All of the itineraries were changed, the venue was amended to accommodate my standing in Alex’s place, and any other possible issues that might arise from me taking over at the last minute were settled.

It was always crazy, the shit that had to change to keep people calm when soliciting them to work for or invest in a new company—be it a hospital, or big or small business, or anything, really. The slightest change could create a shit storm, and this whole conference, which was orchestrated to bring in new investors, executive team members, and more medical staff for Saint John’s Heart Institute…it all could fall apart with the slightest alteration. Now that we were integrating the neuroscience center, we certainly had no room for error. We needed this to be nothing less than superior.

I felt like the biggest ass ever, having had only a few moments alone with Avery on the helicopter before we landed. My phone began blowing up with bullshit the second we stepped out of the chopper, and I’d been on it since we walked into our presidential suite. That’s when Clay and Joe took over in prepping Avery for the night. These guys were practically family since Ash came into our lives, and I enjoyed having them around; however, I couldn’t even make the introductions. Thank God Avery took to them immediately and reacted with her usual brightness and enthusiasm.

While I was stuck on my damn phone, it was Clay who took control of the scene and gave me his what a shame that Jim is such a workaholic look. I knew Clay well enough and he wasn’t a dick about it. This man with his own heart of gold genuinely seemed to feel bad for me, and I never really understood why he did, until I met Avery. That’s when I realized it was apparent that I hadn’t been living a life outside of my business. Here I was proving I was no different from before because my department heads in public relations, planning, and marketing were not answering their fucking phones.

“Why is Hearken not in attendance?” I asked one of the marketing representatives assigned to this event.

“They backed out last minute,” she said timidly. “I can’t get a hold of anyone else to help me figure out what’s going on, Mr. Mitchell. It’s the only reason I called you, I’m so—”

“Text me your contact info on Hearken, and I’ll deal with them personally,” I said, cutting her off. I didn’t have time for excuses or apologies. “We have thirty-two rooms booked for this group. I’m not playing any more games with these people,” I said.

Fucking hell, I thought after hanging up, checking Jen’s text for the number, and calling out. I swear to God that I was about to lose my shit in this room. Where the fuck were my department heads and my marketing teams that’d handled this before it went sideways? It was one thing to manage my business for all of this, but an entirely different thing to do the jobs of the employees that were hired to handle these issues.

We were on a time crunch, and I had no time to play games and start chewing asses out. It was time to cut the middlemen out and handle things myself.

My frustration eased some when I heard Avery giggling on the other side of the double doors of our suite. Joe and Clay were contagiously laughing along with her—surrounded by the parade of gowns and accessories they brought in—and I heard Ash stop in for a few minutes too. I wanted to be out there with them, and I could have been if my employees were on deck, doing their fucking jobs.

I refocused and sat at the desk, handling this particular medical group that tried to bail out of the conference. It only took twenty minutes on the phone and turning over my company jet to fly them all in tonight to inspire them to be in attendance for Collin’s presentation tomorrow. Fucking hell, part of me didn’t want this group to have anything to do with this new center for our neuroscience research. They were becoming entitled little bitches through this entire process, and I was having significant doubts about them being around for our opening next year. No one was worth this much trouble.

I leaned back in my desk chair, pinched the bridge of my nose, and forced myself to regroup entirely before getting ready to head over to the exclusive convention location at the resort. This place was to be transformed to create an exquisite and glamorous atmosphere for this event. My teams had better have this prepared as instructed. At this point, I had a feeling I’d be blowing up balloons or vacuuming next.

I glanced over at my ringing phone and eyed it with annoyance when I saw the head of my public relations team calling in. After her call went to voicemail, my head of events planner rang my cell. It only took me getting on the phone—doing their jobs—for them to call me back?

I glared at my phone and instead of answering and listening to excuses, I pulled up my email. I put every department and department head who’d dropped their work in my lap tonight on an email string; this was the only communication they were getting from me tonight.

Alex and I needed to be on the same page with this too. If he let these departments run him over like they just did me, he needed to tighten the reins. No way in hell did I or my vice president deal with this bullshit, especially hours before a massive event that was arranged months ago. I sent out invites for an important meeting on Monday, and we would all be reminded who got paid to do fucking what. If these employees wished to keep their jobs, then I’d see them then. This was all inexcusable.

I swiveled in my chair when the door opened, and I heard Avery speaking to Joe and Clay as she stood, half-in and half-out of the doorway to this room, wearing silky shorts and a camisole.

“Thank you so much again, you guys,” she said in her sexy, scratchy voice that made me observe her with growing lust.

“Tell Jim to take care of his stunning woman tonight,” I heard Clay say. “Have fun, girly.”

“Tell Jim we said thank you for the VIP treatment,” Joe said, always a bit more reserved than his counterpart. “We’ll see you tomorrow, Av.”

“Sounds great, and I’ll tell him,” Avery answered with a high-spirited laugh.

“Oh,” I heard Clay say, “and tell Jim we’re all decided on the pewter dress. He gets no vote.”

Avery laughed again. “See you boys later.”

The doors closed, and it was just Avery and me now. I watched with desire as she pranced across the room in her tank and no bra, completely unaware of where I sat secretly admiring her.

I rose, knowing I had to change into my suit, but I couldn’t go the entire night without being inside her. She was washing her hands in one of the sinks when I walked in and handed her a towel to dry them.

“God help me,” I said, looking at her naturally sharp and striking features that had been accentuated by the way her makeup was done. “You look so beautiful.”

Avery chewed on her bottom lip while my eyes drank in her beauty. Half of her hair was pulled up and fashioned to complement the artistic skill of her makeup. Her vivid blue eyes held mine captive, and I seriously had to control myself.

“Why thank you,” she teased me with a seductive grin, “but it’s Clay and Joe’s masterpiece you’re admiring.”

“I’m admiring a woman that I’m so grateful to have in my life.”

She turned back to face me. “I met Ash tonight…” She stopped herself then eyed me, it had to be the expression of needing her that she saw on my face. She ran her hand over my hard cock and grinned. “We have an hour, I think, and I’m full from all the food that was brought in the room. You weren’t lying about that buffet, were you?”

I laughed, grabbed her ass, and lifted her up to wrap her legs around my waist. “I wasn’t lying about my fucking you before this thing, either.”

Her hands ran down the center of my chest as I walked over to the mirror and turned her to face it. She smiled daringly at me through the reflection. “I was wondering if you’d failed as my host again.”

“Never,” I said, wrapping my hands around her waist and pulling her shorts and thong down. My shorts were on the ground after. I pulled a condom out of the toiletry bag I had close by, ripped the fucker open, and rolled it on my hard cock. “In fact, I’m going to hit that spot with my cock, and watch you take me like this through that mirror.”

Avery planted her hands on the long granite countertop and wiggled her ass in front of me. “What are you waiting for, hotshot?” she taunted with a smile.

I leaned forward to kiss along her neck while I lined myself up to her wet entrance. “You want it like this? I can’t promise I’ll be gentle.”

“I don’t want it gentle,” she said as I slid my dick into her hot and tight sex. “Oh, yes,” she moaned, her ass arching into me. “God, I’ve missed you.”

I watched her eyes close as I slid further in, knowing her sensitive spot wasn’t deep. “Tell me when I’m on it,” I said, feeling every last tense nerve from earlier swiftly fleeing, and all that mattered now was bringing my girl to climax. Watching her through the mirror was enhancing the ecstasy of the moment.

“Fuck, you’re still so tight.” I bent forward and kissed her neck while moving my tip against the inside of her. I wanted to go deep and hard, but her moans as I slid in and out of her like this held back my selfish desires.

“Oh my God,” she said as I continued to move my throbbing dick in and out of her. I gripped her hips, using them to position her while I worked her pleasure point. “Fuck,” she cried out with her voice that did more things to me than I could explain.

I had one arm on her shoulder, one on her hips, while I worked her sweet spot with my dick. “That’s it,” I said, my cock massaging her G-spot. “Come on, gorgeous,” I said, feeling her pussy constrict around my cock. “Let it go. I’m going to come so deep inside you.”

Her eyes were trance-like when they met mine in the mirror. She was so damn sexy. “I’m so close,” she said, her hands clenched into fists as I worked her pussy. I attentively watched her lick her lips, mouth open, and her beautiful tits bounced underneath her shirt.

I needed to see all of her. I pulled her top up, Avery’s hand coming up to play with her breast while my hand took her other. I was so intently focused on her in this state of bliss that I remained calmer than I could have imagined while helping her climax with my cock.

“You want me to work your clit, gorgeous?” I whispered, my lips licking along her delicious neck.

“I’m going to come just like this,” she said in bliss.

She threw herself back against my chest, her entrance clamping down on my cock in a spasm that flipped the switch on my nerves, muting all sensations while I watched her come. Her head shifted to lean up, and my lips captured hers while she moved, coming on my dick. My other hand worked her nipple and I softly twisted it while we kissed through her climax. Her tongue searching and meeting mine in a soft, seductive way.

She pulled away. “I want you in me so fucking deep,” she said, eyes glossed over as she returned to her position of giving me her ass again. “Fuck this pussy hard, Jim,” she ordered, still breathless.

My hand crossed her chest and held her breast while I positioned myself to bury myself inside her. Her face tightened while I thrust in and out, and her whimpers sent me into ecstasy that second. I pinched and rolled her clit gently as I came inside her.

“Fuck that feels amazing,” she panted out. “I’ve missed this.”

Our eyes met in the mirror, both locking while I watched her call out, coming on my dick again. “That’s right. You’re coming hard, aren’t you?”

“Yes. Fuck…yes,” she panted out.

I moved slower after I felt us both relaxing into our release and finally having what I’d craved from the moment she left me in England. There were no words, both of us breathing heavily, collapsing forward against the sink.

Coming down off our high, I relished in taking her this way for a few seconds longer. “Fuck, you feel so damn good,” I said, feeling my dick rubbing inside her, loving fucking her from behind. I dropped my lips to cover the back of her neck and over the top of her shoulders. “How’s that for timing?” I said, easing us out of this position and bringing her to face me.

“Too short, in my opinion,” she countered with a kiss to my lips. “You’ve left me wanting you more now than ever,” she teased with a laugh, wrapping her arms around my neck. “I’ve missed us.” She took my face in her hands and pressed her lips softly to mine. “I’ve missed you. That ended too early.”

“The night is young, gorgeous. That was just a taste of what I’m going to do with your little ass later.”

“Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Jimbo.” She laughed, forcing my eyes to open wider in humor. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Jimbo, huh? I see you’ve not only met Ash tonight, but you’ve met my brother, Jacob, too.” I smirked before disposing the condom.

“If it weren’t for your different eye colors and hairdos, you’d be almost identical twins.”

“We’re told that all the time.” I smiled, following her out of the bathroom and into the closet. “I’m guessing he’s cool with his presentation tonight?”

“He enjoyed a beer and some food, if that’s what you mean. Oh, and he said that he wasn’t going anywhere near this room with you on the phone. So that’s probably why you didn’t see him.”

I laughed, half-dressed now, and pulling out my black suit. “My brother, the saint,” I said, searching for my burgundy button-down shirt and plucking the freshly-pressed items off their hangers.

Mine and Avery’s conversation was cut off as we finished getting dressed for the event. Once my tie was on, and the knot perfected, I put on my cuff-links, socks, shoes, and then I was ready to grab my jacket and get this night started.

“Good God,” I said, walking into the sitting area and seeing Avery in her silk, slender gown. “You look ravishing. Your ass is in dangerous trouble tonight. I won’t make the entire event seeing you in this dress all night.”

“You did mention a before, during, and after fuck, right?”

“And I will make good on that promise. Jesus Christ,” I said with a smile. “I believe tonight may be the first test of me being a jealous man.”

“Doubt that, Mr. Mitchell.”

“Mr. Mitchell is going to have his eye on any asshole who comes around you.” I laughed. “Let me call Jake, and then we’ll head down.” I smiled at the beautiful woman who would be on my arm tonight. “We do have to get out of here, or we’re going another round.”

“If it helps, I’m going commando, lover-man.” She winked, leaving me unable to respond after Jake answered the call.

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