Losers: Part I
: Chapter 38

Wretched biological mechanisms giving me away. I would have rather bled out than have my face go red, but there I was, hot and bothered, as Jess’s clever little brain tried to work out what she’d done to cause it.

I’d be damned if she figured this one out. Manson would be too, because it was all his fault.

We had about an hour of driving ahead of us, and since we were towing the Z, we couldn’t simply haul ass to get there. Still, I couldn’t resist pushing the El Camino a bit. I raced ahead of the Bronco, swerving around the slower cars in my path. Every time I picked up speed, Jess’s smile widened. I had a radar detector on the dash so I wasn’t worried about cops, and pushed my speed even more to see what she would do.

The sudden acceleration caught her by surprise, and her hand darted out to clench around my thigh. She had a new color on those pointy claws of hers, the same deep purple as Manson’s Mustang. I had to wonder if she’d done it on purpose.

I slowed down, and Jess sighed softly as she settled back into her seat, staring out the window at the open fields. She moved her hand away from me, but I reached over and brought it back, leaving my hand on top of hers as it rested on my leg.

“You haven’t run away from us yet,” I said, glancing at her to try to gauge the reaction on her face. “Enjoying yourself a little too much?”

“Of course I haven’t run away. I still need my ride back,” she said, as if that was the only reason in the world. “Maybe I should have you guys give me a little speed boost too.”

“That sounds like trouble,” Manson said. “We need to work on getting you to change your oil on time before we move on to giving you any extra acceleration.”

“Ugh, boring,” she groaned. “I want a fast car too.”

I barked out a harsh laugh. “Already trying to add on more to your debt? That would definitely cost more than you can afford.”

Her fingers squeezed slightly around my thigh. “Are you sure about that?”

If this little vixen wasn’t careful, we were never going to make it to the damn speedway, because I’d be pulled over on some back road, fucking her silly. I glanced over at Manson, but he was too busy staring at Jess’s ass nudged against his side to be paying attention.

“What do you need more speed for?” I said, my cock rising to the occasion far too eagerly. “You trying to start racing too?”

“No. I just like going fast,” she said. “Although I wouldn’t mind getting to beat you in a race.”

“Not a chance of that. Not with that BMW, no fucking way.”

She gave me a saucy smile. “Sounds to me like you’re scared of me winning. Don’t you think he sounds scared, Manson?”

This time, Manson caught my eye. Our little toy was feeling feisty today, and I could see from his face how much he enjoyed it. He leaned closer to her, warning her, “I think he sounds like he’s about to spank your ass if you don’t start behaving.”

“You need to occupy that bratty mouth of yours before it gets you in trouble,” I said.

Her hand tightened on me, and then her other hand came to join it. She pushed up the hem of my shirt, tracing her finger along my belt buckle.

“How should I do that, sir?” she said. She didn’t fool me with that sweet, simpering tone. I didn’t need to look at Manson again to know he was excited, eager for us to put on a show. I was happy to give him some entertainment.

I adjusted my position, pulling open my belt one-handed as I said, “You know what to do, girl.”

I was nearly choking on those words in a moment, because goddamn, she really knew what to do. After twenty seconds with my cock in her mouth, I was seriously regretting that I had to watch the road instead of her. Manson was the lucky one, and he leaned against the door with one leg up on the seat as he observed her, smirking all the while.

“Record her,” I said, bracing myself for a moment when she moaned around me in her throat. Manson pulled out his phone, giving Jess’s ass a squeeze as he recorded her. “I’m going to watch this back later, Jess. I want to see how sexy you look gagging on my dick.”

She was using her mouth and her hand in unison, taking her time as she bobbed her head on me. She buried me in her throat, then popped me from her mouth as she said, “The piercing feels funny in my throat. I like it.”

She took me down again, and I clenched the wheel until my fingers ached. Having Manson watch made it even better, and knowing it got him hard made me salivate with the want for a taste of him.

Jess probed at my jewelry with her tongue, causing the curved bar to move back and forth. It took considerable effort not to moan as she did that, but she must have noticed something because the next time she lifted her head, she said, “Do you like that? When I play with it?”

“Yeah.” My voice came out as a tightly restrained snarl. “It feels good when you move it around. And when it’s in your throat…” I pushed her head back down, resting my hand on the back of her neck.

“Such a good girl, Jess,” Manson said, his hand rubbing between her legs. “Make him feel good.” She moaned on me again, and my foot jerked on the gas. It took every shred of self-control to remain focused despite what she was doing.

The road was hazy — but the things she was doing with her mouth, hand, and tongue were perfectly vivid. It was shocking that we made it to the speedway in one piece, because I couldn’t remember the rest of the drive if my life depended on it.

The second I parked in the large lot outside the Fairgrounds Speedway, I clenched my hands around the back of my seat and closed my eyes, head tipped back as she finished me off. Manson was praising her, and she was grinding down on his palm for pleasure. The sound that came out of me as I spilled in her mouth was more animal than human, and for a moment, I swore I felt my soul leave my body.

“Fucking hell…” I exhaled slowly as I opened my eyes, just in time to see her swallow.

She wanted a fast car? I’d fucking give her a fast car. What else did she want? Makeup? Jewelry? Clothes? A goddamn kitten? I’d give her that too.

Manson snapped me out of my foolish thoughts. Still recording with one hand, he flipped her over with the other. Jess’s head was in my lap, right next to my cock, with her eyes wide and slightly dazed as Manson moved over her.

“Get her shorts down,” he said, and I helped him do it, tugging them open so he could pull them off of her. I was still trying to catch my breath when he entered her, his cock stretching her pussy in a way I could only describe as stunningly sexy. She groaned, her eyes rolling back as he fucked into her. I held her legs up for him, keeping her spread.

“Fuck, that’s going to make me come,” she gasped. I couldn’t decide which of them I wanted to watch more, as Jess’s face softened with pleasure and Manson’s grew harder.

They both knew how to get under my skin, how to rip me apart from the inside out and make me like it. I expected that from Manson, but her? How the hell could she read me so well? How did she figure out the little things that drove me wild? I could always feel her watching me when she was near, but it was like she was reaching into my soul, taking a casual look around, and figuring out exactly what made me tick.

She made me feel like I was going to fucking lose it, even more than usual.

Her eyes squeezed shut as she came, and I was right there to see every expression as she fell apart. Manson braced his hand against the window next to my head, fucking her until he shuddered and came inside her with a groan. We’d watched each other fuck before, but God, there was something about seeing him with her.

There was something about the way she looked at him, and how manically enraptured he was with her. Was this how he felt when he watched us? I’d never fully understood the voyeur thing, but I didn’t have his level of self-control. I could hardly bear to watch without participating, while he got off on exactly that.

He eased out of her, catching his breath for a moment before he leaned back and took her with him. He turned her around, so her back was against his chest and her legs were splayed open on the seat, facing me.

“Eat her,” he said, his voice still rough.

Even having just orgasmed, those words riled me up all over again. I leaned forward, not giving a fuck about anyone else who happened to be in the parking lot around us. They could damn well look away if they didn’t like it. Jess tasted amazing with Manson’s cum dripping out of her. Every time I stroked my tongue over her clit, she bucked up against my mouth.

“Tell him how it feels,” Manson said as her beautiful green eyes stared down at me between her legs. I wanted to feel her come again. I wanted her thighs to squeeze around my head as her body convulsed with pleasure.

“Your tongue feels so good,” she moaned, wiggling against me and grinding on my mouth. Manson’s hand pressed down on the back of my head, encouraging me to keep going. “Oh God, Lucas, yes…”

I pressed my tongue into her, savoring the taste of Manson inside her and her desperate little cries. She shuddered, thighs tightening. She clenched them around my head, and I lost myself in the moment. Who could care about oxygen when her pussy tasted so fucking good and she sounded like that — so sweet and helpless and full of need.

I barely lifted my head, licking the taste of her off my lips. Manson watched me, his eyes narrowed with sadistic glee as he murmured to her, “Tell him he’s a good boy.”

He grinned at me like he knew how wicked it was to tell her that. Sadistic fuck. But I still shuddered when her soft lips formed the words, “Mm, good boy.”

My fingers dug into her thighs, my teeth bared as I loomed over her. Crushed between Manson and I, she looked vulnerable but also far too clever. She knew exactly how to get what she wanted, and we knew exactly how to deliver.

“You’d better be very careful using those words with me,” I said, and she nodded rapidly, her pupils dilating.

“I’ll be careful, sir,” she said, but there was mischief in her eyes.

I tucked myself away and gathered my things, stuffing my wallet and keys into my pocket. I had no idea what expression was fixed on my face, but Jess giggled in a way that betrayed both fear and excitement before she stepped out of the car after Manson, slinging her bag over her shoulder.

I didn’t know if I wanted to spank her or fucking kiss her again.

Probably both.

Definitely both.

Jess walked ahead of us as we made our way to check in. The Fairgrounds Speedway was surrounded by trees on all sides, with a convention building at the forefront of the property that held merch and concession booths. Beyond that, the track occupied the rest of the property, with bleachers overlooking it. Vincent and Jason had driven the Bronco down to the pit, a curved expanse of asphalt right next to the track, where all the drivers and their crews were gathered to prepare for the day’s competition. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

The warm air was tinged with the scent of burned rubber and cigarettes, and I took a deep breath. I didn’t feel comfortable in many places, but I was comfortable here. It was my home away from home, but we weren’t only there for moral support; Jason needed mechanics to ensure the Z made it through the day. Drifting was hard on a car, and without maintenance, the Z wouldn’t last past the qualifying rounds. We had our equipment in the back of the Bronco; tools and any necessary items for repairs. If something went wrong on the track, we had to fix it quickly or forfeit the competition.

“Amazing that you can scowl after a blow job like that,” Manson said, walking beside me. Jess was far enough ahead of us not to overhear — or so it would seem. But I could have sworn I saw her head turn slightly toward us, trying to listen in.

She was too clever. Too observant.

Manson slung his arm around my shoulders, pulling me toward him and kissing me. He was in a good mood today; in fact, he’d been in a great mood ever since he spent the night at her house.

“I think she knows how to play the game too well,” I said, when he pulled back but left his arm around me. “You’re already getting too attached.”

His smile faltered, but only for a moment. “She may know how to play, but we made the rules. Have fun with her. She plays to win, you know that. The more you challenge her, the more she’ll push back.”

Goddamn it, but that was what I was afraid of. I couldn’t resist competition either, so when Jess pushed back, I pushed harder. It was a cycle that I couldn’t see ending in anything other than an explosion.

And maybe that was how this whole thing was destined to go down anyway. A fierce competition to a fiery finish. I just didn’t know how many of us would get destroyed along the way.

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