Istill couldn’t fathom the fact that Jim had pulled off this trip, and I couldn’t grasp why he would do this for me. I knew it wasn’t right for him, but the smile on his face during the tour, the look of being the smartest kid in the group, had me wondering if he was enjoying this as much as I was.

Then came dinner. I felt like I was a queen in my own way. We had a lavish table, set for a king and her queen—I was so caught up with the Henry and Anne theme in all of this. Jim succeeded in having the entire menu served; at least, it was enough food in my mind for a whole menu’s worth. Jim stuck to eating scallops and vegetables while I had to sample it all. I should have scared the guy off by now with this constant appetite, but I hadn’t.

That evening, Jim and I snuck into the downstairs library. We held hands, only doing it as a joke after Jim announced we were husband and wife to everyone in our tour group, but damn it, it felt real. It felt so real that it started to fucking scare me to wonder what it was all going to be like when this week was over and we went our separate ways.

My mind was stolen from those thoughts after Jim walked me away from the doorway and pulled me against him for a kiss that I devoured like dessert. His groans were beyond sexy, and my body ached to ditch our library tour and head up to our room. His hands were cupping my ass—a sensation I couldn’t get enough of while we had sex.

“Can we just head back to the room?” Jim asked, pulling away.

I smiled, breathless, with the tall man leaning over and kissing along my neck. I ran my hands through his hair. “It was your idea to tour the library,” I said as his hand grazed over my breast.

He rose. God, he was so fucking gorgeous. His emerald eyes, this new smile, his lively expression. Everything. “I only determined the library to be a good idea because you wanted to see a ghost.”

“That’s what you get for determining things,” I said, both eyebrows raising to challenge him.

“So,” he took my hand in his, “we can get the fuck out of here?”

“Only if we play by my rules,” I said.

He tucked his bottom lip between his teeth. “And those rules are?”

“I decide how the sex goes down the entire time.”

“You want full control?” he asked, eyes dark, the Jim is going to tear my ass up with his perfect fucking techniques look.

“Full control.”

“With limits, of course.”

“Limits?” I questioned.

“You know what I’m not fond of,” he said with an eyebrow arch.

“Oh, the oral stuff,” I said with a laugh. “Fine. I’m down.” I thought I’d tease this to see his expression. Poor guy had a fun day, fielding calls, and still managing to play the part of my newlywed husband. “Okay,” I said softer, Jim’s expression so hot I should just end the games and get our asses to the room. “Anal instead.”

I pinched my lips together and did everything in my power to hold back the laugh after seeing Jim’s eyes go as wide as silver dollars.

“Anal?” he choked out. “You’re serious.”

“Am I?”

“I have no fucking idea,” he said. “Listen,” he tried to level me with that voice I heard him use on the phone when he answered his calls today. “Perhaps that might be something we think about.”

“Jim,” I brought my hands around his waist and looked up at his concerned expression, “are you afraid of it?”

“Are you not?”

“You seriously sound like we’re both virgins, and we’re deciding whether or not to have normal sex.”

“Well, this is one situation I might think—or hope, shit, I don’t fucking know. Are you into that?”

I started laughing. “I’m into having your sexy ass in any way I want it.”

“Well, gorgeous,” he ran his knuckles along my jaw, “I think I will fight you on this.”

“Don’t say that,” I said, walking away from him. “Or I’ll suddenly have a headache and not want anything but rest all night.”

“You’re a goddamn tease,” he said, following me out of the room.

His phone buzzed, and the older, gray-haired couple who were on our tour—giving us shitty looks all day, mainly Jim—walked with us toward the spiral staircase.

“You know, for a newlywed couple, he sure doesn’t treat his wife right,” the woman said under her breath.

What the fuck?

Jim got off the phone as quickly as he could, and I was confident that if his coworkers knew why he had been so short with them the past few days, they’d hate me.

“What did you just say?” I asked, stopping the couple walking near us.

“Excuse me?” the woman said.

“Avery,” Jim questioned, looking at me as if I’d lost my mind.

“I just heard you whisper something about my husband to yours. What did you just say about our marriage?”

She narrowed her eyes at me. “Maybe it’s none of my business, but I think your husband needs to turn that device off and pay more attention to the woman he vowed to love.”

“Wow,” I said, seeing the fire in her eyes and feeling horrible for Jim. “That’s honestly a very nice thought; however, you don’t know us. You shouldn’t judge him.”

“I’m not judging. I’m just stating a fact about what I’ve seen with you two all day.”

“Well, I’m glad we were more interesting than the history of the castle,” I said.

“You both ruined our tour, young lady.”

“Excuse me?” Jim’s business voice leveled the woman, and I swear I watched her snotty face cower under his scorched-earth glare.

“You heard my wife. Your phone distracted our tour,” the woman’s husband piped up.

“Then I’ll reimburse your stay,” Jim countered.

“No, darling,” I said, holding his hand. “You won’t reimburse their stay. They’re two nosy old grumps who need to mind their own business.”

“Old grumps,” the woman grumbled.

“What the hell else should I call you? You’re out of line, and you both owe my husband an apology. You have no idea why he was taking calls all day, do you?”

“Seems like it was more important than paying attention or worrying about others on this tour.”

I looked at Jim’s livid expression. I had to end this, and the only way I knew how to do that was to freak these two rude-ass people out.

“Actually, it was,” I said. “He’s filing for a divorce.”

The woman had the nerve to smirk. “Not surprised about that.”

“You shouldn’t be. Your wild imagination probably has him pinned as a man who fucks his secretaries and realized three days into our honeymoon that I’m some low-life that he shouldn’t have married.”

“You should watch your mouth, darling,” Jim said, and I could see he was engaging because these people were out of line.

“That’s another thing,” I said with an exasperated sigh. “He’s all about control. Censoring my foul mouth, knowing you both probably can’t handle it. I embarrass him too.”

“A shame,” the man said.

“I’m the one trying to control things? Last I recall, you’re the one who is trying to control our sex life.” Jim smirked.

“Oh, you’re going to bring that up again?” I turned to Jim. “Are you that afraid to fuck me in the ass?”

“Good God in heaven, young lady. This is disgusting!” the woman scolded, nearly shrieking.

I looked at her. “Hey, it’s something I find arousing. I want it.” I looked back at Jim’s shocked expression. “He’s just the one who calls all the shots. Not that it’s a bad thing, but you’ve always got to be in control, darling.”

“This is why he’s filing for a divorce, young woman. So crass,” the man said.

Honestly, I had no idea why the couple was still standing here. The anal thing should have had them running the other direction.

“No,” Jim answered. “You see, I caught her screwing my brother on the eve of our wedding. I’d just gotten off the phone with her OBGYN because,” he looked at me with an arched brow, “it’s been going on for a while, and I didn’t trust her stating she wasn’t pregnant.”

I grabbed Jim’s arm. “What did he say?” I feigned excitement. “Am I pregnant? Are we having a baby?”

“We?” Jim said. “How can we have a baby when all you want from me is anal sex?”

“I just wanted to know if you were better than your brother. I’m not raising this child with the lesser of the two sex gods in my life.”

“I won’t listen to such filth a second longer. Howard, let’s go. This is worse than the tour interruptions.”

“No shit,” I said, my eyes following her scowl at me as they shuffled off. “Probably shouldn’t talk shit about people unless you want to really hear their story, eh?”

Jim grabbed my arm. “What the fuck was that?” He half-laughed.

“I can’t stand gossip-drama fueled bullshit. That woman and her husband insulted you over nothing.”

“My phone calls may have ruined their tour, Avery.”

“Don’t come at me with Avery in that boss-man voice. It was bullshit. I enjoyed the tour, and you didn’t interrupt jack-shit. That old bag just felt she had to whisper her opinion loud enough for me to hear. I’m not okay with that.”

“Well, I definitely think you scared their asses off.” He shook his head. “Wow. Anal-fucking-sex. You’re really down for that?”

“Are you?” I taunted him.

He pursed his lips. “I think that might be pushing it.”

“Then we play by my rules when we head up those stairs and get in our room. At least the first part.”

“Okay. Again, what the hell are your rules, my lovely bride?”

“I bring you all the way to the end. No jumping up and finishing yourself off by—and don’t take this the wrong way—but nailing my ass while you’re on top. I get to ride you and watch you come inside me while you lay on that bed.”

“That’s what you want?” He seemed to sigh in relief.

“I want to watch you come while I bring you there. Let me make you come.”

He pulled me against him—this was a thing I was learning quickly he seemed to enjoy doing, and I loved being swallowed up in the muscular man’s arms. “Very well, then. You can ride me into ecstasy if that’s what you want. You could have just said that instead of scaring that poor couple out of their minds.”

“They deserved it. It’s not fair. You’re a good man, Jim.”

“I’m not your husband, and we’re not on our honeymoon,” he answered more seriously as we walked up the spiral staircase to our room. “I fear you’d agree with them if you were.”

“You sell yourself too short,” I said as we reached our room, and Jim unlocked the door. “You’re a good guy. You didn’t have to do any of this shit for me, yet you did. I still don’t understand it.”

“I’m extremely attracted to you like no other woman I’ve ever known,” he said.

He was getting too serious, and I felt like the next words out of his mouth were going to fuck up the night ahead.

I reached for his face after he closed the doors behind us. “I want to watch your expression when I fuck you and bring you over the edge. I want to see your expression just the same as you’ve been fixated on watching me come.”

His face turned into a smile. “I’m all yours.”

“I want it on a blanket,” I said, “and on the floor in front of that fireplace.”

He brushed his lips over mine. “I only hope my expression lives up to this fantasy of yours.”

“I have a feeling it will.”

I was in heaven, my pussy clenched around Jim’s cock, but dammit if I couldn’t bury all of him in me. The guy was fucking huge, and I was still being broken back in—that’s what I guess anyway. His body was perfect, and I loved watching his rigid and perfect muscles flex as I rode him. I loved his groans, but I’d never seen his face at his climax. He always seemed to bury his cock deep and then his face in my neck. Not that I didn’t love that shit, his sensual kisses while he slowly pumped into me while coming off the orgasm high. Even so, after all these interludes, the one thing I never saw was Jim’s face. I knew he had to look even sexier than this look of holding back—this painful, yet satisfied look of being fucked—but I wanted to see it all.

“Fuck, I’m close. Come inside me, Jim,” I urged, rotating my hips on him, his thumb massaging my clit with slow and perfect pressure. He’d learned how to manipulate it in a way that sent me over the top, and he knew it. I pulled his hand away when I felt the energy release from my spine and rush down to my pussy. “Fuck me, goddamn, I love riding your huge cock,” I said while my release came hard and fast. “Tell me you’re coming in me.” I was breathless, still feeling my orgasm clamping down on his dick that stretched my pussy with insane pleasure.

“Look at me, gorgeous,” Jim said, sliding his hands from my tits and along my hips. He gripped me and pumped his dick harder. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I leaned over on his strong chest while his hands went to my ass. I gripped his broad shoulders and watched his eyes fade into bliss. God, he was mother fucking sexy right now. Jim press down on my lower back, all while he thrust himself deeper into me. A sexy grunt of pleasure erupted from him. I watched Jim’s beautiful emerald eyes while he slowly closed and reopened them with each smooth thrust of his cock into me. His eyes returned to mine, and for the first time since meeting Jim, I saw where the man was truly and wholly—for this moment—at my mercy.

“Come in me, Jim,” I whispered.

“Fuck,” he exhaled, eyes rolling back. He bit into his lip, lifted his chin, and pushed his head back into the pillow. “You’re so damn tight,” he whispered while pumping harder and gripping my ass as he worked to cum inside me. “Your pussy is—” He stopped, licking his lips. I watched his upper body flex every last muscle, his mouth fall open in ecstasy, and then exhale the last of his orgasm of pleasure. Damn he was more handsome than ever right now. His dazed eyes returned to mine as my breathing picked up, another smaller orgasm rippling through me. “Your pussy is pulsating around my cock. It feels amazing.”

He and I both collapsed. “You’re the sexiest man alive,” I said, molding my body on his chest, looking over into the flames in the fireplace we were lying next to.

I felt him kiss the top of my head while pulling my hair off of my sweaty back. “You’re a wildcat, gorgeous. I’ve never just laid on my back and came like that in a woman.”

“Oh,” I smiled. “A first. How’d it feel?”

“Strange, but amazing to give that to you.” I felt his hand stop rubbing my back, and he held me. “I don’t give up control like that in any part of my life.” He smirked. But I just gave that control to you. Jesus Christ, you’re fucking amazing.”

“I’ll take the compliment,” I said. “We’re going to have to trade off, watching each other climax like this.”

He brought my face into his hands and kissed my lips. “My God, what are you doing to me?”

“I’d like to ask the same about you. Let’s go soak in that tub, what do you say?”

“I say if I’m not careful, we’re most likely going to fuck there too.”

“Is that another sexual thing you’re afraid of?”

He sat up, bringing me with him. He locked eyes with me, “I don’t fear shit. Nothing. I do, however, have my reasons for certain things. Fucking in a bathtub would merely be another first for me, but not crossing a line sexually for things I will and will not do.”

I eased myself off of him. “You’re a hard nut to crack sometimes.”

“Perhaps you don’t want to crack this nut?” He smiled. “Instead, you can just bust—”

“No.” I held my hand up with a laugh. “Don’t fucking say it.”

“Bust a nut?”

I exhaled. “Go run the bath before you destroy my image of you coming with your cheesy phrases.”

I watched his tight ass cross the room after a quick kiss to my lips. There was something up with him and his sexual preferences. It wasn’t that he didn’t like them; there was no fucking way that was the case. I followed him in, looking at his perfect posture while feeling the warmth of the water in the large claw foot tub.

This man was a sex god—he’d proved that at his home and the three other rounds we had here today. He did everything that would make any woman climb the walls, wanting more, but he had his limits. It’s partially the reason I wanted to watch the man come. I wanted to see him climax and watch the beautiful beast of a sex god give me his most vulnerable side. I have no idea why, but I did. I wanted more now. Jim was a challenge, and it was beyond fucking weird that I would press for more or treat him like we were on a honeymoon.

He was a kind and caring man, he took an interest in me, and he fucked like a king. He was all of that, but something hid behind all of this. It probably was me, blowing things out of proportion because we didn’t honestly know each other. Did I want more from him, though? Was he the kind of guy I could introduce to my daughter and trust him never to hurt us as her dad did? Those were the tough questions, the deep questions. I wasn’t sure if I was ready to ask those, or just live out this week and look back one day and thank God I met this man and enjoyed a week in England’s countryside with him.

That was the road we were on. Enjoy the week and be okay separating, yet holding onto fun memories. That’s why I had to be careful. This man was becoming my dream guy who was saving me from a world that was nothing but cruel to me. A world that treated me like trash and made me feel even worse sometimes.

I knew I deserved better, and what Jim was giving me was what I deserved, but was Jim a guy who could fall in love with a girl like me? I had hardcore baggage. I had severe issues with my druggie ex alone, and part of me never wanted to bring anyone into the world of shit I’d gotten myself into.

Fuck it. I was going to enjoy this bath. I slid in and reclined against Jim, and he started massaging my body and kissing my ear. This was the first time I felt him adoring my body as if it were his to cherish. His hands were gentle, and his kisses seemed meaningful.

Then he said the words.

“God, I never want to let you go, Avery.”

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