I walked through the maze of people in the station holding my bag close to me. I had no idea where I was staying or where I was going but for once I felt free and happy.

The buzz of the station was toxic. The people were laughing and hugging each other making their way out of the station, I made my way to the exit and out onto the bustling street outside.

I stood there taking in the sight before me. There were shops, restaurants and bars. Everything you could need was here, I started walking down the street not knowing where I was headed but I was in a daze at the sounds and lights around me.

I continued walking. I decided to find somewhere to stay as it was getting late into the evening. I brought up the maps on my phone while I carried on walking looking for somewhere nearby, suddenly I hit a brick wall. Well, what I thought was a brick wall except this wall had feet, legs and a very hard chest. I looked up into the most beautiful royal blue eyes I had ever seen. They were like the night sky. I was lost in them before the wall they belonged to said something.

"Are you ok, you seem lost?"

I just stood there staring at him until I willed my mouth to move.

"Uhh sorry I wasn't looking where I was going, just trying to find a place to stay” I took a step back from the giant of a man in front of me, he didn't seem dangerous nor was I afraid of him which was strange to me.

"New to the city huh” he chuckled and gave me a dazzling smile, showing off his perfectly white teeth.

"Yeah I just came from Azira so I'm trying to find somewhere to stay and hopefully a job," I said looking up at him. He had an aura around him that was friendly but deadly at the same time yet I didn't feel the slightest bit worried that he would hurt me.

"Why don't you come with me? I'm meeting my sister and some friends in a bar down the street. I'm sure we can find you somewhere to stay between us” he smiled.

"That would be nice, thank you," I said and he offered me his arm. I linked my arm with his and we started to head down the street.

"I didn't catch your name”

"How rude of me” he chuckled, “my name's Declan, and what your name, pretty lady?" he smiled down at me.

"Aria" I managed to get out as we continued down the street.

After a few minutes we arrived at the bar. Declan said he was meeting his friends and sister when he opened the door for me and motioned for me to enter, as I took a step inside I was met with the cold breeze of the aircon and the sounds of laughter and chatter music played in the background to some upbeat pop songs.

Declan guided me through the bar to a booth sat in the corner of the room. As we got closer, four people were sitting at the table. When we arrived at the table the four people sitting their heads snapped up at me and Declan.

"What's up?" Declan asked as the others just sat there looking at me I shifted from one foot to the next feeling awkward.

"Aria this is Sinclair, Dana, Drake and Landon, guys this is Aria” he introduced us. I gave a small wave to the four sitting at the table. They smiled in return and I felt my anxiousness start to dissolve.

Declan slid into the booth beside Landon and gestured for me to sit. "Aria's new in town. she's from Azira," Declan said while taking a swig of his beer. Landon turned to me and studied me for a minute.

"Nice to meet you Aria, what brings you to Arcadia?" he asked while eating some crisps from the bowl on the table.

"Oh, I erm I left to escape my brother and father. let's just say they weren't very nice to me," I said I didn't want to give too many details away. I had only just met these people and I didn't want to put my trust into them just yet.

Landon seemed to frown at this but didn't push any more. I was glad and before long they all started talking about things that had happened during the week. I sat quietly watching the exchange between the group, anyone could see they were close and more of a family than friends.

"Aria's looking for some place to crash” Declan announced and the group looked over at me. I wanted to shrink back into my chair under all of their gazes.

"You can always stay with us, I know we've only just met but I like you Aria and I could use some help with these dumbasses always teaming up on me" Dana smiled as she looked at me.

I didn't know what to say. I'd never met people so close before, and it was refreshing. I didn't know what to say I had only just met these people but something in my gut told me I could trust them.

"That would be amazing really, I don't have a job yet, but once I find one, I'm happy to pay my share of everything,” I said as they all looked at me before they burst out into a fit of laughter. I was confused. Did I say something wrong?

"Oh you are funny Aria I think we're all getting along fine," Declan said while wiping his eyes.

"We own the house so you won't have to pay any rent and we all chip in for food and bills but don't stress yourself too much about finding a job" Sinclair smiled at me and I found myself returning the smile.

After a few more hours of chatting and drinks, everyone decided it was time to head back to the house. I followed them aimlessly out of the bar and back out into the street outside. The guys started walking and I found myself beside Dana as we followed a few steps behind.

"Don't worry about the guys, they can be annoying but they're pretty harmless" we carried on down the street for another 5 minutes before we got to a set of black gates in front of a massive townhouse. The guys pushed open the gates and walked inside. I was in shock as we walked down the path to the front door of the house. It was 3 stories high, massive bay windows, ivy growing up the wall it looked like something right out of a storybook.

Sinclair opened the front door to a huge reception room with its high ceilings and chandelier hanging in the centre. I gawked at the pure beauty of this house before I heard a chuckle beside me, I turned to see Landon looking at me.

"Bit over the top huh" he shook his head as he continued to chuckle at my response.

"It's beautiful,” I said as I surveyed the room

"Let me show you to your room"

I followed Landon up the stairs as the others disappeared down the hall. He led me to the third floor where I assumed all the bedrooms were. We passed by several doors before we finally stopped.

"This is your room. My room is across the hall over there and Sinclair's is next door" he pointed to the two rooms.

"There's a bathroom just here and the other room is a library, just a word of warning, Sinclair doesn't have much dignity when it comes to nudity, so if you see him wandering around with nothing on, don't be surprised” he laughed as I felt the heat creep up my neck and my face. "Thank you I will bear that in mind"

"I'll leave you to get settled in, we all be in the entertainment room downstairs just follow the hall last door on the left"

I nodded as I entered my room and closed the door, taking in the high ceiling and large four-poster bed in the middle of the room. I dropped my bag on the floor and flung myself on the bed as I sunk into the mattress, I couldn't help but giggle.

I unpacked my clothes into the walk-in wardrobe and decided I needed a shower and to change. I took out a pair of shorts and a baggy t-shirt and headed to the bathroom a few doors down.

As I opened the door to leave my room I jumped as Sinclair stood there smiling at me.

"Sorry didn't mean to scare you" he grinned down at me, I had my hand covering my heart and while I tried to calm my breathing.

"That's okay I was just heading for a shower" I gestured to the clothes in my hands. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"ok, third door on the right will you be joining us after?"

"Yeah, I just wanted to get freshened up before I came down. Thank you again for this. I mean it no one’s ever helped me, let alone this" I gestured to the room behind me.

"Don't sweat it. you seem cool we don't mind helping" I smiled up at him as I could feel the sincerity in his words

"Ok, I'll see you in a bit then" I nodded my head before stepping out of the room and closing the door behind me. Sinclair went down the hall and I went to the bathroom to freshen up.

Once I had taken my shower and dressed I padded my way down the stairs to the bottom floor and followed the hall as Landon had said, I found the entertainment room with everyone inside.

I made my way towards the couch where Dana sat.

The guys were playing a game of pool and Dana was sitting on the couch reading a book. Dana looked up from her book as I sat down next to her.

"How's your room? I hope you managed to find everything ok?"

"Oh yeah it's more than ok thank you again for this I never expected to be somewhere like this and you guys are great!"

She chuckled at me as the guys made their way over to the couches. "So Aria we have one rule in this house and that's not to keep secrets from each other” Declan says before he drops into the sofa opposite me. I look round the room at the others as they all take seats on the couch and armchair, they stare at me intently and I can feel myself start to sweat and my eyes dart around the room trying to focus on anything but their intent stares.

My eyes land back on Dana and then shift to Landon who gives me a small smile before I sigh and look down at my hands.

"So how come you left Azira,” Dana asks while looking at me. I don't say anything for a few moments. The silence is deafening. I ask myself if I should trust these people. I've only just met them and I don't know whether or not to let myself open up to them. That small voice inside me telling me that I should tell them that I can trust them, they've done more for me than anyone else, so I decided to tell them.

"So I left Azira because my brother, he used to beat me because he thought I was sleeping around the school which I wasn't. His girlfriend used to pick on me and she was just as bad. My father never stopped them since he didn't give a shit about me. On the day I left my brother beat me in the middle of the school cafeteria, in front of the whole school because he thought I'd slapped his girlfriend. I decided to leave after that. I couldn't take it anymore so I ran from the school, packed my things and left"

I glanced up from looking at my lap to see the shock and anger in all of their eyes, I looked back down, not knowing if the anger was directed at me or not. tears were streaming down my face as I told them everything that had happened. I wiped my face with the back of my hand when Dana put her hand on my thigh and gave me a gentle squeeze.

I wrapped my hands around my side and winced when my hand made contact with the bruises on my side, Dana looked at me confused with her hand still on my thigh.

"It's just some bruises, I'll be fine," I say, trying to play down my injuries hoping they wouldn't ask to see them. I wasn't that lucky.

"Can I see I might be able to help get you something to help with the pain?" Dana asked, still looking at me. I looked at the others to see the concern on their faces. I sighed before standing up and lifting my top so they could see.

I closed my eyes as I heard the gasps from around the room. After a few seconds I lowered my top and sat back down on the couch keeping my gaze on the floor.

"Why didn't your dragon heal you?" Declan asked as I looked up to myself with glistening eyes trying to blink back the tears. This was it, this is where they throw me out and want nothing more to do with me. I thought to myself. I braced myself for their indubitable reaction before I said.

"I haven't shifted yet. I don't think I have a dragon, that's also why my family hated me. I was a disgrace to them and their name"

It was quiet for a few moments until Landon's voice filled the room. "You must have a dragon Aria you smell like one so maybe you're just a late bloomer. there is no shame in it. There are a few people who's dragons don't show until they turn 18, sure it's not common but it doesn't mean there is anything wrong with you" he smiled softly and I couldn't help the small smile that spread across my lips at his response. "So you don't want me to leave, I won't be embarrassing to be seen with you?" I asked, looking at all of them waiting for their responses. "Don't be stupid we wouldn't throw you out because your dragon hasn't shown up yet. I'm sure there's a reason for it. When are you 18? we will help you in any way we can” Sinclair says from across the room and there's a series of nods from the others clearly in agreement with him.

“In two weeks from now" I whispered.

"So we have two weeks to wait and see when your dragon awakens” Declan winks at me giving me a goofy smile at the same time. Dana hugs me at the same time and I feel like I actually fit in somewhere with people who don't think I'm a freak.

"You're one of us now, so keep your head up I'm sure everything will work out" she smiles at me and we hug once more. The others come over and we have a group hug that I'm glad for and I thank the stars that I found people that care.....

Authors Note

Hey guys thanks so much for reading the book so far i know there wasnt many chapters at first but im working on them everyday and i thank you for your patience :)

I would love some feedback on what you think so far so please leave a review or a comment i make sure to read them all thank you. DanahLouise

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