Losers: Part I
: Chapter 32

The paddle remained directly within my sight as I bent over. I rested my hands on Jason’s desk, gnawing my lower lip, trying my hardest not to let my nerves overtake my mouth as I remembered Vincent’s warning.

I thought of what it would be like to bend over for the paddle, to hear the swish of air before the sharp cracking contact. To have to hold myself in place and thank him while enduring a punishment like that…I shivered.

“Excited, princess? You’re wet already.”

Taking a deep breath, I looked back at him. It wasn’t fair of him to be wearing those thin joggers and nothing else. I could clearly see his dick imprint on them. His bare chest was covered in colorful tattoos, a neon canvas that I couldn’t tear my eyes away from.

“Yes, sir,” I said.

He put the metal nipple clamps and anal plug aside on the seat of his chair. His fingers were warm as they probed between my legs, pushing and spreading me. Slowly, experimentally, he buried a finger inside my pussy. The cold metal of his ring pushing inside made my breath catch, and I moaned, unable to formulate words as a second finger joined the first. He curled them inside, pumping them slowly in and out.

“That feels so good,” I said. Then I added quickly, “Sir.”

“So you can learn. Good girl.”

Good girl. Oooh, fuck, that made me weak. My insides clenched and his fingers paused before withdrawing completely. A moment of unbearable anticipation passed, then something firm and strangely textured stroked over me.

“Keep being obedient for me, and I’ll make you feel so good you won’t be able to think straight.”

It was the alien dildo he was rubbing over me, coating the silicone in my arousal before he pressed it inside. It was narrow at the tip but quickly widened, its curved shape feeling entirely foreign. One side was smooth, but the other side was textured with little raised bumps, like suckers on a tentacle. It crawled over my nerves, the strange sensation making me squirm as he pressed it deeper.

“How does that feel? Have you ever used a dildo like this?”

“It feels weird. It feels…ah…” I caught my breath as he pumped it in and out, taking his time, letting me feel every unnatural inch. “It feels good, sir…the bumps…”

“You’ll be riding this while you play the game,” he said. A few more deep thrusts and he withdrew it, leaving me shifting back and forth with the need for more. There was a soft click, then a drip of something slick and cold landed between my cheeks.

“You’ll have this plug inside your ass too,” he said, reaching for the anal toy on the chair. He spread more lubricant around it, using his finger to coat the surface. “Don’t worry, I’ll take it slow. But I’ll need you to be a good girl and open yourself up for me. You can kneel down and bend over the bed if that will be easier for you.”

Easier, he said. Yes, certainly easier to die from humiliation in that position. But I was trying to be obedient, and it wasn’t as if he hadn’t seen me naked before…

But not like this.

I sank to my knees so I could crawl to the edge of his bed and bend over it. His blankets smelled fresh, like they’d just come out of the laundry. But his scent was still there too — sweet, subtle, and musky. I hadn’t realized I missed that scent until it was flooding my nose again.

“Hold your ass open for me.”

My face was on fire as I reached back and held my cheeks apart. I buried my face against the blanket, internally cringing at how exposed I felt. But Jason reached up and gave my collar another tug. “Keep your face up. Don’t hide yourself. I know it’s hard, but you can do it for me, can’t you?”

My feet kicked lightly in protest before I managed to say, “I can do it, sir.”

His finger swirled over my puckered entrance, spreading around the lubricant before pressing inside. I resisted the urge to muffle my groan in the blankets, pressing my lips tightly together. But as his finger kept probing me, the sounds came out — whimpers and barely restrained gasps.

“There you go. Loosen up for me.” His voice was soft and calm, soothing as his finger was replaced with smooth metal. He took his time, the fullness building slowly, my body stretching to accommodate the intrusion. “That’s my good girl. Almost there.”

The plug settled in to sit tightly inside me, and I groaned, my muscles clenched around it to keep it in place. Jason pushed my hands aside as he gripped my ass, inspecting his handiwork.

“God, that looks so sexy,” he said. “How does it feel?”

“So full,” I whispered. “I don’t think I can fit the dildo inside me too.”

“Sure you can,” he chided me gently. “You’re going to have to get used to having both holes stuffed anyway, Jess. You won’t always be taking us one at a time.” The bed creaked as he leaned against it, blue eyes locking me in an icy stare as he tugged my collar to turn my face toward his. “One of these days, Vincent and I are going to take you together. Think of this as practice.”

My eyes must have gone absurdly wide at the suggestion, because his mouth spread into a grin. “Oh, you like that idea, don’t you? I wonder how many times you’d come with both our cocks fucking into you, stretching out these little holes. And speaking of orgasms…” He pulled me upright, holding me tight against his chest as my bell jingled. “I wonder how many of them it takes to make you cry? I guess I’ll have to find out for myself.” His hand traced the neckline of my dress, teasing over my cleavage. “You’re stuck in this?”

I nodded, then gasped in shock when he took the frilly bodice in his grip and ripped. The cloth was thin and tore easily, leaving my breasts laid bare. I wasn’t wearing a bra, and he tugged lightly at my nipple piercings before he carefully began to remove the jewelry.

“Jason…Jason, please…” I wiggled against him as he set aside the jewelry and reached back for those vicious metal nipple clamps. I didn’t know what exactly I was begging for, only that I desperately wanted to. “I’ll be good. I promise I’ll be good…”

“I know,” he said, widening the clamps. “But you like a challenge, don’t you? You’re going to sit at my desk, with your nipples clamped, your ass plugged, and that greedy pussy of yours riding a dildo, and you’re going to try your best to win. You’re not going to let this distract you, are you?” I shook my head, a whimper bursting out of me as he attached the first clamp.

The pinch was so tight, sharply painful, igniting the trail of nerves that seemed to lead straight from my nipples to my clit.

“I won’t let it distract me, sir,” I said, taking slow deep breaths as I adjusted to the new stimulation.

“Good girl.” His lips brushed against my neck right below my ear, and I leaned into his touch. His lips were soft, but his hands were hard, the juxtaposition of sensations making me tremble as he attached the second clamp.

“Fuck, Jason…it hurts, it fucking hurts.” I cringed against him, sucking in quick breaths in an effort to steady myself. My brain was jumbled already. I’d come in here thinking it would be a struggle to be obedient, but now, that was all I wanted to do — be a good girl, please him, make him proud so I could hear more sweet words.

He left me kneeling there, struggling not to tug the clamps off to relieve myself from the pain. He sat the flat base of the dildo on his chair and curled his finger at me. “Come here. Time to play.”

Jason adjusted the seat for me, but the sheer length and girth of the dildo had me staring at it with wide eyes. I was supposed to somehow bury the entire thing inside me?

“We’ll go slow,” Jason said, his voice thick with sadistic excitement. He held my arms for balance as I lowered myself down, the dildo filling me inch by inch. By the time it was fully sheathed inside me, I was shaking. My legs felt weak. It ached somewhere deep inside, and the sensation was as much pleasure as pain.

God, I was so full.

“Let’s see what you can do, princess.” He stood behind me and leaned down, caressing his fingers over my arms. His hands came to rest on mine, moving my left hand to the keyboard and my right to the mouse. “The W, A, S, and D keys move you around.” He pressed my fingers on the keys, his hand fully engulfing my own. “Look around with the mouse. Right-click shoots, the R key reloads.” I shivered as his lips touched my ear, his breath hot on my neck. “You’ll figure out the rest as you go. Oh, and one more thing…”

He grabbed the headset and put it on me, adjusting my headband so both fit comfortably. He left one ear uncovered so I could hear him, but through the other, I heard, “Jason needs to hurry the fuck up or I’m starting the round without him.”

My thighs clenched together. It was Lucas, and Vincent’s laughter followed right after. “You gave him all those goodies and you expect him to rush?”

“It’s Jason, come on. We all know he takes his sweet time,” Manson said.

There was a microphone in front of my mouth, attached to the headset. Jason remained bent over my back, close enough to hear their conversation come through the speakers and snicker at it.

“Sorry for the wait, boys,” he said. “I had to get Jess ready to play.”

“And I’ll be playing to win,” I said, getting a gasp and a chuckle out of the men listening. Trying to speak without allowing the desperation to taint my voice was nearly impossible, but I tried.

“I hope the fucktoy can carry her weight on a team,” Lucas said.

“Of course she can,” Vincent said. “You like to win, don’t you, Jess?”

“Damn right.” A notification popped up on the screen and I clicked the button to “join match.” As I stared at the loading screen, I rocked slightly in my seat, plunging the dildo a little deeper. It felt good now that I was beginning to adjust to the size, so firm and thick.

“That’s right, chase the pleasure,” Jason said. The round started, dropping my character into the middle of a futuristic city. My objective showed up at the top of the screen: destroy the enemy base. I shivered as Jason’s fingers traced back up my arms. “Don’t lose focus.”

I hadn’t played any video games since middle school, but Manson, Lucas, and Vincent were clearly experienced. They gave instructions over the headset, alerting each other to enemies, gunfire popping off. The very first glimpse I got of the enemy team, I was dead within a few seconds. I huffed, growling in irritation as I waited for my character to spawn back into the game.

“Getting pissed already?” Jason laughed.

“Well, he didn’t even give me a chance to aim,” I said. It was so hard to focus. I shifted again, the dildo and the plug both moving inside me. Suddenly, right before I spawned, Jason knelt beside my chair and reached around my waist.

“Spread your legs,” he said. I obeyed, my eyes darting down to see what he was doing. He had the rose toy in his hands, and the bulbous tail was vibrating. He pressed the bulb against my clit, and instantly I groaned, my entire body coiling at the sudden stimulation.

“Eyes on the game,” Jason hissed.

“You good, Jess?” I could hear the grin in Manson’s voice. “Tell me what he’s doing to you.”

“I’ll tell you when we win,” I said, exhaling hard as Jason moved the vibrator in a small circle over me.

“If we win, I’ll come and see what he’s doing for myself,” Manson said, his tone darkening.

Despite trying my best, I was terrible at the game. Jason teased me every time I died, saying, “Aw, again? Come on, you can do better than that.” The more irritated I got, the more he worked the vibrator on me. I was trying not to make any loud noises, but I couldn’t stop another moan.

“Damn, groaning like a desperate little whore, aren’t you?” Lucas said.

Growling, I responded, “Shut up.”

Instantly, Jason smacked his palm against my inner thigh. I jolted, too shocked to cry out as I looked at him. But he smacked me again, saying, “Eyes on the game. Remember your fucking manners.”

Damn it, the rules. I gnawed my lower lip, squirming as my skin stung. “I’m sorry, sir.”

“Are you?” Manson said. “Then maybe you’d like to try that again. Lucas said you’re groaning like a…?”

“Like a desperate little whore,” I said, spilling out the words as quickly as possible. My pussy clenched, and it was a good thing the game was about to end because I was incapable of playing any further. I couldn’t even make myself sit up straight as everything tightened and familiar waves of ecstasy built higher…higher…

“Fuck, Jason,” I was panting, about to orgasm, and the way he kept moving the vibrator gave me no choice. I came, eyes squeezed shut, body locked in pleasure’s vice-like grip. Jason forced my legs to stay spread apart, the vibrator pressed to my clit, his eyes on my face.

“Tell them how good it feels,” he said.

I babbled, half of it not even making sense. “So good, fuck…oh my God, I’m so full, please —” A curse came through the headset, followed by a heavy exhale. “Oh, God, please, please, please, it’s too much!”

Right when I thought I might combust, Jason pulled me up. I gasped at the sudden loss of fullness inside me, my face heating when I noticed the wet spot I’d left on his chair. He took my headset off and set it aside, his hand disappearing beneath my short dress as I was pressed back against the desk.

“God, you’re so wet,” he said. He brought his fingers to his mouth, licking off my arousal as he stared down at me. “I want to taste you. All of you.”

He tipped my chin up and brought his lips to mine. He was tender at first, leaving a dozen soft kisses on my mouth before delving in, lips parting, tongue probing. I finally had my chance to drag my nails down his neck, his chest, grabbing his arms as I pulled him closer. His hard cock nudged against my belly, and I reached for it, grasping him through the thin fabric.

He smiled against my mouth. “What are you trying to do to me, hm? You want more?” His fingers spread over my throat, and I nodded, moving eagerly against him. “You’ll get more. You’re going to take it all, princess, even when you’re begging me to stop.”

He moved me back and laid me on the bed. He spread my limbs and cuffed them, binding my wrists and ankles with restraints connected to the bed’s four posts. All the while he kissed me, sometimes quickly, sometimes slow and deep. He straddled my hips, praising me as he removed the clamps from my breasts but left the plug in my ass, taking his time to rub and suck my aching nipples into his mouth in between kisses.

“Touch me, please,” I begged, arching my hips toward him. One orgasm was simply not enough, not when he kept teasing me like this.

He got off the bed, grabbing the rose toy and his headset. He laid the headset beside me and said, “Yeah? Want me to make you come again?” I nodded with a moan. “I’m going to make you come so many times there won’t be a single thought left in your pretty little head.”

I wasn’t entirely sure whose curse came from the headset, but it sounded like Manson’s. I squirmed as I thought of the other three men listening in on all this, hearing every gasp, every breath, every plea.

Jason slipped the bulbous tail of the toy inside me. He pressed a button, and it came to life again, the tail vibrating within me while a soft hum emanated from the rose itself.

“God, you’re beautiful,” he said, fingers spreading me open. He dipped his head down, mouth closing over my clit, tongue lapping at me.

A little cry burst out of my mouth. I jerked against the cuffs but could barely move. I could only gasp, “Oh my God, Jason, that feels so good!”

His mouth left me, but the toy swiftly replaced it. This time, he used the larger part of the rose, and I flinched at its touch, the suction on my sensitive clit almost too much to bear.

“We’re just getting started, Jess,” he said, smiling at me wickedly as I panted. “We’re not stopping until that slutty little brain of yours is completely empty. The only thing I want you thinking about is chasing the next orgasm.”

If my body had a steam pressure meter, mine would be in the red. I was writhing beneath him, both trying to get away and trying to get more. I was going to come again; I could already feel it. But this orgasm didn’t build gently. It slammed into me, cracked open my raw brain, and wrenched out a shuddering cry.

“Jason, please.” My voice broke. “Please, I’m going to come —”

“You’re going to keep coming until I’ve said you had enough,” he said. “Be a good girl and don’t try to keep yourself quiet, understand? I think the boys deserve to be able to hear you.”

Oh, they heard me. It was impossible not to. I yelled as I came, muscles so stiff they ached. I was shuddering, then desperately twitching when the stimulation didn’t stop. When he moved the toy, he used his mouth instead, alternating the sensations. I wanted to reach for him, tangle my fingers in his blue hair and clutch his head between my thighs. I wanted a reprieve from the pleasure, but I also didn’t want him to stop.

“You taste so fucking good,” he growled, lifting his head. He pressed the rose against me again, moving it in a slow rocking motion as he tugged and probed with the vibrating bulb inside me. I couldn’t even be sure if my last orgasm had truly ended, or if he’d drawn it out so long that it was peaking again. But it felt so amazing that my toes curled, my thighs trying in vain to squeeze together.

“Scream for him, Jess.” Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Such a good girl.”

“That’s it, no fucking mercy, J.”

The voices coming through the headset broke me almost as much as the overstimulation. My vision blurred as my body convulsed. “Fuck, Jason, please!”

Heat gushed between my legs, my pussy clenching so hard I squeezed the bulb out. The sheets were soaked beneath my trembling thighs, and when I managed to look down, Jason was staring at me with shock and awe in his wide eyes. His face was damp, wetness dripping from his cheek.

“Holy shit, did you just squirt for me?” he said. I nodded in exhaustion, nearly sobbing from the rush of ecstasy. He ravenously buried his head between my legs again, pressing the bulb back inside me and holding it there. I could only gasp as his tongue lapped hungrily at my overstimulated clit and probed around my entrance.

When he lifted his head again, he looked half wild. He hurriedly tugged off his pants, and his thick cock sprang free to stand rigidly at attention. I wanted to touch him, claw at him, bite, fight, and cry out my ecstasy.

“I like vibrations too,” he said, teasing against my slick opening with the rose’s tail still inside me. “I think I’ll keep this inside while I fuck you.”

“You’re already so big, Jason,” I said. “How…how…”

He chuckled at me, pausing to pick up the headset. “Hear that, boys? Jess doesn’t think I’ll fit.”

“Not all of us are blessed with horse cocks, J.” I recognized Vincent’s teasing voice, even faint as it was.

“Oh, it’ll fit,” Lucas said huskily. “She might scream, but it’ll fit.”

“Tell her yourselves.”

Jason fit the headset on me again. I tried to steady myself, but it was useless. There was no way I was going to maintain my pride through this.

“Are you being a good girl?” Manson’s voice was low in my ear, and I whimpered immediately, longing to know if he had his cock in his hand, if he was enjoying my sounds, if he was getting off to this.

“I’m being good,” I said, then gasped as Jason pressed against my entrance again. He pushed a finger inside, then a second one, getting me used to the stretch. “Oh my God, it’s so tight…fuck…”

“You’re okay, sshh, there’s my brave girl,” he said gently. “I know you’re scared, princess, I know. It’s going to hurt, but you want to be good, don’t you?” I nodded, as his words soothed me and his fingers pumped inside me. I did want to be good. I wanted to please him. I wanted to see the pleasure on his face when he buried his cock inside me. He kissed my mouth once, twice, and then again as he drew his fingers out of me. “Such a good girl. I knew you could do it. Deep breaths now, you’ll be okay.”

I recognized the slick sounds of one of them jerking off on the headset. Jason entered me, taking his time, opening me slowly. He twitched inside me as he encountered the vibrator, inhaling deeply and then letting it out with a groan.

“Please, aah…” I strained against my bindings as he shoved himself all the way in. He brought the rose back, pressing it against my clit as he thrust into me, and my brain utterly shattered. The noises I made, keening like an animal, only served to make the men listening in more excited.

“That’s it, take it, Jess.” Vincent’s voice was rushed and tight. I wished he was there, in the room with us, shoving his cock into my mouth so I had something to muffle my sounds.

“Let me hear those pretty screams.” Manson’s voice made me shiver, so thick with pleasure as he listened to me that I whimpered his name.

“Mm, do you like when Manson talks to you?” Jason said. He released my ankles from the cuffs and pressed my legs up to angle his cock even deeper inside me. Every thrust made me cry out, and I nodded brokenly at his question. “Do you like that he’s getting off on how pathetic you sound right now? Tell him how it feels, Jess.”

“It’s so tight,” I whimpered. “It hurts and feels so good and…and…fuck…Jason, please…”

Lucas’s voice was harsh as he demanded, “Come for us, girl.”

Jason groaned as I locked around him, reaching up to pin me by the throat. His hips jerked in short, rapid thrusts, slapping against my skin.

My voice was weak as his hand squeezed, baring his teeth the harder he fucked me. “Please, I can’t come again…”

“Sorry, princess, but you have to take it,” he grunted, jaw tight. “Come for me again. Cry if you need to. I want to see you break.”

The look of sheer possessive pleasure on his face sent me over one more explosive edge. His grip on my throat tightened, enough to give me a light-headed rush as I sobbed my release. Praise came over the headset, the words flowing together, and I drank it up like the god’s ambrosia.

Still dazed, I barely understood Jason when he leaned close to the headset and demanded, “Get up here before she fucking passes out.”

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