It wasn’t until early morning hours that I finally went to bed.

The trap was laid. Every table last night was strategically placed. There was a good reason why I sat Alphonso Romano next to the Columbians. He was a greedy bastard, and I knew he couldn’t resist jumping on a deal. It was exactly what I wanted him to do. Raphael would play along as if his father’s flesh moving business was still alive and offer a deal to Alphonso. The bastard would take him up on it and promise a shipment to Benito King along with an advance payment. He would end up empty-handed because Raphael would never deliver him women to sell. His sister, Isabella Nikolaev, would never speak to him if he ventured into it. And just like that – Alphonso Romano would be squirming like a little rat, knowing Benito King never gave second chances. But not to worry – I’d kill him before Benito because I would ensure his torture was long and detailed.

Money traded hands multiple times, and I made more than enough from all of them. It was what I was good at. It was the reason why the Vitale family has owned New Jersey and parts of the city for the last two centuries. We were good at making money. We owned every crime family that operated in the city, along with most of the buildings. Laundering money for crime families gave insights to their secrets. Not that I cared about them – as long as it didn’t fuck with my family and my friends.

I itched to speed things along, but I knew each wrong move on my chessboard could cost me. Alphonso had information I needed. I needed to know where his niece was, where my wife was. Once he was ensnared by the Columbians, and I had him exactly where I wanted him, I’d burn the Romano family to the ground. As if they never existed. They’d be wiped off this planet.

I peeled off my three-piece suit and headed for my bathroom. Turning on the water, I stepped into the palatial shower in my master bath. I let the water wash the night away. I wished it would wash away this anger and frustration that brimmed inside me, ready to boil over.

Staring at the built-in shelf in my shower, my eyes locked on my wife’s shampoo and conditioner that still sat there. Body wash too. I should have gotten rid of it. The fragrance still lingered in her bottles, all I had to do was open them.

I remembered her smell, that unique smell of violets. Every time we showered together, the smell lingered around me for hours despite my own body wash. I’d lather her hair, help her smooth out those red tangles. She was so responsive to every touch of mine. I could still remember each moan, each touch from her during our last shower together.

I closed my hand around my cock as I pictured my wife – her body writhing under me, her full mouth smiling dreamily as she prepared to take my cock between her lips. God, the first time she lowered herself onto her knees, I almost spilled before she even took my cock into her mouth. After weeks of foreplay and her refusing to ever get on her knees for any man, it was the most magnificent sight.

My queen wanted me as much as I wanted her. Her submission was fucking erotic. With one hand pressed against the stone wall of the shower, I gripped my cock tighter and stroked it as I pictured my wife, the mental image of our last time together in the shower.

“Luciano, what are you doing?” Grace rasped, a blush spreading through every inch of her pale skin. She blushed so easily and her light complexion with freckles refused to hide it. I fucking loved it.

I dropped to my knees in front of her, prepared to worship her. She was like the rarest brand of cognac that I wanted to savor for the rest of my life.

“I’m going to taste my wife. My queen,” I murmured against her pussy. “And love every fucking second of it.” Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

She was my queen. The way her body shuddered at my touch, the way her beautiful eyes hazed with lust. Her sassy mouth always turned soft after I’d gotten her off.

“Um, what?”

Gently, I spread her legs open with my hands, and I felt her limbs tremble. She was beautiful like that, her wide eyes watching me with anticipation and her cheeks flushed in excitement and embarrassment. Her innocence was evident in every touch she gave me, every word she spoke. But there was also strength underneath it all.

“Keep your eyes on me,” I rasped. “Understood?” She nodded, her mouth parted slightly, and the moment I leaned in and swiped my tongue against her slit, a shuddering moan escaped her lips. Her lids lowered, but she did as I commanded, keeping our eyes locked together.

My wife tasted divine. I could have eaten her for days and never sated this hunger for her. I sucked on her little sensitive nub. Her body withered above me, pushing into my mouth, pulling away. But I wouldn’t let her pull away. She was mine, to pleasure, to fuck, to use. All fucking mine.

“Oh, Luciano,” she moaned, her gaze full of lust through her heavy eyelids. “I’m gonna-”

I pulled away, chuckling darkly. “I’m not done with you yet.”

“Luciano-” she protested, her soft body pushing against me, offering herself to me. Like a good little wife.

“You’ll come with me inside you,” I commanded her in a hoarse voice, rising to my feet. Blood pumped through my veins, my cock rock hard and eager to be in her tight little pussy. “I want to feel your pussy clench around my cock as you come, hear you scream my name.”

I turned her around and bent her over the shower bench. Her hands instinctively held on the marble bench. Glancing over her shoulder, she watched me with anticipation, licking her lips. My wife was greedy when it came to pleasure, and I loved that about her.

In one thrust, I filled her to the hilt and she threw her head back, screaming my name. I fucking loved her passion, her enthusiasm. My fingers gripped the soft flesh on her hips, and I fucked her deeper and harder than ever before. And she took all of me, her moans vibrating against the tile, mixing with the sound of shower spray.

“Luciano. Oh, please,” she panted, arching her back. My strokes grew harder and more desperate, needing her all. She always begged… my little wife was perfect for me in that regard. She met each one of my thrusts with a pant, taking me deeper and harder till she screamed her pleasure, and I felt her insides grip my cock in a chokehold as she brought me my own, and I spent inside her pussy.

My balls tightened at the memories and I stroked harder and faster, imagining her beautiful ginger red mane in my fist as I pounded into her. My cock pulsed, my orgasm bearing down my spine hard and fast. This was what I had been reduced to, jerking off for years with the images of my wife. Only her!

She was fucking mine!

My cum splattered against the shower wall, the thoughts of her moaning as she sucked me. The memories of her screaming my name when I fucked her hard took me over the edge and this time it was me with her name on my lips.

Finding my release, I felt a fraction of a tension leaving my body. My eyes were still locked on the remains of my wife’s possessions in the shower. Wishing for … Fuck, I didn’t know what. I didn’t dare to even think what I wished for.

If I only knew that day it was the last time I’d have her. From the moment I touched her, she became my vice. The way she moaned my name, melted into my touch… it grated on me that a niece of that fucking Alphonso Romano would be the one to become my addiction.

Where the fuck are you hiding, wife?

She was hiding; I was sure. I couldn’t even think of the alternative. She was too young and too stubborn to die. My men had found people that hid in the jungles and deserts but they seemed incapable of locating my wife. Three fucking years and no sign of her. Not even a hint of where she might be.

Every so often there’d be a false alarm, a woman that looked like my wife. But it was never her. Alphonso Romano hid her well. There could be no other explanation. My wife was too naive to be hiding on her own without leaving any traces. The idea of her being under his protection made me want to burn down every single thing the Romano family owned tonight.

I pressed my palms against the cold tile, bent my head forward, and let water rain on me. Three long years. It shouldn’t be that hard to find one little woman. After all, the world wasn’t that big. But apparently, it was big enough to hide her.

I stepped out of the shower and secured a towel around my waist. The same moment my phone rang. I grabbed it and saw it was an unknown number. It wasn’t surprising. We went through burners like guns.


“It’s Cassio.”

“Didn’t I just see you?” I asked in a dry tone. It would seem lately he, my father, Massimo, along with Alessandro, Luca, and Nico were the only people I talked to.

“I couldn’t get enough of you.”

“Perv. I’m not giving you my ass. Call one of your willing women.”

“I don’t need your ass. I have a willing woman sucking my dick right here,” he chuckled. Fuck, some days I envied him. I couldn’t stomach bedding another woman, or have her suck me off. “She says hi.”

“I hope this is not the only reason you called. Because best friend or not, I will beat your ass next time I see you.”

He laughed again. “I’d like to see you try. Luca might have something…” He trailed off and I waited for him to continue. “The only reason I am telling you this is so you hear it from me before anyone else.” I knew whatever he would tell me next, I wouldn’t like. “Luca’s contact informed him that Alphonso Romano has petitioned to transfer all of his niece’s assets to his name.”

“On what grounds?” I barked out. Was this his way of keeping my wife off my radar? Was she his capital, financing his human trafficking business?

“On the grounds of her being deceased. He claims he has evidence of his niece’s death.”

The phone line went quiet and the silence stretched between us. I didn’t expect that response. I refused to believe the possibility of Alphonso speaking the truth. That motherfucker was born with a lie on his lips. Deadly anger simmered through my veins; the hate I felt even deadlier.

“You there, Luciano?”

“Yes,” I responded. “Thanks for heads up. Tell that hooker to keep you busy so you are not calling me in the early morning hours. Later.”

I hung up. There was nothing more to say. I locked eyes on my form in the mirror in my large bathroom. She loved this fucking bathroom, would spend hours soaking in the tub while reading or working on her assignments.

My phone flew through the air, crashing against the mirror, shattering it into a million pieces. The sound echoed against the tile in the bathroom but the hollow silence still remained. I stood in the middle of the mess I just created and all I could see was that last look my wife gave me with those stunning violet blue eyes as a lone frozen tear trickled down her cheek, leaving frost in its wake.

The day I forced her to marry me, to use her as a leverage against her family, there was a lone tear that trickled down her face too. I never bothered asking her what it was for. I was focused on my revenge. I planned on using her as leverage against her family but somehow the entire plan went up in flames. Literal flames with the colors of her red hair and violet blues of her eyes.

The instant I saw her strolling into my nightclub with her friend and my men confirmed who she was, I kidnapped her and we were married within two days. Was it a ‘on the fly’ plan?

Yes, it was.

But fuck it. She was so beautiful; I wanted her and the word on the street was that Alphonso Romano valued his niece, using her for his bargaining chip with Cassio’s father. When I took her, I didn’t have qualms about using her and then discarding her – whether that meant killing her or just shoving her into one of my penthouses to never see her again. The problem was that my wife quickly became my obsession and I decided I’d keep her for good. I couldn’t stand to be away from her for longer periods, constantly craving her.

I finally understood the term hooked. I was her junkie.

Luciano, why are you looking at me like that? I could hear her soft voice echo in my brain. You’re staring. She’d giggle and her eyes would haze with lust. Her response to me was fucking exhilarating. She could deny she wanted me, but her flushed cheeks always gave her away. She’d give me her body, mold into mine, scream my name as I fucked her hard but she refused to break her allegiance to her family. Always holding back and that damn betrayal caught up. It cost me my entire shipment and Cassio’s. She could have cost us our lives – failing suppliers was deadly in our world.

Fuck, no sense in dwelling on it anymore. At least we recouped our losses fast by bringing in another. Somehow the loss of my wife still lingered though.

I headed into my closet and pulled on a pair of workout pants and a white t-shirt. It was pointless to go to bed now. There would be no sleep coming to me tonight.

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