Mister Ōkami

“It was me,” Loop lies.

“You?!” Alpha asks, looking shocked. “Really? You did this?”

“I got hungry, sir…” Loop says with a whimper.

“Well… I suppose I DID take awhile to return. I’ll let it slide this time. Do NOT repeat your mistakes, little one!” Alpha says with a growl.

Kurai sighs in relief that she didn’t get blamed. Alpha glares one more time at Loop before taking his share of the meat. Snotty also sighs in relief. I definitely didn’t want to have to see that pup get slain for being hungry.

We all ate and there was enough food left for 65 other wolves. I was forced to eat last, however, the biggest surprise is that Alpha shoved Frostt aside and let Presha eat before her. Frostt stared, mouth open in shock, but there was nothing she could do about it. Looks like Alpha has a new favorite wolf.

I’m alive. I’ve got a big new family, a place to stay, and food to eat. That’s way more than I deserve. It’s been awhile since I’ve last left this den and I have left out a few days from my narrative because they were all rather monotonous. Finally, after so long, Alpha isn’t glaring at me as much and I’m slowly allowed to eat sooner.

I’ll summarize for you what has occurred. The summer storms have come and passed. Some days, the storms were so bad that neither hunting patrol nor border patrol dared leave the den. I think that, even though we’ve done nothing to deserve it, The Lion has been looking out for us.

We never ran completely out of food, even on days we couldn’t leave. Kurai and I have been hanging out a lot. I’m glad I have at least one close friend. Chain never recovered, unfortunately.

He’s still alive, but he isn’t fully healed. Chain’s been wandering out of the healing room, but his head looks a bit crooked as though his neck is broken. I don’t think he’ll ever be that highly ranked considering Alpha’s cruel system. Hash is fully healed and back to running with the other pups.

As for the mother wolves, they are making progress on their pregnancy journey. Bounce’s litter has shrunk down and is already growing back to newborn pup size. I believe they’ll be born sooner than normal, which might be a problem. Dollop’s two are doing well as well.

Viper’s niece has split into two pups and shrunk back down. Ivory’s cousin didn’t duplicate herself and is making progress. The little feral boy also didn’t multiply himself. Seems, then, that Springy and Grammy got better luck.

Interesting story, we actually have 4 wolves on loan from a different harem. We don’t know how long we’ll be allowed to keep them, but they’ve already shaken things up quite a bit. According to the boarder patrol report on the day they were brought in, Alpha fought off a pack of coyotes that were harassing a wolf pack. While the opposing wolf pack was not willing to unite with us, they granted us four she-wolves temporarily on loan.

The strongest of the four is Umi, a blue she-wolf with super speed. Umi is supposedly an incredible hunter, so I kind of would like to watch her in action. The second is Ichigo, a red she-wolf who smells like ripe strawberries. Ichigo is extremely flirty with Alpha and, honestly? I’m jealous.

Even after Alpha deranked me, I still can’t help but love him. Yet he has a new girlfriend in Ichigo. He cleans her, snuggles her, feeds her personally, and even does the tongue lick he use to do with me. I wish I were like her…

The third wolf is Orenji, an orange she-wolf who’s muscles nearly rival Alpha’s perfect muscles. She’s taken a particular interest in our pups and likes to pick them up and carry them around despite that some of them are nearly adults now. The last of the four is Burūberī, a rather small indigo she-wolf that seems to have caught Alpha’s fancy nearly as much as Ichigo. Burūberī is all about being polite and making deals. I’m going to guess it was her idea to have her and her packmates temporarily given to us.

Today is ranking day again. I’ve survived a month living in this harem with the charming, yet cruel Mister Ōkami. I can only hope Alpha has mercy on me and lifts this Omega curse he has set on me. I know for certain Frostt and the four new girls will be ranked pretty highly.

“My pack! It is that day again. Ranking Day! Will you rise? Will you fall? Well, a lot of you disappointed me last month, so don’t expect to be ranked too high,” Alpha announces. “Many of you have been ranked down to Omega and will join that stupid squirrel and bat in serving the pack above all else. Of course, though, we are all to look after each other, but the Omegas certainly have their paws full with the dirtiest tasks.”

“I’m a Beta, Mister Ōkami,” Ichigo informs Alpha, curling her large red body around him.

“Ichigo. Please. Sit,” Alpha says, sounding slightly annoyed. (Now I know how Frostt felt every time I messed up in front of Alpha…it feels kinda nice…)

“B-but…” Ichigo says, looking shocked before slinking away to sit with everyone else.

“Now, I did rank up some you more than you deserved… First of all, my highest ranked wolf… Umi! You are a Nu, you will feed and raise the pups once they are born unless I decide to rank you down before then,” Alpha says.

“Uhhhh, I think you’re mistaken. I’m not a nurse, I’m a hunter,” Umi says. “Perhaps rethink it?”

“No. I said what I said. Next is Presha, a Xi. You aren’t old enough yet to feed pups, but you can, at least, keep them clean,” Alpha says. “Ichigo, I know you want to be a Beta, but you have to prove yourself first. For now, I rank you an Omicron. You will take care of the pups we already have and I may ask you to unbirth someone if they are on the verge of death.”

“Oh? Actually, that doesn’t sound too bad…” Ichigo says. “I’d love to be pregnant, Alpha.”

“I’m sure you would. If you’re still with us this winter, I’d gladly put babies in you…” Alpha murmurs. “Ahem. Anyhow, let’s be professional here! Orenji, you are a Pi. You’re currently our strongest warrior.”

“Oooh! I can’t wait to battle!” Orenji says, flexing.

“Hopefully it doesn’t come down to that… Frostt, Ziff, and Hash, you three are Rho, my second strongest warriors,” Alpha says.

“Why did you derank me?!” Frostt wails. “Is it because I couldn’t save Quickie?!”

“No, Frostt. You did what you could. I’m just not impressed with your other skills lately,” Alpha says. “Bounce, you are a Sigma, an even weaker warrior than those named before you.”

“Okay, Alpha,” Bounce says. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Clementina, you’re a Tau, a lower warrior than Bounce, but I can tell you are slipping a bit. You haven’t put as much effort in lately as you used to,” Alpha says. “Then there is Moov, an Upsilon, but you almost deserve to be ranked above Clementina.”

“I’m doing my best!” Clementina whines.

“Apparently your best isn’t very good. Walk, Viper, Oil, Burūberī, Hill, Edge, and Ressa, you all are Phi, my greatest ambassadors!” Alpha announces. “Ava, Ellie, Vicious, Jell, Jewel, Yola, Ivory, Bella, Nora, Springy, Dollop, Suisen, Split, Yapper, Mouth, and Dilly, you all are Chi, I might be needing a bunch of ambassadors soon seeing as we’ve already made contact with another harem. Who knows how many other harems we might meet.”

I’m an ambassador? That might be cool. I’d get to meet a bunch of new wolves, maybe make friends outside the pack… Maybe be the pack hero who comes up with deals that prevent war!

“And just in case, Gargle, Noise, Acorn, Cuttoe, Crusty, Umami, Divide, Cotton Mouth, Grammy, Rip, Arch, Gold, Space and Snoww, you’ll be my Psi in case of emergency,” Alpha says. “Leaving us with…ugh…the Omegas… Snotty, Cobra, Hoop, Earless, Kibby, Wall, Peppy, Crisp, Pip, Banana, Boogerbum, Bound, Toosh, Loop, Chain, Stubtoe, Lost, Iddi, Pooper, Pear, and Kurai. You are the worst individuals, but I love you. EXCEPT FOR YOU, Boogerbum! Nobody likes you! You eat poop and never even try to improve yourself! You let everyone shove you around like a nasty turd!”

“I’m your turd, Alpha. I wouldn’t mind being pushed around by you,” Boogerbum says, grinning.

“Ew. You disgust me. Anyhow, a little advice, Umi, work on personal hygiene. Presha, you could use some strength training. Ichigo, learn how to hunt. Orenji, pick up the speed. Frostt, I don’t like your attitude towards others. Ziff, you’re not beautiful enough. Hash, now that you aren’t nearly dead, refresh yourself on agility basics. Bounce, you also still suck at hunting. Moov, you smell like rotten eggs. Oil you are too clumsy. Edge, get pretty. Jewel, you are one of the slowest living creatures I’ve ever seen. Yola, you lack both speed and beauty,” Alpha says.

“But, Alpha,” Gold says, staring up at our Alpha. “Who’s gonna take care of our owies if Frostt isn’t the healing lady anymore?”

“…you raise a good point, pup… I suppose that Ichigo and Orenji can help tend wounds…with help from Frostt if they would like,” Alpha says. “Listen. Everyone needs to grow stronger before I can set actual roles. I had hoped that we would be a bit more organized by now, but apparently not!”

“And what about hunting? Without a designated hunting group, I suppose we’ll still need to go in randomly chosen groups?” Jewel asks.

“Yes, for now, I’ll choose wolves each day. Our new friends are going to help us. We WILL improve, and then become better than all the other harems!” Alpha announces. “And, Suisen… I forgive you for your mistakes of insulting me, but if you dare do it again, I very well could make you a permanent Omega! Got it?”

“Understood, Alpha,” I say.

“With that out of the way… Hunting patrol today! I need Presha, Frostt, Ziff, Hash, Clementina, Ava, Ellie, Vicious, Ivory, and Bella! It’s not raining today so we’re bound to get good prey! Border patrol, I need Oil, Walk, Hill, Edge, Yola, Ichigo, Orenji, Umi, and Burūberī!” Alpha announces. “Clean up crew, Bat, Squirrel, Ressa, Nora, and Kurai! Moov, I’m putting you in charge of agility training today. Give Boogerbum, Bound, Toosh, Loop, Chain, Stubtoe, Lost, Iddi, Pooper, and Pear your best training session! Everyone else, I don’t really care, just stay out of trouble.”

I’m still not allowed out of the den? Maybe tomorrow. What am I to do all day with no assigned tasks? Alpha gives the call and border patrol heads out.

“Whatcha gonna do all day again, Suisen?” Jell asks, heading back towards the nursery.

“I don’t know, honestly. I’m getting bored of staying inside all day every day,” I reply.

“I know that feeling… Ack! The pups are moving around in there!” Bounce exclaims. “I keep reminding myself, it’s for a good cause…”

“It really is,” Jell says, nodding her head.

“I think it’s safe to say on behalf of the entire pack, we are proud of you women and grateful for your sacrifice,” I say, licking them both.

“Aw, thank you!” Bounce says.

“I’m sorry Alpha ranked you down, Suisen,” Jell says, lowering her head.

“Alpha is merciful. What I said was so astoundingly offensive that I deserved death,” I say.

Bat and Squirrel aren’t feeling too good. As I haven’t yet been allowed out again, I haven’t been able to bring home bread and fruit for them. Squirrel has resorted to eating meat, but he doesn’t seem to like it that much. Bat, however, refuses to even touch the meat.

“At this rate, wouldn’t it have been better if we let ourselves be eaten?” Bat moans, exhausted from cleaning all day.

“You should try the meat. It’s better than nothing,” Squirrel prompts.

“I can’t eat it. I’m not an omnivore…” Bat complains. “You know I like fruit, and ONLY fruit!”

“Hey, I’d gladly eat you two if it would put you out of your misery,” Kurai says, sniffing the squirrel hungrily.

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