Chapter 68 

Kieran made an entrance at the perfect moment

Everyone immediately turned to look at Dylan and Attorney Abraham It was supposed to be Attorney Abraham’s husband whom Mr. Hernandez was inviting for dinner. But now he was inviting Mr. Dylan? Did this mean that Mr. Dylan was Attorney Abraham’s husband

Julie was now so regretful that she wanted to run into a wall or find a place to hide. Luckily, it was time to clock out Julie quickly pressed the elevator button 

When the elevator doors swung open, she didn’t even check if it was the CEO’s exclusive elevator and just jumped inside

Kieran watched Julie’s hasty retreat into the elevator but didn’t stop her

Dylan followed behind Julie, casually asking Kieran, Gourmet Haven has some new dishes that taste pretty good. How about we head there for dinner?” 

You’re the boss.Kieran replied

Julie watched in disbelief as Kieran and Dylan started heading towards the elevator. She initially thought they were going to the next elevator. But when they stepped into the one she was in, she realized she had entered the wrong elevator Her first instinct was to escape, but the elevator doors had already closed

Julie stood at the front, with Dylan and Kieran behind her

The elevator was mirrored all around, so Julie could see Kieran and Dylan’s expressions from the one in front of her

Dylan in the mirror behind her gave Julie a smile and then turned to Kieran, I didn’t know you were this nice to the company’s lawyers.” 

Dylan glanced at Julie’s pants with a smirk

Julie felt awkward Kieran simply smiled but remained silent

Attorney Abraham, could you press the button for the basement?Kieran’s voice came from behind her

Julie reached out and pressed the button for the basement

Kieran and Dylan were headed to the parking lot, while Julie chose to go to the first floor

The moment the elevator doors opened, Julie shot out like an arrow

Once the doors closed again, Dylan and Kieran stood side by side

So, she’s your exwife?Dylan asked Kieran, looking at his reflection in the mirror

Kieran turned his head to look at Dylan, retorting, Are all forensic pathologists this nosy?” 

“I’m an exception.Dylan chuckled

The elevator arrived at the basement. Kieran walked out without a word

Dylan followed behind Kieran, throwing an arm around his shoulder, So she really is your exwife? I heard from Hayden that you were married eight years ago and divorced five years ago. I didn’t believe it at first, but now I do. If I knew your life was filled with so much drama, I wouldn’t have listened to my dad and studied abroad in middle school. I missed out on so much!” 

Kieran calmly swatted Dylan’s arm off his shoulder and looked at him gravely. Can you perform an autopsy on your own body?” 

Dylan replied nervously. Kerry, are you threatening me? Are you planning on killing me to shut me up? Let me make it clear, pathologists can’t perform autopsies on their own bodies, so you better drop that hope! I came here today to tell you about Bertha’s situation.” 

DriveKieran tossed the car keys to Dylan

Julie left the Simpo Co. building and called Daphne

After explaining the weird call to Daphne, Daphne didn’t seem to mind at all. She even laughed and said, My mom said she misses you, so come over for dinner whenever you’re free. Have you finished work? Want me to pick you up?” 

Just as Julie was about to agree, a pure white Lotus pulled up in front of her

The window rolled down and Elliot’s face came into view

He unbuckled his Seatbelt, opened the passenger door and said to Julie. Get in.” 

What a coincidence.Julie replied with a hint of distance in her voice

Elliot responded bluntly. It’s not a coincidence, I was waiting for you here on purpose. Get in, or I’ll get out and walk you home.” 

It was peak hour at Simpo Co. and his car was already quite conspicuous

Julie hesitated for a second before getting in the passenger seat

Elliot leaned over to help Julie buckle her seatbelt, but she had already done it herself

Elliot didn’t seem embarrassed at all. He started the car and asked Julie, Shall we go for dinner first?” 

“If it doesn’t bother you, please just drop me off at home. If it does, drop me at the subway stationJulie replied 

instead of answering her question, Elliot asked her, Did you like the roses?” 

Julie, who had been looking straight ahead, suddenly turned to look at Elliot, “So the roses this morning were from you?”  Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Don’t all women love flowers? I’ve been stuck at the company by my grandfather and have been swamped with work. I finally found some time to see 

you and you plan to treat me with such a cold attitude?Elliot gripped the steering wheel with one hand, a hint of grievance in his voice

Julie felt somewhat helpless towards Elliot

I thought I made it clear.” 

You did, and I heard you loud and clear. But that doesn’t stop me from seeing you” 

Elliot, I don’t like you.Julie repeated

Elliot put a hand over his heart dramatically. That really hurts.” 

Facing Elliot’s wiliness, all Julie felt was a headache

Elliot easily changed the topic, I came to see you today because I have something important to discuss.” 

Julie looked at Elliot

Elliot continued, I heard you joined Simpo Co. and became the exclusive lawyer for the Kieran and Creative Nexus Media case?” 

YesJulie responded

Elliot said, I’m here to poach you. You could work as a legal consultant at Ray Group. If you’re up for it, you can even be my personal lawyer” 

Thanks, but no thanks,Julie replied

Suddenly, Elliot swerved the wheel and pulled the car over. He locked the doors, turned to look at Julie with a furrowed brow, Why? Why are you still sticking around Kieran? You should’ve learned from your past, but why, oh why, are you still choosing him? Have you forgotten who killed your child with his own hands? Such a ruthless man” 

I spent my entire youth loving this ruthless man. Just to be able to stand by his side openly, I let myself sink to the gutters. Because I loved him, I missed my parentslast moments; because I loved him, my only sister is still lying unconscious in the hospital, because I loved him, I lost the child in my womb. I used to love him so much, now I hate him just as much!!” 

Julie’s eyes were misty as she looked at Elliot, “I hate him so much that I can’t help but want to kill him myself! But I don’t hate you, Elliot! I’m stuck in this quagmire, the more I struggle, the deeper I sink. I don’t want to drag you down with me. I don’t love you, that’s why I’m rejecting you now, and will do so in the future, forever. So wake up, stop giving me chances to reject you” 

If I were afraid of your rejections, I wouldn’t have decided to approach you, Elliot looked at Julie with an intense gaze that she couldn’t quite decipher

After an awkward silence that lasted about half a minute, Elliot looked at Julie again, Let’s not talk about this for now. If you ever change your mind, you’re welcome to join Ray Group anytime. From today onwards, I won’t say I like you, nor will I pursue you, but you can’t avoid me either. Even if you don’t need a boyfriend, it’s always good to have one more friend, right?” 

The topic shifted so abruptly that Julie didn’t know how to respond

Elliot chuckled, You wouldn’t even want to be friends with me, would you?” 

Elliot,Julie suddenly said seriously

Yes?Elliot responded obediently

Don’t be friends with the one you’re in love with. It hurts more than a breakup,she finished, leaning over to unlock the car, opened the door, stepped out

and hailed a taxi

Elliot sat in the driver’s seat, watching Julie leave, stunned for a good while before snapping back to reality

He looked at the taxi disappearing into the distance, laughing at himself bitterly. If he knew she would avoid him like this, he should’ve started off as friends

He should’ve understood long ago, whether she hated or loved Kieran, that man is irreplaceable in her heart. Because he was the one she loved during. her best years, with all her precious youth

Even though he hurt her, even though she would never forgive him, Elliot could never replace him

Back at her rented place, Julie took a bath, changed her clothes, and instead of resting at home, she took the bus to the hospital

In the hospital, Sansa was lying quietly on her bed. She was pale and gaunt, skin so dry. Julie fetched a basin of water and gently cleaned her body

Julie said with a light laugh, Sansa, why didn’t mom and dad take us with them when they left? Are you suffering lying here? The doctor said you can’t hear me, but I know you can. You can hear every word I say, right?” 

As she meticulously cleaned Sansa’s frail hands, she said through teary eyes, You have no idea how much I hate himI ruined his marriage, and he ruined my life. Remember how I always told you when we were kids that I wanted a passionate love? I was wrong. Sansa. Now, I don’t want anything. I don’t even know why I’m alive. But I’m scared of death. I’m scared of facing mom and dad after death” 

She lay by the bed, tears falling on Sansa’s hand, Sansa, can we move to another city? Let’s live in a city where he doesn’t exist, okay? Okay… 

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