Chapter 44

Hugh still couldn't believe what Alan told him, that his mate, Hailey was dead. Now he understood why he was going through immense emotional pain for so many years. He always had the feeling that his heart had been ripped out of his chest, causing him to feel empty. It was because his mate was gone forever. She isn't coming back like he had always imagined. He feels like a complete idiot for not fighting for her love then. If he had fought to win her back, she would still be alive, by his side, as his Luna and the mother of his pups.

Why did she have to make such a stupid choice? How was she even able to subdue her wolf from desiring its mate? Why did she reject him when she was fully aware that she'd be hurting not just him, but herself.

Hugh couldn't stop thinking about his deceased mate. So many questions were running through his mind, making him wish she was alive to answer them all. The thoughts of Hailey was soon replaced with that of his new mate. What was she like? He was internally grateful that the moon goddess decided to give him a second chance. That was a good decision on her part, and this time, he wasn't going to take any chances.

This thought of his new mate also being Roy's mate infuriated him. How could that be? Why does he have to go through some sort of challenge when it comes to being with his mate? He decided to take his mind off things, by going for a run. He shifted into his wolf and let his paws take him wherever they wanted.

After hours of running, he found himself staring at Roy's house from a distance. The realization that his mate was in there with Roy shattered his heart into a million pieces. She was his mate and his alone, and he'll do whatever it takes to make her his, even if it means getting rid of his cousin.


Kimberly couldn't understand why she was feeling sad all of a sudden. Roy wasn't mad at her and neither has she thought of her deceased fiancé, so why was she this sad? She suddenly felt tears well up in her eyes and before she could fight them back, they started flowing freely down her cheeks. She went through an emotional breakdown for half an hour and eventually fell asleep.

His lips moved softly against hers as they shared a passionate kiss while his large strong arms wrapped securely around her waist. His mouth tasted like chocolate and mint as their tongue danced together, making Kimberly pull him closer, wanting to have a better taste of it, if that was possible. Her hands gradually unbuttoned his shirt, giving her a better access to explore his chest. His lips left hers, moving to her jaw, and slowly to her neck, kissing and sucking on it, intoxicating her even more. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"More..." she breathed, wrapping her arms around his neck as she could feel her knees go weak.

He then stripped her of her night wear, leaving her on just her lace underwear before connecting their lips again. His hands started caressing her breasts, earning low moans from her. He gave her bum a squeeze, then his hands moved to the back of her thighs, lifting her up in the process.

She quickly wrapped her legs around his torso as he walked towards the bed, placing her gently on it, without breaking away from the kiss.

He placed his elbows on both her sides to avoid crushing her with his weight. Her hands slowly moved to the bulge on his jeans, earning a groan from him.

“I... need... you" she managed to say between the kiss, already unbuttoning his jeans.

His hesitantly pulled away from the kiss to take his jeans and boxers off. Kimberly rested her weight on her elbows and stared lustfully at the Greek god before her. He was quite huge down there and she loved it.

He started kissing her feet, moving slowly up to her thighs, like he was worshipping her body. She closed her eyes and let herself savor his ministration, then she felt her panties being removed, causing her to shiver as the cold air hit her now exposed region. She suddenly felt him slowly slot his way into her wet hole. She gasped at the feeling, giving him the opportunity to capture her lips once again.

He entwined their fingers and began moving slowly inside her, sending undescribable pleasure all over her body. His lips moved its way again to her neck, kissing and sucking on her sweet spot, over and over again, making her see stars. Suddenly, she felt a sharp pain on that spot, causing her to shriek.

“Mine” she heard him whisper in her ear as their bodies moved in sync

“I love you, Hugh” she whispered back, kissing him passionately on the lips.

Kimberly immediately woke up, staring frantically at the room she was in. She was presently in her room in Roy's house and not the unfamiliar room she was in, some minutes ago. Staring at her clothes, she realized that she was fully clothed. That was a dream, she thought to herself, tracing her fingers on her lips, where she felt his soft ones kissing her a while ago.

Kimberly searched for the mark he had created on her neck and to her displeasure, there was none. Why was she displeased about the fact that the mark wasn't there? He wasn't Roy. The man she just made love to in her dream was Hugh and she enjoyed every second of the moment they shared. God, what was happening to her, she wondered, hugging her knees as a stray tear rolled down her cheek


"Alpha, please wake up. I need to show you something important” Elijah’s panicked voice spoke through the mind link, waking Roy up from his peaceful sleep.

"What is it, Elijah?” he grumbled, trying to keep his eyes open

“I can't tell you through the mind link, alpha. You need to come see it yourself”

"Where are you?” he asked

“I'm in front of the pack house”

With that reply, Roy jumped out of bed and reached for his black sweatpants that was lying carelessly on the floor. Without bothering to put on a T-shirt, he hurried out of his bedroom.

While jogging downstairs, the thought of Kimberly crossed his mind. He contemplated whether or not to inform her of his whereabouts, but decided against it, since it was early in the morning. She would probably still be asleep and he wouldn't want to wake her up, so instead, he headed outside. On getting to the pack house, Roy noticed the crowd gathered in front of the building. Why is almost everyone up this early? He decided not to waste any more minute and climbed out of his car, not bothering to close the door. He took long strides towards the crowd, as if on cue, the crowd began to part like the red sea, giving their alpha enough room to see what had gotten them all shaken up. Roy's steps began slowing down when he caught sight of what everyone was staring at. “Who did this?” he growled, eyes stuck on the mutilated bodies of the pack’s most recent mated couple.

His eyes turned towards his beta, who was standing beside the corpses. Elijah said nothing, but pointed to the wall of the pack house. Roy's eyes obediently followed Elijah’s finger and stopped when he noticed the writing on the wall, in the couple's blood.


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