Masters of the Hotel Bentmoore: The Complete Collection
Masters of the Hotel Bentmoore: The Complete Collection

Masters of the Hotel Bentmoore: The Complete Collection

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About this ebook

All the hosts of the Hotel Bentmoore are skilled at titillating, tantalizing, and pleasing, their guests. But only the Masters have what it takes to arouse the most lecherous of thoughts, seduce consent out of the most hesitant of women, and in the end, lay bare every erotic fantasy their guests ever had.

The Hotel Bentmoore. Where anonymity, secrecy, and above all else, ultimate carnal pleasure, are guaranteed.

Michelle Michelle greets her host, Mr. Dean, with vague and dubious claims. It seems she has no idea what she wants, and yet she specifically asks for Mr. Dean, a Master known for his strict discipline and no-nonsense attitude. Mr. Dean quickly learns he must abandon his customary tactics if he is to please this shy and skittish guest. Yet nothing prepares him for the shocking truth little Michelle is hiding! Mr. Dean must rely on some new tactics, and engage Michelle in a skillful game of subterfuge, if he is to get her to accept her true nature. Khloe Betrayed by her boyfriend, feeling lost and alone, Khloe escapes to the Hotel Bentmoore to seek out the help of her long-time host, Mr. Shern. But Mr. Shern knows Khloe needs more than a little pep-talk and some kinky sex to make her feel better. Khloe is a cutter, and she may hurt herself badly if Mr. Shern does not take control. Only when Khloe is broken down completely can Mr. Shern heal her broken soul. Evie Evie is her Daddy’s little babygirl. But Evie’s daddy is away on business, and she’s been handed her off to Mr. Cox, a host and Master of the Hotel Bentmoore. Evie thinks she has nothing but fun and relaxation ahead of her during her stay. She has another thing coming. Samantha Samantha arrives to the Hotel Bentmoore with her boyfriend in tow, and from the beginning, it is obvious to their host, Mr. Sinclaire, something is not right between the two. He soon discovers that while Samantha is a masochist by nature, her boyfriend is not just a sadist, he’s an abuser–and must be stopped. Mr. Sinclaire has a lot to teach Samantha: first, he must teach her the difference a Dom and an cruel abuser. Only then can he cuff her down, have some fun, and show her how deep her inner masochism really goes. It is a weekend neither one of them will ever forget.

Warning: Contains explicit sex, BDSM, anal sex, figging, enema play, and humiliation play.

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