Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop
Chapter 1 Sold by Her Fiance

Chapter 1 Sold by Her Fiance

At night in midwinter.

The snow was falling heavily outside, and the frosty air made the windows opaque with crystal ice. Inside the room, the fireplace burned fiercely, casting a warm glow on Catalina Grant's porcelain skin.

It was supposed to be her wedding night with her newlywed husband, Aaron Roach, but the man on top of her body now was someone else.

"Bennett Shaffer!" Catalina gasped, "You're are out of your mind! You can't do this to me."Her delicate hands balled into fists and pounded his shoulder like a drizzle.

This terribly handsome man pinned her to the bed, and forcibly tore apart her clothes. It felt as though this was the only way to appease the burning fury raging within him.

Tears welled up in her eyes, blurring her vision as she tried to fight him off, but she was no match for his brute strength.

"I'm already Aaron's wife. How could you humiliate me like this?" Catalina huddled in Bennett's arms and sobbed, which greatly tensed his nerves.

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"My brother is still lying in the hospital because of you, slut." Bennett growled. "How can you get married so peacefully?"

His words cut through her like a knife, and his cold, dark eyes seemed to freeze her to her very core. Before she could speak, he covered her mouth with his own. Then reckless kisses and bites fell on her neck, sending shivers down her spine.

"You smell so good. " he whispered in her ear in a playful tone.

She knew the man so well, but never would she imagine being this intimate with him.

His lips started to trail down her body as he kissed her breasts, belly, and thighs before finally reaching her vagina. He leaned in between her legs, nuzzling at first, his beard slightly rough against the insides of her thighs. Then, using his lips and tongue, he began to explore her, igniting a fire within her that she had never felt before. Tears of shame mixed with unexpected sensuality flowed down her face, as Catalina couldn't help but enjoy the completely strange feeling and crave more.

Despite her efforts to refrain from moaning, unspeakable sounds escaped her lips, causing him to become even more frenzied. He violently forced her legs further apart. Suddenly his gigantic throbbing shaft broke into her.

"O-Oh, no. Uhm... p-please, Bennett, please don't..." Catalina yearned as she couldn't get used to his enormous size, begging him to stop.

He didn't listen. The man above her started to pump in and out of her, and growled in disdain. "What a slut! You like that?" Bennett fastened his pace.

With every passing second, the pain receded and euphoria took over. Finally Catalina lost all shame, and wasn't bothered about showing her pleasure to this man.

The fire in the hearth roared louder as their bodies tangled together.

An hour later, Bennett calmly got up and straightened his handmade suit. He looked nothing like the aggressive beast that had just ravaged Catalina, instead, he appeared as a restrained and elegant gentleman, complete with gold-rimmed glasses that suppressed his underlying aggressiveness.

Catalina lay on the bed, pale and trembling with anger and grief.

"You're a monster," she growled, her voice hoarse. "I will sue you for what you've done."

Her tearful eyes were filled with a mix of emotions. She stared at him with a look of intense hatred and her fingers were tightly gripping the sheets, her knuckles turning white.

Bennett slid one hand into his pocket and gazed down at Catalina with a haughty sneer. His posture was regal, as if he were an emperor inspecting a mere insect. "Catalina, I paid for tonight," he spat. Catalina's heart skipped a beat, and she faltered, "What...What do you mean?"

Bennett towered over her, his massive frame looming. He pinched her jaw tightly, staring into her innocent, tear-filled eyes with a cold fury. His mind drifted to the past. "I was a fool for those innocent eyes," he mused. Then, he delivered the crushing blow, "Aaron Roach sold you to me on your wedding night, for a million dollars."

Catalina's world crumbled around her. Humiliation mingled with the tears streaming down her face. "Liar. You liar..." she choked.

With a disgusted expression, Bennett released her jaw, withdrew a Hermes silk scarf from his pocket, and wiped his hand as if to rid himself of her touch. "Stop crying. Your tears won't work on me. I will make you cry much harder in the future," he sneered.

He strode out of the room, tossing the silk scarf into the trash can by the door without a glance. His assistants followed him meekly, avoiding his gaze. Bennett had made their lives hell since the moment he learned of Catalina's impending wedding.

"Inform the police in fifteen minutes," Bennett commanded, his voice icy.

The assistant's eyes widened in shock, but he nodded meekly. "Yes, Mr. Shaffer."

As soon as Bennett left, the door of the hotel room was pushed open from outside before Catalina had time to console herself.

People who rushed in were her future mother-in-law, Aylin Neal, and sister-in-law, Josie Roach.

Behind them was Aaron, Catalina's newlywed husband, who just sold her as a commodity.

Witnessing Catalina naked in bed, her mother-in-law was enraged. She rushed forward to lift the quilt that's covering her body. "Aaron, what did I told you about this woman back then? I told you, this woman is a slut, and you can't marry her, but you didn't believe me! Now, she cheated on you on your wedding day!"

"Mom's right. This bitch wouldn't change at all! Because of you, Mr. Warren fell ill four years ago and is still lying in the hospital. Four years later, you did it again. Only my stupid brother is willing to marry a woman like you." Josie also pointed at Catalina and cursed in a shrill voice.

The scandal that happened four years ago in the Shaffer family was revealed by them again, and with every word spoken, Catalina's heart painfully convulse in her chest.

She bit her lower lip hard and clutched at the quilt with both hands, all while staring straight at Aaron, the man responsible for today's farce.

Being stared at resentfully, Aaron felt so guilty that he didn't dare to look into her eyes at all.

Suddenly a sharp slap landed on Catalina's face. She gasped as five bright red marks bloomed on her delicate skin.

"How dare you stare at my son like that?" her mother in law snarled.

Catalina's eyes remained fixed on Aaron, her gaze growing even colder. She refused to back down, despite the humiliation she had just endured.

Aaron, who was hiding behind, came forward and tugged at Aylin. "Mom, stop. "

"Why are you still protecting her? She cheated on you." Aylin couldn't believe it, and growled.

Josie chimed in, "Aaron, are you really bewitched by her?"

"I believe Catalina didn't mean to..."

Before Aaron could finish his words, a clear, crisp slap landed on his face, causing his head to jerk to the side.

The room fell into a sudden and deadening silence, broken only by the crackling of the firewood burning in the hearth.

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