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Inhabited by various creatures, the magical world of Testatha has existed in peace since the White Crystal, which can open rifts between worlds, has been lost. This is until a rumor surfaces that twenty-two years after the crystal shook the world, it has been found again and hidden… Natka Roqueze has never been anything special. To be precise: she isn’t even sure who or what she is. All she knows is that her depression is getting out of control, and that she might find the answer to her pain, when she finds the White Crystal. But who has it? The humans might wield it, to banish all magic. The angels might have it, so that they can return to Heaven. The Fae might keep it, to rule the world. The daimons, including the gorgeous but dangerous Devton, might use it for personal gain. Everyone in this world has secrets. Everyone has something they want to hide. With death and danger looming over the Clepsydra Society, depending on the White Crystal’s untamed power, Natka will have to find the artefact before the world suffers the consequences of someone beating her to it.

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