I didn’t sleep at all last night. I showered before the sun came up. I drank three cups of coffee before Elliott even opened his eyes.

Today is the day.

My nerves are shot.

It didn’t actually seem real until now.

Elliott is going to kill my father.

My emotions are all over the place. I’m anxious that something is going to go wrong and Elliott and his friends will be caught. I’m nervous that everything will go perfectly and that the next time I close my eyes my father will be dead. I’m terrified to look him in the eyes and tell him I know the truth. I’m sad that the only family I have will no longer exist. I’m angry that I’m sad because he stole my life and my mother’s.

These thoughts keep playing over and over in my mind on a continuous loop.

“Baby, relax,” Elliott says, rubbing my shoulders.

“It’s kinda hard when I know you’re going to kill my father,” I say, pulling away from him.

He sighs behind me as I stare out the kitchen window. “Clara, we’ve been over this. A few fucking times now. He needs to pay for his sins. Do you realize how many women and children have been hurt because he took money over law?”

I cross my arms, keeping my focus on the leaves blowing in the breeze. “Yes, Elliott. You’ve told me time and time again. I know what needs to be done, it’s just a mix of emotions trying to deal with it. You need to understand this shit isn’t new for you, but it is for me. Give me credit for at least not fighting the inevitable.”

He wraps his solid arms around me, resting his chin on top of my head. I glance down at his arms holding me, trying to bring me comfort, and I sigh. I spin in his arms and rest mine on his shoulders. His dark eyes are soft, something that I’ve noticed happens when he looks at me. He kisses the tip of my nose and grins.

“You don’t need to confront him, baby. I set it up because you wanted it and I will never deny you, but you can call it off at any time,” he says, lifting an eyebrow.

I’ve gone back and forth all night about what I can handle doing. But there is this anger deep inside me that needs to be extinguished and I don’t think that’s possible unless I face the person who put it there. Facing my father before, watching him take his final breaths will be fucking hard, I know that. I also know if I don’t do it, I’ll regret it for the rest of my life. I need to say my piece in order to find my peace. No matter how difficult it may be.

“I still want to do it.”

He nods and holds me tightly against him. “Whatever you want, my beautiful flower.”

I step out of his embrace and glance at the clock again. It’s only noon. This is the longest day of my life. I’m pissed about that and grateful at the same time. My father has no idea today will be the last day he’ll wake up, and I guess a part of me wants him to have just a little longer.

“The wait is the worst,” Elliott says.

I lift my eyes to him and sigh. “That’s an understatement.”

“You want me to make you something to eat? Or maybe go for a walk?” he suggests.

“No, I can’t eat.”

His phone rings and he steps outside to take the call. I go into the bathroom and close the door. I just need time to myself. I’m not mad at Elliott, but right now I’m having trouble being around him. He’s killed people since we got together, but the realization that today he’s killing my father is hard.


I sigh and lean against the door. “What?”

“Henley is gonna be heading over soon.”

I slowly open the door and he steps inside, closing it behind him. He doesn’t say anything, just walks over to the shower and turns it on. I watch, curious about what the hell he’s doing.

He turns around and pins me with his dark eyes. “Take your fucking clothes off and get in the shower.”

I swallow as I stare at him.

The muscle ticks by his jaw, his muscles are tight and tense, and his eyes narrow while he stares right back at me. “Don’t make me repeat myself.”

Excitement I shouldn’t be feeling surges through me. When he’s demanding and possessive, I can’t help that it turns me on. I have no control over the way my body reacts to it. So, I do what he says and strip out of my clothes. When I unclasp my bra and allow it to fall to the tile floor, I hear him growl.

I step out of my panties and into the shower. The warm water cascades over my body and I welcome the feeling. I stand under the spray, closing my eyes. Elliott steps in, overpowering the space with his large body. His hands move up my back and I allow myself to enjoy the feel of his touch. His arms snake around me and he cups my breasts, pinching my nipples.

“Oh,” I breathe out.

He presses his large, muscular body against my back and bites my neck. The sting causes me to moan, and I spin around to face him. His eyes are full of dark want, and I can feel the wetness from my pussy even under the spray of the hot water.

I drag my nails up his back and he growls when I dig them into his shoulders. He grabs onto my ass so hard it’s almost painful. Pain is something he inflicts on people and my sick curiosity gets the best of me.

“How are you gonna do it?”

He lifts an eyebrow, searching my eyes. “Do what?”

“Kill my father.”

“That something you really wanna hear?”

I dig my nails harder into his flesh and nod. “Tell me.”

He leans forward and bites down on my breast and I cry out. When he lifts his head, he smirks. “I’m gonna send him into the woods and hunt him like I always do.”

My eyes bounce between his and I bite down on my lip. “What would you say if I told you I wanted to watch? Would that turn you on?”

He thrusts his hips and I feel his hard dick against my wet pussy.

“It wouldn’t be the first time I got off on it, but would it turn you on watching me?”

It shouldn’t. The answer should be an easy no, but it’s not. The idea of watching him do something violent, bloody, and wrong is an incredibly sexy image.

“Yeah,” I whisper.

“Fuck.” He pushes me against the wall and slams into me. The cold tile on my back and his warm body on my front drives me crazy. He drives into me so hard and fast that my head hits against the wall.

“Watching your anger take control would be incredibly hot,” I push.

I want to feel more. I need to.

His hands travel up my wet body and he wraps one large hand around my throat while the other travels back down to my hip. His hand tightens on my throat as I stare into his darkening eyes.

“You fight me, and I’ll tighten my hold.”

I don’t want to fight him, but I want to feel more, so I do what he told me not to and I fight. I reach up and pull at his hand with mine and he pushes me harder against the wall, tightening his grip on my throat.

“Keep pushing me, Clara.”

I do in fact keep pushing even though it’s becoming more difficult. The control he has over me right now is fucking hot. His cock is pounding into me, and his piercing is fiercely rubbing exactly where I need it. His hand is tight on my throat and his angry eyes are locked with mine.

It’s everything I need.

My nails dig into his hand, and he smirks.

“You’re fucking gorgeous when you fight against me.”

I can feel my release building and I open my mouth but can only manage to get out a soft sigh. He’s so unbelievably strong no one stands a chance against him. It’s a terrifyingly erotic thought.

“You want me in control, don’t you? You like when I have power over you. You want me to push you to your limits, huh?”

I try to shake my head, but his hold is too tight. “Yes.” It comes out raspy and soft against his hand.

He grins and it’s wonderfully dark. “Come, Clara. Your release belongs to me and I fucking want it,” he growls.

He reaches between us with his free hand and rubs my clit as he slams into me and squeezes my neck.

I do exactly what he demands and give him my release.

He doesn’t slow his pace or lessen the grip on my throat as he chases his own orgasm. It makes mine endless. My mouth is open, but nothing comes out as my body shakes uncontrollably.

“You’re mine, Clara.”

His release crashes over him and he lets go of my throat, wrapping his arms around me. I cough as I suck in a big breath of air and smile against his wet, muscular chest.

“I’m yours, Elliott. Totally.”

The shower sex was exactly what I needed and clearly Elliott knew that. When we got out, I felt like something lifted. I’m still nervous about confronting my father, but I’m confident enough to do it.

Henley came over and they had lunch. I still haven’t felt like eating. They went to the basement that I honestly didn’t realize existed and I went for a walk like I always do. It helps clear my head being surrounded by such beautiful nature. I did stop along one of the paths and looked out into the woods wondering what will happen when my father is running through there. I tried pushing that thought aside as I headed back to the house.

When I got back Elliott said he wanted to show me the basement and explain to me how everything is going to happen.

So I follow him and Henley down the narrow stairs, trying not to trip over my own feet. Once we get to the bottom, I look around. It’s not at all what I envisioned. It’s more like a dark cave than a basement. The walls and floors are concrete, making it colder down here. There is only one light that is shining down on a table that is set up with two chairs. One on each side.

“It’s the safest place,” Elliott says, breaking my thoughts.

I turn my head toward him and nod. “Why?”

“There’s only one way in and one way out and Henley and I will not let him leave.”

Right, of course.

I take a deep breath and walk over to the table. I run my fingers along the old wood and focus on the two chairs.

“Is this set up just for me or is it always here?”

Elliott wraps an arm around my shoulders from behind, staying close. “Henley and I set this up while you were on your walk. The basement isn’t really a place I use, but I need to make sure you’re safe and I can ensure that here.”

I kiss his arm, appreciating his sweet gesture. “I understand. So now what?”

“Phantom and Trace are waiting at Trapper’s Den. When your father gets there they will bring him here. Once he’s here, we’ll bring him down here to you. I will give you the privacy you want, but I won’t be far. When you say what you need, you go upstairs with Henley and Trace. I’ll grab him and send him into the woods.”

It should terrify me that I’ll be surrounded by not four but five killers with no way out, but it doesn’t. I know without a doubt that Elliott would never let anything happen to me. He’d protect me with his last breath.

With Elliott as strange as it seems, I feel safe.

The burner phone Elliott gave me rings and he grabs it off the table, handing it to me. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

My heart races as I answer it on speaker.


“I’m on my way to Trapper’s Den. Are you there?”

He sounds annoyed which pisses me off.

“I’m here, see you soon.”

“You better have something good for me, Clara.”

“Oh, believe me, I do.”

I hang up and hand Elliott the phone. Henley is already on his phone, probably telling Phantom and Trace that my father’s on the way. I look up at Elliott and he gives me a reassuring nod.

“It’s almost over, baby.”

For him maybe, but for me, I will be haunted for the rest of my life by everything my father did. I’m hoping once I confront him that it helps because I want it over with too.

“He just pulled in,” Henley says.

Elliott nods at Henley before turning his attention to me. “You sure about this?”

I pull out a chair and sit down. “I’m positive.”

“She’s a badass bitch,” Henley says, laughing.

“Call her a bitch again and I’ll rip your fucking throat out.”

I giggle at Elliott’s protective nature. Although I do believe he truly would rip someone’s throat out.

“Clara, you know I meant that as a compliment, right?” Henley asks from behind me.

I turn my head and grin. “I know, Henley.” I look up at Elliot and smile. “I just can’t help the way my boyfriend protects me.”

Elliott leans down and presses his lips to mine. It’s a short kiss, but I feel the emotion behind it. He rests his forehead on mine and grins. “That’s the first time you called me your boyfriend.”

“That’s what you are, isn’t it?”

“I’m your fucking soulmate, baby.”

My stomach swims with butterflies as I place my hand on his rough cheek. “And you’re mine.”

“I feel kinda like I should leave, but I kinda don’t wanna either,” Henley says.

“I’m gonna kill him,” Elliott whispers, kissing me quickly before standing straight.

Henley chuckles and I can’t help but join in. His green eyes are always full of mischief.

Elliott grabs his phone and glances at Henley.

“Game on,” Henley says, smiling.

I know what that means. They have my father and are on their way here.

My heart is racing as I wait. My palms sweat. And I’m having a hard time catching my breath. I close my eyes, gaining control over my body. Neither Elliott nor Henley have said anything. Maybe that’s how it works with them, I have no idea.

I hear footsteps upstairs and turn around.

“They’re here,” Elliott says.

I nod and stand up, running my hands down my jeans. “I’m ready.”

“You’ll pay for this,” my father shouts as he’s forced down the stairs.

“I definitely won’t,” Trace replies, pushing my father forward.

He’s blindfolded while Trace and Phantom each hold an arm. They walk toward me and my heart races. It doesn’t seem real.

Elliott pulls off his blindfold and his eyes land on me.

“Surprise,” I say.

“Clara, what the fuck is this?”

Phantom tosses a gun onto the table and looks at me. “Old man had this on him.”

I grab the gun and point it at my father. I’ve never held a gun before, but I suddenly feel stronger than I ever have.

I motion toward the empty seat in front of me and say, “Sit.”

“Clara are you out of your fucking mind?” he shouts.

Elliott grabs his throat, breathing heavily as he pushes his face into my father’s. “Talk to her like that again and I’ll fucking kill you right now.”

“I’ve got this!” They all look at me and I nod. “Dad, sit the fuck down now. Guys, go upstairs. I’ll call you when I’m done talking.”

My father sits in the seat, and I hear them walking up the stairs. I keep my eyes on my father as he crosses his arms, unphased that I’m pointing a gun at him.

“What the fuck are you doing?” he asks.

“I know what you did,” I say, shaking as my adrenaline takes over.

He chuckles and raises an eyebrow. “Provided you a good life? Gave you everything you always wanted? Took care of you for the last twenty something years?”

“How old am I?” I ask, pursing my lips together.

He slams his hands on the table and narrows his eyes at me. “What the hell do you want, Clara?”

He really is the most condescending asshole. A gun is pointed at him, and he still believes he has the upper hand.

“You think you gave me a good life? You didn’t. I was lonely, sad, and scared. I never knew what love felt like. Never knew what it was like to be wanted or needed. I was tossed aside like yesterday’s garbage,” I say.

He laughs and leans back in the chair. “You never wanted for a thing.”

“I wanted for everything! The dirty money you gave me replaced nothing,” I shout.

“You have a very active mind,” he replies.

I kick the chair out of my way and move closer to him, holding the gun closer. “I know you had my mother killed.”

“Wow, I don’t know what kind of bullshit you’ve been fed,” he says.

He’s nervous though. I can see it. He’s not keeping eye contact now and he’s running his hands on his pants.

“I have the proof, don’t fuck with me. You’re going to suffer for what you did,” I say, my eyes filling with tears.

He laughs. He fucking laughs as he stands up. “Are you done with the dramatics? I need to get home.”

“I hope you rot in Hell for killing her,” I whisper as a tear rolls down my cheek.

He laughs again, shaking his head. “You’re a weak woman, Clara. You always have been, and you always will be. Nothing but a burden. You’ll get what you have coming. Just like your mother.”

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