Chapter Twenty Three

Fortune Teller

Quen strongly believes in the theory, that it's the viewpoint of understanding failure that decides the fate of one’s success. And this applies to all scenery.

For say, when all believed that this innocent Littleton was an evil sign to them, was proved wrong on behalf of Prince Quen who usually stays apart from the Kingdom’s practices, comes to recheck their judgemental acts. Guess there is an undercover detective mode growing in him. As the fact is made clear,

Quen was sleeping soundly with his Littleton spiraled in his bed. He was dreaming of himself playing around their garden with the Littleton pressed on his feet as he flew in the air around the garden. He's happy to see her smiling face. Moreover, she accepts him as her true friend. Without hesitating to express her thoughts and scold him whenever he's being a tad bit annoying and disrespectful to the elders.

He was beaming like a new star, but his smile slipped when he heard a loud booming of something falling hard in his ear. At first, he tries to shrug it off, yet he gets to hear the sound continuing in his other ear as well. And then a cracking sound was heard behind him, making him turn around. But the view gets him confused.

There stood a Lady with a warm smile, on his doorstep. Wait! Was it his Littleton? Turning around he saw her pleasantly sleeping frame. Must be him dreaming. Then turns towards the uncalled visitor and begins to mouth their disturbance, but the lady beats him and starts to speak on the count,

“I’m so sorry to turn up without informing you first, Prince Quen. I knocked my presence but got no answer on the other end. And I'm certainly not leaving without my job here is done.” she says, but Quen still is confused about why this person is in his room.

“ Chief Healer asked me to come and see you. She was quite persistent.” She chuckled a little at the reminder of the Herbalist’s stubbornness.

“It must be very hard for you.” Lady Forniz said on seeing the dark circles marked under his eye... But his brows were raised in a questionnaire, asking for her loyalty. And wraps his arms over her small frame possessively. The lady who saw this smiled at his childish behavior.

“ I'm just an assisting member,” said politely to the Prince who now works completely from his sleep.

“ Chief Herbalist was my best friend. And I'm Lady Forniz, conductor of Fortune. Chief has left me in charge of a specific job.” She sighs sympathizing with the girl's future under the Prince’s clutch.

“ Prince Quen, the girl needs my assistance, for I can see her History. And your presence is needed as Chief was asking for your hand in collecting some herbs, for Ms. Over-there-in-your-arms.”

Hearing this, Quen woke up scrambling out of his bed and ran over to collect himself. Before he dissects out of his room, he rounds the bed and kisses the Little girl's forehead, and whispers some sweet nothing in her ear. And part ways, with a longing, look in his orbs.

“Worry not, my dear, it is best you move out. She needs to be checked thoroughly for any symbol marks in her body.” She placed her hand gently on top of the Quen, a gesture of comfort.

“It’s hard to not see her for a while,” Quen said, bowing his head. “But I am determined to make her healthy and lively.”

“ I'm sure, she will gain her colors one day. Seeing your concern, we're proud of you,” Lady Forniz said.

“ Hurry on, clean the dark marks under your eyes with Chief's help. Don't want to let your handsome features go to waste, with these circles. Won't we?” hearing her mocks, Quen scowls at the Lady and runs off crying he's still Handsome. And retorts to check her eyes if that doesn't matter to her in her old age.

The Lady who was laughing accidentally woke the girl up from her sleep and was blinking her eyes in confusion as she observed the new surroundings.

Gingerly walking to the frightened girl, the Lady sits in a recliner placed near the bed. Leaning on, she analyses her features.

“Isn't your name called Soma?” says the Lady with an impressed eye.

“ I'm Lady Forniz...” Without giving the little girl any chance to reply she placed her fingers under Soma's chin, which surprised her, and urged Soma’s face up slightly so she could look at her properly.

Soma blinked, wondering why the Lady was examining her face so intensely. Lady Forniz was staring at her smooth, heart-shaped face, slanted eyes, straight nose, plump lips, and chin.

“A beautiful face,” she said.

“You’ve bloomed very soon, Soma. Many bloomed at their Sixteenth lapse, yet you've bloomed at six.”

Soma had to chuckle at the Lady’s remark since she had no idea what the woman was talking about. She knew for certain she didn’t have a beautiful face, nor had she ever bloomed. She didn’t think she would ever bloom at all if she were a flower. And of course, she wasn’t yet six, not until next month.

“A mix of Ocean-blue and Silver-ash,” The Lady said.

“A lovely blossom of Daisy Flower.”

At this point, Soma couldn’t help herself and had to ask,

“What are you talking about?”

“Hush, dear, I am reading your face,” Lady Forniz said.

“Ah, doe eyes and a beautiful nose.”

Hearing this, Soma chuckled.

“Thank you,” she said meekly with blushing cheeks... She didn’t think her nose was ever beautiful.

“You’re entering a new phase in your life,” Forniz said with a note of concern. “It seems there will be challenges.”

“Challenges?” Soma asked, her heart skipping a few beats.

“Chief was concerned,” Lady Forniz mutters. “She asked me to read your fortune yesterday. That is why she insisted that I look at you to see you.” mumbling to her own she sighs sympathizing with her fate.

“But why?” Soma pouts looking saddened.

“Like I said, dear, she was concerned about you.”

“That I won’t get to live with my Nana anymore? And who is the Chief? And where is the Blue-eyed man, is he the one who brought me here? Why am I here—”

“ Calm done, dear. You're welcome to stay here. Nobody will hurt you. As far as I can see, you are one of us and many other things. The Chief you asked is the Herbalist, who treated you... and the blue-eyed man is the Crown Prince of this Kingdom, Elffenda. He's been worried for you, as well as the Chief who's concern directs about your future, Soma, about your history, your health, but especially about your future soulmate.”

“But why? I want to go to my Nana. She's ill. The lady said, she'll come to me. Why didn't she come?”

“ With what I saw, I can't get to know your history or the place you grew up in. But you’ve spent all your time taken care of by a kind-hearted Elvian, but now given to our hands, for it is time to take care of you.

You might not understand what I say, but I can do one thing for sure.” saying she, placed her palms on Soma's head and spoke,

“ You’ve met him. Your soulmate. There will be challenges like I said to you, but every relationship needs work, dear, so you must trust yourself. You must trust your heart. Your destiny does not define your future. It is you and your actions that define your future. Remember that, Soma.”

“Of course, I cannot tell you who he is, but I can tell you he is out there, very bright, just like the sun. Yes, he is like the sun, a warm person who many adore and depend on.”

The Lady turned her eyes to Soma again and cocked her head to one side, just like a small bird would, scrutinizing the little girl. “Ah, you will be a tiny thing standing next to him. He is a big man, Soma, this sun man of yours.”

Soma blinked. “I’m not exactly sure I understand what you’re talking about." Though she said that, she had the distinct feeling this Lady was talking about her possible future soulmate. She heard stories of soulmates for her Nana. It's a phase where a girl will be blushing and smiling at a beautiful boy with moon-like eyes.

Lady Forniz laughed. "Ah, I see I have captured your interest. Do you want to know about your love life, Soma?"

Soma frowned. No. Not really. She glanced down, blushing a little.

Lady Forniz must have noticed the blush. She chuckled and patted Soma’s hand.

“As I said, I cannot tell you who he is, for I do not know myself. Of course, you will understand, once this frozen memory enlivens when the right time comes dear, cause you’ve already met him. And very soon, you two will bond too. Now then, come along. I will show you Ms. Healer's garden. It's beautiful.” She dismissed the subject with a wave of her hand and headed out the door.

Soma got up, checked her body was covered in a robe, and followed the elderly woman, her thoughts still on the challenges ahead the Lady had mentioned. And of course, this future soulmate of hers. Before she could cross the door, the memories of this moment were erased from her mind.

And just blindly follows the lady to wherever she’s walking her to.

They soon reach a beautiful landscape full of adoring flowers and trees... The birds and pet animals were running around the yard and some eating the nuts spread wide on the floor. It's beautiful. Like the Lady said.

” Soma, dear, come to have some of my specially brewed tea. It's good for your health. ” a voice calls her. Which isn't the one she heard before. Turning around she saw an old Lady standing near the Lady who she followed earlier. They were whispering in hush tones.

Lady Forniz says,

“ She's special. We need to keep her. It's in our fate to take her in and to serve her. Don't you see the vibe she's emitting? It's so beautiful and calming. She's something I've ever seen. Her beauty, as well as her wiseness.”

“ I know, Forniz. She's ours. The King might be a problem with her staying in this Kingdom. Let's see what I can do. Might if I bring her home symbol out to her, then she might have a chance to live among us. Other than that, we got nothing in our hand.” the herbalist counters.

“ Whilst I searched her history, it's spaced to nothing. She's grown somewhere beyond our knowledge's reach. And she got a connection with our Prince. It's hard to define, but she's got a long way to get-go. After all one thing is sure, she'll be the change it's about to happen in our Kingdom. All in a good way. ” Forniz sighs.. and continues

“It's time we talk to her. She's been blessed by the Moon and was wandering without any guidance. We need to get her a guardian. Who can help her with morals and values? Let me talk to the King first.” saying Forniz vanished within a blink and out of this arena with her speed.

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