He marches toward me, his gaze boring into mine. He kneels in front of the tub. “Tell me to leave. Tell me to leave now.”

I swallow. “No.”

His eyes flash. He threads his fingers into my hair and yanks my head back. His face hovers over mine, his lips an inch away. “God help me,” he says before standing up and walking toward the door.

No, I want to shout, but he turns around before I get the chance, crossing his arms over his chest. His expression is oddly blank, and those dark eyes have a dreamy quality. “Keep going.” His voice is as soft and hushed as it is at Saturday service.

I inhale a sharp breath. “You want me to…”

“Yes,” he whispers.

I’ve never seen him like this before. He’s at the edge of his control. That’s why his voice is so soft. That’s why his eyes are vacant. He’s in a trance.

“What are you waiting for?” Again, that hushed voice.

I return my two fingers to my clit and start rubbing. Delightful pressure builds in my tummy, and a breathy moan escapes my lips.

Brandon’s eyelids grow hooded. He walks around the tub, disappearing behind me. “What are you thinking about, Mariana?”

“You,” I whisper.

“No.” The word sounds like it slipped through clenched teeth. “If we’re going to be sinners, you’d better make it worth it. I need you to tell me much more than that.”

A jolt of electricity shoots into my stomach. “I was thinking about…the night I saw you…do this.”

“Do what?”

“Stroke your big cock.”

He hums. “And what would you do if I had my cock out right now?”

“I’d get down on my knees and put my mouth on you. Worship you.”

“No,” he says softly. “I wouldn’t let you worship me. I’d make you gag on my cock. Punish you for being so tempting.”

I rub faster, and a whimper escapes my lips. He’s so good at this. I always suspected he was kinky before he came to God, but now I’m certain of it.

“Such sweet sounds.” His shadow hovers over the bathtub, and I drop my head back to stare up at him. His arms are still crossed over his chest. “Such a sweet face—” he narrows his eyes “—for such a harlot.”

The sound that is pulled from me is something between a gasp and a whimper, and I start frantically rubbing my clit.

Holy shit, he’s degrading me.

I never imagined he’d be like this.

“You like that, don’t you?” Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the (F)indNƟvᴇl.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Yes!” As the pressure builds and expands in my tummy, I slow my pace into a circular rub, drawing my pleasure into an agonizing upward climb.

“You’ll say my name when you come, Mariana. Do you hear me?”

“Yes,” I sob.

“You won’t call me Pastor, or you’ll regret it.

I scream as pleasure crashes over me, and Brandon lunges for the tub, his big hands gripping the copper edges. “Say my name now,” he growls. “You filthy sinner.”

“Brandon,” I whimper.

“Yes.” Through my haze, I see his expression soften. “That’s it, sweet girl. Say it again.”

“Brandon,” I whisper as the last wave of pleasure runs through my limbs. My body grows languid, and I exhale heavily.

I’m startled by the sound of water splashing and the next thing I know, I’m being lifted out of the tub. He cradles me against his chest before setting my feet on the damp tile floor. When I stumble a little, he holds me steady. He grabs a towel from behind him and runs it over my body almost reverently.

“Such beautiful skin. My gorgeous Mariana.”

I smile dreamily up at him. “Please say that wasn’t it. Please say we can do more.”

He stares at me for a long moment before lifting his hand high in the air. It comes down in a flash, cracking on the skin of my pussy. I let out a gasp as a sharp sting radiates from my groin to my thighs. He sticks two big fingers inside me and grabs me by the hair, yanking my head back.

“I’m a sinner because of you,” he grits out. “You can take a little pain.”

“Yes, Brandon.”

Oh God, I never thought he’d be like this. Dominating, yes, but this…

How will I ever be able to walk away from him after tonight?

“We can do more.” His voice is softer. He lifts a hand and strokes my wet hair from my cheeks. “Much more. I’m going to fuck you until you can’t breathe.”

My gut clenches, and I let out a gasp.

“Now go,” he commands. “Go to my bed and get on your hands and knees. I’ll be out in a moment, so don’t keep me waiting.”

I nod frantically, and he smiles. “My eager little whore.”

My belly is on fire as I rush out of the bathroom and hop onto the bed.


“Jesus, help me,” I whisper as I run my fingers through my hair.

I shouldn’t go out there. The fact that I’ve already sinned doesn’t justify sinning more, and fuck me, I’m acting like a mad man. I never should have degraded or hit her without her permission.

I’m going mad. My skin is almost vibrating with lust.

This is not the right state of mind to do things like this, especially when we haven’t talked about it first.

How can I stop myself now? She’s on my bed right now on her hands and knees.

I think I’d rather die than stop.

After taking a deep breath, I turn around and walk out the bathroom. When I open the door, the sight awaiting me nearly brings me to my knees.

Her heart-shaped ass is offered like an altar while her head rests on the bed.

I make my way quietly over to her and stick two fingers inside that pretty, glistening pussy. My cock throbs at the slippery wetness, but I don’t let it pull me from my purpose. I walk around the bed and kneel down, offering my fingers to her mouth. “Taste yourself.”

Her eyes widen minutely, but she obeys my command. When her tongue darts out and licks at my finger, I shove it inside her mouth.

“You’re tasting something sweet but very, very wicked.”

She moans. “Yes, Brandon. I’m your—”

“No.” I yank my hand away and lift it to silence her. “You’ve been a bad girl, Mari. You’ll listen to me now.”

“Yes, Sir.”

I smile as I stroke her cheek. Such a beautiful woman with those sparkling eyes and plump lips. How is it possible that just a few weeks ago, I tried to be a father figure to her?

But I didn’t really, did I? Not with Mariana. Maybe Sofia. But something about Mariana called to me like a siren’s melody. I fought it. Refused to acknowledge it, but it was always just beneath the surface.

“Lay on your back, my sweet, wicked girl. I’m going to make you come.”

My skin is vibrating with electricity as her beautiful body turns over on the bed, exposing those round tits and pretty brown nipples.

My cock throbs painfully as I scoot onto the bed. “I’m going to use my fingers this time.” I lean forward. “You’ll have your eyes on me the whole time.”

She nods frantically, and I smile as I set two fingers on her clit and start rubbing in a circular pattern. “You want to be good. Don’t you, baby?”

“I do, Brandon.” She whimpers. “I want to be so good for you.”

“Ah.” I increase the speed of my fingers. “You already are. So sweet. So well-behaved, but only for me. Isn’t that right?

Her eyes grow huge. “Yes! Only you.”

I lean forward, gritting my teeth. “And why is that?”

She lets out a little mewling sound but doesn’t answer, so I pull my fingers away until my touch is featherlight. She thrusts her hips upward. “No, I want it harder!”

“You’ll answer me, Mari, or you’ll get nothing.”

“What…” She pants. “What was the question?”

“Why do you behave only for me?”

She hums. “Because you’re my daddy.”

Hot exhilaration rushes through my veins, and my cock strains against the elastic of my boxers. “Yes, pretty girl. I’m your daddy.”

I press a little harder as I flick her clit, and I see the effect of it immediately. She shuts her eyes and grimaces, as if in pleasurable pain. I use my other hand to grab her chin. “Eyes on me, Mari.”

Her eyes shoot open, and those hips flail every which way. “Brandon!”

“Yes, my sweet girl. Let it all out.”

She screams as she comes, and an angelic light spreads over her face. She smiles sweetly as the pleasure crashes over her.

Jesus Christ, I’ve never seen anything so beautiful in my life. Not even when I reached the top of the Inca Trail. As the sunrise broke through the mist—revealing endless emerald mountains—I thought I would never again in my lifetime be so close to God.

I was wrong.

And the need for her now is as potent as my need for God.

I crawl onto the bed until her little form is beneath me. It takes all of my willpower to move gently. No matter how much I want to claim her, I can’t plunder her when she’s so peaceful from her orgasm.

It would be blasphemy.

“Mari,” I whisper. “Open your eyes for me, baby.”

Her eyes flutter open and meet mine. There’s such tenderness inside them that I could get drunk on it. I swipe my thumb over her swollen lower lip. “I’m going to use my cock now. Can you take it?

Her eyes flutter closed again, but her entire body shudders. A wicked little smile plays on her lips. “I can take it, Daddy.”

Electricity jolts through my veins. I reach over to the bedside table and grab my wallet, pulling out the condom I’ve kept in here since a few days after this obsession with her started. I’d told myself it was for another woman. A woman to help me get over what I feel for her.

What a lie.

I’ve been deluding myself from the beginning.

After slipping on the condom, I crawl on top of her sweet little body. I push my hips down between her thighs. My cock is so hard it’s painful. I need to be inside her.

I need to claim her now.

I run my palms up her thighs to the soft skin of her ass. She whimpers as she spreads her legs wider for me. “Please, Daddy.”

I growl, nudging my cock against her slick pussy. I push in just a little, and she cries out. I still my hips. “Does it hurt, my sweet Mariana?”

“No.” She shakes her head frantically. “It’s perfect.”

I press my lips to her ear, clenching my teeth. “Maybe it doesn’t hurt yet, but it will. I can’t be gentle, Mari. I’ve waited too long.”

Her low mewling sound is like raindrops over my skin. Fuck, this woman was made for me. I never thought I’d be able to play sex games like this when I came to God. I figured any woman of faith would be insulted.

I needed my bold little atheist.

“You’re too tempting” I kiss the spot where her shoulder meets her neck. “There was no way I could resist.”

“Please. Now.”

The word “please” lights a fire in my gut. I drive my cock deep inside her, my hips rocking against hers.

Holy fucking Jesus Christ.

She’s so silky and tight I could come right now. I clench all of my core muscles to keep the pleasure from taking over. I lean down and lick a nipple, sucking it into my mouth as I rock in a slow, grinding motion. “You’re so perfect. I could live inside you.”

“Oh God, I love the way you talk.”

I kiss her hard, capturing her tongue with my own. She clutches my shoulders as she moans, the sound vibrating through my whole body. I growl into her mouth as I thrust into her.

“You’re mine, Mari,” I whisper against her mouth. “Only mine.”

“Yes.” Her eyes widen as she writhes beneath me, her pussy clamps around my cock, and the wave starts to build in my gut. I’m close. So close.

There’s no point in holding back any longer when I know this won’t be the last time with her.

God help me, I’m going to fuck her until the dawn breaks. I’d fuck her for the rest of eternity if I could.

As I thrust harder, the slickness between us makes a smacking sound. I lean down and bite her shoulder. Her cries get louder, and just as she’s about to come apart, I push her legs back, bending her knees up.

“Oh God!”

“Yes. Take my cock, sweet girl.”

“Brandon,” she whimpers, and as her pussy clenches around me in waves, I lose myself. Unbearable pleasure floods my insides, and I let out a roar.

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