Love Bites
Chapter 44

The following weeks were reasonably routine. They went to school and did group things on the weekends.

Annabelle tried to get Cory to repeat his performance as well as other offers and suggestions, but he declined, settling for kissing and general fondling.

Kayla and Johnny were getting along, and he finally kissed her, but was being a gentleman in other regards, although Kayla’s signals for a little more should have been obvious.

The weekly trip for Abby and Kayla continued, although neither would still tell anyone what they were doing.

Summer moved into fall, and it grew cooler as winter approached. November 15th approached – the twins seventeenth birthday.

A party was arranged for Friday, the day before their actual birthday, which would be spent with their mom.

Friday came and after school, the eight met and split up to get ready. The part was set to start at six, with dinner, followed by, well, whatever the kids wanted.

Yoshi and Yuki promised to be early to help set things up. Cory was being dropped off to start prepping things. Abby, Blaine, and Kayla went shopping to get dinner, snacks, and sodas. Annabelle and Johnny didn’t have to do anything but show up.

Once home, Cory cleaned the house, picking up, dusting, and vacuuming.

His mom was in the kitchen, starting what she could ahead of time.

Neither Annabelle nor Johnny had been to the twin’s house before, so Cory picked up his room as well as Kayla’s.

Neither was really messy, so he mostly picked up a few things and put away anything embarrassing.

Arriving back from the store, Abby and Blaine helped carry in everything, then left to change and get ready for the party.

Since Cory had picked up the house, the twins put up some Happy Birthday signs, balloons, and streamers, then helped their mother with dinner.

The doorbell rang at five-thirty, and it was Yoshi and Yuki hugging both of the twins and bowing in the traditional Japanese manner.

Kayla greeted then in Japanese, which she was mostly fluent in now that the exchange students had taught her and spoke to her mainly in their language to help her learn.

They told her this was part of her birthday present.

Yoshi handed Cory two small rectangular boxes, marked with each of the twins’ names.

“You didn’t have to get us anything,” Kayla told them in Japanese.

“Special gift,” Yuki said back.

The twins both bowed in gratitude then led them to the living room. Snacks were set out, along with a cooler of drinks.

Kayla showed them around the house and said to go make themselves at home.

The next to arrive was Johnny, and Kayla gave him the tour as well. Abby and Blaine showed up and made themselves at home, keeping the others company while the twins helped with dinner.

Annabelle arrived shortly before six and Cory gave her the tour and when they were done, Sophie announced dinner was ready.

The group of nine sat down, said Grace, and ate dinner together, all commenting on how good it was. They talked as they ate. About life and growing up. Plans for school and after.

Full from dinner, everyone agreed the twins would open their presents before having cake and ice cream.

The twins started with their mother’s gifts. “I wasn’t sure what to get you guys since you’ll have everything you want in another year,” she told them. “I hope you like it.”

She handed both an envelope which they opened together. Both contained itineraries and tickets for a sports camp and clinics that following summer. “I couldn’t do it for you this summer, so next one you can go.”

They both thanked her, giving her hugs and kisses.

The next presents were from Abby and Blaine, although both twin knew it was all Abby.

Kayla got a new dress and a matching purse, and Cory got a dress shirt and tie.

“They might come in handy come the next dance,” Abby said.

Hugs and kisses were exchanged.

Yoshi and Yuki’s gifts were from both as well. The twins opened the boxes together and were surprised. Each contained a matching watch, his and hers of course, and looked expensive. Both teens balked at such an expensive gift.

“Please. They were made in Japan and while good quality, aren’t nearly as expensive as you think. Shipped direct,” Yoshi said in an exaggerated accent although he spoke nearly perfect English. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

The kids laughed.

The twins thanked both and despite stricter polite Japanese culture, both got and gave hugs and kisses. It actually surprised Cory that Yuki gave him a hug and a kiss

While he talked to them and they did a lot of things as a group, they were closer to Kayla.

Yuki was always more prim and proper towards Cory, not quite the geisha subservience, but quiet and let Yoshi take the lead in most everything with him.

The twins put on the watches and opened Johnny’s presents next. He got Kayla a bottle of CK perfume. The citrus scent made both of them think of Lily, but neither said so.

“I wasn’t sure what to get you Cory,” he said.

Cory told him he didn’t have to get him anything, but Johnny produced an envelope and handed it to him.

“Not knowing what to get, I used common sense. I figured you would use it at some point.”

Cory opened it and found a certificate for a racket restringing.

The twins both thanked him and got a kiss from Kayla. With her mom standing right there, it was a chaste kiss.

Annabelle’s presents were last. She took no offense at being last. Hers were small square boxes that were wrapped.

The teens opened them after unwrapping them. Kayla’s contained a thin silver bracelet. Cory’s was a slightly thicker silver chain bracelet

“I know it was presents for you, but I’ve always preferred silver to gold. And actually, it’s platinum not silver. It’s not much but…” she said with a shrug.

“I’ve seen Kayla’s ankle bracelet, which gave me the idea.”

Annabelle fastened both around their wrists and gave them hugs and kisses, lingering slightly with Cory.

She whispered, “You might get more later if you’re good.”

“Okay, time for cake and ice cream,” Sophie said. She brought out one large cake with both the twin’s names on it and two separate number 17 candles on top that were lit.

They sang happy birthday and then blew out the candles.

Each twin made a wish, both wishing for the same thing, unknown to the other.

After the cake and ice cream was eaten, they sat around talking more until it got late. Since it was late, Abby and Blaine offered to drive everyone home.

Johnny said he didn’t live far so he would walk, and Annabelle said she borrowed her parent’s car, so those two stayed while the rest said goodnight and left.

Sophie excused herself and told the twins not to stay up too late and left them alone.

Annabelle told Cory she wanted to go look at stars and pulled him to the swing, leaving Kayla and Johnny alone in the living room.

Sitting on the swing, they looked at the stars for a while, then started making out. Cory had his hand up her shirt and they were kissing when she pulled away suddenly.

“Everything okay?” he asked.

“Perfect. Your sister and Johnny are making out,” she said, climbing onto him. She kissed him, tongue flicking in and out of his mouth. Running out of breath, she broke the kiss and bent close and said, “Ready for your other gift?”

Cory wasn’t sure what she was up to, so he said, “Uh, I guess.”

She literally slid down him until she was kneeling on the porch. Reaching up, she deftly undid the button on his pants and unzipped them in one motion.

Feeling her up and sitting on him had him aroused, stretching the material of his briefs, which were pulled down enough for him to spring free.

“What… Kayla and Johnny,” he hissed.

“Are busy making out. I’ll hear them before they get this far, trust me.” She ran her fingers along his length before replacing them with her mouth.

Cory couldn’t argue at this point, his mind was processing only the warm feeling of her mouth on him. Her head began bobbing up and down as he felt a suction and tongue moving around him as she moved.

She would stop at the top and her tongue would snake around the tip and then the total warmth of her mouth again.

Annabelle had one hand around his base and the other atop his testicles. As they contracted towards his body, she quickened her pace and increased her suction until he was trying to form some simple words to tell her he was about to orgasm so she could stop, but his mind was having trouble forming words.

He managed to put a hand on her head to push her away but that only succeeded in doing the opposite. Moving faster and using her tongue Cory could no longer hold back and in the back of his mind he hoped she wouldn’t be pissed.

His back arched and hips raised, and he released himself into her mouth.

Cory was expecting to be hit or worse, but instead she simply swallowed and squeezed him like he was milking him to get it all out.

Now finished, he started to wilt and soon popped out of her mouth.

“Salty,” she commented.

“I’m so sorry. I tried to warn you.”

“You didn’t think I knew? Your nuts pulled up and it was time. I know it when you did.

“Don’t trip, I don’t mind. I really want to kiss you more but… I think you’d rather not taste yourself, eh?” she said arching an eyebrow.

He shook his head no, although he was curious. “That wasn’t so much a birthday present as a return favor for that day at school, although I’d still rather fuck you. But I guess this is fun enough. Unless that is, you’d like me to take a birthday ride? I could get you hard again and just sit on you. No one would know unless I come up too high or you come out. My pants would only be down past my butt and up in the front.

“It would work well right here. You couldn’t see my face or kiss, but… Wanna try it?”

“Um, too risky. My sister and all.”

“Spoil sport. Soon, I will break you. Until then, just enjoy.” She sat next to him as he fixed himself, pulling up his zipper and buttoning his pants.

“Hm, good call there handsome,” she said, just before Kayla and Johnny came out.

Annabelle was still licking her lips like a cat that ate the canary.

“Good night,” Johnny said to everyone and gave Kayla another kiss before walking off.

“Nice night,” Kayla said to them.

“Very,” Annabelle replied. “Hope you two enjoyed your presents. I best be going too. Need to go finish something that got started but was interrupted,” she said with a wicked grin.

She kissed Cory on the cheek and said, “See ya later. I imagine you’re going to have a good nights’ sleep since you got wore out today.”

“Call me tomorrow night, nine’ish,” he told her.

“’K. Night Kayla.”

“Goodnight Annabelle. Thank you again. The bracelet is beautiful,” Kayla said.

“It suits you. Beauty goes on beauty. Never forget that,” Annabelle said as she turned and walked to the street.

The twins watched her get into a dark Lexus and drive away.

“She’s nice but a little strange. Kinda reminds me of Lily, sadly,” Kayla said. “Happy birthday. Cory.”

“Technically you’re still a few hours early. Like four. Oh, and one minute,” he added.

“Oh, shut up stupid,” she said, laughing. “Come help me pick up.”

The twins picked up the trash and put leftovers away, rinsed dishes and put them in the sink for the next day.

“Come on, one last thing to do,” she said, taking his hand and pulling him up the stairs. In the hallway between their doors, she stopped and hugged him tightly.

He returned the hug.

Still together, she said, “I love you, Cory. Thanks for always being there for me.”

“Ditto, little sister.”

She kissed his cheek, then let him go. “Okay, let’s get this over with,” she said.

They both turned and walked into their rooms as was tradition and met back up in the hall, both holding wrapped packages.

Exchanging gifts, Cory let Kayla open hers first, as usual.

Unwrapping it, she saw a felt box. She knew it contained some sort of jewelry – she had been getting a lot of it lately. Opening the lid, she saw a necklace of freshwater pearls.

She chuckled and said, “Is this a Freudian thing? A pearl necklace. More fantasies?” She snickered and he turned red.

“No… I figured, um, well, Lily’s necklace is beautiful, but you might want something a little more formal as well. Like for prom.”

“It’s lovely, Cory, thank you. Now yours.”

He opened his and looked inside. It contained a multitude of little foil packages.

“A selection of colors, flavors, and textures,” she said.

He looked up at her and could tell she was trying to hold in her laughter. Finally, she couldn’t contain it and let it out.

Once it ran its course she said, “Relax stud. Gag gift. Oh, wait. That was a Freudian pun,” and started giggling again. “At least it wasn’t a coupon for one free love making session with your sister. Imagine if Annabelle found that…”

“Ha. Ha,” he replied. “At least you could possibly use those. Now, here,” she said, handing him another box.

“I knew what Abby was going to get you,” she told him.

He opened the box, and it contained a gold tie clip and gold cufflinks with his initials on them. “I guess I was thinking prom as well.”

“Well, thank you. I’ll look as good as you at prom.”

They hugged and kissed and said goodnight.

Cory walked into his room and set both of his boxes on his nightstand and got undressed for bed.

Since it was cooler, he had on his briefs and pulled his comforter over himself and turned off his light.

He fell asleep replaying Annabelle’s last gift in his head.

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