Mister Ōkami
Loving My Alpha

“Ever since I first saw you, I felt this special warmth in my heart that I’ve never really felt before,” Mr. Ōkami says. “You’re quite special. Come, lay beside me.”

“I’m so sorry…I’m ALSO madly in love with you…” I say, trembling with anxiety as I approach and lie down next to my Alpha.

“It’s only natural. I’m quite charming, aren’t I?” Mr. Ōkami asks, and licks my face. “A beauty to match your own.”

I gasp, his warm tongue raking over my face, over my lips, meeting my own tongue. Our special bond. I hear a grumbling from his belly and feel embarrassed. He should be getting rest, not fawning over me…

“Alpha, I should leave. You need to be sleeping,” I say.

“No, stay. I’m not even that tired. Actually, I need to ask you a favor…” Mr. Ōkami says.

“O-oh my…” I say, the warmth of embarrassment continuing to rise.

“…it’s tick season, and they’ve been very prominent in the Feral Lands lately. Do you mind cracking my ticks? I can feel them biting me, but I can’t quite find them,” Mr. Ōkami says. “I would ask an Omega to do it, but they’re all so filthy, and I don’t want to risk getting an infection.”

I sigh in relief. I was expecting something worse… No, it’s not even mating season yet. Every Winter, all fertile female wolves go through Estrus. I haven’t had one yet, but I’m only a year old. Some wolves don’t even go into Estrus until they are over 4 years old.

“And be careful. Don’t leave any heads in my flesh…” Mr. Ōkami says, stretching his legs, his fat belly looking even plumper as he falls back into place.

I get to work, gently licking him and seeking out the ticks. He’s right, that’s a lot of ticks. They’ve been stealing his blood. Using my sharp canines, I kill them one at a time, gently tugging them out of his flesh. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Ah! That hurts!” Mr. Ōkami wails.

“Sorry…” I say, licking up a bit of blood that is oozing from a hole a tick made.

As I am cleaning him up, I listen to his gut, digesting all that meat he just ate. As embarrassed as I feel, the gentle grumbling is actually rather soothing. I feel my own stomach grumble along with his, almost as though we’ve become in sync. I check him over again, making sure I didn’t miss any.

“Oh, hang on…” Mr. Ōkami says.

He stands up, stretches, walks a circle, and lies down on his other side. More ticks. I should have known. I get back to work. I must have killed over 100 ticks already, the poor guy.

“Feeling better already…” he mumbles, wincing as I clean another wound.

He belches as I lick his belly clean. I must have loosened an air bubble. He sighs in relief afterwards, wagging his tail a bit. There… That’s all the ticks.

“Uh, I think there’s a few more, actually,” Mr. Ōkami says.

“Where?” I ask.

He gets up, lifting his tail into the air. Oh my goodness, he has ticks on his bum! I freeze, my level of embarrassment exceeding it’s limit. He’s such a big guy, oh my gosh…

“Can you get these for me? I can’t get them myself,” he says.

“I…” I say and faint.

I feel a warm wet tongue on my face. I moan, still dizzy. Mr. Ōkami looks worried. Oh no, I’ve disappointed him…

“Suisen, please, I’m sorry,” Mr. Ōkami says. “You don’t have to get my bum ticks if you don’t want to…”

“I’m sorry for fainting…” I say, getting up. “I’ll get those ticks right away.”

“Okay,” Mr. Ōkami says, showing me his bum again.

I work quickly, not wanting to be this close to his butt for longer than necessary. He’s making a smell, too. It’s entrancing…feels like I’m going to lose all control. Next thing I know? I’m cleaning him as though he’s a pup.

“O-oh, Suisen, that’s… That’s not necessary…” he moans.

“I want you to be nice and clean, my love,” I murmur, giving his bum a throughout cleaning.

“I’m not a pup,” he squeaks, turning around and licking my face. “But, thanks. You did a really great job, I haven’t felt this clean in awhile.”

“I’ll leave now,” I say, slinking towards the door.

“Stay the night,” Mr. Ōkami encourages. “It gets lonely in this den.”

I return. I should be with Kurai, keeping her warm, but, no, here I am, in the Alpha’s den. His pheromones draw me back to him, his addicting smell. I snuggle up to his warm, bulging belly.

“There, nice and comfy. Rest well, my love…Know this, you definitely deserve a ranking up,” Mr. Ōkami says, wrapping his head over me.

Such warmth…such comfort. His rumbling stomach lulls me to sleep. I’m in love with this wolf, madly in love. This may very well be the death of me… For now, though, for now, I am in the strong, loving arms of my Alpha…

“Get up, Suisen,” Mr. Ōkami’s voice prompts.

“I’m up,” I say, quickly rising to my feet.

I nearly forgot what happened last night. Then it all comes back to me. The tantalizing aroma of Mr. Ōkami’s bum reminds me. I feel embarrassed again.

“We still have some food, so I have decided that we’ll have the worst hunters go out and practice today. Ziff can teach you guys how to hunt. She’s really good at it,” Mr. Ōkami says. “Go, see that your pack mates wake up. Check on Jewel. She’s vulnerable right now.”

“Yes, Alpha,” I say.

“I love you, Suisen,” Mr. Ōkami says, blinking happily.

I leave, in a daze. I smell strongly of Alpha. I head first to see how Chain is doing. After his weakness last night, I’m almost afraid I’ll find a dead body.

“Chain…?” I call out.

“He’s doing better,” Viper reports with a yawn.

Chain is nursing on Viper, his neck wounds are a lot less obvious today. He’s going to make it! I lick Chain and then Viper. Pip won’t have to lose her brother.

“Hi,” Chain squeaks, letting go of Viper.

“Hi, Chain!” I exclaim.

“Neck hurt,” he says, blinking sleepily at me. “Got milk.”

“Hang in there, little one. You still need a bit more healing before you can rejoin your sister,” I say.

Hash is here, too, apparently. Bounce is looking after her, but she’s still in VERY bad shape. A very crude bandage made from old cloth is holding her guts in place and she still smells strongly of blood. Your insides are not supposed to be on the outside…

“Hash…” I whisper.

“She’s not improving,” Bounce says with a heavy sigh. “Frostt comes around every once in awhile to clean her, but she’s not healing at all. It might be a lost cause.”

“I don’t wanna die…” Hash groans.

She looks like roadkill. It’s disgusting. I feel queasy looking at her partially exposed guts. How is she still alive like this?

“You smell like Alpha’s butt,” Viper remarks. “Did he sit on you all night?”

“No, Alpha was nice to me and let me snuggle all night,” I reply, turning to leave.

“Oooohhhh, I bet she was having-“ I cut Viper off.

“Was not!” I run off, tears in my eyes.

Next stop, Jewel. I wonder if she’ll be ranked up to Omicron for her volunteering to rebirth Brain. I head to the room she’s staying in. Her belly almost looks like it has gotten bigger instead of smaller.

“Hi, Jewel,” I say, waking her up with a lick. “How’s the pup?”

“Well, he’s certainly settling in,” Jewel says. “Usually they shrink back down into a fetus, but it’s almost as though he’s duplicated himself into two pups…”

“What?! Is that a thing?!” I exclaim, shocked.

“You never know,” Jewel says. “Hey, I don’t mind birthing two, but it’s going to be a bit weird having two genetically identical pups.”

“Does his father know?“ I ask.

“I haven’t worked up the courage to bring him the news… That his final child has become his final two children, potentially,” Jewel says, nervously licking her bulging belly.

“Good luck,” I say, nuzzling her.

“Thank you, I’m nervous…” Jewel says, whining anxiously.

I head to Kurai’s Cozy next. Kurai is fast to sleep, still, her belly in the air. I walk over and give her a BIG sloppy lick. She squeaks in surprise and wakes up, laughing.

“Suisen! I thought I wouldn’t see you again after- Wait a minute, why do you smell like Alpha’s bum?” Kurai asks, looking shocked.

“Everyone is asking me that,” I say with a groan. “I slept with Alpha… NOT LIKE THAT! WE SNUGGLED!”

“I see, I see,” Kurai says, casually scratching at her ear. “So now you smell like him.”

“I’m gonna have to clean myself thoroughly to rid myself of his…his delightful pheromones…” I say, sighing longingly.

“You’re in love,” Kurai says.

“I’m sorry… I… I can’t help it,” I say.

“Of course you can’t. He’s perfection,” Kurai says. “He’s a bit cruel sometimes, but, as I always say, he means well.”

“I wish he would stop abusing you,” I say.

“Maybe one day you’ll become a Beta and you can advise him NOT to hit me,” Kurai says. “I can take it, though. I’m stronger than he thinks. He could beat me up all night. Shove me up his bum, even. I’d survive.”

“…does…does he do that…?” I ask, mouth open in surprise.

“No? I’m merely joking,” Kurai says with a laugh. “Though, you know, I’m not entirely opposed to the idea… Imagine… The tight warmth squeezing around you…it’d be like a hug. A very stinky, sticky, poopy hug…”

“Oh…uh…” I say, grimacing.

“And then I’d smell like Alpha’s bum as well,” Kurai says.

“Anyways, I was sent to wake everyone up. Alpha is going to send the worst hunters out with Ziff today,” I say.

“Oh yeah? Sounds like a good training exercise,” Kurai replies.

I hurry along and wake up the rest of my fellow wolves as well. I’m going to need to learn how to hunt if I want to rank up. Though, honestly, being a Xi is pretty nice. Frostt is being hostile again; she seems to think I’m trying to outrank her.

“Suisen, you smell just like Alpha’s bum,” Frostt says.

“Yeah, so I have been told…” I say.

“Hmph, I bet you think you’re so special. Hogging up Alpha all for yourself. He’s MINE!” Frostt says, snarling aggressively at me.

“Frostt,” it’s Mr. Ōkami!

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