Midnight Secrets
Chapter 30

Cass backed away from me, doing the exact opposite of what I expected. “What are—” My words died off when he grabbed the desk chair and dragged it closer so it was in front of me. He took a seat, and now instead of being above me, his face was almost level with my breasts. Anticipation thrummed through my body as I eagerly awaited what he’d do next, even though I had a suspicion.

After taking off my shoes and socks and tossing them over his shoulder, he placed his hands on my knees. Even though the fabric of my leggings wasn’t thick, it was still an annoying barrier. But even so, the heat from his hands seeped through the material and had me shivering as he slid his hands up my thighs. It seemed he wanted to prolong the process and build up the anticipation, his hands moving torturously slow. His gaze never left me, watching my every movement as I struggled to stay still.

His hands spanned over the tops of my thighs as he continued his leisurely pace. I finally had enough of this and reached for his hands with the intention of moving them higher. When it came to Cass, I wasn’t built to handle prolonged build-up.

“I can start over if you’d like,” Cass said, his hands stilling when my hands had been about to touch his.

The meaning wasn’t hard to catch and had me gaping at him. “You wouldn’t.”

The slow grin that spread across his lips had no right to be as sexy as it was. It both pissed me off and had my already tightly coiled body reacting even more. “Try me.” The grin told me he’d love nothing more than for me to do it. I think he liked it when I challenged him, loving being able to fulfill his words.

Even though he’d already established multiple times he wasn’t one to bluff, I still narrowed my eyes as I placed my hands on his. I didn’t attempt to move them. It was just a light tap, provoking him and challenging him.

He wasn’t bluffing.

His hands moved back to my knees. It had been my fault. I knew that. He warned me, and instead of listening, I challenged him. But that didn’t stop me from dropping my head back and groaning at his unhurried pace.

Nope, I couldn’t wait any longer. I needed this process sped up now.

Grabbing the hem of my shirt and pulling it off, I dropped it beside me on the desk. The sports bra wasn’t what I’d classify as sexy, but with the way Cass’ eyes heated and his grip tightened, it didn’t seem to matter. His grin grew as his gaze flicked to mine, and I knew I wasn’t going to like what he’d do next.

I was right. Rather than return his hands to my knees, he moved them further down so they were in the middle of my shins.

My mouth gaped open, staring at him in disbelief as he struggled not to laugh at my shocked outrage. Two could play this game. Was it a bad idea to add fuel to the fire? Yes. Could this backfire on me even worse than now? Also yes.

The black sports bra soon joined my shirt on the desk, and I struggled to hide my smirk as I stared down at Cass.

His hands had stilled again, but this time it wasn’t a move meant to tease me as his gaze dropped to my breasts. He groaned, and I thought I had him, but his self-control seemed to be stronger than mine because he continued slowly moving his hands up my legs.

Groaning, I placed my hands on the desk behind me as I tipped my head back and closed my eyes in resignation. All I’d accomplished was prolonging his teasing. “Wake me up when you’re done,” I said with a groan.

All Cass was doing was touching my legs and not even my bare legs, but the anticipation of what was to come, paired with his firm touch, had me tightly coiled. By the time he finally made it to the waistband of my leggings, I was struggling not to squirm. He’d only touched my legs, and already I was completely soaked and aching for him. My body remembered how it felt to have him moving inside me. I could easily see myself becoming addicted to him and the feelings he stirred inside me.

When he ordered me to lift my hips, I complied without hesitation, more than ready to be touched by him. He pulled my leggings and panties down my legs at the same time and tossed them over his shoulder.

I didn’t bother to hide my sigh as I stared at my discarded clothes over five feet behind him. “What’s up with you tossing my clothes out of reach?” At least here, I could see my clothes and wouldn’t have to go searching for them.

As if in retaliation, Cass grabbed my shirt and bra and tossed them over his shoulder as well, chuckling when I made a noise of protest. He spread my thighs apart, his blue eyes sparkling with mischief as he stared up at me. “For one, it makes it harder for you to escape when I’m not looking.”

I swear, they would never let me live that down. Letting out another groan, I opened my mouth to point out again that it was only one time when he licked up my pussy, his tongue parting my folds. He wasn’t slow or teasing in his licks, either because he’d already had his fill or because his control was fraying. His tongue swirled around my clit, and my hips jerked as I gasped. If he hadn’t been holding my thighs down, my ass probably would’ve lifted from the desk.

I threaded my fingers through his hair as I dropped my head back while he relentlessly devoured my pussy. “Holy shit,” I said with a gasp, my words breathy as he hooked my legs over his shoulders. If I didn’t have a hand behind me on the desk, I probably would’ve fallen over.

My legs wrapped around the back of his shoulders, keeping him in place, even though I doubted he’d ever purposely stop before I came. His low chuckle fanned over my pussy, and the simple action had me squirming even more as my grip on his hair tightened. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the (ꜰind)ɴʘvel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

When I told him to distract me he had delivered on his promise. There were no thoughts about the supernatural world or worries about my father’s dangerous job. All I had room to think about was his tongue as it slid against my clit and the blinding pleasure that came from my first of many orgasms. At this point, I wasn’t surprised by how quickly it washed over me, but I was amazed by how fast the other one followed. What this man could do with his tongue was unparalleled.

My third release was from a combination of his tongue and talented fingers, working in tandem as he pumped his fingers in and out of my pussy. He knew just the right spots to curl them and the right angles to have me damn near ready to lose my mind and my voice.

By the time he stood and stripped off his clothes, my body felt like jello, and I vaguely wondered if I’d be able to stand when we were done. My arms shook, and I was pretty sure they were the only things keeping me sitting upright.

My gaze dropped to his cock once he discarded his jeans—unlike with my clothes, he didn’t toss his clothes a mile away. I was still amazed at his size and how he’d not only fit before but that he hadn’t destroyed my fucking pussy.

I arched a brow when I saw a condom wrapper in his hand, presumably having had it in his pocket. “Were you planning on fucking me here?” I mean, I was fully on board with being safe, especially since I’d missed taking my birth control pill for the day and was nowhere near ready to have kids.

Another slow grin tugged on his lips—I swear he did that on purpose because he knew how it affected me—as he rolled the condom on his cock. “I hadn’t been planning on fucking you when I visited your room the other day, and look what happened. With you, it’s best to always be prepared.” His grin was playful as he dropped a brief kiss on my lips. He stepped between my legs, his cock brushing my soaked entrance.

“You make it sound like I’m some unpredictable, crazy bitch.” I was barely able to speak above a whisper. My breathing picked up when he grabbed my hips and pulled me so my ass was nearly on the edge of the desk.

“Life is never boring with you around,” Cass murmured as he gave me another way too brief kiss. Before I could make another comment, he slowly began entering my pussy, meeting some resistance, but it felt easier this time, and soon enough, he was fully sheathed inside of me.

Cass dropped his forehead against mine with a grunt as he held still to give me time to adjust. I reached up and threaded my fingers through the soft, messy strands of his hair, pulling him closer so I could kiss him. His tongue tangled with mine as one of his hands cupped the back of my head and adjusted the angle so he could devour my mouth the way he had with my pussy.

As he stroked his tongue against mine, the hand on my hip traveled up to cup my breast, pinching my nipple and giving a tug that had me gasping and whimpering. I shifted my hips against his, wanting—no, needing—him to move. Cass groaned when I shifted again, his hand on my breast tightening.

“I should’ve known you were the impatient kind,” Cass whispered after trailing kisses down to my ear. He nibbled on my earlobe as he pinched my nipple once more before he grabbed my hips, sliding out of me before slamming back inside. The thrust was hard enough for me to gasp at the smallest bite of pain, melding with the blinding pleasure that came with him being inside of me. As he did it again and again, my head dropped back. My hand slid from his hair, needing it to help hold me up as he kept his thrusts slow and hard.

The spacious lecture hall had some good acoustics, and if I were the singing type, I’d appreciate the echo my moans and whimpers made. It was a good thing this room was soundproof, not that I was thinking about this or even cared at the moment.

My arms shook, and I was honestly surprised they still held me up as I dropped my head back, squeezing my eyes shut as I unraveled. As I came, my arms gave out, and I flopped back against the desk, but I barely noticed. My moans transformed into screams, and I wasn’t sure what I was shouting or if I was just making incoherent sounds.

When my eyes finally fluttered open, I found myself staring up at the exposed wood beams on the ceiling. The desk was so big that I was able to lay back without my head awkwardly hanging off the edge.

Cass pulled my legs over his shoulders again, and I let out another gasp, reaching up to grab the edge of the desk. The movement adjusted the angle at which he slid into me, allowing his thrusts to go deeper. Something I hadn’t known was even possible. His hold on my hips and my grip on the desk were probably the only things keeping me in place as he slammed into me hard and fast. The room was filled with the echoing sounds of our moans and him slamming into me.

The new angle had me falling apart in record time and had my legs shaking. When Cass’ thrusts stilled and he pulled out of me, I assumed he’d cum. It wasn’t until he rolled me over onto my stomach that I realized how wrong I was.

Holy fucking shit. These fucking werewolves had incredible stamina.

The wood against my breasts and the side of my face was warm from where I’d been lying before. My legs dangled over the edge of the desk, and because the damn desk was too tall, my feet couldn’t touch the ground. Cass caressed my ass, and I couldn’t help but wiggle on the desk. He pulled my hips back so they were at the edge of the desk, allowing him to sink back inside my pussy. The angle was once again different, the head of his cock rubbing my walls in a way it hadn’t before.

As he thrust into me, my nails scratched at the desk, trying to find traction. His thrusts didn’t start off slow this time. They were hard and fast, and I didn’t mind one bit. Nor did I mind how quickly I came again. I wasn’t sure how much more I could take, and that was something I’d never thought I’d say. It was a good thing I wasn’t standing because there was no way my legs would’ve supported me as he relentlessly pounded inside of me, his movements becoming sloppy.

Cass reached around and pinched my clit with his thumb and forefinger, working me up to my final release that had me seeing stars. Moments after I came down from my high, Cass stilled behind me as he groaned. He slid out of me and met resistance as my pussy clamped down on his cock, almost like it was reluctant to let him go.

My breaths were heavy and ragged as he peppered kisses down my spine, his hands lightly caressing my sides.

“I don’t think I’ll ever be able to walk again,” I said in between heavy breaths.

Cass chuckled against my back, but before he could respond, a shrill ringing echoed through the room. Despite feeling boneless, I pushed myself up enough to rest my weight on my elbows. My gaze darted around the room, looking for the source as my heart raced for a whole new reason.

My arms shook as I adjusted so I could sit on the desk, and I doubted I looked graceful or dignified.

Cass’ sigh of frustration pulled my attention to him buttoning up his jeans. “Don’t worry, it’s just the bell letting us know someone is outside the door.” He dropped a kiss on my forehead before heading up the stairs.

While Cass opened the door, making sure to only open it enough to see who was on the other side, I climbed off the desk. I had to reach out and rest a hand on the desk to stabilize myself, my legs shaking and my head feeling light. As I stumbled toward my clothes, I muttered under my breath how I’d kick Cass’ ass for throwing my clothes so far away.

I had just pulled my shirt over my head when Cass came down the stairs, and all traces of humor were gone.

“What’s wrong?” My stomach was in knots as my mind conjured multiple different scenarios that would have him so tense.

His hesitation was clear in his expression as he came to stand before me. “Cass,” I whispered, reaching up to stroke my fingers along his jaw, silently begging him to trust me and begin sharing stuff with me.

He let out a sigh of resignation as he dropped his forehead against mine. “There’s something going on at the borders.”

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