My heart races as I stare at Elliott pressing me against the wall. I noticed the key to the door fall out of his pocket as soon as he sat down, and I knew it was my chance to get the hell out of here. What I didn’t plan on was his hurtful lie that made me lose control. I wanted to hit him, but I knew that wouldn’t happen, so I knocked the food onto the floor. My anger took over and when he bent down distracted by the food, I grabbed the key. Rushing to the door, I thought for a split second I might actually be free, but he grabbed me too fast.

Now I’m trapped against him. His dark, haunting eyes definitely match my own.

He’s waiting for me to answer his question, but he knows damn well where I was trying to go. I was trying to get as far away from him as possible. I’ve been held hostage long enough and now he’s trying to hurt me even more with his lie. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

He’s breathing as heavily as I am and I fucking hate myself that part of it is feeling his body on mine.

“Get off me.”

He presses harder against me as his eyes bounce between mine. “Sometimes the truth hurts.”

“Fuck you!”

My body shakes with a combination of anger and heat. I don’t believe him. I know my father is an asshole, but he wouldn’t have my mother killed.

“That’s it, Clara, take your pain out on me,” he whispers, moving his face closer to mine.

I hit his chest with my fists.

“That’s it. Take it all out on me.”

I cry as I continue hitting him as hard as I can against his rock-solid chest. “You cause my pain,” I tell him.

He pushes his leg between mine and the friction it causes has me suppressing a moan. His large hands grab my wrists, causing me to stop hitting him, as he pins my arms above my head.

“No Clara, I’m the only one who can take your pain away.”

The seductive way he says it in that deep voice makes me want to believe him. My body is now in complete control because I’ve officially lost my goddamn mind.

“Take my pain away, Elliott.”

My breath is stolen when his strong lips collide with mine. I open my mouth and when his tongue tangles with mine he swallows down my moan. This kiss is hard, rough, and exactly what I need.

He grabs both my wrists in one hand and moves the other down my body. I moan again as I rub my very wet pussy against this leg as his hand grabs onto my side.

I’m no longer in control of my mind or body. His strong lips on mine and his powerful hand squeezing my side have my body burning with a need I’ve never experienced.

He releases my wrists, and both his hands grasp the bottom of my shirt. My hands land on his broad shoulders and he slowly lifts my shirt until my breasts are exposed and then he breaks the kiss. As the shirt is pulled off, his eyes lock onto mine and his hands cup my breasts.

“Your nipples have been begging for my attention for far too long.”

His warm lips wrap around one of my nipples and while he sucks, he pinches the other.

“Yes,” I moan, dropping my head against the wall.

My simple moan does something to him because the gentle sucking is gone, replaced by rough sucking and biting.

He moves from one breast to the other giving both the same attention and my body’s on fire. So, when he hooks his fingers into my shorts pushing them down as he bites down on my nipple, I scream out.

He moves just enough to remove his leg from between mine and my shorts fall to the floor. I guess in a way I was attempting to tease him because I didn’t put on a bra or panties and now, I’m completely exposed to him. It’s different from him watching me on the camera. I can feel his body heat and muscular body. I can smell his woodsy scent. I can taste him on my tongue, and I can see the way he reacts to me.

It’s overwhelming.

“Fuck,” he breathes out when he sees I’m completely bare for him.

He grabs onto my ass and pushes his hips against me. I can feel his hard cock through his jeans, and I bite my lip.

“No bra or panties. You’re a dirty girl, Clara.” He sucks on my neck and licks a path up to my ear, biting on the lobe. “And I fucking love getting dirty,” he whispers in my ear.

He lifts me and I wrap my legs around him. His fingers dig into the cheeks of my ass as he passes all the bedrooms until we get to his. He walks in and lets me slide down his solid body.

He rips his shirt off and I nearly fall over seeing his muscular upper body. He’s even more massive than I could have envisioned with his shirt on. He’s solid muscle, complete with a six-pack that I’ve only ever seen online. His arms are large and the one arm that has tattoos dancing down it makes him appear even more sexy.

“Take my jeans off, Clara.”

My eyes lift to his and the heat I see in them causes the wetness to run down my thighs.

I step forward and with shaking hands, I reach for the button on his jeans.

He wraps his hands around mine and I glance up at his ridiculously handsome face. “Let go of that fear. This is all about pleasure.”

I swallow nervously and nod my head. I’m standing naked in front of my captor and I’m as nervous as I am eager to get his pants off.

I try to stop thinking of how fucked up this is and make quick work of getting his jeans undone. As I push them down, my hand brushes against his cock.

“Fuck,” he hisses.

He takes over, stepping out of his jeans and boxers.

This man is a God among men. What can only be described as perfection.

His legs are every bit as muscular as the rest of his body and holy shit, his cock is not only the biggest I’ve seen, but it’s pierced.

I’ve never been with a guy that had his dick pierced and the excitement that rushes through me is overpowering.

He strokes his cock as he stares at me, and I poke my tongue out to wet my lips.

“I’ve jerked off watching you for too long, Clara. It’s time to feel that sweet pussy wrapped around me.”

I back up until my legs hit the bed, but he smirks and grabs me, moving me to sit on the dresser. He pushes my legs wide apart and drops to his knees. He keeps his hands on my knees as he stares at my pussy.

“I’ve been teased by your taste. Having your wet, pink pussy in my face is not something I will be teased by anymore. I’m taking it all now.”

He pulls my ass to the end of the dresser and his mouth attacks me. He bites down on my inner thighs and licks a path to my pussy. He presses his nose against it and inhales deeply over and over.

“Your scent is addictive,” he mumbles as he shudders, pressing his nose against me once more before his warm lips hit mine. He groans as he drags his tongue against me, causing me to shiver above him. Sucking, biting, licking, it’s endless. There’s no stopping, no slowing down. He’s taking what he wants and it’s me.

I’ve never had someone make me feel like I’m going to come so fast. He’s no stranger to what he’s doing. He’s far more skilled than anyone that’s ever touched me before.

As I think it, he wraps his lips around my clit and bites down.

“Oh yes,” I shout, pushing myself against him.

He growls against me, and I feel it through my entire body. His tongue lashes against me at a speed that doesn’t seem humanly possible. My body shakes as my orgasm crests on the edge of oblivion.

“I’m so close,” I call out.

He flicks his tongue against me with such skill it causes my release to rip through me. I shout as wave after wave crashes over me as Elliott feasts on everything I have to give.

As my body shakes, he drags his tongue up my pussy and continues over my stomach and between my breasts. When he reaches my lips, he presses his against mine, kissing me hard and rough.

I can taste myself on his tongue and it only serves to keep me in this turned-on, euphoric state I’m in.

When he breaks the kiss, he grabs my chin and licks my bottom lip. “I had to share how fucking delicious you taste.”  He tightens his grip on my chin, squeezing my cheeks slightly against my teeth. “And I only share it with you, Clara.”

He releases his grip and pulls me off the dresser, laying me on the bed. He stands back as his eyes skate over every inch of me. It’s unbelievably fucked up how much I’m thriving on the attention he’s giving me and the way he’s working over my body. It’s impossible to try to fight it at this point because I’ve never in my life wanted something as much as I want Elliott.

The man holding me hostage has me feeling things I’ve never experienced. I’ll never be the same and I’m not sure that’s a good thing.

“Tell me something, Clara,” he begins.


“Do you trust me?”

I search his face and as usual, I decide to be honest with him.


He reaches down and pulls a condom out of the pocket of his jeans and rolls it on while he stares at me. He climbs on top of me, and I feel his dick against my entrance.

“Do you want me?”

I reach up and touch his cheek, feeling his facial hair against my palm. “Yes.”

He grabs onto my hips and slams into me so fast I scream out in shock.

“I’ve never wanted someone the way I want you,” he hisses.

He’s pounding into me hard and fast. I grab onto his thick arms to keep myself from moving so fast.

The piercing in his dick hits spots I didn’t even know existed and I arch my back consumed in the feelings he evokes.

“Oh God, your piercing,” I cry out, moving my hips to feel more.

“That’s a good girl, give me all your pain.”

I close my eyes and allow myself to enjoy how he’s awakening a part of me that I didn’t know was dormant.

His fingers are digging into my skin, but I enjoy the pain it’s causing. He’s fucking me harder than I’ve ever experienced. It feels like he’s going to rip me in half and I’m craving more.

I can feel my release building and I dig my nails into his arm as I arch my back.

“I’m so close,” I shout.

As if the batteries start to die, he pushes in and out of me so incredibly slowly that I snap my eyes open.

“What the hell are you doing?”

“I need you to believe me, Clara,” he says, circling his hips.

I cry out and dig my nails deeper into his flesh. “Believe what?”

“I’ve never lied to you.”

His movements are so slow and gentle that I push up on my elbows and frown. “Elliott, please, I was so close.”

“You think I needed you to tell me that?” He slams into me, and I drop down onto my back.

“Yes!” He pulls out completely and I scream, ”No!”

“I’m a lot of things Clara, but I haven’t lied to you once since you’ve been here. I need you to believe me about your father,” he says, rubbing his cock through my wet folds.

“Not the image I want right now,” I groan.

He drives into me, fucking every other thought out of my head.

“Elliott, don’t stop,” I cry out.

“Tell me you believe me, Clara,” he demands.

I want to lie; I want to tell him I believe him because if he keeps holding my orgasm off I might actually die. I need the release more than anything and he’s refusing me unless I say I believe him.

He pulls out again and I scream in frustration. His lips are nearly against mine and I feel his heavy breathing blowing across my face.

“I have proof,” he whispers.

My eyes snap open and lock onto his. I stare into the dark depths of him and a jolt of emotion rocks through me.

He’s not lying.

I feel tears building as I nod my head. “I believe you.”

He slams into me and grabs my legs, tossing them over his broad shoulders. He’s so much deeper like this and his piercing is relentlessly hitting the spot that no man has ever found.

“Let it go, Clara. Give me all your pain and sadness. I’ll carry it for you,” he groans.

I’m so overwhelmed with the way my body is reacting to him and the words he’s saying that everything else disappears. The sadness, the anger, the loneliness, the helplessness. It all falls away when he reaches between my legs and pinches my clit.

“Elliott,” I shout as he steals my release from me.

“Good girl, Clara. So, fucking beautiful,” he whispers above me.

It’s the most intense orgasm I’ve ever had and while he continues to fuck me, it continues to rock me to the core.

“Clara,” he moans, releasing his orgasm inside me. He drives into me a few more times before he finally stills and only our heavy breathing floats through the air.

My eyes open and connect with his.

“This is only the beginning of our fun.”

I grin, remembering him saying exactly that when I first got here.

He slowly pulls out of me, and I jump at the tenderness he’s caused. He lays next to me, pulling me to him and crashing his lips to mine.

I kiss him back with as much passion as he’s kissing me with. His hands rub my back as mine explore his.

He’s an anomaly.

He’s a killer, my abductor and I think he’s causing me to fall for him.

When he breaks the kiss, he holds me against him. My head rests on his solid chest as his big arms wrap around me.

My eyes close as I wish this feeling would remain forever. The feeling of being wanted. But how the hell do I know if any of this is real, or if I’m just hoping to feel what I’ve always craved?

“Elliott, what are you going to do with me?”

Keep you forever.

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