Love Bites
Chapter 40

A few weeks went by, and Cory and Annabelle were unofficially dating. Cory still felt like he was cheating on Lily, but after getting Blaine to drive him to the loft, which hadn’t been used and Mrs. Kym hadn’t seen Lily, he knew he couldn’t continue to pine for her the rest of his life.

A back-to-school dance was setup and Cory asked Annabelle, who readily accepted. A boy named Johnny Gardner asked Kayla out and she accepted, so the eight of them went together: Cory and Annabelle, Kayla and Johnny, Abby and Blaine, and Yoshi and Yuki.

It wasn’t a formal dance, but it was more than jeans and t-shirt affair. When Kayla, Abby, and Lily had gone shopping, Kayla had picked up a party dress at Lily’s insistence. It was a dark red, full-length dress that had a low neckline and was almost backless. The front was held up by a strap around her neck and the back was open to her lower back.

They had bought high heels to match.

Kayla fixed her hair and made sure her necklace and earrings looked okay with the dress.

Abby was over at the twin’s house to get ready, so they could all be together when Blaine picked them up.

Yoshi, Yuki, Annabelle, and Johnny would meet them at school.

Abby thought Kayla looked stunning. She herself was wearing a emerald green gown that showed off her red hair and freckles on her face, shoulders, and arms. She had her hair down in ringlets which made her look like some fairytale princess.

“All you need is a tiara,” Kayla told her.

Cory dressed in slacks and a white button up, short sleeve shirt. He told them both that they looked very beautiful and meant it.

Blaine arrived dressed similarly to Cory. They all got in the van and headed to the dance. When they arrived at school, Yoshi and Yuki were waiting for them.

Abby, Blaine, Yoshi, and Yuki went in, leaving Cory and Kayla waiting for their dates.

Johnny arrived first, and Cory told them to go in and enjoy as the dance had just started.

“Annabelle should be here soon,” he told them. Kayla hesitated and Cory shooed her away, telling her to go have fun.

The pair walked inside, leaving Cory alone.

He stood outside the gym looking at the night sky, drawing constellations that Lily had shown him in his mind. The night was clear and the stars bright as he played connect the dots, identifying the big and little dipper, Ursula Major and Minor, all the while missing Lily.

A voice broke into his reverie. “May I have this dance?”

Cory looked down from the sky and found himself looking into violet eyes. He wanted to look down, but he was enthralled by the color of her eyes.

“So?” she said, breaking the spell.


“Stupid,” she said, grinning.

“That’s me,” he replied. He looked down to see that she was dressed in an ebony sequined dress. It was a long dress that had a high choker collar and ended at her ankles with a slit on the left that went up to her thigh.

Around her neck, he saw a glint of silver and saw it was a necklace with a cross on it, hanging outside of her dress.

“Wow, you look… breathtaking,” he finally said, and she flushed slightly. He put a hand up towards her necklace and she drew back slightly.

“Sorry, habit,” she said.

“I was just going to tell you that your necklace was outside and to be careful.”

She looked down and said, “Oh.”

“Annabelle, who hurt you?” he asked her.

For a second, he could see the panic in her eyes. “Sorry, you don’t have to say anything. I didn’t mean to pry.”

She reached out and took his hand, placing it on her cross, just under where her throat. “A good friend of mine from a long time ago. It broke my heart,” she told him. “Help me make my necklace safe please?”

She held out the collar of her dress and he slipped the chain and the little charm inside and she turned around so he could put the necklace inside all the way around.

Turning back around, she said, “Thank you,” then impulsively took his face in her hands and kissed him. In the time they had been dating, Cory was still his shy self and they mainly held hands and occasionally kissed, but it was always brief.

Usually, it was Cory’s timidity. This time it was Annabelle being forceful, taking the lead and not letting him shy away.

It only took a second for him to respond and return the passionate kiss.

Annabelle broke the kiss slightly breathless and said, “Maybe we should go inside? Or leave and go to my place…” mischief in her eyes.

“Um, they’re expecting us inside,” he said lamely.

“Well then, let’s not disappoint them,” she said sardonically, and he winced and mumbled, “Sorry.”

She kissed his cheek and took his hand, putting it in the crook of her elbow and held it with her other hand. “Shall we?” she said pulling him towards the entrance.

Inside they met up with the other three couples. All but Kayla and her date had just finished dancing to a techno song and were breathing hard. A slow song came on and Kayla was being pulled to the dance area.

She looked at Cory for help, but his view was blocked by a crown of white-blond hair and violet eyes. “Come on,” she said pulling him towards the dance floor.

“I’m… not very good,” he said.

“Move to the beat,” she said to him. “Just try not to step on my toes. Open toed high heels,” she said jerking her chin down at her feet.

“I might as well apologize now then,” he said, and she smiled.

“We’ll see.” She took one of his hands and put it on her shoulder, the other on her hip, then put both of her arms over his shoulders, hands around his neck.

They started out about a foot apart, but by the time the song ended, they were chest to chest.

The DJ played another slow song and they continued dancing, and eventually Annabelle put her head on the front of Cory’s shoulder. He turned his head to look at her and found she was staring intently at him.

“What?” he asked.

“I know why Lily loved you,” she said, surprising him.

“How do you know Lily?”

“I don’t, silly. But I do talk to Abby and Blaine… and your sister.”


“I’m not trying to replace her. Well, I am actually, but… she’s her and I’m me. All I can do is be here if she’s not. And if she comes back, then I’ll respect whatever choice you make as far as us goes. Until then, relax and enjoy it.”

“Thank… thank you,” he said leaning in to kiss her.

She returned it ardently.

The song ended and changed to a faster song but the two stood together slow dancing to their own music. Finally, the DJ stopped to take a break allowing the teens to cool off and get refreshments.

The night progressed and Cory saw Abby and Blaine dirty dancing and doing a lot of grinding. If they disappeared, Cory knew why.

Yoshi and Yuki were a little tamer, the cultural differences obvious. Kayla and Johnny were getting along it seemed, nothing happening for a first date.

He tried to focus on Annabelle tonight. Since she was taller than he was, plus an additional four inches of heels, it made it easy for him to nuzzle her neck.

She tipped her head slightly to one side and he slowly traced kisses up to her ear. Her body was presses tightly against his as they slowly rocked back and forth to the beat of the music.

Although the night was warm, Cory could feel her cool body up against his.

The kisses up her neck caused Annabelle to let out a low, appreciative moan of approval, which in turn caused Cory to shiver as the sound brought back flashes of his dream.

“That’s how I feel too,” she said softly. “Sure you don’t want to cut out and go to my place?” she asked.

He sucked on a small area behind her ear, but she pulled away from him saying, “Un-uh, no hickeys. I don’t handle bruises well.”

“Sorry,” he said.

“No need to be sorry,” she said, bending and sucking in his lip as she kissed him.

Feeling slightly emboldened due to Lily’s prior coaxing, he moved his hand from her hips to the small of her back, then to the top of her butt.

She pressed forward as their bodies sort of melded together as his hands pressed into her. She had one hand on his butt, and the other on the back of his neck, fingers in his hair.

He slid one of his hands upwards, dragging fingers across her bare back to her neck. Fingers pressed against her skin, the shortish hair at the nape of her neck to make room for his touch.

At the back of her head, he reversed his hand, going back down, hair falling in place as his fingers left, over her collar and again finding the skin of her back.

He let his hand stay there, slowly moving across her spine and shoulder blades, then trailing down the ridges of her spine to the start of her dress.

His fingers played with the hills and valleys of her vertebra.

Pressed up against him, she whispered, “You know, your hand should be able to slip into the back of my dress pretty easy.”

He looked at the grin on her face and figured, why not. At the small of her back, he tipped his hand downwards and into the dress until he felt lace.

He traced a finger over the small, intricate pattern that was the lace.

“Don’t stop now,” she said into his ear. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

His hand continued further down, rubbing against the satin.

Her back arched slightly, pelvis leaving his, but it pushed his fingers into her more.

Cory could feel the curve of her butt and his hand was now entirely over the satin material, lace on his wrist. He gently grabbed a handful of her butt and squeezed. She pressed up against him and kissed him again.

Finally breaking the kiss, she bent, kissed his earlobe, and whispered, “Still got one more later to go handsome.”

Cory looked at her kind of surprised, and she winked. He slid his hand out to the lace and slid his fingers inside.

“Ohh,” she said. “A little farther.”

He slid his fingers in up to his palm.

“Little further.”

His hand slid in up to his wrist. Her skin was smooth, the muscle taunt.

He squeezed again, and so did she, his fingers pressing into the soft skin to the flexed muscles.

“Your hand feels good,” she said.

“Your butt feels good,” he replied.

“Just wait until you get both hands on it.”

“Yum,” he said.

He moved his hand to the side and ran his finger up and down the crack of her butt.”

“Watch where you stick that thing, mister,” she said teasing him.

“I’m not sure what’s softer, your panties or your skin,” he told her.

“I use expensive lotion.”

He moved his hand around her soft skin, caressing and softly squeezing.

She kissed his lips softly and said, “Please make a withdrawal before I get Blaine’s keys to have you make a deposit. And since I think I know you well enough to know you won’t do that, best stop now. I can tell you I’ve enjoyed it as much as you have.”

Pushing up against him, they could both feel the budge of his arousal.

Cory withdrew his hand, nails dragging across her skin on the way out of her dress and up her back.

“You naughty boy. I think you owe me like $40 now.”

He looked at her.

“Yeah, “ she said in a mock pout. “I think I just soiled myself.”

“Wow, would it surprise you to learn it’s not the first time I’ve been told that?”

She kissed him again, pulling his lip as she broke the kiss. “Not in the slightest. Come on, I need a drink to cool off.”

Everyone had the same idea it seemed, so while they were waiting, one of the school photographers came around selling pictures. Each couple got a picture together, and then they got one as a group. They were told they would be available the following Tuesday after school.

After getting drinks, the group sat and talked for a while, relaxing, each couple getting up occasionally to dance before sitting back down.

The night came to an end, and they walked out as a group, said goodbye to Yoshi and Yuki and Johnny. The remaining kids said goodbye to Annabelle and Cory walked with her a short way to say his own goodbye.

“Well, Mr. Hudson, I had a very enjoyable evening.”

“As did I.”

“I bet, you lecher. Pawing a poor girl’s butt like that,” she said, teasing him.

“Are you going to be okay getting home?” he asked.

“Yes. I borrowed a car for tonight. Normally my parents don’t give in, but tonight they did.”

“Okay, call me when you get home, so I know you got there safely?”


Cory kissed her again and she returned it with passion.

She pulled back breathless and looked at him.

He smiled and she shook her head. Cory started to turn, and she stopped him.

“Wait. A going away present.” She pulled her dress up about four inches as Cory watched, wondering what she was doing.

Annabelle pulled the dress back down and did a little wiggle. Taking a step backwards, she bent over and picked something up. “Hand,” she said like a command.

He did as she said and held out his hand and she put something soft in it and closed his fingers around it.

“Since they are no good to me anymore. And since you asked about white a while back, I got white just for you. I hope it helps while you have dirty thoughts about me tonight.”

She kissed him again, pressed her hand against the bulge that had reappeared, turned around and then walked away.

Cory watched her go, then looked down at his hand, opening it. It held a pair of lace topped, white satin panties. He could feel a damp area in his palm.

Although no one was close enough to see, he blushed and slid them into his pocket.

He walked back to the three waiting for him and they all piled into Blaine’s van, worn out from the night.

The twins were dropped off at home and Abby and Blaine left, neither indicating they had any intention on going home. It was unspoken but both Cory and Kayla knew that the two were in for a night of rutting.

The twin’s mom had already gone to sleep so they headed upstairs.

“You can have first dibs on the bathroom Kay,” Cory said.

“’K,” she said going into her room to grab a change of clothes and headed back to shower.

Cory went into his room, closing his door most of the way and sat down on his bed. He took out his phone and set it down next to him. From his other pocket he fished out the panties. He held them out, unbaling them.

The lace was a powder blue around the waist and legs, and the material was indeed white. The cotton layer at the bottom was damp still.

He looked at the inside but didn’t see much other than what looked like a sort of tear drop wet stain.

Having ample opportunity but never doing it with Lily, Cory was caught between curiosity and repellency.

Oh, what the hell, he thought, bringing the wet spot up towards his nose. He sniffed slightly, afraid it would be a foul smell and was surprised. It had a feminine, musky smell, not at all like the dead fish jokes.

He rubbed the soft material against his cheek and his phone rang. He jumped and grabbed the phone. “Hello?”

“Hello there. I’m home safe. Sooo…. Whatcha doing?” she asked with a little more than hint of knowing.

“Um, honestly, inspecting my prize.”

“Oh. Honestly huh? Well then, like them?”

“Uh-huh. Pretty. Soft.”

“Find anything else?” The insinuation unmistakable.

“Uh-huh. I’m sorry I got you so worked up,” he said.

“Oh my God, are you serious? The only thing to be sorry for it not finishing the job. And I think I can manage that one on my own, although it won’t be quite the same,” she told him.


“Any other observations?”

“It didn’t smell like I expected.”

“Hey, stupid. Are you really trying to hurt my feelings? I can’t believe you just said that,” she said, hurt.

“No, no! I meant that in a good way. It was a good smell. Female. Kinda sexy.”

“Wait. You mean to tell me with and ex-girlfriend AND a sister you’ve never sniffed a pair of panties before?” she asked incredulously.

“Um, nope.”

Annabelle started laughing.

Cory heard the shower turn off, so he slid the panties under his pillow.

The laughter from Annabelle died down and she said, “I’m so sorry. I just figured you’d have… well, anyways, I’m glad you like them. I gotta go. I’ll be thinking of you when I… well, you know. You can use the satin to rub, well… yourself. Have dirty thoughts of me – while you do it, and while you dream. Good night sweet boy.”

“Goodnight,” Cory said, and she hung up.

“Your turn,” Kayla said, walking into her room and closing the door.

Cory got a pair of shorts and took a shower, thinking of her soft skin as he relieved himself. Finishing his shower, he slipped into bed and went to sleep thinking of the two girls in his life.

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