Ididn’t have a second to take a breath before Avery had my board shorts down and my hard cock was in her hands. Her blue eyes were gleaming with hunger when they locked with mine. With any blow job, I had expected her to instantly take my cock in her mouth, but she didn’t. Jesus Christ. She brought her lips and tongue to my balls while she used her hand to work the tip of my dick. I could’ve exploded with this alone. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ (F)indNƟvᴇl.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Each of my nerves surged in a fiery sensation, pulsating throughout my entire being. Avery’s thumb and fingers were slick with my precum as she ran firm circles around the tip of my cock.

“Fuck,” I groaned while Avery’s mouth enthusiastically licked and sucked on my balls.

“I love your cock,” she said in a sultry voice that assured me of the one thing I needed to know—she wanted this as badly as I did. I reached up into the cushion behind me, nearly tearing the thing open when her tongue and lips massaged up my shaft. My hands were pulled into tight fists, clinging to the cushions, when she began teasing my tip. Fuck me to hell. This was taking all I had to hold back.

With one hand cupping and massaging my balls and her other slick hand stroking my shaft, her eyes locked onto mine again. She was so beautiful that I never wanted to break eye contact with her. Her lips and tongue ran circles around my tip, and my aching need to have her finally take me into her mouth was painful at this point.

Her eyes closed, and with a soft moan, her mouth took my throbbing cock entirely. “Fucking hell,” I breathlessly said, my eyes rolling back when she took me as deeply as she could. With my balls being worked by her hand and the suction she created with her mouth sliding up and down my cock, I was in ecstasy.

My entire body was in a continual spasm while I groaned in euphoria. Avery’s lips moved faster, and her enthusiasm broke through any control I had of holding back.

“I’m going to come,” I informed her through clenched teeth.

Her moans told me all I needed to hear. She wanted it, and she wanted it all. I reached down to her hair, my cock deep in her mouth, and that’s when I jerked, shooting my cum deep into her mouth. Avery’s sigh was the best sound in the fucking world as she continued to swallow every last ounce of cum. Still going, I slowly moved my cock through her lips, listening to her as she swallowed all of me.

Fuck, that was more than a blow job. Avery worked my ass over and only proved how ridiculous I was for being so reserved back in England.

“Fucking Christ,” I said as my body shuddered with her full lips still wrapped tightly around me. I looked down at her sparkling blue eyes and ran my hands over her hair. “This won’t be the last time we ever do this,” I said, feeling drunk on the blue-eyed beauty kissing the tip of my cock before she slid up and lay next to me.

Avery tucked herself into my side and rested her head on my shoulder. “You’re right on that one,” she said, kissing my neck, then draped her leg over mine.

I felt like every last ounce of energy was depleted from me for the moment, and I relished in our closeness instead of fighting for more. I ran my fingertips over her shoulder and kissed the top of her head. “Who’s the dipshit now?” I chuckled. “You worked me over in ways I never expected.”

She laughed. “You have the sexiest dick ever, so that certainly helped.” She glanced up with a daring smile. “And about your no oral sex rule, what happened to that little rule of yours?”

I shook my head. “We sort of eliminated that lame rule of mine, wouldn’t you say?”

“That’s why I have to ask. What exactly made you create such a rule in the first place?”

I gazed out at the small ripples the breeze created in my pool. “It was quite a while ago, in something of a previous life, of course.” I smiled at her bright blue eyes.

“Of course.” She exhaled with a grin.

“I was pretty much a wild bachelor who took whatever I wanted when it came to women. It bit me in the ass after I had some head case nearly planning our wedding day, buying us a puppy—”

“Shut the fuck up.” She laughed. “No, she didn’t. Shouldn’t it be the guy buying the girl a puppy in the relationship?”

“That’s the whole point. It wasn’t a relationship. It was a couple of nights together, and the next thing I know, I’m not only being stalked, but I ended up having to change my fucking phone number and deal with our puppy.” I sighed, “I don’t know, after I made it clear—puppy or not—we were not in a relationship, she went ape-shit.” I cringed at the memory. “She kept going on and on about how I had been leading her on the whole time, and it was all about the oral sex. She went crazy about it. She was asking how I could do such a thing and let her think she meant something to me. It was a whole psychotic episode.” I shook my head. “In the end, I lost the puppy.”

“Jesus, it’s just oral sex.” Avery laughed. “In her defense, however, you are very good at it. I might buy a puppy too.”

I chuckled. “I didn’t think it was a big deal at the time either. Then I thought, maybe men are different, and I wasn’t being fair. Not saying all women or men are the same, but—hell, I don’t know what I’m trying to say. I just knew that if it was going to complicate the situation for me, it wasn’t going to happen again. I don’t have time for complications, and I certainly didn’t want to have to deal with that shit ever again. If oral made it seem too intimate, then it was easier to keep it to only fucking.” I kissed her forehead. “If it makes a difference, the night I got you off after learning a man had never taken care of you properly, it took everything in my power to refrain from just giving into it all. I knew at that time that you were unlike any other woman.”

“But that poor green bean I was chomping into scared you off?” She tightened her lips in humor.

I traced her perfect lips with my thumb. “That mildly concerned me,” I teased her.

“And yet, I simply treated your dick like it was my favorite dessert and relished in every second of tasting you.”

“That’s putting it mildly. Best fucking blow job of my life.” She reached for where I grew hard again, recalling the constant wave of bliss I was in while she worked my dick over. “Did you have plans today, or can we really just fuck until I have to go back to work on Monday?”

“I do need to get my clothes for work on Monday. The car problem was settled by you first thing this morning, so thanks to you, that’s off my list.”

I smiled. “I think I’ll mandate that you work in my office—no clothes—and that problem will be solved too.”

“Hilarious.” Her lips twisted adorably. “By the way, are we keeping this a secret? You know, with us working together and all? Should I bring a puppy to work? I’m not sure how you want to handle it.”

I smiled at her laugh that I’d missed during our time apart. “Are you asking if we should hide the fact that you’re fucking the CEO of the company you work for?”

“That’s probably what will circulate through the two goddamn high-rise buildings you own.”

“Will that bother you?” I asked, more serious.

“Well, I don’t necessarily want to be looked at like your whore,” she said.

“Then I simply won’t allow those rumors to start.”

“Really?” She propped her folded arms across my chest. “How do you plan to stop them? Are you going to send a mass email to everyone in the company?”

“You’re my lady,” I simply stated. “They’ll all learn very quickly that’s the case. I don’t hide shit. Secrets such as these always lead to rumors like you just mentioned, and I won’t give anyone reason to believe a rumor. In one way or the other, they will all learn that Avery Gilbert is mine and mine alone.” I paused and kissed the top of her head. “More importantly, I’m entirely yours.”

I felt her kiss my side. “This will definitely be interesting. I don’t plan on mentioning…”

Avery paused when my phone rang.

“That shit is going to voicemail,” I said, ignoring it. “You and I just warmed up for what I’ve been craving since first seeing you again.” I pinched my lips together and closed my eyes when the phone rang again, it stopped, the voicemail alerted, then rang again. “If only we were in the house, I would have abandoned the phone, and we’d be tearing open a condom right about now.”

I felt Avery laughing. “You probably should get that, and then I’ll gladly roll the condom on for you.”

I smiled and sat up after Avery slid off me. I reached for my phone that was ringing again. “Jesus, Jacob,” I answered my brother’s call, annoyed. “Tell me Ash is having the baby, and that’s why you’re blowing my phone up like the press is on your ass again.”

“Alex has to back out of the convention you two set up for those investors and medical professionals for Saint John’s. It looks like you’re up to bat, bro.”

“The gala in Palm Springs?” I asked, running my hand over my forehead. “Alex didn’t call me. What the hell is going on?” My phone beeped the call-waiting tone. “Hang on, Alex is calling in now. I’ll handle it. Just get your ass there. It starts tonight.”

“I am already down here, dip-fuck,” he said as I clicked over to catch Alex.

“Hey, is everything cool?” I asked, knowing my right-hand man didn’t back out of anything.

“My mom’s in the hospital. I have to fly to Nevada. They think it might have been a stroke. They’re still waiting on tests to come back.”

“Holy shit. Do you think she’ll be okay?”

“Yeah, I think so. I just need to be there. All of us are trying to fly in, and I’m the closest of the kids.”

“Yes, of course. Go as soon as you can. Give her my well-wishes. I’ll take care of everything with the medical gala.”

“Jake’s speaking tonight, and Collin will be there tomorrow to present his piece on neuroscience. We have an entire lineup of events for the convention. I emailed and faxed you the entire itinerary a few minutes ago.”

“Got it. Is there anything I can do to help outside of this? You’re taking the company plane, right?”

I felt horrible for Alex, even though I’d never met his mom nor had ever heard much about her. That didn’t matter. It was family, and family had to come before this company, or we’d all lose our minds.

“I’m already on a plane. I’ll keep you updated with texts.”

“All right, man. Take care of yourself. I’ll be here if you need anything.”

We hung up, and I tried to gather my senses while Avery sat at my side, rubbing my back supportively.

I looked over at her and gripped the back of my neck. “Are you up for making your first appearance as my lady?” I asked while I contemplated getting her into a gown and on the chopper in less than three hours.

“God dang, is everything okay?”

“My VP is backing out of a significant affair we’re having for the company. It’s a part of a conference we’re holding. He won’t be able to attend after learning his mom is in the hospital. I need to take his place and be in Palm Springs tonight and tomorrow night.” I bit my lip. “We can pick up and bring Addison if you don’t feel comfortable being that far from her. We won’t be that far, though, given we’ll be using my helicopter for transportation. I can have you brought back swiftly if there’s an emergency with Addy.”

“Slow down, Jim.” She had a look of amusement on her face. “Jesus, I’ve never seen you so worked up. Yes, Addy will be fine here. When would I be coming back again?”

“Late Sunday night.” I cringed at the idea of taking Avery this far away from her daughter. “We can easily bring Addy with us. The hotel is a resort that she’ll surely love.”

“And I’m sure she’ll dig the conference too.” Avery laughed. “Let me call Larry and let them know they can keep Addy until Monday. It’ll be easier for her to stay with them since we’ll be getting back late, and they’ll love having her a day longer. So long as Derek’s ass is in jail, then I’m not worried about leaving with you if you want me along. I have nothing to wear, though.”

“What size are you? Wait, I have an idea,” I said while Avery continued to look at me as if I’d completely lost it. I dialed Ash’s number. “Hey, kid,” I said when my sister-in-law picked up, “your friend that you shop with, does he have any internal connections to that boutique that he always insists you buy your gowns from?”

“The place on Melrose?” Ash questioned.

“Wherever it is. I need a dress for Avery, my girlfriend,” I said, winking at Avery. “We have to fly to Palm Springs before Jake has a coronary attack.”

“Funny, Jim. I’ll call the guys and see if they can get her a gown. They’re going to want eye-color, hair color, size, all that shit,” she said with a laugh. “And I’m very curious about this girlfriend comment coming from…” She paused. “Wait, Avery? The woman that you met in England? You’re taking her?”

“She graciously accepted the invite,” I said with a smile.

“Okay, perfect. Let me give the guys a call. They’ll have a dress for her in under an hour. They can even come up to the house and handle everything—”

“Why don’t you give them directions to the airport where we keep the planes and choppers. I’ll have them flown down. They can take care of Avery there. I’m on a time crunch to pull this off.”

“You have designers at your disposal; why would you want Clay and Joe involved?”

“They’re your friends, and I was quite impressed with how they managed your and Jake’s wedding. I know they’ll handle Avery’s last-minute needs for this event quite well,” I said.

“You and your damn heart of gold, Jim. The guys are going to shit when they hear about this. Let me get a hold of them and square it all away. See you when you get to Palm Springs. Oh,” she said, her voice an octave higher, “I can’t wait to meet Avery.”

“Thank God.” I smiled. “Once you get acquainted, I’m sure you’ll both enjoy making fun of Jake and me in our penguin suits.”

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