blood on the knives. This guy is still good for it though.”

Lena yawned. “Yup, but he isn’t the brains of this operation. I suspect he takes his cue from Gentry or someone else.”

“Yeah, I agree,” Rafe said, “He was scared last night that Gentry would go ballistic if he found out that he had taken those mementoes from the victims.”

“I need tea. And a shower,” Lena said, grabbing her jacket off the chair. “Back in fifteen,” she indicated to Sawyer.

Rafe watched Sawyer watching Lena leave and remarked, “She’d say yes, you know.”

Sawyer turned around, looking confused. “Uh?”

“She’d say “yes” if you asked her out. Ask her out,” Rafe said, watching the colour seep into Sawyer’s face.

“Your psychic abilities are failing you, kid,” Sawyer joked as he busied himself searching for something in his desk.

“Maybe, but there are a few guys circling her. Good guys. If you continue to walk around with that look of disinterest, she’s going to say yes to one of those guys,” Rafe said. Sawyer looked alarmed at that.

“Yeah?” Sawyer shook his head. “I don’t think that we’d work out. Why try if it will ruin what we have now, which is a good partnership, someone I trust with my life? Everything’s nice and compartmentalised. It fits. Besides, she’s hardly my type,” Sawyer laughed, although it didn’t reach his eyes.

“Are you psychic now?” Rafe joked. “Anyway, she’s exactly your type. You’ve just been fighting against that for a while, but don’t give up on something that could be great because you’re scared. I didn’t peg you for a coward.”

Sawyer’s retort was cut short by the appearance of Captain Marquez, looking as dishevelled as his team. He enquired after Detective Peck, nodding when he heard that she had taken a quick break and informed them that there would be a debriefing of the task team within the hour. Rafe was welcome to join them.

Exactly fifteen minutes after she’d left, Lena returned, armed with green tea and coffee and dressed casually in jeans and a grey t-shirt, her semi-wet hair hanging loosely around her shoulders. Sawyer gratefully accepted the coffee, and Rafe knew that he was still thinking about the conversation they had just had about Lena.

“I feel so much better,” Lena said, sipping her tea. “You should grab a shower while you still can,” she said to Sawyer. “You have plenty of time before the debriefing. By the way, our tail indicated that Gentry didn’t budge last night. He only made his way to the bakery early this morning. Business as usual.”

“Or biding time. He probably needs to figure out how to extricate his buddy from this mess. Or to destroy any links to himself,” Sawyer suggested.

“Did you get anything off him last night, Rafe?” Lena asked.

“Only that he was genuinely shocked. I think Detective Channing is right. I think he is biding time. McCall’s arrest caught him off guard. He didn’t think anything would come off our visit with him at the bakery yesterday. I still think that he will go after the Adams’ though.”

“We’ve got them covered,” Sawyer confirmed. “If he even makes a move, we’ll know.”

It was during the debriefing that Rafe reviewed some of the information that the Hunters had gathered that morning. If Gentry was going on with business as usual, then he had to have someone else working with them, someone who could step into McCall’s role with ease. As Rafe focussed on that thought, he reached out to Caleb. “Keep an eye on the Adams. I think one of Gentry’s people will come after them today.”

“We’re on our way there,” Caleb said, explaining that he had collected Matthew and Eden. “Eli and some of the Knights should be around them in any case.”

Rafe continued to feel uneasy during the debriefing and even excused himself to contact Eli. Eli was outside the Adams’ house. He had seen Doctor Adams leave for work. Sara Adams was still inside the house, choosing to work at home. No, there had been no visitors. Yes, he would ensure that he checked out anybody who parked close to the house. No, no other Knights were out on watch with him today. Yes, he was sure about that.

Rafe walked up and down the hallway. This was strange. There were two Knights on watch. Where were they? “Caleb, tread carefully when you get to the Adams. Eli is there, but there is no sign of the Knights. I know they were supposed to be on watch.” Caleb checked with Matthew and confirmed that there should be two Knights on watch. He called Eli again. “Are there any police around? They would be in plain clothes, in an unmarked car?”

“Yes,” Eli confirmed. “The same detectives from last night were around this morning, but they look like they were taking a nap. Let me jog past them. They have been out for a while.”

It seemed like minutes, but it was only a few seconds before Eli confirmed Rafe’s suspicions. “They’re dead, Rafe, both of them. Their throats have been slit. Their bodies are still warm. Whoever did this, is still around.” Rafe could feel Eli’s shock, knew that the younger man had not seen many dead bodies yet.

“Eli, listen to me. I want you to get out of there. Go across the street and wait for Caleb, he’s a few minutes away. Keep an eye on the Adams’ house. Make sure no one goes in. Just watch your back, okay?”

Eli confirmed that he would do as requested and retreated to his hiding spot, whilst Rafe, on the other end of the line, contemplated whether to bring Sawyer and Lena in on this situation or let it play out, with Caleb in charge. In the end, he went with his gut. He trusted his brother. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Bro, we’re outside the Adams’ house,” Caleb said. “Eli is okay, but the policemen are dead. No one seems to have gone into the house. Listen, I’m going to go in, maybe speak to Mrs Adams. She knows me already, so maybe I’ll update her a bit on the case?”

“You do that,” Rafe agreed. “Just remember that she has no knowledge of being a former Knight. We also can’t tell her about Gage McCall yet.”

Caleb agreed and went to the Adams’ front door and froze. Matthew, who was behind him, just avoided bumping into him. “What’s going on?” Matthew asked, knowing that Caleb was distracted.

“Smell that?” Caleb asked and did a quick scan of the neighbourhood.

“Vanilla!” Matthew exclaimed.

Caleb signalled for Becca and Eden to join them, while Eli continued to keep watch. The two women went to the back of the house, whilst Caleb knocked on the front door. Sara Adams took a while to open her front door. She hastily wiped the tears from her face and looked at Caleb in recognition.

“Mrs Adams? I’m Caleb, we met the other day when we came around with Detectives Peck and Channing,” Caleb said, noticing that Mrs Adams was blinking her eyes rapidly. Was she in trouble? He was afraid to ask her any questions in case someone was already in the house. So, he did something that would have made Rafe proud. He flashed back on the conversation they had had with John and Sara Adams a few days ago and remembered that she had spoken about some of the cases she had been involved in as a social worker. One case came to mind, that of a young mother and her two-year-old daughter, who had left an abusive relationship. Both mother and daughter were hearing impaired. So Caleb quickly signed, “Are you okay? Is anyone in the house?”

Sara Adams looked him in the eyes and said, “I’m sorry, but my husband is at work. Can I help you, Caleb?” While saying that, she signed, “Yes, there are two men in my house. One is standing behind me with a knife to my back, the other is looking out of the windows at the back of the house.”

Caleb thought, Becca, Eden! Instead, he signed, “You’ll be okay. We won’t let anything happen to you,” whilst saying, “Well actually Mrs Adams, we wanted to update you on your daughter’s case but it would be better if we spoke to both you and your husband together. What time will he be home?” Mrs Adams indicated that she expected her husband back at 5pm.

“Great, we’ll stop by then. Detectives Peck and Channing will also be joining us. We also need to clarify a few issues related to your daughter’s case with both you and Mr Adams,” Caleb said, while signing, “We’re not leaving. We’re just going out back.”

As Sara Adams closed the door, Matthew and Caleb walked towards their car and then turned around when they were sufficiently out of sight, backtracking and walking at the edge of the property, which they knew was not in direct line of sight of the front windows. As they rounded the back, they saw Becca and Eden flattened against one of the walls. Becca, upon seeing Caleb, signalled that there was someone by the windows. Caleb nodded, indicating that there were two men in the house. Whilst planning how to get into the house, Caleb updated Rafe on the two possible Untouchables who were holding Mrs Adams captive. “I think that they are waiting for John Adams to come home. They need him for whatever reason and I think that they will use Sara Adams to convince him to join them.”

“Yes, maybe, but we can’t take that chance. Mrs Adams looked pretty scared. These guys might not believe her if she told them that she didn’t remember being a Knight. And bro, she doesn’t know, else she is a very convincing liar,” Caleb said.

Rafe hesitated. “Ok, be careful, Caleb. They won’t be happy knowing that the police have one of them in custody. Have you had sight of the two Knights who were supposed to be on watch?”

“No,” Caleb responded. “Matthew is going to look for them. We need to see what’s happening here first.” Rafe agreed that he would let Caleb do what was necessary, but that in a short while, he would have to inform Detectives Peck and Channing about what was playing out at the Adams’ home.

“Matthew, are you getting any response from the other two Knights?” Caleb asked.

“No,” Matthew said. “They are not answering their communicators and I can’t track them, probably because you and Becca are around. I don’t have a good feeling about this.”

Caleb assessed the situation. Becca indicated that the back windows were now clear. The other Untouchable had moved to the front of the house again. Matthew and Caleb joined the women at the window. Peering in, they could see that there were two men in the house, both in the lounge, with their backs thankfully to the windows. Mrs Adams was sitting on the sofa, but she seemed calm. What did these men want? Who were they?

Matthew tried to contact the Knights again. Nothing, but he thought he heard something ringing softly close by. “Hear that?” he asked Caleb. Caleb nodded and pointed to the hedges that served as a wall between the Adams’ home and that of their neighbours. They both crept up to the hedges, on full alert. There, within the hedges, were the two missing Knights. Matthew quickly ran to one of them, checking his pulse, whilst Caleb checked that of the other. They each found a pulse, although it was very weak. “We need to get them out of here quickly,” Matthew said.

“Wait,” Caleb said, frowning as he turned one of the Knights onto his side. “This one has been stabbed. I recognise this green substance; it’s crushed rosemary. Seems to be the Untouchable’s weapon of choice when dealing with Knights. We found this on Eden when she was stabbed. It’s poisonous. If they don’t get treated soon, you’re going to lose them!”

Matthew considered for a moment. “I can’t get them home quick enough and I can’t take them to a hospital. It will be difficult to explain why we think a common herb used in cooking would actually be poisonous to Normals!”

“Take them to John Adams. You wouldn’t have to explain anything to him. I’ll watch over Becca and Eden. We can’t all leave here now,” Caleb suggested.

Matthew agreed, grateful for Caleb’s quick thinking. Caleb helped him to load the two Knights into the back of the car. “Let me know if anything happens,” Matthew requested and drove off.

Caleb crept back to the girls, quickly explaining the reason Matthew had left and indicating that they needed to get into the house to eliminate the Untouchables.

“We also need to find out what they’re up to,” Becca said. “How do we do this without freaking out Mrs Adams?”

“Use your arrows away from her,” Eden suggested. “I can distract her if necessary,” she volunteered. They all agreed. Caleb would check whether it was safe to enter upstairs.

Caleb had found an open window on the first floor and knowing that the Untouchables were downstairs, had just tried to push himself through the small opening, when he heard glass breaking. His heart skipped a beat. As he turned around and looked below him, he realised that the Untouchables had broken the patio window and that one of them had launched himself at Eden, knife in hand. Becca, jumped onto his back, all five feet one of her, trying to pry the knife from his hand. She managed to dislodge him from Eden, who in turn had kicked him in his head, which momentarily stunned him. These girls could take care of themselves, Caleb realised but he also knew that there was another armed Untouchable in the house. Caleb leapt off the first floor balcony, bending his knees as he landed on the ground below. The second Untouchable had now abandoned Mrs Adams and come to his partner’s defence. He wielded what looked like a hunting knife and was shocked when he saw Caleb. The Untouchable who had been kicked in his head, seemed to have recovered and circled the girls. Caleb didn’t have to tell Becca to use her arrow, she had extremely good instincts. In an instant the Untouchable clutched his chest as the arrow met its mark, disappearing within him and disintegrating as it did so, making it undetectable to any forensic expert. He folded at Eden’s feet.

Fear marked the face of the other Untouchable who dropped his knife. “If you tell us what mission you’re working on, we might let you live,” Caleb told him, while indicating to Eden that she should check on Mrs Adams. Eden nodded and walked through the broken patio window.

“I don’t know anything. We were asked to come collect the Adams, but the man had left, so we decided to wait,” the Untouchable said, his hand continuing to shake.

“Who told you? Whom are you working with?”

“Look, I’m definitely dead if I tell you, so you might as well use your arrow. If I say anything, my family is gone,” the Untouchable said and Caleb had a sudden realisation.

“You’re not an Untouchable, are you? You’re a former Knight!” Caleb said, lowering his arm. The man now looked at him, regret written on his face. “They have your family, that’s how they got you to join them. What’s your ability?”

“I’m a Sensor. My name is Anthony Jennings or that’s the name I prefer now. They have my family and I’ve no way of getting them back,” he said miserably.

“Who has your family? And who is this guy?” Caleb asked, pointing to the Untouchable lying crumpled on the ground.

Anthony hesitated. “This Untouchable has my family, my wife and two little girls. My family doesn’t know anything about this. They don’t know what I am, but I would do anything to save them. I have done horrible things to keep them safe. I don’t know this Untouchable, but I know that he is part of some team. I only met him late last night. He wasn’t a big talker,” Anthony said. “I got home late to find this Untouchable there, with a message and then he showed me a video with my wife and girls. They were tied up in some sort of basement. My little girls had gags over their mouths. Who does that?” he asked in despair.

Caleb thought for a moment. He believed what Anthony said, which meant that they now also had to find his family. For the first time on a mission, Caleb met someone who actually seemed deserving of receiving salvation and a second chance. Becca seemed to read his mind. “I’ll get Eden,” she said and moved into the house.

Eden had meanwhile untied Mrs Adams and was giving her a glass of water as Becca entered. “Caleb needs you,” Becca said smiling. Unquestioningly, Eden went outside. Caleb seemed deep in thought but he lifted his head when Eden stepped closer.

He explained the situation to Eden. “I need your help,” he said.

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