It took Alex calling in to instantly remind me of my conversation with Avery that my company could go to hell in less than three seconds. It was a fact, and here I was, reading an email string with a fucking asshole who was trying to back out of what he practically begged us for, acquiring Knights Aware, a new gaming company.

This dickhead was lucky I even considered this acquisition in the first place. It took Alex’s convincing nature to get me to focus on their first, mind-numbing presentation to us. It wasn’t sound, it wasn’t catchy, and it wasn’t going to fucking happen without serious help. I had no idea how they secured a meeting with us in the first place, but they did, and Alex urged me to challenge Mitchell and Associates by taking them on.

We had our teams put together a decent portfolio on them, and once my PR team delivered the new pitch to me, I was more interested. The investors didn’t bat an eye at the idea of this new gaming company that was exploding with high-profile gamers. So, we made our pitch, the goddamn million-dollar acquisition deal, and now these sons of stupid bitches were backing out?

“I think there’s more to it.” Alex’s words kept replaying in my mind as I continued to read the email string about their senseless reasoning for wanting to back out. All of this shit was almost as dry and witless as their first pitch to my acquisition team members and me.

I pinched the bridge of my nose, my eyes burning from staring at small words from dumbass college kids in an excuse to turn down our investors and my company. Then, she—Avery—and those glossy blue eyes came into my mind.

I didn’t believe what she said about a man never getting her off until I watched the woman climax. It wasn’t until I felt her clawing into each of my legs, watching her body stiffen, and seeing it in her eyes that I realized she wasn’t lying about assholes fucking her for their own selfish desires. The thought of that pissed me off.

Sure, I was a man who was uninterested in relationships, and I had a bit of a history of bringing women to bed and moving on, but at least I made sure the woman got off too. Jesus Christ, all men were selfish bastards, weren’t they?

Part of me didn’t want to fuck Avery, because I knew exactly what I was doing. I was used to satisfying my own needs of wanting to get laid and never attaching to women beyond having sex. A commitment was a big-ass thing for me to consider. I knew all about it—that’s why I wasn’t up there in her room. Instead, I was sitting here, staring at the number-one commitment in my world—Mitchell and Associates—and someone trying to fuck us over.

My thoughts shifted back to when I kissed Avery in the village before lunch. I didn’t kiss women like that. Ever. That particular kiss was right up there with my personal reasons for never having oral sex with women. It was all too fucking intimate. I could never lead a woman on to believe I was a man who could take care of them or do more than just fuck them. Then there was Avery. I felt myself drawn to her in more ways than I ever deemed possible with a woman.

I watched her take in the sights of the village like she was a celestial creature who’d brought me into this wave of bliss by examining her beauty and listening to her laugh. She’d freed my soul from these strange bondages of work that held me hostage, whether I wanted to believe my company did that to me or not. She hit me straight with facts. She smiled so beautifully she took my breath away. Everything about her was making it extremely hard to fight against these new and raw emotions I was having now. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the (F)indNƟvᴇl.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I should’ve never let it all go as far as it did tonight, but I did without thinking. That’s when, even though I knew it was a terrible idea, I kissed her when she asked. Her moans and bringing her lips to mine while her body was writhing in pleasure by my touch—that was part two of falling victim to this blue-eyed beauty. There was a cautious and caring way that I engaged in kissing her. It was intimate as hell, and I knew it. I savored her taste, her moans against my lips, and her body moving beneath me.

Goddamn I had to have her. Now.

I pushed back from my desk, got up, and trotted toward my room. That’s when I realized it was three in the morning. Fuck me, had I been staring at that email string for that long? Shit. I grabbed one of the boxes of condoms I took with me from the states. I knew I’d get laid on the trip here, and two weeks’ worth of condoms should’ve been enough—except the person I thought I’d be fucking turned up married.

My phone buzzed before I opened the door to Avery’s room to check if she would accept my promise of fucking her before I lost track of time.

What the fuck is it now? I thought as I opened up the new text from Alex.

Alex: Check your email. Dunlap & Son are pulling their investment and dropping stock. Fucking Julia!

Jim: I’ll handle it and her.

Son of a bitch! I knew turning that married bitch away in my office would spark this. First, we’re on the brink of losing these college dip shits and their gaming company, but compared to losing Julia’s father’s company, that was inconsequential.

I wanted to text Julia and go off on the bitch for hitting me exactly where she knew she could. The woman could knee me in the balls and get away with it, but crying some bullshit to her daddy or goddamn brother? Un-fucking-believable. Now, we were losing a lead investor because I wouldn’t fuck her.

I must have spent an hour going through the email and hearing their bullshit reasoning for pulling out of Mitchell—after having been with us since my father recruited them—and also deleting my potential response email a hundred times. I was too fucking pissed to respond. Julia’s brother, Greg, was being groomed as the next in line to his father’s company, and he was the fucker who sent the damn email. I had to get in front of that smug little son of a bitch, and I would. Once I got home, I would handle this shit face-to-face and remind Gregory that his company depended on Mitchell and Associates. Not the other way around.

“A whole box of condoms?” The sexy voice of Avery broke through my thoughts, and I had to look to see if she was really there or if I’d fallen asleep at my desk. “Was there a party down here I wasn’t invited to?”

Avery walked toward me, her full breasts partially hidden by my shirt she still wore, and her perfectly groomed pussy was still on display without her lace panties from our interlude in the theater room.

She walked in front of my chair, pushed my laptop to the side, and brought my face into her hands. “Chained down with work?” she asked, her blue eyes vibrant.

“Just ensuring you had a little catnap after that orgasm,” I said.

“I’m fully rested,” she said, pulling herself up on my desk to sit in front of me.

I ran my hands along the outside of her thighs. Her soft skin was silky smooth and my dick responded to needing more with her. If just the touch of her skin wasn’t enough, she opened her legs and that’s when I saw how wet she was.

“I could fuck you so goddamn hard right now,” I said, my thumb rolling over her inflamed clit. She let out a soft, scratchy moan, and then her darkening eyes met mine. “But this desk is not the most comfortable place for that.”

“You could fuck me on the floor,” she said, biting her bottom lip. “I’ve wanted you ever since you started me off tonight.”

I licked my lips, and I had to taste her kiss again. Fuck me, why can’t I resist this woman? In a slow and fluid motion, I gripped her ass and pulled her closer to me. She ran her hands through my hair when I took one of her full breasts in my mouth. Feeling her nipple rise and harden against my tongue was building me into a desire to do things I didn’t do with women I fucked.

“You’re mine, gorgeous,” I said as I rose up and lifted her off my desk.

She locked her arms around my neck and crossed her legs behind my back, then teased my lips with hers. As I went to take her to the closest room outside of my office, she pulled her lips from mine.

“Fuck me on your desk, Jim,” she ordered.

“I don’t fuck—”

“I won’t let you fuck me any other way,” she said, covering my mouth with her fingers. “If you want me, you’ll do it my way.”

Was this really happening? Did she mandate sex her way or no way? I’d never been told how I was going to have sex with a woman. I just did it, and any woman I’d been with never argued.

“You forgot the part where I told you I controlled the way sex went down,” I reminded her with a partial grin.

Her lips twisted up. “I didn’t forget,” she said. “If you want me, I want it on your desk.”

“Why is that?”

“Because you looked sexier than hell sitting there, and it seems like it would be more than arousing.” She ran her fingers through my hair. “Don’t tell me this is another I don’t do sex that way rule, like your oral confession.”

I pressed my lips against her chin. “I don’t fuck women where I do business.”

She laughed. “Jim, I will let you have a pass on your preferences against oral sex, but I have a fantasy, and it’s you fucking me on your desk. I believe you mentioned something along the lines of when you want something, you don’t stop until you get itWell, you wanted me.”

“I said that, and I meant that, but I’m calling the shots now. I want you on a bed, not on that goddamn desk.”

“Well, a little insight about me.” She massaged her lips against mine. “When I want something, I fight for it, and I get it.”

I saw fire light up in her eyes, and I was getting more turned on by the second with this woman, once again, taking control over my stubborn ass.

“Really?” I could hear myself concede in the sound of my voice. That’s when I couldn’t handle my aching and throbbing cock being denied her warm pussy any longer. “You win,” I said and guided her back toward my desk.

She promptly went to work in helping me shed my clothing and stopped when she freed my cock. “Fuck me,” she looked up at me from her long lashes. “I’ll have to convince you of oral before this week is over.”

I closed my eyes when she used my precum to lubricate her palm and began stroking my cock. “That feels so fucking good,” I groaned.

Her lips were against my stomach and trailing up to my neck. “Imagine my lips wrapped around your long cock instead of my hand.”

I smiled through the ecstasy of her stroking me. “Not after watching you eat that green bean, gorgeous.”

She’d transfixed me and placed me under her spell, and I seriously couldn’t remember how I ended up laying back on my desk while she brought her fingers to her lips. “You taste amazing,” she said, licking my precum off her hands.

I went to lean up, but she held me down. “I’m not giving you a blow job,” she said, tearing a condom wrapper open. “I’m going to ride your sexy ass into the same ecstasy you showed me earlier. I’m fucking you, Jim.”

What the hell was this sexy woman doing with my mind, body, and—dare I even say the word—soul? There was no way I could be this fucking submissive to a woman. I couldn’t be. I could never allow a woman to have any control over me, and yet here I was, watching her roll on the condom and putting way too much trust in her. I was at her mercy, and there was nothing I could do about it, and hell if I wanted to.

She climbed up on me while I pulled myself back on my desk. Thank God it was unusually long and nearly the size of a dining table, or this sure as hell wouldn’t work.

“Are you done with this?” she asked, reaching toward my laptop that was close to falling off the side.

“Depends. You don’t know if I can multitask or not,” I said, feeling more vulnerable to a woman than I had ever been in my life.

“I’m moving this shit and fucking you,” she said, her scratchy voice sultry and irresistible.

I smirked. “We’ll see about—”

My eyes closed, and I was silenced while she rubbed her slick entrance over my abdomen. “Your body is sexy as fuck,” she said, moving back to where my cock was fully erect. “You failed as my host, you know?”

“Is this my punishment?” I asked, trying to act like I was not under her seduction in more ways than one.

Her lips were on mine, and her kiss started with her gently biting my bottom lip and running her hands through my hair. My hands skimmed up her straddled legs, and I cupped her perfect, tight ass.

I drank from her tasty kiss, and then her lips roamed to my neck and then my cheek, then back to her enthusiastic kiss. I wanted to be pissed as she pulled away, but in reopening my eyes, she was positioning herself to slide down on my dick. I was going to come at the sight of her.

Her blue eyes were daring, and her lips turned up slightly while part of her long hair fell over her shoulder. I watched her gently rub my dick back and forth over her clit. My breath caught at the sensations of her bringing my tip to her slick entrance.

Avery’s eyes met mine when she slid the tip of my dick into her. “Hell,” I said, bracing myself by gripping her legs. “You’re tighter than fuck,” I said, knowing I probably wouldn’t even be all the way in before I lost it early.

Think about the goddamn docuseries, Jim. The boring as fuck docuseries.

“It’s been longer than I want to admit,” she said. “You’re about to loosen this tight pussy back up again, you up for that job?” she asked.

“More than, gorgeous,” I said, not knowing if this would turn out to be the worst failure of my life. I’d fucked enough women to keep this premature ejaculation shit at bay. Now here I was, begging my cock to ride this out so I could enjoy the first time of letting a woman take control.

She bit her bottom lip as she slid further down my cock, and I groaned as I held back the cum that was at the brink of exploding out of me. This felt better than any fucking thing in the world. Her tight, warm pussy was clenched around my hardness, and her expression was indescribable.

“You’re so fucking huge,” she panted out, moving her hips in circles, and me coming out of my skin in sensations of pleasure and internal shivers of maintaining supreme control over myself. “God, you feel so good.”

My lips were parched while I watched this beautiful woman plant her hands on my chest and move her hips up and down along my shaft. I fell into a daze of being high or something like that while watching my shirt she wore—now my favorite shirt in the goddamn world—slide off her shoulders and reveal her breasts, bouncing as she moved herself faster on my cock. Her eyes were dark after she found comfort riding my dick, and her breathing picked up. She was so beautiful it was almost as painful as holding back.

“Fuck,” I stammered and closed my eyes in pain. “I want to come so deep in you, Avery,” I said as she started moving faster and her waist in perfect circles to ride me better than any woman had previously done.

I reached back and gripped the edge of my desk, writhing underneath this woman taking advantage of my dick in the best way possible. I was in a state of bliss as my cock felt everything inside her. I started pumping myself up into her, needing to be deeper.

“Oh my God,” she moaned.

“Harder?” I begged with a groan of pleasure, yet still the pain of holding myself back. I was going to come so fucking hard that I would most likely pass out from the sensation.

“Hell yes, lover,” she said with a smile, and her eyes closed.

That pet name almost ended this that second, and not because I was throwing her off me. No one used that name on me. It was always James, Jimmy, or some other name, but lover? Strange how that coming out of her mouth was more sensual than anything else. It was the way she said it too. Her scratchy voice was sexier than anything and it strangely made me feel more apt to ensure this woman enjoyed my cock for as long as she needed.

I reached for her clit, and she batted my hand away. She stopped moving and rose up. “I want you to watch me get myself off with your dick buried in me. Deep,” she said with an arched eyebrow, and what I assumed was a nervous bite to the corner of her lip.

“Fuck yes,” I said. “Get yourself off on me, gorgeous. When you come, I’m taking you to that couch, and I’m burying my cock so deep in you that you’ll scream for more.”

“Oh, yeah?” she taunted, holding a breast, licking her lips and working her clit. She started moving slowly, working my cock however she wanted.

“Damn, you’re beautiful.” How many times could I say this truth? Did she have any idea how fucking sexy this was? Her confidence, her energy, and now her head rocked back with her mouth open.

I glanced down at her as she rubbed herself harder, and I reached down to feel that perfect ass while I watched her moan into a climax again. She cursed and practically howled while breathing out her spasm that was pulsating around my cock. That was all I could fucking take.

She was mine now. I sat up and kept my cock from slipping out while she dropped her face onto my shoulder, her teeth clamping down softly on it while she groaned. I could make it to the fucking sofa, couldn’t I?

“You feel so amazing, Jim,” she said, coming down.

“You ready for another one? Can you come on me again?” I asked, pressing our bodies together onto the sofa in my office.

I started thrusting myself into her hard until I saw her wince. She’s still sensitive. Settle for a kiss. I did. I worked all of my energy into the kiss, forcing her to moan while I slowed my dick, sliding in and out of her still-throbbing pussy. I pulled away, breathless, and our eyes met in some moment of pure ecstasy.

“You’re still coming on me, aren’t you?”

“I want it harder,” she answered with her hand on her clit again. “Fuck me deep, Jim.”

“That’s my girl,” I said with a smile while she claimed my bottom lip and sucked on it.

I pumped harder and deeper. Avery let me go at that point, gripped behind her knees, and spread herself fully open for me.

“Fuck, Avery,” I said, pumping harder. “You’re unreal.”

Her arms locked behind my back, and her lips were suckling under my chin as I found my greedy rhythm to claim this pussy unlike any other I’d ever fucked. I would never be able to outdo this, at least I didn’t think so. So long as I was fucking Avery, I think anything would be possible. She was so tight that it had me pushing to bury myself as deep as I could. Avery confirmed this is exactly what she wanted, her lips sucking hard against my neck.

“Come inside me, Jim,” she begged with a groan. “Fuck, I’m still going. You feel so good.”

There was no more restraining my need to come and hard inside her. “I’m there, gorgeous,” I drove my cock deep into her, the release more violent than I’d ever experienced. “Fuck, you’re so tight.” I kissed her forehead. “Goddamn,” I said, catching my breath, while her lips swept across my collar bone and back up to my neck.

I felt another internal shiver of release, and moved my cock in her to feel the last of the sensations of her pussy clenching it. This woman not only had me by my dick, given the current situation, but she also had me ultimately at her fucking mercy.

Holy hell, what did I just get my ass into? I wouldn’t be able to go very long without needing this—her—again. Her groans, expressions, tight pussy, and even her beautiful tits that I now sucked on while slowly pushing in and out of her. I was coming down but still feeling like I was coming inside her. This shit just wouldn’t stop. It’s like my dick was in control, and I was giving it the pussy it had waited too many fucking years to find.

Avery intrigued me at first. Her endurable and robust personality. Her sexy as fuck scratchy voice. Her smile and dazzling eyes. I knew I’d eventually wind up fucking her, but never imagined the sensations to be this incredible. I definitely knew we’d most likely wind up fucking each other, I wasn’t that big of an idiot. We flirted too much and our sexual conversations seemed to steer us in this direction.

Even at that, it’s not the sole reason I brought her out her with me. If it never happened—thank God it did—I would have been just as satisfied with having her company. Her personality was something I was becoming more and more drawn to since meeting her on that flight.

I found it soothing to my tired soul to be around her—no business talk, and not being treated like I was some god because of my position or my money. It sounded arrogant, I know. But I’d surrounded myself with women like Julia—God help me with that one—or fucking Lillian, who was insane and virtually planning our marriage after only a few nights together. This was the lonely life I’d carved out for myself.

Then I met Avery. It’s as if my mind were starved to be around a woman who was down to earth and most of all? She was lively, strong willed, and had a mind of her own around me. I was just Jim to her, it was as simple as that. Not the intimidating CEO, the man who had so much wealth that rumor circles constantly questioned what I did with all my money. Avery never once made me think of that part of my life. She made me experience the normal part I’d been missing. The Jim I’d lost after taking over Mitchell and Associates.

With all of these thoughts and feelings surfacing, I felt like she should be afraid of me because, as of this moment, I wouldn’t let her go—not if I could help it anyway.

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