Legends of Amacia Return of the Beowulf
Legends of Amacia Return of the Beowulf

Legends of Amacia Return of the Beowulf

41Chapters 41Views 8Bookmarked Completed Status



After the successful mutation reversal and integration of Hanna back into Hannibal at the end of Volume 7, Hannibal awakes two days later in confusion caused by another nightmare of Leila. When the confusion lifts, he decides to resolve the issue with his unremembered promise to Leila. However, several other problems arise to divert his attention from Leila. Once awake, Hannibal reintroduces himself to his friends and family, particularly to the little girl Rachel he rescued from the Black Fortress. But while he’s getting reacquainted with everyone, he receives word from the draken Aeolus that more people from Cushar are under siege in their refuge fortress, Hreidmar’s Bastion by the Emperor’s Seventh Division. Seeing the desperate condition of Corso’s remaining people, Hannibal orders a rescue mission to Hreidmar’s Bastion where he finds more than just a people about to be annihilated. He discovers Hreidmar’s Bastion houses Cushar’s entire history, including a peculiar, legendary 1st Age helmet called Grimm’s Mask. The Mask, like Grimm’s Bane, has a will of its own and untold, dangerous power. Hannibal is forced to confront the Mask while trying to rescue the people of Cushar in the Bastion from the Emperor’s forces. Will he succeed in taming the Mask and rescuing the remnant of Cushar from Hreidmar’s Bastion or will his attempt end in disaster. Read on to find out.

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