Losers: Part II
: Chapter 34

We barely managed to get back to the house before we were tearing each other’s clothes off.

Jess’s shirt was discarded and my pants were pulled halfway down my ass as I got out of the Z. After yanking my pants back into place, I flung Jess over my shoulder and carried her across the yard, her tits bouncing against my back, her legs kicking as she squealed.

As we passed the garage, Lucas slid out from under a vehicle and Manson peered down from the loft.

“Hey, I thought you were working!” Manson shouted.

“We’re playing hooky today!” Jess called, breathless with laughter when I smacked her ass.

“Don’t tell on us,” I scolded, laughing with her. Jojo and Bo were very intrigued by the new game as I carried Jess into the house; Jojo kept jumping up to lick Jess’s face. “If Vince finds out we faked sick —”

“If I find out what?” Vincent poked his head out of the kitchen, looking between us with a confused frown. “I thought you were both working today.”

“Didn’t feel like it,” I said, which was the truth. Kissing him quickly, I left him looking stunned at the bottom of the stairs as I said, “I felt more like spending the day railing this little princess until she can’t see straight.”

I carried Jess straight up to the attic, shoving open the door with my foot. I threw her down on the bed, and she collapsed into the pillows with a laugh. She pulled me down as I climbed on top of her, hands gripping tightly to my shirt as she drew me into a demanding kiss. I felt like I was high, like I’d drank way too much caffeine. It was difficult to touch her without shaking.

Stripping her naked, I pulled her legs up over my shoulders and buried my face in her pussy. God, the taste of her was one of the closest moments to heaven I could imagine. She gripped my hair as she gasped, her fingers tugging, pulling until it hurt.

“Fuck, yes, pull it just like that,” I murmured, my lips moving against her swollen folds. Her lip curled viciously as she watched me, but her expression quickly faltered when I swirled my tongue around her clit. A frantic moan burst out of her, her legs twining around my head, her thighs squeezing.

“Ah…Jason —” Her voice broke, dissolving into a blissed-out sob.

The way her thighs squeezed around my head as she came had me grinding desperately against the pillows. She was dripping, and my face was messy with her. I probed my tongue into her, savoring her heat, grasping her tits as she cried out.

She was shaking as I let her go, gasping for breath. I kicked my pants off and my briefs followed, chucked carelessly into a corner. I spread her legs around me, lining myself up with her. She groaned as I rubbed my cock over her clit, sliding back and forth as she whimpered, “Please fuck me, Jason. Fuck me like you hate me.”

“Goddamn, princess.” I curled over her, clenching my hand around her throat. “I’ll do better than that. I’ll fuck you like the desperate little sinner that you are. I think you need to learn a lesson, don’t you? You need to be punished for tempting me to sin.”

Her beautiful eyes widened. “You should teach me a lesson.”

“Yeah?” Her heart was pulsing in her throat, pounding rapidly against my fingers. “How should I do that, hm? Should I start with —”

“You should start with a spanking, then hand her over to us.”

Either they’d entered the attic silently, or I’d been so lost in Jess’s pleasure that I hadn’t noticed three grown men come in. Manson and Lucas flanked Vincent on either side. Manson’s arms were folded, a crooked grin on his face. Lucas had his gaze fixed on me, and he still had a pair of black latex gloves on, the type he usually worked in. But this pair looked clean, as if he’d just put them on before he came up here.

Vincent smiled, his head lowered just slightly as he came toward the bed. In his hand was the paddle from my bedroom, and it was tapping against his leg as he stopped at the edge of the bed.

“Well?” he said. “I see two little sinners who need to be punished. So turn her over and spank her until we say she’s had enough. Then, it’ll be your turn.”

Shit, his voice. Dangerously sweet and dark as night. It tingled up my spine as he stood next to the bed. Jess squirmed, her legs still splayed around me. It was a hell of a position to be caught in. My dick was so fucking close to sinking into her. Forcing me to stop now was cruel.

I scoffed. “Are you going to make me?”

“Shit, Jason, you’re going to get me in trouble!” Jess said.

“You’re already in trouble, angel.” Manson’s expression was playful, but the chilling intensity of his eyes on me was still enough to make me regret being a smartass. “We can’t have you living in sin under our roof.”

The words grazed over painful memories inside me but didn’t ignite them. Instead, it shoved the pain aside and demandingly occupied the space where it had once festered. It twisted the memories into something I could reclaim.

“You know very well that I can make you obey, Jason,” Vincent said softly, gently, as he would to one beneath him. “It’s your choice. Either you obey and accept your punishment like a good boy, or you keep running your mouth…”

“And what happens if I choose the second option?” I said. But Vincent looked terribly entertained. He actually laughed.

“Keep being a smartass, J,” Lucas said. “Seriously, do it. It hypes me up.”

Licking my lips, I stared him down. His focus was zeroed in on me. He looked like he would rip me apart.

It made a shiver go over my entire body.

“Punish me, Jason,” Jess said. She sounded so excited, her words running together, shaking and punctuated with a little whimper. “I deserve it.”

“There’s my good girl,” Manson said. “You want to learn your lesson, don’t you?”

“Yes, sir,” she said, and a strangled groan escaped me before I swiftly turned her over. She lay on her stomach, her ass pushed up eagerly for me, her legs still spread around me. She slipped a hand between her thighs, and I watched as she played with herself, fingers slick with arousal.

“She’s not allowed to touch,” Vincent said. As if by magic, he produced a pair of leather cuffs and tossed them to me. “Chain her to the headboard.”

Jessica held up her hands as I secured the cuffs onto them. Manson now stood near her head, watching her as he said, “You’re doing well, angel. This is what happens to unrepentant sinners, isn’t it? This is what you’ve earned.”

“Yes, sir,” she whispered. Her eyes were closed as I restrained her, her expression lax as she sunk into that sweet headspace of submission. Dragging my fingers down her back, I gripped her ass in both hands, squeezing her appreciatively.

Fuck, I loved roleplays like this. Pin me down, scold me, tell me all the awful, dirty, sinful things I’d done and punish me for them. Take the real fears of eternal damnation from the back of my mind and make them harmlessly real, twist my terror into something controllable, make it into a toy. I wouldn’t have been able to put into words that I’d needed this, but Vincent knew. He always knew. He read me like an open book.

“Are you ready, Jess?” I said. Leaning down, I kissed her back, trailing slowly down her spine until goosebumps prickled over her skin.

“I’m ready, sir,” she said.

I smacked my palm down; a sharp stinging spank to start her off. She inhaled sharply, her eyes still closed as the second spank landed. Falling into a rhythm, I switched between cheeks, back and forth until both were reddened. Her fingers flexed and clenched, little huffs and whimpers of pain bursting out of her as she buried her face against the pillows.

All the while, I was painfully hard. She arched her back, offering her ass for punishment despite how flaming bright her skin had become. Even with her face pressed into the pillow, her whimpers of pain were becoming increasingly audible.

“Keep going,” Vincent said. He paced beside the bed slowly, overseeing my every move. Lucas was doing something behind me; I could hear chains moving, metal being dragged and set down. I didn’t know what they had in store for me, but the anticipation made me jumpy, all my nerves on high alert.

“Ah! Jason, please!” Jess kept her mouth pressed down, effectively gagging herself. But Manson lifted her head, tucking her hair back and stroking her face.

“You’re almost there, angel,” he said. “God, just look at you. You’re doing so well, that’s it. Arch your back for him.” She obeyed, even though she whimpered, even though her legs shook. Fucking hell, my cock was weeping at the sight of her, cum streaking down my shaft. I spanked her again and she cried out with a desperate little sob.

“Thank you, sir!” she gasped. She was holding her position bravely, although I was sure she was feeling the burn.

“Ten more,” Vincent said. “Make them count.”

Only ten more, and then it was my turn.

I meted out the swats, savoring every beautiful cry she gave me. She squirmed, her body demanding she try to avoid the pain. Another sob escaped her at the last spank, and she sniffled as Manson praised her.

“Good girl, I’m so proud of you.” He cradled her head, kissing her cheek and wiping away the tears that had escaped. She smiled, unabashed, although a little dazed. “You took it so well.”

She was so wet. That spanking had only made her messier. Gripping my cock, I swiped the head over her, rubbing over her clit. It would be so easy to sink into her; I was certain I could orgasm in two strokes if I could just —

My head was pulled back, rough fingers tangled in my hair. Lucas grinned down at me, sharply patting my cheek with his gloved hand.

“Don’t get too excited thinking you’re going to get to fuck her, brat,” he said. “You’re all mine.”


Lucas practically dragged me off the bed, forcing me to my knees at Vincent’s feet. He shoved my head down, but I pushed back, locking us into a battle of strength that seemed caught firmly in a stalemate.

“I think the boy wants to be hurt,” Vincent said, calling me out with precision.

He was right. I wanted pain. I wanted to be overcome, used, claimed. I wanted to defy everyone and everything around me, but be made helpless regardless.

“Oh, I can help with that.” My defiance made Lucas grin. He nudged his boot between my legs, until he was pressed against my balls.

He kept pressing.

“Ah, shit…” The instant feeling of building pain in my abdomen made me double over. But Lucas was merciless, he was almost crushing me. Sucking in my breath, grinding my forehead against the floor, I cried, “You fucking dick, I don’t have to — Ahh —”

If I hadn’t been so distracted by the pain, I would have been embarrassed by the pitiful sound he forced out of me. He tapped the steel toe of his boot against my balls, repeatedly, switching up the intensity every time so I had no clue what to expect. Flinching, whimpering, my body shaking, I said, “Fuck, please, I’ll be good, I’ll shut up —”

“It’s a little too late for promises,” Vincent said. “You know exactly what you’ve earned.”

As Lucas tortured me, Vincent walked away. But he was back within a few moments, and he set something down near my head. It was a suspension bar made of sturdy metal, with four thick locking cuffs dangling from it. As Lucas held me in place, Vince secured my wrists to the bar. I was dragged to my feet, and although I could still lift my arms, it was significantly more difficult with the bar attached to them.

Vincent gripped my face, smiling down at me. That smile of his made my stomach somersault, twisting with anticipation. Lucas held me from behind, his erection nudging against my ass as he murmured, “I’m going to fucking ruin you.”

“Your turn,” Vincent said. The way he leaned over me made me feel so small; an insignificant mote compared to the size and strength of the men around me. “Since you can’t control your tongue, you’ll be putting it to good use.”

Lucas turned me toward the bed, and I gasped softly. Manson had unchained Jess and now had her upper body resting against his chest. She lay on her back, and he was holding her legs spread.

Shoving me toward the bed, Lucas said, “Get into position. Face in her pussy, ass up.”

“Yes, sir.” It was the first time I’d managed a proper response since they’d come up here, but I was enraptured by the sight of her. As I got into position, burying my face between her legs, she nudged herself against me. Her eyes were wide, watching me as Manson held her.

Closing my mouth over her, I started slowly. Gentle licks, soft sucking; she was already so sensitive and every little touch made her twitch. The bar lay beneath my chest, and I couldn’t touch her with my hands despite how desperately I wanted to.

The paddle tapped my backside. It wasn’t a smack, it didn’t hurt. Vincent was steadying himself, making sure the strike would land where he intended and not somewhere that might injure me. Every inch of my body was tense. I was clenching my muscles so hard that they ached. No matter how many spankings I’d gotten — no matter how often we played with pain — in the moments right before it happened, I was always left frozen with anticipation of how much it would hurt. Jess was a welcome distraction. The taste of her on my tongue —


The impact was heavy, the pain sharp and burning. Holy shit, it burned. My head jerked up, my mouth opened and closed several times before I clipped my teeth together.

“What did we tell you, boy?” Vincent said, jovial as ever. “Get your head back down.”

Giving me no other option, Lucas forced my head down again, smacking the back of my skull. Jess shivered as I groaned, bucking her hips upward for more.


Shit, shit, shit. The pain made my entire body tingle, and I jerked my head up again. I wiggled my toes, taking a moment to slowly exhale.

“Stubborn, isn’t he?” Lucas said.

“Stubbornly disobedient,” said Manson. “Maybe you’re not hitting him hard enough, Vince.”

The paddle tapped, demanding my attention. “Is that true? Not hard enough for you?”

“Not hard enough, sir,” I said, even though I was filled with regret the second I said it. There were a few beats of silence, punctuated only by Jess’s soft sounds, and I almost blurted out an apology as the quiet dragged on.


That one made me cry out. Fucking hell, I was in trouble.


The sound of the paddle smacking down again was humiliatingly loud. Exhaling slowly, I managed not to make a sound.

“Get his head back down, Lucas,” Vincent said. “Hold him there. I don’t care if he can’t breathe, he needs to obey.”

Lucas’s hand locked onto the back of my head and forced me down. I could eat Jess forever. I was fucking ravenous for her. But every swat made me cry out, and the pain was building; it was nearly fucking impossible to do anything useful with my tongue when I was trying so hard not to beg for mercy.

The paddle tapped my thigh, and I flinched. “I want to be sure I’m not disappointing you,” Vincent said. “Are these hard enough?”

I nodded, mumbling “Yes, sir” against her pussy.

“You’re sure? You still sound relatively coherent…” Smack! “Perhaps a little harder?”

The sound that came out of me was embarrassingly high-pitched. Jess’s head was tipped back but she was still watching, her muscles pulsating around my tongue when I probed into her. She was going to get off to the sight of me being paddled. The very thought made my hard cock twitch. To think I’d been so damn close to fucking her —


Christ, my ass was on fire.

Vincent’s hand rubbed over my lower back, warm and soothing before the smack that followed. My body instinctively retreated from the source of pain, as I tried to lower my ass. But Lucas didn’t let me. With one hand, he kept my head down, and with the other, he reached between my legs, gripping my balls and giving them a squeeze.

“Stay in position,” he said. “Or you’ll be very sorry.”

The next few swats had me squirming and yelling like a baby. Jess was panting as she said, “That feels so good, Jason. God, you look so sexy.”

Lucas chuckled. “Makes his cock twitch when you talk to him, Jess. He’s desperate to fuck.” His grip tightened, and I shook.

They were breaking me down, and I loved every second.

“Only one more,” Vincent said. “I have to make this one the hardest. It’s going to hurt, but I know you can take it. Are you ready?”

“Yes, sir…” No amount of bracing myself would make the pain more endurable, but it was almost over.

There was a pause, then Lucas lifted my head. He carefully wiped away a tear, giving me a moment to catch my breath.

“Can you take it?” he said. The harshness in his voice was softened, his touch was tender. “Be honest with me.”

Vincent had warned me in the past to take time to clear my head when he was checking in with me. So I didn’t answer immediately. I settled my brain, tuning into my body as best I could. Beyond the raging horniness, I felt fucking fantastic. It hurt but it was exactly the pain I craved.

“I can take it,” I said. “I want to.”

Lucas leaned down to kiss my temple before he forced me to lower my head again. I was determined to make Jess come, and by the sounds she was making, it wouldn’t take much to do so. I closed my mouth over her clit, flicking my tongue back and forth over the nub as she keened and gasped, “Oh fuck…fuck, that feels so good.”

The paddle rubbed slowly over my stinging backside, a deceivingly gentle touch. I tried to brace myself when it swung back, but the smack broke me. My cry was muffled, the choked gasp that followed was too. Jess tensed, her legs shaking in Manson’s hold as she said, “Please keep going Jason, please, you’re going to make me come!”

Although a few tears escaped me, I did keep going. I was fucking determined to feel her come on my tongue again.

“That’s it, J, that’s a good boy.” Vincent lavished me with praise, his hand rubbing over my back again.

“Make her come for us,” Manson said.

Jess groaned, long and loud as she dissolved into complete oblivion. Then I was hauled to my feet and dragged to the floor again. Pinned and restrained by Lucas, Vincent lifted my legs and cuffed them to the suspension bar. It left me exposed, legs spread, arms raised and secured.

“My turn with you now,” Lucas said, grinning above me like a madman. “What do you think, Manson? Should we string them up and make the little whores watch each other?”

“Damn, I like that idea,” Manson said. “Where’s that other suspension bar, Vince?”

After supplying Manson with the requested restraint, Vincent pulled down one of the chains we had attached to the ceiling. It wasn’t an intricate system, but it did what we needed. He hooked the chain to the bar I was cuffed to, then took his time to double check my restraints.

“Everything feel okay?” he said as he ensured the cuffs were properly tight enough to support my weight. “Is there any tingling? Anything pinching?”

“No, nothing,” I said. I was taking deep breaths in and slow breaths out, readying myself. “I’m okay.”

He kissed me, whispering how much he loved me, how exquisite I looked, how proud he was of me. I wanted to sink into those words, wrap them around me like a blanket and live in them forever. It was overwhelming enough to have one man love me: sincerely, truly, without limitations, this man loved me. But to have all four gathered around me — using me, pleasuring me, teasing my body into new heights of sensation — was blissfully intense.

Vincent stepped back, and the chain clicked as Lucas cranked it. The cuffs tightened, dragging me upward until I was suspended. Jess was similarly restrained, and once I was locked into position, she was suspended as well.

We hung there, facing each other. We were spread open and completely exposed, as Manson, Vincent, and Lucas stalked around us. Lucas came to stand in front of me, rubbing his gloved hands over my legs.

“Have anything nice to say?” he said, with a smirk that told me he already knew I didn’t.

My mouth twitched with a smile I barely restrained. “Fuck you, Lucas.”

He widened his eyes, a mocking attempt at offense. “Looks like you don’t get the privilege of speaking then.”

“These should shut him up,” Manson said, and at the same moment, a wad of cloth was stuffed into my mouth. “Those are Jess’s panties. Just to remind you what you’re missing out on while I fuck her.”

The smell of her flooded my nose, her taste was on my tongue — but the thickness of the cotton filled my mouth, and I winced, clenching my teeth around it. It made my stomach crawl for Jess to see me bound up like this, it was sweet and bitter all at once.

“Shit…” My voice broke, and the word was muffled by her panties. Manson patted my cheek, each pat growing significantly harder until it was sharp enough to sting.

“Whining already?” he said. “And here I thought you’d put up more of a fight. Don’t you want to keep swearing at us?”

“I can’t imagine why he wouldn’t,” Lucas said, trailing his hands over my spread thighs before slapping them down. The sting bloomed like sparks exploding across my skin. I held his gaze, refusing to look away. “Go on, Jason. You had so much to say earlier, where’s that smart mouth now?”

Clenching around the gag, I barely held back a loud groan as Lucas smacked me again. My legs trembled with tension, muscles twitching and flinching.

“Let’s see which one begs for mercy first,” Manson said, peering at me over Lucas’s shoulder. Vincent was standing near my head, and he laughed softly at Manson’s suggestion.

“Perfect idea,” he said. “What do you think, boy? Hm? Let’s see how long it takes you to beg for mercy.” He pulled my head back so I could look at him, letting it rest against his chest. “Let’s see how long it takes you to beg Lucas to fuck you.”

I already wanted to beg for that. I was almost feral with need, even though Lucas scared me half to death, even though he was by far the most intimidating man I’d ever met. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“It won’t take long for that,” Lucas said. “Just look at him, drooling and leaking all over himself.” He smacked me again. “Pathetic.”

Behind him, Manson sunk two fingers into Jess, making her groan. He’d found a vibrator and ran it teasingly over her spread thighs until she quivered. “That’s it, angel,” he murmured, his head so close to hers as he pumped his fingers into her. “Fuck, you’re so wet. I’m going to make you come again, understand?”

“Yes, Master.”

I whimpered at the sound of her. That beautiful, sweet, submissive voice. So eager to please.

Then Lucas grasped my cock, stroking me slowly before he lowered his head and took me into his mouth.

The heat of his tongue and the sudden suction made my eyes roll back. My toes curled as I clung tightly to the chains, my abdomen flexing as Lucas dipped lower and swiped his tongue over my hole. He probed his tongue into me, watching me from between my spread legs.

“Lucas, please…please…” The words didn’t make it out of my mouth, but I felt them with every shred of my being. My pleading was nothing more than muffled moaning to him.

“Look who’s begging already,” Vincent said. Jess cried out as Manson moved the vibrator against her clit, the slick sounds of his fingers pumping into her almost unbearably erotic.

Lucas’s nose was buried against my taint, his tongue stroking, pushing, swirling. He hooked his hands around my thighs, holding me tight against his mouth. Then he stroked his tongue upward again, lapping and sucking at my balls like he wanted to eat me alive.

The sight of his teeth so dangerously near my most intimate places was nothing short of terrifying.

He didn’t let up. He took my cock into his mouth again, sucking and lapping until I was deep into his throat. At the same time, he slid his finger inside me. I was moaning right away, fingers and toes flexing with desperation.

Vincent still held my head, gently stroking his fingers through my hair. “That’s it, you’re taking it so well,” he murmured as my muffled noises grew more desperate.

I felt like I was having an out-of-body experience. Everything felt so bright — every touch, every chill that went over me. Adrenaline had me shaking all over, exacerbating my reactions. Saliva had dripped down my chin because I couldn’t swallow properly, and Vincent swiped it up with his fingers.

“Such a mess already,” he said, using those same fingers to probe into me. “You try to act tough, but put you in ropes and you make the cutest slutty bottom, don’t you?” He delivered the words in a condescending tone, almost like baby talk.

Lucas’s finger joined Vincent’s, squeezing inside me as he lifted his head to taunt, “He looks like a slut, all right. Look at how sticky he is.” He carelessly swiped up the precum from my stomach, licking it from his finger with a look that seared straight through me. “What do you say, slut boy? Should I fuck you?”

I nodded desperately. Jess was shuddering, her head thrown back in ecstasy as Manson forced another beautiful orgasm out of her. I wanted — no, I fucking needed to come. I was more than willing to abandon every shred of pride if it would only convince Lucas to sink that thick cock inside me.

Lucas straightened, still probing his finger into me as he wiped his chin. “Lower him down a bit, Vince.” His finger pressed deeper when he saw my expression. “Aw, what’s wrong? Scared? Good. You should be.”

Vince left me and the chain clicked, lowering me several inches so I was suspended on an even level with Lucas’s hips. His jumpsuit was open, his cock was out, and he stroked himself slowly, tapping his head against me. The piercing glinted, and I stared, wishing I didn’t feel so damn helpless. I couldn’t move other than to tense my muscles and shake.

Vincent passed him a bottle of lube. He spread it over himself and dripped even more of it on me. Pleading words they couldn’t understand were still pouring out of me, and they increased in pitch and volume as he lined himself up with ass.

“Easy, babe, deep breaths,” Vincent said, supporting my head, almost holding me. Lucas pressed in, so damn tight.  The unusual bump of his piercing was obvious immediately. I closed my eyes, because it was all so much — the sights, the smells, the sounds surrounding me.

I almost came from the feeling of Lucas filling me up.

“Hey, open your eyes.” Lucas’s hand tapped my face, and I opened. He’d buried himself in me up to the hilt. Seeing him stand there between my legs with his tattooed chest bare, his jumpsuit unzipped, grinning at me like he won something…it made my head spin. “Don’t you close your eyes. I want you to look at me.” He thrust into me, and I nearly closed my eyes again.

Not that he felt all that different from Vincent. Different size, different technique, and the piercing — yeah, that was different. I’d been fucked by people besides Vincent, but I hadn’t been fucked by Lucas. He was the person my younger, semi-closeted self had been so damn afraid of — not only because he was a capable fighter, or frighteningly sadistic, or mercilessly blunt. He was fucking sexy. He was this vicious, feral, unabashedly filthy man who knew what he wanted and how to take it.

He knew what he wanted from me. And God, as he fucked me, I wasn’t sure if I’d survive. It felt too good, it hurt too good. Lucas fucked hard, brutally. Vincent was holding my face and praising me, and Jess was watching me with such a blissed-out expression…

Vincent pulled her panties out of my mouth, telling me, “Don’t hold your breath. Scream if you have to.”

I hadn’t even realized I was. But with my mouth freed, so was my tongue.

“Fuck, Lucas, please, I need…fuck, that’s going to make me come, please let me come, please —”

“Yeah? You want to come?” Lucas squeezed my face as he curled over me, one hand still hooked around my thigh as he impaled me again and again. “Keep begging for it, then.”

God, I wanted him to touch me. I wanted so fucking badly to feel his hand on me. I kept begging, a useless and almost indiscernible stream of words pouring out of my mouth.

I tried to keep my eyes on him, but Jess was impossible not to look at. Manson used the vibrator to make her come yet again, and she was shaking so hard that tears streamed down her face. My cock slapped against my stomach, the force of Lucas’s thrusts as he drove into me almost enough to make me sob.

“Please —” I wasn’t sure who I was begging anymore. Lucas, Vincent, Manson…hell, anyone who would offer me relief. “Give me permission to come, please, please, please —”

My punished skin stung as Lucas’s hips slapped against me. In stark contrast, Vincent gently kissed my cheek, still comfortingly holding my head.

“You’re allowed to come, but he’s not going to stroke you,” he said. “Hands-free only.”

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

“Manson, please!” Jess suddenly cried out, but she couldn’t struggle, she could barely move. All she could do was hang there as Manson flicked the vibrator to a higher setting, using it in unison with his fingers as he pumped them into her. Arousal dripped from her, glistening, and I swear I ascended my body.

Lucas was bearing down on me, and the sounds I was making made him smile. “I want to see you come all over yourself,” he snarled. “Make a mess of yourself for me.”

I broke. My cock throbbed as I came, spurting cum across my stomach in thick white ribbons.

“That’s it, that’s what I like to see. Come all over yourself, slut.”

Vincent swiped up the cum and smeared it over my face, pushing his fingers into my mouth so I could taste myself. The way he smiled at me made my stomach feel hollow, the gentleness of his hands compared to Lucas’s brutality.

I looked at him and babbled on, stuttering and hiccupping on hitched breaths, saying, “Thank you, sir, thank you for letting me come, thank you for letting him use me, thank you —”

Lucas’s grip tightened painfully, possessively. He buried himself deep inside me as he came, growling viciously, “Fuck, that’s fucking perfect.”

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