In the beginning

Hi guys.

This is a dark story with sexual abuse, violence, and gore so if that’s not your cup of tea, you should move on.

English is not my first language so there will be grammar and language mistakes but I hope it doesn’t put you off.

If you decide to read my story, I hope you will enjoy it.

Happy reading :)

Trigger warning. We’re jumping right in at the sexual abuse part of the story.


In the beginning….

“Please don’t…”

I look at him with dead, emotionless eyes.

The kneeling fucker in front of me is crying like a child.

I point the knife in my hand at him. “Give me one fucking reason, why I should let you live?” He looks up at me, pleading, but all I feel is rage and disgust… and a smug sense of happiness. “I... I can be better. I... I will quit and move away...I’ll never…”

What a load of bullshit!

In one quick swift move, I cut his throat, just like I have learned and done many many times before.

“Doubt it!”

He frantically tries to hold the bleeding wound together, but he has already lost a lot of blood. It pains me that I can’t torture him, just like he did me, but this will have to do.

He created a monster and now he’s paying for it.


Six years ago

Age seventeen

“Hannah, get up, everyone is waiting.”

Alice’s voice wakes me up and my groggy mind takes a second to understand what she said. I look at the clock and panic sets in.

No, no, no, no, I overslept.

I know what’s coming. My punishment. I just pray that they will go easy on me

Panicking, I quickly get dressed and hurry into the kitchen. Just as I enter the door, a fist connects with my face, making me fall down onto the floor, holding my now bleeding nose.


Willis, my alpha, is towering over me looking furious and I’m shaking with fear of what he’s going to do. I look at the other members of the pack, pleading for help, but no one is looking at me. They are all busy looking at anything else than the situation in front of them.

“Since you don’t know the time, I guess I’ll have to teach you!”

Some might find him handsome. His shoulder length brown hair, his strong chin and deep brown eyes…. but all I see is evil. He gets off on others’ pain and fear.

Grabbing me by my hair, he drags me out of the kitchen, and I see the beta, Hank, stand up and follow us. He drags me down into the basement, my back hitting every step on the way. I try not to scream out in pain because it will only make things worse for me.

They tie my wrists together, around a wooden pole in front of me, in the middle of the damp room. I don’t struggle. My 5,6 small frame is no match for their strength, so what would be the point?

“So, what should we use today?”

I hear the familiar sound of the thing I fear the most... A whip with shards of glass in it.

They rip off my shirt and bra, making me stand trembling against the cold rough wooden pole. Tears are running down my cheeks while I sob as quiet as I can, anticipating the pain I’m about to endure.

The crack of the whip fills the air and I feel the glass cut into the skin of my back. No matter how hard I try, I can’t stop the scream that escapes my throat.

They both chuckle

“Yeah, scream for us.”

Five more slashes before they stop, and I can feel the blood trickle down my back from the wounds that feel like they are on fire. My throat hurts from all the screaming. I feel a hand on the back of my head before I smell the foul breath, from the beta, on my neck.

“You’re pathetic.”

Hank slams my head into the pole, making my vision blurry.

“I think she needs one last lesson, Hank. Enjoy.” Willis says before I hear him walk up the stairs, slamming the door shut. Hank, the beta, yanks my hips back against his groin. I know what’s coming, but I’m too exhausted from the pain to do anything. He pulls down my sweatpants and rips off my panties before he unbuckles his belt.

“I’m going to use you and you are going to take it all.”

He pulls down his pants, takes his disgusting dick in his hand and starts to stroke it. He then spits on it and pushes it, roughly, inside my dry core and I whimper out in pain. He drives into me fast and hard, making me grip the pole tightly. With tears streaming down my face, I do what I have taught myself. I shut down, my mind going numb, wishing myself to a happy place. Meeting my wolf. Being free. Finding my mate and having a family. But that’s never going to happen.

When Hank’s finally done, he pulls out and cums on my back. I flinch in pain, as his juice mixes with the bloody lashes on my back. He pulls up his pants, kicks me in the ribs and yanks my head back, by my hair.

“Maybe you’ll know the time now, but I hope not because I like that pussy of yours.”

He licks me on the cheek, let go of my hair and leaves the basement. I slump down on the cold floor with my pants around my ankles. I cry out in pain from my used core, feeling cum and blood trickling down my back. This has been going on since my mom died, a year ago. They have been treating me like a slave.

When my mother was alive, they left me alone. Granted, they weren’t all that excited about us, but we lived in peace. I don’t think the rest of the pack knows that Hank rapes me. Only the alpha knows. Why doesn’t he just kill me?

Then I realize, they will just find another victim…. But I just can’t do it anymore. Staying will break me completely and I don’t think I will come back from that.

I don’t know how long I have been down here, when the door opens and Willis comes in. He kneels down in front of me, with a disgusting grin and grabs my chin, making me look at him.

“Have you learned your lesson? Or should I send Hank down here again?”

I quickly shake my head and he untie my hands.

“That’s a good bitch. Now get out of my sight!”

I get up, pull up my pants, cover my breasts with my arms and stagger up the stairs. I order my shaking legs to take me to my room, praying that no one will see me. I reach the door and quickly get inside, before I collapse on the dirty mattress on the floor. I struggle to get on my side, facing the wall.

Not long after, the door opens and Hank’s mate, Alice, comes in.

“When are you going to learn Hannah?”

I stay silent. What am I going to say? Yes, being whipped is amazing, that’s why I keep fucking up. My new dream job. She sighs, frustrated and angry, before she starts to clean the wounds on my back. I’m not a wolf yet so I don’t heal as fast as the others and the wounds would get infected, making it impossible for me to do all the chores around the house. We can’t have that now, can we. I flinch when Alice rubs the alcohol on the lashes.

“It’s your own fault! Just do your fucking chores and this wouldn’t happen.”

Not so sure about that!

“And frankly, I’m getting sick and tired of cleaning you up all the time!”

When she finishes cleaning my back, she gets up and leaves. The pain keeps me from sleeping, so I lie the rest of the day, thinking.

Suddenly, something stirs inside me, making my mind and body alert. It’s like something snaps into place and I feel determined and… strong?

I have to get out. I have to get away from this hellhole. I’m not a slave! I’m my mother’s daughter! She was so strong.

I slowly get off the mattress and go into the small bathroom, where I open the cistern on the toilet and take out a zip bag filled with money. My mom left them to me, so I’ve kept them hidden from everybody.

I go back into my room, grab a duffel bag from the small dresser and put everything I have in it, which is, the sweatpants I wear and 2 t-shirts. I Slowly put one on, careful not to touch my back. I don’t have any more underwear left. My last set was ruined in the basement, so I’ll have to do with the sweats and t-shirt. The pain makes it difficult to move. I’m scared shitless, thinking that it would be easier to just kill myself. The thought of it is better than what they would do if they caught me.

I hesitate, but the stirring comes back, making me feel strong and resolved. It’s been so long since I felt like this, that it feels strange. Where does it come from? I shake my head. No time to think about it! It’s now or never.

I slowly crack the door open and look down the hall. It’s empty. The house is silent and I hope that everyone is asleep. I take a deep breath, sneak out of my room, down the hallway to the living room. I stop to listen if I can hear anything, besides my thundering heart, threatening to jump out of my chest. After a couple of seconds, I silently tiptoe to the front door.

Slowly opening the door, I sneak outside. It made a loud cracking sound, making me freeze, but a loud voice in my head screams, “RUN!”

Hearing a door open down the hall, I take off sprinting out of the house and over the lawn, in front of the house. My cardio sucks! I haven’t trained in over a year, so my lungs burn, but I don’t stop. I push my body to run faster. I have to get as far away as possible, as fast as I can. When I reach the forest, there’s a sudden painful pull in my chest and I almost stumble.

The border! I’m at the border of the pack’s territory. The pull stops and I realize what’s happened. My bond to the pack is severed. The joy I feel is quickly replaced with fear. “Shit. I’m a rouge now. Every wolf on the planet is free to kill me now.”

An unfamiliar voice, in my head, whispers, “but you are not a wolf, are you?” I almost squeal in surprise. What the hell?

And then I hear it. A loud roar coming from the house. A force stronger than I ever felt, makes me take off sprinting further into the forest. After a while, I’m almost about to collapse, when I feel a bone crack and a searing pain shoot through my entire body. I fall to the ground, and I can’t help the cry escaping my throat. Another crack.


I’m writhing in pain as my bones keep on breaking. Am I shifting? My first shift?” I’ve heard that it hurts the first time, but this is torture. I almost miss the whip. Almost!

Canines press through my gums; hands transform into paws, and I feel big. Unbelievably big. Slowly, the pain subsides, leaving me panting. I feel strong. Freakishly strong! And my back stopped hurting.

I look down at my paws and…they look different from wolf paws.

“That’s because they are.”

I jump up at the sound in my head.

What the...

I hear sniggering.

“I’m Sikari, your…animal.”

Are you, my wolf?”

Excitement rises in me. I finally got to meet my wolf.

“Well... Not exactly.”

It snickers again. I’m totally confused. I’m a werewolf. Where is my wolf?”

I look around and see a small creek. I want to go see my reflection, but I can’t move!

“There’s no time for that. I’ll explain everything later, but we gotta get out of here. No one can see me, it’s too dangerous”

Shit, yes! I forgot that I’m running away. I lift my bag with her teeth and start sprinting. And we are talking, freaking fast sprinting. I feel so strong. Empowered. I’m so confused, but that will have to wait.

A couple of hours pass, I think... And she stops at the edge of the forest, outside a small town I don’t recognize.

“Now you have to change back.”

“Uhm, how do I do that?”

“Picture yourself in your human form. Your body will take it from there.”

I try to picture myself, but I’m having trouble doing it. Since the beatings started, I haven’t looked at myself in a mirror. I concentrate as hard as I can and my bones start to crack. I suppress my screams as best as I can, not to attract any attention, both from my old pack and the town in front of us. After a moment, I’m back in my human form. It didn’t hurt as much as the first time, but it definitely hurt!

Being back to myself, my survival instinct kicks in. My whole body hurts and I could lie down and sleep right here. There must be a motel around here. I look down at my clothes, or lack thereof. I’m fucking naked! I quickly find my bag and pull out the t-shirt.

“I can’t go like this! I don’t have any pants!”

“Do you see any other options?”

Sakari’s question annoys the shit out of me. Of course, I don’t.

I Have to go into town, in only a t-shirt. That thought brings out my insecure side. People will see me. I Can’t do this. I’m not strong enough. Plus, I’ve been beaten, I must look like crap. What if someone recognizes me?


Sakari’s voice booms out in my head.

“Don’t put yourself down. You are more than that! If you weren’t strong, I wouldn’t be with you. There is a reason why we are together. Now, get yourself together and move!”

“Alright, alright, just…. give me a sec.”

Taking some deep breaths, I try to find my courage, but I don’t feel it. She’s right though, we have to get going. I take one final breath.

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