My heart thundered wildly, blood rushing into my ears and my brain. I had to calm down so I could think clearly. I had never expected to see Luciano again. I never wanted to see him again.

Just like before, his eyes took my breath away. They were bewitching, and each time I gazed into them, oxygen would get caught in my lungs. Those eyes of rich, dark cognac mixed with colors of the forest. And those damn eyelashes, the envy of every woman. They were thick and black, surrounding those stunning eyes. Those eyes only gave a hint of the predator he was; a beast full of power and danger that could kiss you one second and snap your neck the next.

His hand firmly squeezed my arm in his grip, his inked fingers searing my skin.

“Let go of me,” I hissed, hating how his touch warmed my skin. I held on to my son, keeping him close to me. I didn’t want to alarm him. I wanted him to have a safe and happy life, full of joy not angry words. “And don’t ever touch me again.”

He lost that right a long time ago. And I would never give it to him again. I fell for him, and he broke my heart. Pulled a trigger. Like I was nobody, nothing. There was no forgiving that.

Surprisingly, Luciano’s hand fell down. I turned to Ella, and we shared a look. Yes, it shocked me to run into Luciano. I didn’t think we’d ever cross paths again, but we weren’t stupid. We always prepared for the worst. Every town we stayed at, we had a contingency plan.

“Take the baby,” I told Ella. Yes, calling Matteo who was almost three a baby was stretching it, but he’d always be my baby. “Go ahead towards the house.” I accented the last word and she knew what I meant. “I’ll be right behind you.”

I leaned over to give her my son. Swallowing hard, I murmured to him, “It’s okay, baby. Go with Ella. Mommy will be right behind you.”

“Gelato,” he pouted. “Mama, voglio gelato.” Mama, I want ice cream.

“Yes, in a minute.” The lie was bitter on my tongue. “Go with Ella, and then we’ll do that.”

He reluctantly let go, and I nodded to Ella. She started walking away from us, in the opposite direction of the ice cream shop, and I hoped my son wouldn’t decide today, of all days, to throw a tantrum.

I watched them go and then turned back to Luciano. My husband, I thought bitterly. There wasn’t a bigger regret in my life than him. My eyes traveled to Massimo. I couldn’t stand either one of them. If I never saw a single member of Luciano’s family, it would be too soon. Well, except Luciano’s father. He was always good to me and caring.

“I’m not going anywhere with you,” I told him, folding my arms over my chest. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

My eyes studied my estranged husband. He was just as handsome as I remembered, the arrogance and ruthlessness written all over his features. His thick dark hair looked soft, just as I knew it was, and those smoldering hazel eyes could once upon a time make me weak in my knees. You’d think those eyes would clash against his tanned skin, but they draw you in even more.

There was a hint of ink above his crisp shirt collar, and I knew it snaked down his tanned chest, down his arms and over his hands. Those tattoos were equally beautiful and intimidating. For all intents and purposes, my husband was a gorgeous man. If only he wasn’t such an asshole.

He gave me one of those arrogant smiles, I hated so much. What I wouldn’t give to slap that arrogant expression off his face and knee him in the family jewels and watch those lips curve into a painful grimace. Those lips were made for sinning, and he knew exactly how to use them. For good and evil.

“Oh, but I think you will come with me.” He sounded so damn sure of himself. I hated his guts.

“No, I won’t,” I replied. My voice sounded sure, but truthfully, I was anything but sure. “We have nothing to say to each other.”

He watched me pensively. “We have some business to finish up.”

I didn’t have a damn clue what he was talking about. I wanted nothing to do with him.

“You can come along to my place,” I answered him calmly, “and we can debate what it is that you think I’ll be doing. I assure you though, there is no business between you and I.

“But there is,” he had spoken calmly, the hint of threat in his voice. “Besides, you are my wife. Until that status is changed, you’ll do as I say.”

“You can hope, and while you are at it, please hold your breath,” I hissed. “I suggest you pay your driver, and we can debate how to end this at my place, one street over.”

We stared at each other, animosity in both of us. I hoped I hid it better than him, but I was pretty sure I was an open book. It was interesting how that battle of wills that started on the first day we met continued as if no years passed by.

We stood there, neither willing to budge, for what seemed like hours although it was mere seconds, maybe a minute tops. Finally, he nodded and turned to go to his car. Massimo glanced my way then went after Luciano, whispering something under his breath. I didn’t give a shit what they were saying, I watched, waited till they were far enough to give me some headway. I thanked God and all the saints that I decided to wear my white chucks instead of sandals.

I turned on my heel and started running.

“Son of a bitch,” I heard my husband yell behind me. “Grace!”

I continued running, not bothering to glance back. I couldn’t afford to lose a single second. I heard them in the distance, but I was at an advantage. I turned left that would take me to my house but knowing those two, they probably already knew where we lived. Right after taking the left, I took the first alley and a shortcut to get to the street parallel to this one.

Once I was there, I kept running, looking for a cab. I flagged a driver and jumped in.

“Ferry. Veloce.” Fast.

He nodded and rushed through the streets. My phone beeped, and I glanced at it.

*Made it.*

Relief washed over me, giving me extra hope.

I kept glancing over the familiar streets for the two unwelcome figures, but I never saw them. I hoped we wouldn’t see them again.

Ten minutes later we were at the ferry, and I gave the driver a fifty dollar euro then jumped out of the cab and ran towards the ferry. My eyes scouted for the two familiar faces, and the moment I spotted them, I rushed towards them.

“You made it,” Ella murmured relieved. Her face was pale, her lip trembling. I took my son, Matteo, into my arms, placing gentle kisses on his forehead.

“Yes, we need to catch the first flight out of this country.” I hated leaving and starting all over but we had no choice. It made me resent my husband even more. Why couldn’t he have just stayed in his stupid world and ruled his cursed empire? Instead, he had to destroy everything in his path.

“Mamma,” Matteo called out to me.

I took his small hand into mine, and I placed a kiss on the palm of his little hand. I would never allow Matteo to be touched by that world.


Bitterness swelled inside me. Now, we had to uproot Matteo and start a whole new life. I loved our life on this little island with people that acted like family.

“We need to get to Palermo International Airport. All our emergency travel documents and travel bags are kept there.” She knew that too. Thankfully, we could access our money from anywhere in the world. We wouldn’t go hungry without money, food or a way to afford a shelter. Right now, we just had to get out of here.

Ella nodded. It tore at my insides to drag us to another start. “Ella, are you sure you want to come along? You’ll be safer if you stay behind.”

“No.” Her answer was firm, the determination written all over her face. “We stick together. We do this together.”

I exhaled a breath I didn’t know I was holding. I wouldn’t have blamed her if she wanted to stay behind, but it felt good having her by my side.

“Thank you,” I muttered. She had been more than a family for as long as we’ve known each other.

We stood on the deck of the ferry, watching the island that was our home for the past year get smaller and smaller. This place has been our longest residency since we left the States. The wind swept through the upper deck, blowing our hair wildly and along with it our little happy life.

“Do you think this will work?” Ella kept glancing around. She was scared just as much as I was. If Luciano dragged us back home, we’d be doomed. We escaped our fates once, I wasn’t sure if we’d succeed again.

Despite my worries, I nodded in answer, words stuck in my throat. It had to work.

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