Mary's Path
Lock down

As Mary expected, Zerden had found out about the lock down for the kitchen staff and asked to talk to her as the kitchen was winding down in the evening.

He hadn’t expressed that he was sorry for her, or that he jumped straight into that he was happy as this meant they would have two afternoons a week where he could meet up with lady Sarah.

“I don’t know Zerden, I was hoping to visit your mother a bit more. I’ve been so busy lately that I haven’t had the time” Mary said.

“She would like that, but I think we can manage to do both” Zerden urged.

“How on earth are you supposed to have the time? I thought the soldiers guard rotation was tight” she sighed.

“It is, but we help each other out and change shifts if needed. We are brothers after all” he said shrugging.

“That’s nice a guess”

“It is. So, is that a yes?” he asked with hopeful eyes.

“It is, as long as I can have time to spend with your mother and it would be nice to have time to take a walk sometimes. Even if it is just inside the castle grounds” Mary sighed.

“You’re the best Mary” he laughed. “I need to start making plans. I’ll contact Sarah as soon as possible. She will be so happy”

“Have you told your mother about her yet?” Mary asked and Zerden got a guilty look.

“No” he admitted. “I just know that mother will ask me to bring Sara home to meet her and father and I just don’t know. We don’t exactly have a stately home” he said looking at his feet.

“Don’t you dare be ashamed of your family Zerden. You have a mother and a father that love you and that had put food on the table, a roof over your head and raised you to be the man you are. You should be proud of that.” Mary said, suddenly furious at him.

Zerden looked at her with surprise as she scolded him. Then he looked even guiltier than he had done a moment before.

“You are right, I know. But Sarah..” he trailed of.

“No, don’t you let her belittle what you have. If she can’t appreciate your family, it is her loss. Are you planning to live your entire lives without her meeting your mother? Are you putting them away like some dark, horrible secret?”

“Of course not, what are you even talking about. I just don’t want her to meet them now. Maybe after we make it official” he said.

Mary just looked at him, not believing what she was hearing. She shook her head in disappointment at what he said and the lack of respect he showed. Instead of continuing to argue with him, in fear of saying something she couldn’t take back, she just turned around and walked to her room. Leaving a surprised Zerden standing in the yard.

Mary stood at the gate as soon as she was leet out of her duties on Sunday. She saw Erik and Ida come walking. As they saw her, they both waved, and she waved back.

“Are you just going to stand there?” Erik asked as he saw she wasn’t moving.

“Yes, I’m not allowed outside the castle as I work in the kitchen.”

“Since when?” Ida wondered.

“Since two days ago. I can’t come to church with you for a while. Not until the sickness has gone away again.”

“But what are you going to do until then?” Erik called.

“I’m not sure, spend my time with something inside the castle, I guess. Don’t you think about coming here every Sunday Erik. I know you. I will come and visit you when I can start walking outside” she said looking him in the eyes.

“But I want to know that you are safe” he said in the same voice he used when they were children, and he didn’t get his way.

“Fine, every third Sunday you can stop by to say hi. I will meet you here direct after lunch. Okay?”

“Okay” he reluctantly agreed.

“Erik, can you do me a favour?”

“Always”. Mary smiled at his immediate response.

“Idiot, you can’t say yes without knowing what it is” she said fainting being annoyed, but he just shrugged. “Can you go to church today and tell father Link that I won’t be coming to church in a while. I don’t want him to worry, and he can send word to the orphanage to let them know I won’t be coming by.”

“Sure thing Mary. We’ll make sure father Link knows what is happening” Erik said and then Mary saw how his eyes shifted from looking at her to looking at something behind her. A frown appeared between his brows. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Mary turned around and saw that Zerden had walked up to stand a step behind her. She was still mad at him from the other night, but she had still agreed to go with him to meet lady Sarah.

“Time to go Mary, we don’t want to keep Sarah waiting and you are not supposed to talk to people outside the castle” Zerden said.

Mary sighed and turned around to look at Erik that looked truly mad. Something he never did, Mary realized that she hadn’t seen Erik mad since they were children.

“I need to go. I will se you in three weeks. Don’t forget me and say hi to your parent from me”

“We never forget you, you are one of us. Isn’t that right Ida?” Erik said.

“That’s right, an honorary member of the family” Ida laughed, and Mary smiled.

“That’s better, se you around Mary” Erik said waving as he took his sister’s hand and walked away.

Merry turned to Zerden and her smile faltered. This wasn’t going to be fun at all, Mary thought as they walked toward the abandoned tower. At least she would get out of this damn cold.

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